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Franchising as a modern form of increasing competitivness of small and middle enterprises
Teplý, Jakub ; Vlček, Josef (advisor) ; Fiala, Bohumír (referee)
V úvodní kapitole se zabývám konkurencí, jejím obecným pojetím a funkcí. V ekonomickém pojetí konkurence zmiňuji názory "klasiků" ekonomie Adama Smithe a Karla Marxe na konkurenci, kteří ji pojímají jako "střet kapitálu". V textu dále uvádím mikroekonomické dichotomie konkurence- dokonalou a nedokonalou konkurenci a její formy, a konkurenci cenovou a necenovou. Zmiňuji též mikroekonomickou diferenciaci konkurence podle trhu, na kterém ke konkurenčnímu boji dochází, tedy konkurenci mezi nabídkou a poptávkou, trh na straně poptávky (trh výrobce) a na straně nabídky (trh spotřebitele). Na závěr kapitoly uvádím manažerské pojetí konkurence, užívané v praxi. Analyzuji konkurenci na základě Porterovy teorie konkurenčních sil, kterou rozšiřuji o současný pohled na konkurenci v odvětví (podnikatelské oblasti) od J .Jiráska. Druhá část kapitoly seznamuje čtenáře s vývojovými formami konkurence, jak se postupně rozšiřoval její dosah. Uvádím zde konkurenci meziodvětvovou, produktovou, národní, mezinárodní, globální a alianční. V rámci mezinárodní konkurence připomínám teorii komparativních výhod. Závěrem kapitoly rozebírám současnou podobu konkurence, tzv. superkonkurenci. V další kapitole definuji, co je to konkurenceschopnost a všímám si jí na úrovni států a firem. K uchopení konkurenceschopnosti používám Porterův...

Salajková, Eliška ; Hradílek, Pavel (advisor) ; Mrňávek, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor work "Litany" deals with the origin of liturgical processions called litanies and with the litany as a form of prayer. These two meanings are tightly connected as the singing of litanies was an inseparable part of the processions. The origin of the processions just as of the litany prayer form can be traced back to Byzantium, their use in the western Church has developed and been adapted to the western Christianity. The first part deals with the basic characteristics of litany and invocation Kyrie eleison and is followed by a chapter about titulars and stationary service in Rome. The next chapters focus on litanies as a part of liturgy, with a special attention to the Litanies of the Saints. The text pursues the history of this prayer form and compares some of them. In the concluding part it tries to outline the development of litany in the future. Powered by TCPDF (

Quality of life in adults with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Kroutilová, Petra ; Pacovský, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Mareš, Jiří (referee)
ANOTATION Author: Petra Kroutilová Institution: Institute of Social medicine Department of Nursing Charles University in Prague Medical Faculty of Hradec Králové Title of Thesis: The Quality of Life in Adults with benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Supervisor: Jaroslav Pacovský, M.D., Ph.D. Pages number: 99 Attachments number: 3 Year of Disputation: 2012 Key words: Quality of life, benigh prostatic hyperplasia, transurethral resection of the prostate, nursing care Bachelor's thesis presents problem of the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and its management. BPH disease drops down quality of life. The incidence of these problems increases and BPH needs correct diagnostics following by adequate therapy. This thesis is interesting for majority of men, even for younger of them, because the pathologic changes in the prostate can be found in men after the 30th year of age. Bachelor's thesis is focused on the quality of life just after the surgical management of BPH - Transurethral resection of the Prostate - TUR-P. The objective of this thesis is an evaluation of the factors with the deepest impact on BPH symptoms and complications. Moreover it evaluates patients' expectances of improvement or worsening and compares them with the post-operative reality even in time period.

The transformation of spirituality in the area of Russia between the 11th and 12th centuries
Hrazdírová, Jana ; Svatoň, Vladimír (advisor) ; Milko, Pavel (referee)
Křesťanství se pro schopnost sjednotit rozdrobené kmeny východních Slovanů v pevnější svazek stalo jedním z pilířů formování raně feudálního státu XL-XILstoletí. Proces christianizace byl velice zdlouhavý a o plné evangelizaci ruského národa lze hovořit až v době tatarské nadvlády, kdy napomohlo odolat síle cizích nájezdníků. Tradice národů, které obývaly území pozdější Kyjevské Rusi a vliv přilehlých významných starokřesťanských středisek zanechaly na raném křesťanství východních Slovanů svůj vliv. Byly to misie antiochijského patriarchátu, vycházející z tradic helenizovaného židovství, které christianizovaly nejstarší církevní sbory v oblasti. Arménská a gruzínská církev a na jihu církev gótská tuto tradici uchovaly pro mladší církevní sbory. Významná byla přítomnost palestinské formy askeze, která se zde později utvrdila rovněž vlivem athoské-palestinské askeze mezi pečerskými monachy. Církev se vyrovnávala s hluboce zakořeněnou vírou pohanů, přičemž do sebe křesťanství na Rusi některé prvky slovanského pohanského kultu přejalo. Sklon konkretizovat křesťanská dogmata a vytvářet obrazné formy podání křesťanského učení byl charakteristickým rysem raných forem ruského křesťanství. Výběr bohosloveckých systémů uvnitř křesťanství byl pohanstvím rovněž ovlivněn. Docházelo proto ke střetům s řeckým klérem,...

