National Repository of Grey Literature 106 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The Assessment of the Impact of the Sports Aerobics on the Postural Stabilization of the girls aged 8 to 10 years
Roubková, Leona ; Satrapová, Lenka (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
Title: The Assessment of the Impact of the Sports Aerobics on the Postural Stabilization of the girls aged 8 to 10 years Definition of the problem: This thesis deals with testing of the postural stabilization and also deals with detection of the occurrence of hypermobility in two groups of girls aged 8-10 years. The first group consist of girls that do sports aerobics and second group consist of girls that do not do any sport. Objectives: In the theoretical part I will devote a summary of findings on the development of postural security, with motor development and motor learning and also very briefly the hypermobility. The aim is to verify if the sports aerobics has a formative influence on postural stabilization of girls at a school age. I examine if the high training load at this early age leads to changes in postural motor skills in terms of its positive or negative influence. Furthermore, the research confirms the higher incidence of hypermobility among athletes. Methods: Selection of the research group on a voluntary basis and according to predetermined criteria. Practical testing of children assembled using two test batteries. Statistical data processing (Student's t-test, Spearman's correlation coefficient). Comparing the results between the two groups of girls. Results: Two test sets...
Popularity of physical education and sport among pupils of younger and older school age
Floreová, Lenka ; Kašpar, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hrabinec, Jiří (referee)
TITLE: Popularity of physical education and sport among pupils of younger and older school age. AUTHOR: Lenka Floreová DEPARTMENT: Department of Physical Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Kašpar, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is finding popularity of PE and sport for pupils younger and older school age in Kladno and the surrounding villages. The survey was conducted through questionnaires completed by 313 respondents. The questionnaire was focused on finding the popularity of sports and attitude of pupils toward physical educations. The goal was to find out what respondents like and dislike at PE classes, what other sport activities pupils perform outside of school and what attracts them try. Questionnaire was also finding out reasons of the popularity and unpopularity of PE and sports activities. The results of this thesis were evaluated using mathematical and statistical methods, and inscribed in the charts and tables. Both sexes were compared on the basis of responses of the research as same as younger and older school ages, and respondents from Kladno and rural schools in Kladno neighbourhood. KEYWORDS: Popularity, physical education, sports, school age, older school age.
Help children in developing countries, distance adoption, education and related projects with a focus mainly on the African continent
Kosíková, Aneta ; Wildová, Radka (advisor) ; Mazáčová, Nataša (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA v PRAZE Pedagogická fakulta Katedra primární pedagogiky POMOC DĚTEM V ROZVOJOVÝCH ZEMÍCH, ADOPCE NA DÁLKU, VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ A PROJEKTY S TÍM SOUVISJÍCÍ SE ZAMĚŘENÍM PŘEDEVŠÍM NA AFRICKÝ KONTINENT HELP CHILDREN IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, DISTANCE ADOPTION, EDUCATION AND RELATED PROJECTS WITH A FOCUS MAINLY ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. PaedDr. Radka Wildová, CSc. Autor diplomové práce: Aneta Kosíková Studijní obor: Učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ Forma studia: prezenční Diplomová práce dokončena: prosinec 2013 Abstrakt: Diplomová práce představuje, co jsou adopce na dálku v rozvojových zemích, jaké organizace se tím zabývají, podoba školství v Africe. V teoretické části je vysvětlení pojmů rozvojová a rozvinutá země, představení jednotlivých organizací, které se zabývají adopcí na dálku, a projektů, které mají výrazně pomoci lidem žijícím ve velké chudobě. Rovněž ukazuje odlišný systém školství a projekty k zlepšení tamního vzdělávání. Zároveň jsou zde zmíněny termíny dítě předškolního a mladšího školního věku a důležitost rodiny, protože právě ty jsou nejdůležitějšími faktory při projektu adopce na dálku. V praktické části ve výzkumném šetření jsou zahrnuty rozhovory s koordinátory z Čech a Keni a adoptivními rodiči, kteří mají zkušenosti s adopcí na dálku. Průzkum dotazníkem...
Postural evaluation of volleyball players at young school age
Jelínková, Šárka ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Malá, Jitka (referee)
Title: Postural evaluation of volleyball players at young school age Defining the problem: The question of why to evaluate postural maturity of children after one year of life is becoming more frequent. Growing number of children whose parents want them to have athletes, but it is not always targeted early sporting activity for the benefit. In this issue could help mature postural evaluation and implementation of specific tests to assess the suitability of the beginning of targeted sports. The work deals with the evaluation of postural maturity of children younger than school age who are dedicated to volleyball, using a set of simple motor tests and their evaluation and comparison of performance in physical tests and evaluations according to the coaches. Objectives: The present study aims to assess postural maturity groups of children younger than school age, who regularly, at least a year, dedicated to volleyball. Evaluation will be using a battery of simple clinical tests. It also aims to assess the physical fitness of children and compare the results of physical tests with tests of postural maturity and performance broken down by coaches. Methods: Testing was performed using a selected group of children 7 clinical test battery evaluating postural maturity. Followed by testing the same group of...
