National Repository of Grey Literature 18,620 records found  beginprevious18611 - 18620  jump to record: Search took 1.56 seconds. 

The economic analysis of the company EYELEVEL s.r.o.
Lisáková, Kristína ; Dvořáček, Jiří (advisor) ; Boukal, Petr (referee)
The master thesis deals with the economic analysis of the company EYELEVEL s.r.o. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate economic situation of the company, to identify threats and opportunities that arise from its surrounding. On the basis of the conclusion strengths and weaknesses of the company are formulated with the recommendation in order to improve their current situation. The thesis is split into two parts, theoretical one and practical one. The theoretical part defines theoretical and methodological starting points. The principles and basic terms of the particular methods of financial analysis and the strategic analysis of the company´s surrounding were mentioned there as well. The company EYELEVEL s.r.o is for the first time introduced in the practical part. Then PEST analysis, PORTER analysis and financial analysis, the main concern of the thesis, are followed. All the results are summarize in the conclusion.

Coal mining at Radvanice areas and its impact on environment
Knytl, Vladislav ; Opluštil, Stanislav (advisor) ; Pešek, Jiří (referee)
Hard coal mining in Czech Republic mining districts has a great influence on the landscape and the environment. It includes for example landscape depressions, unsecured old mine sites, mine water and waste dumps. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to observe closer these problems at recently abandoned coal mining district in the surroundings of the town Radvanice near Trutnov. The main part of the thesis is about a spontaneous combustion of sterile dumps and their influence on the landscape and the environment. As the model case is used Katerina I dump, which is situated close to Radvanice town.

Information and network stuctures in social-economic systems
Štefán, Ladislav ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Bělonožník, Pavel (referee)
Sledujeme vytváření virtuálních organizací, zájmových komunit, budování sociálních sítí. Integrujeme se do těchto struktur v rámci našeho zaměstnání a také v rámci našeho volného času. Prozkoumáme počátky tvorby těchto komunit a jejich současný stav. Popíšeme vliv technologie na jejich vznik. Způsob jakým dochází k přenosu informace a jejího uchování. Jakým způsobem ovlivňují tyto elektronické vztahy jedince a jeho okolí. Pro naše potřeby jsme vybrali BBS, Usenet, mailing listy, on-line diskuse typu IRC, chat, instantních zpráv.

External environment of the company
This thesis was focused on the theme: External environment of the company. The business was chosen during the preparation and give me necessary information. Researched business called Aerosol ? Service Ltd., place of business is in central Bohemian (Pletený Újezd). The main products of the company are polyurethane foams. This dissertation was divided into three pillars. The first pillar was oriented of the external surroundings of company. These surroundings were adequately described. The next step was survey, because was needed to profile customer satisfaction. Another important step was to analyze the strongest and closest competitors on the market. The second pillar was focused on farther surroundings professionally called macro surroundings. This part has been described by STEP analysis. From this analysis was evaluated several most fundamental and long-term factors. The last pillar was focused on foreign trade, which is for company the most important. 85 % of the all production goes abroad. Here was analyzed market of European Union and final effect was chosen two best companies according to set criteria to begin new business possibilities. The main object of the thesis was to analyze the external environment of the company. In my opinion, the main object fulfilled. New findings were found in the external environment, and they are designed to changes and recommendations.

Induktional Path the village Větřní surrounding.
RADA, Michal
This bachelors work introduces the proposal of inductional path village Větřní (region Český Krumlov) about. The preface (charter 1) defines the object of this work, also it respects presumptions and conditions in accordence with intention of this path. As well it explains the structure and general notion of the work. The discution with literature (charter 2) deals with already published vocational literature. Third charter includes theoretic outline of the problem observed. In the work used methods (4) were included within. It intends farther topic specification of this path. The characteristic of the area of interest succeeds. Then perform its analysis (recognition), analysis of most significant objects and convenient solution (of the path). Chapter 7 presents the one's own proposal of the instruktional path inclusive of the calculation with expenses, its proper realization and proximity to potency for didactic ability for schools. Last chapter (8) closes the work. The mass end. In addition to one's own work are attached: selected map parts, tables and wide photodocumentation.

Methodology of sampling and processing of sedimentary geoarchaeological samples "Sedimentary record research"
Bajer, Aleš ; Lisá, Lenka
The methodology aims to present and describe selected methods of sampling and processing of samples for concrete geoarchaeological analysis. The map is designed especially for field archaeologists, students of science and archaeology and for those who are interested in this field. The methodology can be used by all companies dealing with field archaeology.
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Wind resource assessment for selected sites in the territory of the Czech Republic
Hanslian, David
This set of studies analyses the wind conditions and expected wind power production at selected sites in the Czech Republic. At first, the calculation of wind conditions by VAS/WAsP 1, VAS/WAsP 2 and PIAP models is performed. Based on the comparison and analysis of model results, the generalized wind climate pertaining to the assessed site is estimated. The final results are calculated by WAsP model using this generalized wind climate. The expected wind power production of proposed wind turbine or wind farm is calculated as well as the map of simulated average wind speed and potential wind turbine production over the surrounding area. The uncertainty analysis is performed as well. This set consists of 6 partial reports.