Management of difficult intubation in the prehospital emergency care
The thesis deals with the management of difficult intubation in pre-hospital emergency care. In the context of a difficult intubation it tries to solve the issue of difficult airways management when dealing in such arduous situations. Within the interim legislation a paramedic is not qualified to perform the actual endotracheal intubation, by ordinance No. 55/2011 statue book which determines activities of medical staff and other professionals. Except in extreme emergency situations. (29) Despite of this, he is expected to know all the procedures and master these functions mainly in emergency situations when he must assist a doctor. The aim of this work was to set out the possibilities of solving difficult intubation in pre-hospital emergency care with a focus on competence of a paramedic. But during the research process I reached the view that, taking into consideration the interim legislation and the attitude of paramedics to this issue, it will be more suitable to map out the experience and knowledge of paramedics related to the management of a difficult intubation and airways management. In the theoretical part I tried to approach the issue of difficult intubation and with that, of course, airways management. The part of the procedure of solving difficult intubation, which it is not in the competence of paramedic, is also the use of alternative tools that every paramedic should manage. The research was carried using a qualitative method in the form of a structured interview. The interview was conducted with paramedics who were randomly selected in various regional centers of the Emergency Medical Services in South Region. The research group consisted of thirteen respondents of different gender, age and length of service. Respondents were asked 11 questions, which surveyed the attitudes of paramedics to the issue of difficult airways management. The questions concerned the experience of these states, their options and also verified general knowledge of whether paramedics are theoretically prepared to tackle difficult intubation and difficult airways management in pre-hospital emergency care. When processing data from the research I concluded that the approach to the issue of paramedics' difficult airways management is not as responsible as it should. Although paramedics met with difficulty in ensuring the airway, it was usually the doctors who solved these states. In the majority opinion, the paramedics agreed that for the time being using the laryngeal mask is sufficient or, if need be, they call the doctor. But if the doctor was not available, it is not certain whether they would be able to handle the situation themselves, because their theoretical knowledge is not always sufficient. As a positive outcome of my research was finding that most of the paramedics did not object to further practical and theoretical training in this direction and that there are some individuals who are privately educated in this area.The thesis can be beneficial for students in the paramedic field and also specialized healthcare professionals to bring together information on airway management. Part of the thesis is also a DVD-ROM complete with video attachments.

Czech labor market in the perspective of 'flexicurity' concept
Borochovská, Petra ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (advisor) ; Lapáček, Michal (referee)
V souvislosti s trhy práce se hovoří o konceptu ?flexicurity?, který již několik let úspěšně funguje například v Dánsku. Konceptem ?flexicurity? se zabývá tato práce, ve které jsou také vysvětleny související pojmy flexibilita a jistota trhu práce. Tato práce je dále zaměřena především na zhodnocení flexibility českého pracovního trhu na základě zákoníku práce, který u nás patří k nejvýznamnější právní normě v oblasti pracovního práva. Rovněž je porovnána pružnost trhu práce v ČR a ve vybraných zemích EU. Na flexibilitu pracovního trhu mají vliv jednak pracovněprávní předpisy a jednak také daňové zatížení práce. Proto se další část práce věnuje osobám samostatně výdělečně činným (OSVČ) na českém trhu práce a rozdílnému zatížení příjmů zaměstnanců a OSVČ. Poslední problematikou, kterou se tato práce zabývá je nově zavedený strop na sociální zabezpečení u zaměstnanců, které může mít také dopad na flexibilitu pracovního trhu.

Cultural Anthropology in Nursing
Cultural anthropology as a scientific field studying diverse cultures has been incorporated into the field of nursery and it helps medical professionals to acquire specific cultural information enabling them to provide appropriate, efficient, individually-based care, support in health as well as in illness to the individuals and communities from a different cultural environment. The Czech Republic carried out investigation of diverse ethnic groups but did not implement investigation of the specific needs of the Polish minority group. The objective was focusing on mapping the approach of the Polish nationals to their health, on identification of their lifestyle, their approach to prevention, their attitude to home care and the specifics in the approach to dying. Hypotheses: H1 Statistically, the Polish minority group population with higher education shows better results in their approach to their health than the Polish minority group population with elementary education. H2 Younger women of the Polish minority group population with elementary education are more prone to agree with the statement on importance of attending preventive examinations by gynecologist than older women. H3 Based on the statistical assessment the Polish minority group population with higher education gives higher preferences for preparation of meals and catering based on both cuisines (Czech and Polish) than with elementary education. H4 Men of the Polish minority group population occasionally consuming alcohol are statistically significantly prevailing over women of the Polish minority group population occasionally consuming alcohol. H5 The older Polish minority group population has higher frequency of activities with the family than the younger Polish minority group population. H6 The confession of faith of the Polish minority group population significantly affects their approach to abortion compared to the nonbelieving population. H7 Older women of the Polish minority group population give more frequent preference to home care services than men of the Polish minority group population. H8 Women of the Polish minority group population more frequently require attendance of family members when dying than men. Methodology: The research part of the work was carried out by the method of quantitative research investigation. The selected set consisted of 277 persons. The results: 94,90 % of the respondents agree that they take care of their health. However, H1 regarding approach to health was not confirmed. By comparing the results of the investigation we found out that more than 75 % of the respondents take proper prevention in all cases. H2 focusing on prevention was confirmed. The level of consummation of vegetable and fruit in case of the Polish national minority group is higher than the level of the Czech population. H3 was confirmed by testing. H4 connected with consummation of alcohol was not confirmed. This was confirmed in the research investigation; however, H5 was not confirmed. The result of 88.40 % respondents who confessed their faith has not impacted the result of H6 which was not confirmed. The objective of the work included also identification of the attitude and experience with home care agency which was indicated by 46.60 % respondents. H7 was not confirmed. We were surprised by the identified attitude of the respondents to their faith in live after death, to attendance of family members or a priest in case of dying when in all cases more than 20% respondents responded that they did not know. H8 was not confirmed by testing. Conclusion: The thesis gives a summary of information on the Polish national minority group living in the Těšín region of Silesia. The final thesis outlines a proposal for a Standard of nursery care of the Polish national minority group. The results of the research investigation will be also presented at conferences. This thesis may be used by students of the nursery field as a teaching material.

