National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  beginprevious16 - 25  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Airlines' integration and its impact on the consumer behaviour of customers.
Kosinová, Lucie ; Valentová, Jana (advisor) ; Hovorka, Lukáš (referee)
This thesis describes the process of integration between airlines and its positive and negative impacts on customers. It deals with characteristic features of individual forms of integration with the greatest attention paid to alliances and mergers. With respect to the fact that the passenger's choice of airline is to a large extent influenced by the price of the ticket, an empirical model is introduced to explore the impact of the membership in one of the global alliances on the final price of the long-haul tickets. Besides, the attention is paid to the nature and diversification of services provided. In the next section the thesis deals with the upcoming merger between British Airways and Iberia, its preconditions, form of the new company and identification of the potential risk factors that could have a negative impact on the company.
Comparison of web pages of the selected airline carriers
Ondrová, Lucie ; Sigmund, Tomáš (advisor) ; Toman, Prokop (referee)
With the massive expansion of the internet in the last years many comodities and services are offered and sold online. Airline companies are no exception. Booking of flights and getting flight information is possible through their web pages. Quality of web pages is therefore an important factor of their success. Therefore it is imperative to have a methodology through which we can evaluate the quality of airline company web pages. The goal of this work is to create such a methodology. Web pages will be evaluated mainly from the user view, from four different angles: graphical design, accessibility, usability and informational value. The last two criteria will be the most important. Each criterion will be comprised of several partial components, which will be assigned a point value. The methodology is applied to the web pages of the Czech Airlines, Lufthansa and British Airways. The correctness of our evaluation will be confirmed by the user poll where people are evaluating the above mentioned web pages. The results of the poll will be compared to the results of our analysis. That way we will find out if our evaluation system is usable.
Analysis of current charter market in the Czech Republic
Karmazínová, Barbora ; Vaško, Martin (advisor) ; Valentová, Jana (referee)
The bachelor thesis is concerned with the analysis of charter market in the Czech Republic and it notes all up-to-date changes and information. The first part contains the history of aviation and divides air transport into several categories. Next part deals with a specification and diversification of charter transport, explains differences between charter and classic airlines. There is also explained cooperation between charter airlines and travel agencies and creation of prices and tariff rates. In the third part is the real analysis of all big charter airlines, which are directly bounded with tourism and travel agencies- flights as part of holiday packages for holiday makers. In the fourth part of bachelor thesis trends of air transport are mentioned, their comparison and influence on air traffic. In the last part there is noticed meaning of building new Prague airport Vodochody and its impact for other expansion of charter transport.
Competition in the air transport
The bachelor work "Competition in the air transport area" deals with the competition among the airline operators. It is specifically focused on the specification of competitive advantages in the air transport area and includes informations about the factors having an impact upon customer´s choice of an airline operator for his travels. The bachelor work deals with the overview of history and grow of the aviation, dealing also with the biggest Czech airline operator Czech Airlines and their current position in the air transport area. The practical part of my bachelor work includes informations about the biggest CSA´s competition at the European market. The low-cost airline operators have a great influence upon the competition in the air transport area. I mentioned their situation in current air transport area and further I tried to find out the customers´ opinions about low-cost aircraft operators.
Analýza webových stránek vybraných leteckých společností v ČR
Veis, Richard ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Pösinger, Martin (referee)
This thesis is devoted to the web-page analysis and to the analysis of the accessability of financial records, that are usually part of annual reports. The first part is devoted to the theoretical basis and standards, where is stated how an airline corporation should act. In the second part, the theoretical basis is applied to concrete airlines, that are significant on the personal air-transportation market. The individual rating is stated in the conclusion. There are also concrete recommendations that should be used for raising the competitiveness of the given subject.
SmartWings: Marketing Communications Strategy
Roučka, Jakub ; Halík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Dufková, Vladimíra (referee)
This thesis is concerned with marketing communications of SmartWings, the low-cost sub-brand of Travel Service airline. The theoretical section comprises two chapters: first of them is dealing with the difference between full-service and low-cost carriers. The second part provides insight into relevant aspects of marketing communications theory. The third chapter is aimed directly at the communications strategy of SmartWings, evaluating current practice and suggesting ways to improve its effectiveness.
Communication strategy of Czech Airlines
Teleuova, Saida ; Halík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Sokolovská, Pavla (referee)
Czech Airlines is one of the oldest airlines in Europe. The company has provided services to passengers since 1923. Right up to the present, it has gained an enormous amount of experience and has grown into a modern airline, boasting a number of awards for the quality of our services. In order to satisfy customer all the demands, wishes and tastes should be considered. Traditional methods of planning, controlling and monitoring of production and services process are not applicable any more. The new methods of dynamic approach are used, such aspects as developing interior/exterior design, quality control and management, Process and capacity design, and customer service.
Analýza vybraných leteckých společností a jejich postavení na trhu
Pirnerová, Monika ; Vaško, Martin (advisor)
Práce se zaměřuje na osobní leteckou dopravu, její vývoj, rozdělení leteckých společností a možnosti spolupráce mezi nimi a na charakteristiku letecké dopravy ve Velké Británii. Soustředí se na rozdíly mezi klasickými leteckými společnostmi a nízkonákladovými a analyzuje výkony dvou vybraných aerolinek-British Airways (jako zástupce klasických leteckých společností) a Ryanair(jako zástupce nízkonákladových leteckých společností). Na závěr jsou tyto dva typy společností a jejich výkony porovnány a pomyslně je vybrána společnost s lepším a stabilnějším postavením na trhu osobní letecké přepravy.
Dynamika vývoje letecké dopravy po roce 2000
Borovičková, Pavla ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Kašpar, Václav (referee)
Práce se zaměřuje na vyhodnocení dynamiky vývoje letecké dopravy po roce 2000. Popisuje postavení dopravy ve světovém hospodářství, vyhodnocuje současný stav a nastiňuje aktualní problémy. Zachycuje vývoj jak osobní tak nákladní letecké dopravy, dále vliv 11. září 2001 na letecké odvětví a stručně jsou zde popsány i budoucí trendy.Práce také zachycuje odlišnou dynamiku vývoje v hlavních regionech. Důraz je kladen také na letecké společnosti a jejich strategie, jak uspět.
Marketingová strategie firmy Team Trackers v mezinárodním leteckém průmyslu
Brodská, Olga ; Sztogrynová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Šípková, Martina (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá zhodnocením marketingové strategie společnosti Team Trackers. Společnost Team Trackers poskytuje asistenční služby leteckým společnostem. Tyto služby zahrnují péči o pasažéry leteckých společností od prvního telefonického kontaktu s cestujícím až po výpočet a vyplacení odškodnění pasažérovi. První část této diplomové práce obsahuje informace o společnosti Team Trackers, zhodnocení výběru umístění společnosti a okolnosti založení. Dále jsou zde informace o strategických leteckých aliancích. Další část se zabývá organizační strukturou, marketingovým mixem společnosti a SWOT analýzou firmy Team Trackers. Následuje krátké zhodnocení výzkumu potenciálu trhu a strategie v oblasti informačních technologií.

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