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Image Processing in FPGA
Maršík, Lukáš ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis presents a hardware realization of graphic algorithm for rendering objects described with 3D point clouds - a spatial objects representation. An FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) chip coupled with a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) creates basement for implementation of function units. Is possible to decrease overall computation time by using more than one of that pair. That mean so simple distribution of load is used. The input graphical data is 3D point clouds - sets of points which are transformed into oriented circles just for purpose of rendering. Result of projection of that elements are ellipses. Such graphical representation seems to be more suitable for many purposes than the most commonly used triangle meshes. The implementation equivalent to concept is described too.
Workflow Model and Its Graphic Interface
Jadrný, Miroslav ; Mates, Vojtěch (referee) ; Hruška, Tomáš (advisor)
Business process management is important topic in business information systems. Workflow systems are taking the top places in company information system architecture due to aspiration to make business process more and more optimized. This project is about parallel processing and implementation of business processes parallel processing in complex information systems. Content of this project is o function and object library for modeling business process in Vema, a. s. Workflow system. Important part of this project is parallel processing solution and its implementation.
Distributed Ray Tracing in Reasonable Time
Slovák, Radek ; Polok, Lukáš (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This thesis deals with the method of distributed ray tracing focusing on optimalization of this method. The method uses simulation of some attributes of light by distributing rays of lights and it produces high quality and partly realistic images. The price for realitic effects is the high computational complexity of the method. The thesis analysis the theory connected with these aspects. A large part describes optimalizations of this method, i.e. searching for the nearest triangle intersection using kd-trees, quasi random sampling with faster convergence, the use of SSE instruction set and fast ray - triangle intersection. These optimalizations brought a noticable speed - up. The thesis includes description of implementation of these techniques. The implementation itself emphasises the practical usability including generating some advanced animations and universal description of objects.
Database Performance Tuning
Paulíček, Martin ; Ruttkay, Ladislav (referee) ; Chmelař, Petr (advisor)
The objective of this thesis was to study problems of an insufficient database processing performance and possibilities how to improve the performance with database configuration file optimizations, more powerful hardware and parallel processing. The master thesis contains a description of relational databases, storage media and different forms of parallelism with its use in database systems. There is a description of the developed software for testing database performance. The program was used for testing several database configuration files, various hardware, different database systems (PostgreSQL, Oracle) and advantages of parallel method "partitioning". Test reports and evaluation results are described at the end of the thesis.
Acceleration of Discrete Optimization Heuristics Using GPU
Pecháček, Václav ; Jaroš, Jiří (referee) ; Pospíchal, Petr (advisor)
Thesis deals with discrete optimization problems. It focusses on faster ways to find good solutions by means of heuristics and parallel processing. Based on ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm coupled with k-optimization local search approach, it aims at massively parallel computing on graphics processors provided by Nvidia CUDA platform. Well-known travelling salesman problem (TSP) is used as a case study. Solution is based on dividing task into subproblems using tour-based partitioning, parallel processing of distinct parts and their consecutive recombination. Provided parallel code can perform computation more than seventeen times faster than the sequential version.