Analysis of the position of persons with disability in the labor market in the years 2000 - 2014
Kolářová, Michaela ; Czesaný, Slavoj (advisor) ; Brabec, Petr (referee)
This thesis deals with a position of persons with disability (PWD) in the labor market from the perspective of these individuals. Based on the data obtained by questionnaire survey was conducted SWOT analysis which shows that PWD do not perceive negatively their own position on labor market. However, there is always something to improve, whether by themselves or in the surroundings in which they move. Furthermore, this thesis analyzes the impact of legislative measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities in 2000 - 2014. Based on the data obtained by the Czech Statistical Office was conducted regression analysis of three models. Estimates of econometric models support the hypothesis that higher unemployment in the case of persons without a disability employment is declining persons with disabilities. Further, it failed to confirm the hypothesis that the impact of legislative changes to promote employment for persons with disabilities has a positive effect on the employment of these persons. The last hypothesis that says that these legislative changes have no impact on the unemployment rate of persons without a disability was confirmed.

Memory Kunětická hora - cultural and social aspects
Jiroušek, Adam ; Dvořáková, Michaela (advisor) ; Županič, Jan (referee)
This Bachelor thesis describes the development of the castle Kunětická Hora since the first references, through Hussite period, the Pernsteins, Thirty- year's war, First Republic till present. It attempts to capture its cultural, social and political influence on its surroundings in connection with the historical development. The focus is mainly on the period of Lords of Pernstein and their activity in Pardubice's region. They were an important milestone in the town's and castle's history and it also describes its basic architectural development. This paper also describes the second visit of T.G.Masaryk in Kunětická Hora in 1927.

New Urbanism – the movement in USA
Moučka, Jan
New Urbanism (Nový urbanismus) je hnutí navazující na hnutí Urban Design (urbánní navrhování), které je anotováno v rámci tohoto dokumentu. Obě hnutí mají řadu společných dílčích cílů, ale liší se ve způsobu jakým k nim dojít: Již mnoho desítiletí existující hnutí Urban Design působí spíše zvyšováním povědomí a znalostí o kulturních, zejm. estetických aspektech tvorby měst a osídlení. Naproti tomu hnutí New Urbanism bylo vyprovokováno potřebou nové koncepce návrhu změn a zásahů do stavu obcí a osídlení po nepokojích v Newarku v 80tých letech 20. století. New Urbanism chce reformovat mnoho aspektů územního plánování a využití území zástavbou, a v mnoha směrech je úspěšné: Přispěla k tomu spolupráce s agenturami, které pro rozvoj sídel a osídlení v USA vznikly a působí i jinde ve světě, stejně jako vstřebání výsledku některých jiných vlivů, jak ukazuje i diagram souvislostí hnutí New Urbanism, diskutovaný v úvodu této studie. New Urbanism se například nezříká principů proklamovaných hnutím TND (Traditional Neighborhood Design), využívá zpětné vazby z poradenských organizací jako je SmartGrowth nebo Urban Land Institute. Na okraji hnutí New Urbanism se připojují někdy i výstřední subjekty a názory, jak je ve 21. století v každé mediálně zajímavé oblasti časté - ať již to jsou až dogmatická pojetí TND (viz např. v Austinu, kde vyšel předpis jak projektovat TND distrikty, nebo neokonservativní nákresy k TND okrskům). Vznikají terminologické obtíže a nejasnosti (viz např. neostrý termín Mixed-Uses) vyplývající z nevyzrálosti teorií zúčastněných disciplin, zejm. také urbanismu a architektury. Charta hnutí New Urbanism podporuje restrukturaci veřejné politiky i praktik výstavby, tak aby podporovaly následující principy: - obytné okrsky měst a obcí mají být různorodé ve způsobech užívání a v obyvatelstvu, - obce mají být navrhovány pro pěší i pro automobilní dopravu, - velká i menší města mají být fysicky utvářena jasně definovanými a bezbariérovými veřejnými prostory a objekty institucí obce. Urbánní prostory mají být rámovány architekturou a krajinným řešením, které oslavují místní historii, podnebí, ekologii a stavební praxi. Noví urbanisté podporují regionální plánování vytvářející otevřený prostor, architekturu v souladu s kontextem okolí, i vyvážený rozvoj práce a bydlení. Noví urbanisté věří, že jejich strategie může omezit zahlcování dopravy, zvýšit produkci dostupných bytů a opanovat rozptyl zástavby do krajiny. New Urbanism se také zabývá tématy jako je ochrana památek, bezpečnost ulic, zelené stavění, nové využití "brownfield" - opuštěných pozemků.
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