National Repository of Grey Literature 3,568 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.34 seconds. 

Internationalization of higher education institutions
Janebová, Eva ; Kasíková, Hana (advisor) ; Slavík, Milan (referee) ; Mestenhauser, Josef Artur (referee)
The thesis elaborates on a topical issues, namely how can a higher education institution react to changing interdependent world around. The neediness of this topic proves the fact that internationalization has recently become a priority of Czech higher education policy (Longterm vision of ministry, 2005); however, there has been no research based on theories of international education or a theoretical study on the topic. The author in the first chapter introduces the goals, limitations, structure of the study, and defines major terms (international education and internationalization) and other that she uses throughout the paper. The second chapter the author analyses the development of international education in USA and Europe in the last fifty years. Further, she offers a comprehensive and well-arranged review of current approaches to internationalization: a) the first one is called Internationalization as Europeanization; b) the second one is a just recent critical reaction to envisaging internationalization in terms of mobility; c) the third concept indicates ways of just "adding-on" international dimension; d) the last on the list looks at internationalization from the system-wide perspective and describes it as institutional change including all its components, in particular its curriculum,...

Historical development of the concept on the figure of the Earth
Procházková, Pavla ; Novotný, Oldřich (advisor) ; Matyska, Ctirad (referee)
Nazcv pnicc: I listoricky vyvoj mizoru na tvar /erne Autorka: Pavla Procha/kova Katedra (iista\): Katedra goofy/iky Vcdnuci diplomove pnicc: doc. RNDr. Oldfich Novotny. CSe. e-mail vctluuciho: otvi/ karel.lroja.mfV.cuni.c/ Abstrakt: Tato pracc jc zamefena mi vyvoj na/oru na ivar Xeme od prvnich starovekyeh pfedslav a/ po moderni nicfici melody. Soucasti jsou i odvo/cni tihoveho potencialu pro /cmi jako homogcnni rotujici kouli ti /cmi Ivaru slcroidu. Clenaf sc do/\ /akladni inlbrmace o mcncich metodach tvaru Xeme. kterc lidstvo postupnc pou/ivalo. Pracc /arovcn slcdujc, jak vyslcdky icchlo mclod ovlivnily nazor na tvar Xemc. Prvni vcdccka mcreni /apocala ji/ \'c 2. slolcli pf.n.L, kdv l^ratoslhcnes provedI prvni stupnova mOf'eni. Dalsfni diilc/ilyni krokem byI ohjev triangulacc a naslcdne dalckohlcdu, klcry umo/nil merit do velke v/dalenosti. I\isledm'm velkym /loinovym okam/ikcni v Icchlo mcrcnich by] ro/voj Iclii do vesmi'ru a satcMlnich inei'cni. V poslcdm'ch desclilcti'cli docha/i k sirokemu v\u7.iti tcchlo mclod ve vede a v praxi diky novym presnym melodam mcfx-ni velkych v/dalenosti pomoci laseru. V /averu prace jsou uvedeny niznc druln dues pouzivanych nadmofskych vysck a xpiisoby jejich mcreni. Klicovii slova: ivar Xeme. hisloricky pi'ehled. gcoid. sleroid. dru/icove melody Title: 1lislorical...

Design of process unit pipeline
Butek, Petr ; Gottvald, Jakub (referee) ; Nekvasil, Richard (advisor)
The master’s project deals with the pipeline systems of process unit. The design of the industrial pipeline is usually extensive and complex task interwoven with a lot of technical disciplines. Diploma thesis is focused on the strength calculation of the pipeline specified by the ČSN EN standard. The main goal of the calculation is appraisal of the most stressed parts under operating and testing conditions. The diploma thesis is handled with the key aspects that influence the overall concept of the pipeline design as well as the strength calculation.

Teaching the theme human parasites on grammar school.
Houšková, Barbora ; Janštová, Vanda (advisor) ; Havlová, Michaela (referee)
Nowdays, when people travel all around the world and they can become infected with different parasites, teaching about human parasites shouldn't be neglected even in education on primary and grammar schools. In my work, I have mapped the basic knowledge of parasitology and human parasites of students from the selected primary schools and lower grades of grammar schools. For this purpose, I have created a test which examined the knowledge and attitude of the students. The work has also sought to propose a new approach to teaching of the subject in biology lessons. Two different teaching concepts were tested and compared in two paralel classes of the same grammar school. Presented representatives of human parasites, were chosen on the basis of analysis of biology textbooks for basic schools. Final suggestion of teaching at schools, which was teste dat three schools contains powerpoint presentations suitable for use in the lessons and practical exercise taken like didactical games.