How children solve word problems in mathematics containing traditional and non-traditional gender content
Nováková, Veronika ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Páchová, Anna (referee)
The goal of my thesis is to find out how school children react to word problems in mathematics that defy traditional distinction of gender roles in a typical household. This Bachelor Thesis compares in which word problems (with traditional or nontraditional gender content) children score higher and whether boys/girls in 2nd or 6th grade are more successful in solving them. It also differentiates if there are any noticeable differences between girls and boys. The research was carried out by mixed methodology and I used sequential progression of data. Firstly, I handed out the forms, then came the investigation of previously mentioned forms which granted me a better insight on the research of this particular phenomenon in the field. After the quantitative collecting of data came the qualitative investigation using half-structured interviews.
Screening of musculoskeletal system and level of physical activity in children of younger school age
Černá, Monika ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Chrudimský, Jan (referee)
Title: Screening of musculoskeletal system and level of physical activity in children of younger school age Objectives: The aim of the study is to asseess physical activity of school age in primary school in Dolní Břežany and try to find the most common risk factors for motor development of children in school age. Another aim of the study is to find statistical context between flat foot and age, gender, hypermobility, shortened hamstring muscles, lumbar hyperlordosis, level of core muscles and overweight and between winged scapula and age, gender, hypermobility, shortened m. trapezius and mm. pectorales and level of core muscles. Methods: The research was carried out by using non-standardized questionnaire to assess physical activity. Level of motor development was evaluated by group of physiotherapists. The research population was chosen purposefully by contractual research which consisted of 298 children who study on primary school in Dolní Břežany. For statistical analysis of all measured was used Microsoft Excel software. These data were evaluated by Chi - squared test and logistic regression. Results: It was found that the largest number of children does sports 2-4 hours a week. The most common risk factor of motor development of children is winged scapula and shortened hamstring muscles....
Effect of climbing activity on somatic and fitness characteristics in youth
Přikrylová, Tereza ; Panáčková, Michaela (advisor) ; Vomáčko, Ladislav (referee)
Title: Effect of climbing activity on somatic and fitness characteristics in youth. Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to assess the effect of climbing activity on fitness (upper body strength) and somatic (body composition) changes in youth in real conditions. Methods: We had 91 children participating in this study, who were attending climbing course in the climbing center Praha Ruzyně. Their age was 10,4 ± 3,0 years in average and their climbing ability was on UIAA scale from 4 th to 7 th degree. We detected information about age, climbing experience, and actual climbing performance. Furthermore, we measured height, weight and body composition and we used the tests for measuring upper body strength: hand grip, bent-arm hang and finger hang. Results: Dependence between strength tests (average of three measurements) and climbing level of RP (UIAA) was not statistically confirmed. There was not found the influence of climbed meters to changes in each tests of strength. There was no change in the grip strength test in average, during the exercise intervention. In the bent-arm hang test and the finger hang test, there were significant changes that were not depending on climbing experience of children. Conclusions: In this study was not confirmed any of the above hypotheses. However, it was found...
The evaluation of gross motor function and coordination in primary school children
Kuběnová, Jana ; Satrapová, Lenka (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
Title: The evaluation of gross motor function and coordination in primary school children Defining the issue: The physical activity and sport are highly discussed topics in current time. The physical activity itself has a positive effect on our body in many ways, on the contrary the lack of it has a negative effect. In the younger school age there should be a diversity of physical activity and it should often vary. If, in this period of age, the physical activity would be in the form of specialized sport training with dominant asymetric load without any compensating activity, the effect of that training would be probably negative and even harming for the growing body of young children, who are not prepared for that type of burden. To ensure an adequate development of specific skills and gaits the appropriate level of gross motor function and coordination is required. The evaluation of such movement features after reaching bipedal locometion is mediocre at best and the current test batteries are limited in application. For these reasons the goal was to create new battery of tests and use it to evaluate the gross motor function and coordination in primary school children and assessment of the impact of gender and extracurricular activity on the results. The purpose of the study: The purpose of this...
Skating skills development at ages U - 10
Dvořák, Luboš ; Arnošt, Pavel (advisor) ; Vojta, Zdeněk (referee)
Title: Skating skills development at ages U - 10 Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to introduce the scheme skating in ice hockey, describe methods of improving individual skills and create a stack of exercises on their development. Methods: The thesis was primarily written with the use of searching method based on information from available expert literature, electronic sources and articles of Czech and foreign origin. Keywords: Ice hockey, skating, training exercises, school age, skating metodology, didactics sports games

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