Residue Number System Based Building Blocks for Applications in Digital Signal Processing
Younes, Dina ; Brzobohatý, Jaromír (referee) ; Vlček, Čestmír (referee) ; Šteffan, Pavel (advisor)
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá návrhem základních bloků v systému zbytkových tříd pro zvýšení výkonu aplikací určených pro digitální zpracování signálů (DSP). Systém zbytkových tříd (RNS) je neváhová číselná soustava, jež umožňuje provádět paralelizovatelné, vysokorychlostní, bezpečné a proti chybám odolné aritmetické operace, které jsou zpracovávány bez přenosu mezi řády. Tyto vlastnosti jej činí značně perspektivním pro použití v DSP aplikacích náročných na výpočetní výkon a odolných proti chybám. Typický RNS systém se skládá ze tří hlavních částí: převodníku z binárního kódu do RNS, který počítá ekvivalent vstupních binárních hodnot v systému zbytkových tříd, dále jsou to paralelně řazené RNS aritmetické jednotky, které provádějí aritmetické operace s operandy již převedenými do RNS. Poslední část pak tvoří převodník z RNS do binárního kódu, který převádí výsledek zpět do výchozího binárního kódu. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce bylo navrhnout nové struktury základních bloků výše zmiňovaného systému zbytkových tříd, které mohou být využity v aplikacích DSP. Tato disertační práce předkládá zlepšení a návrhy nových struktur komponent RNS, simulaci a také ověření jejich funkčnosti prostřednictvím implementace v obvodech FPGA. Kromě návrhů nové struktury základních komponentů RNS je prezentován také podrobný výzkum různých sad modulů, který je srovnává a determinuje nejefektivnější sadu pro různé dynamické rozsahy. Dalším z klíčových přínosů disertační práce je objevení a ověření podmínky určující výběr optimální sady modulů, která umožňuje zvýšit výkonnost aplikací DSP. Dále byla navržena aplikace pro zpracování obrazu využívající RNS, která má vůči klasické binární implementanci nižší spotřebu a vyšší maximální pracovní frekvenci. V závěru práce byla vyhodnocena hlavní kritéria při rozhodování, zda je vhodnější pro danou aplikaci využít binární číselnou soustavu nebo RNS.
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II
Kůrková, Věra ; Bajer, Lukáš ; Peška, L. ; Vojtáš, P. ; Holeňa, Martin ; Nehéz, M.
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 145 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-19-5. This volume is the second part of the two-volume proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014), which was held in Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, on September 25–29, 2014. ITAT is a computer science conference with the primary goal of exchanging information on recent research results. Overall, 51 papers were submitted to all conference tracks. This volume presents papers from the workshops and an extended abstract of a poster. Three specialized workshops were held as a part of the conference: Data Mining and Preference Learning on Web, Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, and Algorithmic Aspects of Complex Networks Analysis.
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I
Kůrková, Věra ; Bajer, Lukáš
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part I. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 101 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-18-8. This volume is the first part of the two-volume proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014). The conference was held in Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, on September 25–29, 2014. ITAT is a computer science conference with the primary goal of exchanging information on recent research results between Czech and Slovak scientific communities, and it presents a platform for young researchers and PhD students to start new collaborations. This year, it was held in parallel with two collocated conferences Datakon and Znalosti with which it shared some invited plenary talks and a poster session. Overall, 51 papers were submitted to all conference tracks. This volume presents 16 papers of the main track, which were selected by the program committee based on at least two reviews by the program committee members. Papers from the three workshops and extended abstracts of posters are included in the second volume.
High-Performance Analytics (HPA)
Soukup, Petr ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Novotný, Ota (referee)
The aim of the thesis on the topic of High-Performance Analytics is to gain a structured overview of solutions of high performance methods for data analysis. The thesis introduction concerns with definitions of primary and secondary data analysis, and with the primary systems which are not appropriate for analytical data analysis. The usage of mobile devices, modern information technologies and other factors caused a rapid change of the character of data. The major part of this thesis is devoted particularly to the historical turn in the new approaches towards analytical data analysis, which was caused by Big Data, a very frequent term these days. Towards the end of the thesis there are discussed the system sources which greatly participate in the new approaches to the analytical data analysis as well as in the technological solutions of High Performance Analytics themselves. The second, practical part of the thesis is aimed at a comparison of the performance in conventional methods for data analysis and in one of the high performance methods of High Performance Analytics (more precisely, with In-Memory Analytics). Comparison of individual solutions is performed in identical environment of High Performance Analytics server. The methods are applied to a certain sample whose volume is increased after every round of executed measurement. The conclusion evaluates the tests results and discusses the possibility of usage of the individual High Performance Analytics methods.
Matlab paralelně
Jakl, Ondřej ; Musil, Tomáš
Matlab is a popular software widely used for technical and scientific computing. Quite recently, its producer The MathWorks released an add-on toolbox enhancing Matlab’s capabilities towards parallel processing. We investigated this environment and developed some parallel Matlab codes for modelling of nonlinear dynamics of rotors. This paper summarizes our (throughout positive) experience.

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