Imaginary in film: viewer's perception of the film
Remešová, Iveta ; Řehořová, Irena (advisor) ; Borecký, Felix (referee)
This thesis deals with the film in the psycho-semiotics' meaning. We focus on the viewer's perception of the film and we emphasize the concept of imaginary that is to be explained as mere image (imago) in comparison with the reality of actual gestures and movements and such image is not usually realized by the viewer. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the film from the perspective of the viewer's perception of the film and to apply acquired knowledge to the reception of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 film. We want to find out whether and under what conditions the viewer becomes aware of the imaginary that is ubiquitous in the film. We're looking for viewer's semiotic and cognitive attitudes to the film art. We also try to describe the influence of elements, which have some effects on the viewer during watching a movie, such as emotions, movement, connotative meanings in the film or positive and negative characters etc.

Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Tymoshenko, Anna ; Pospíšil, Zdeněk (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
The main idea of the project was to create a comfortable residential complex, in which there is no exact border between the nature and the city. Whole concept is based on creating a "green city", where people will feel comfortable not only to live, but to relax and spend their free time, with no urge to escape from modern concrete jungles. 5 houses, that are situated on a land, have east-west orientation, all apartments have either east, west or south orientation. The are designed to suit people from different age and social groups: small and big families and seniors. In every house there is a big social room on the 5th floor, together with a big terrace- for making different activities without having to leave a building. Important part of a concept are green roofs, space on which can be used either for placing solar panels or plants.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Images of a city
Vlková, Jana ; Quinn, Justin (advisor) ; Ulmanová, Hana (referee)
The thesis provides three distinct perspectives on the representations of urban spaces in poetry of Lawrence Ferlinghetti. While they are dissimilar in terms of poetic style, employed literary devices and concepts and themes they explore, one important aspect is shared: the images of the city serve to discuss themes that transcend the urban domain. Ferlinghetti uses the city as a framework for his reflections on subject matters that have been categorized as follows: intertextuality, memory, critical urban discourse. The first perspective regards the city as a text and an intertext composed of various sorts of texts such as architecture, visual arts, literature, sculpture or music. These texts may enter the relation with the urban text when they are "read" in the context of actual physical location. A juxtaposition of two dissimilar texts may trigger production of new meanings, which has the character of continual process: it is the intertextual flux. As a result, the perception of one or both codes suffers modification; one text contaminates the other. The examples of these influences and interferences between urban and other texts are analyzed on the background of the study of intertextuality in reception and critical theory. The second perspective presents the city as a mnemonic space where both...

The Positivism Dispute in German Sociology. The development, main ideas and continuation
Vondráková, Renáta ; Balon, Jan (advisor) ; Petrusek, Miloslav (referee)
Diplomová práce Spor o pozitivismus v německé sociologii. Renáta Vondráková. 2012. Abstract The main theme of the work is the issue of positivism dispute, which is commonly referred to discussions that occurred in German sociology in the sixties. It was a debate between advocates of critical theory, which were Theodor W. Adorno and Jürgen Habermas, and the concept of critical rationalism of Karl R. Popper and Hans Albert. The discussion initially was confined to issues related to the logic of the social sciences, for many reasons, but rather applied to differences between the concepts and challenges of science from the perspective of both the above approaches. Also the description and discovery purposes and contexts that led to the overturning topic discussion are devoted to this work. The aim is to describe the external influences as widely as possible and how it affected the final understanding of the dispute, but also how well the positivism dispute turned the concepts of science in the following period. The first part is concerned with social and historical situation in which the dispute arose. Followed by an outline of key terms that in connection with a dispute likely occur, in fact it is the analysis of major issues. Emphasis is placed on a thorough description of the first two contributions to the...

I am learning to say you
The aim of this thesis is to provide possibilities of the usage of Franz Kett´s pedagogy at pre-elementary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the development of the conception of a child and it will introduce specific features of the conception of a child in a Franz Kett´s religious pedagogic practise (RPP) and its application in the concept I am learning to say you and the influence on the functioning of a nursery school. The focus of the research was an observation at nursery schools in the region called Schlanders in the South Tyrol, which have been carefully selected in advance. The pedagogy of Franz Kett and its principles form the substance of the local concept (programme) of education. There will be formulated possible contributions of this concept which can be recommended for practice at nursery schools in the Czech Republic. On the basis of the conclusions there was suggested an educational plan ?You are never alone?.

Feedback techniques in experiential education
Krumpová, Denisa ; Váňová, Miroslava (referee) ; Mazáčová, Nataša (advisor)
The diploma thesis "Feedback techniques in experiential education" disserts upon use of review in experiential education. Feedback techniques in the field of experiential education can be applied both in school environment and out of school. The thesis is divided into three chapters: Experiential education, Review and Feedback techniques. The concept of this thesis stems from experiential education. An active and lively approach is characteristic for this branch of pedagogy. The concept of experiential education is put into practice through experiential learning. One of the integral components of experiential education is review. This process enables to transform one's experiences into personal experience. Dealing with review is an educative process which fulfils pedagogical goals. This diploma thesis allows applying different samples of feedback techniques in groups consisting not only of children or adolescents, but also of adults.