Health insurance and additional insurance above standard care
We could define healthcare as a system of specialized medical institutions and activities that focus on public health care and are used to meet the healthcare needs of the population. The main source of healthcare funding is health insurance that covers approximately 77 %. Health insurance is based on Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms and it is based on several principles. About 3.8 % of the costs from the state budget goes to healthcare. Private resources are another source of funding, including regulatory fee, additional charge for medicines and dental products and recently introduced additional charge for above-standard services. The share of the participation of the insured persons is low and it is only the additional form of the funding. However, its importance is increasing nowadays. Healthcare is also funded by other resources which are marginal only and they account for negligible 1 % of income. These include charity donations and charitable contributions Healthcare funding is currently a problem with global dimensions. This is mainly due to the progress and new medical technologies as their offer exceeds the economic capacity of all countries. The reform of Czech healthcare was performed to ensure the financial stability of the system and keeping costs at an acceptable level. One part of the reform efforts is rationalization of healthcare demand using the introduction of the regulatory fees and thus obtaining new resources, too. The reform also introduced the so-called above-standard services, i.e. economically more expensive healthcare alternatives, which are supposed to obtain more private resources into the system. Czech Republic citizens can use basic healthcare funded by statutory health insurance and also the above-standard services for which they must pay extra money. These include for example the possible use of higher quality materials necessary for the treatment (economically more expensive health care alternative), your choice of physician - surgeon, above-standard equipped rooms during hospitalization etc. If the insured person chooses economically more expensive alternative, he is legally obligated to pay the difference between the prices of this alternative and economically cheaper alternative. The list of the above-standard services currently contains 18 items and should continue to grow. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize the current legislation of this issue and in particular to determine whether the respondents are willing to use the supplementary insurance to receive above-standard services. There is outlined the historical development of health insurance, health insurance principles and its institutional provision in the theoretical part. The attention is paid to the expenses that flow to the Czech healthcare and there is briefly described healthcare systems functioning in selected countries for international comparison. Conclusion of the theoretical part contains information about the above-standard services issue and about the attitude of the Czech insurance companies to the option of additional insurance of this healthcare. The practical part of the thesis is a critical examination of the interest of the insured persons to in using the above-standard healthcare and furthermore whether the respondents consider the possibility of a private insurance for the event of excessive cost needs and what forms and types of healthcare they prefer. Data were collected using the quantitative research and querying method. There were set 3 research hypotheses.

Application for Food Quality Rating for Android
Tomešek, Jan ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Beran, Vítězslav (advisor)
  This thesis deals with design, implementation and testing of a mobile application which represents a part of a newly emerging service for food quality rating in catering facilities. The ratings come directly from consumers. Users can get inspired by ratings from other users, they can add ratings on their own or search for dishes and facilities. The thesis primarily focuses on the user interface design.   The service is brought to users through an application for the Android platform.   Application, which is compatible with 94 % of Android devices on the market and which could be released for real usage in the future, was created in this thesis.   To a reader the thesis provides a look at the current trends in mobile application development, it presents considerations related to the design of a real world application and offers a selection of tools and means which can be used for development or be integrated into the application.

Activating methods and forms in teaching of natural science
Kolková, Jiřina ; Drda Morávková, Alena (advisor) ; Vašutová, Jaroslava (referee) ; Škoda, Jiří (referee)
The theme and scope of submitted thesis is "Activating methods and forms in teaching of natural sciences" then followed with regard to the author's certification in chemistry and biology. The thesis is solved in conformity with requirements of the Framework Educational Programme, especially the change of the teaching style in schools. The thesis is written down with respect of a natural continuation of previous work of the author - diploma thesis dealt with project teaching and rigorous thesis was focused on cooperative activities. With regard to the objectives of submitted work the design of the research project is divided into two component parts: a questionnaire survey and a video study.