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Approaches to nourishment and eating habits are formed from early childhood under the influence of family lifestyle, gradually together with the influence of school and society where a child grows. Healthy lifestyle should systematically address all children during the whole school attendance, adequately to their age and needs. Comprehensive link between theoretical and practical influencing of pupils in subjects Human and Health and Education to Health with the possibility of link to school canteen. Then we will be on the good way to cooperation of all the involved parents, healthcare staff, teachers and school canteens leading to the common goal, which is GOOD HEALTH. The aim of the thesis was to assess the role of a children nurse in school environment, namely in school catering. The research tried to analyse catering standards for pupils of primary schools and to find the experience and satisfaction with school catering among parents and to map approaches of children of lower and higher level of primary school to school canteen meals. Quantitative and qualitative research was applied to the thesis. Data collection was performed by means of questionnaires for parents and children from the 3rd to 9th grades and focus group among children of the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school in Jindřichův Hradec. The questionnaires were processed and statistically evaluated by SPSS programme. We applied Parkinson's chi-squared test, a paired sample t-test for graph and table outputs. The focus group was performed in classrooms and in the canteen during break and during lunch at presence of a teacher and the vice headmistress. The research sample consisted of parents of children attending primary school in Jindřichův Hradec and pupils of the 1st to 9th classes of the same school. School catering, which is a frequent topic among professionals as well as the wide public in the whole Czech Republic and the results of our research are obviously an exception. Analysis of catering standards has shown that parents can only partially participate in preparation of menus, as they partially participate in financing of school lunches. From observation of 1st and 2nd class children we have found that children of this age are affected by the social environment they are in during the day. We have found that nearly all the children are satisfied with their meals. Pupils of 3rd to 9th classes formed another group. They commented and assessed canteen meals, where our sample differed from the other researches within the whole Republic. Satisfaction with canteen meals did not substantially differ with age as we expected. The research into satisfaction with school meals among parents has shown that parents of elementary school children are more satisfied that those of the higher level children, so the satisfaction among parents differs between the lower and higher primary levels. The research points out the connection of educational and healthcare systems, that there would be a place for a children nurse in this community, who operated in the school healthcare service before privatization of primary healthcare and still successfully operates there in many countries. It is necessary for community nurses to implement, lead and coordinate the care and for their care to be perceived as legitimate and essential in all spheres. The research results were requested by the vice headmistress of the school in Jindřichův Hradec in advance for possible correction of school catering and they might be also presented at seminars or conferences focused on nutrition and healthy lifestyle of children.

The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis
The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis. In recent years, the issue of quality of life has become of interest in many disciplines and the general public. In health care, the quality of life is known as HRQoL - Health Related Quality of Life - loosely translated as ?the quality of life related to health?. The term of ?diagnostic quality of life in children and adolescents? is primarily used for the area of professional health care and it is an important indicator of disease severity and the outcomes of provided care. The objective of this thesis was to assess the quality of life of children who have been through meningitis, to identify the main areas in which the quality of life of these children is reduced, and to suggest nursing interventions aimed at improvements. The data collection took place in the period November 2009 - June 2010 at the Clinic for Childhood Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Brno. A qualitative research used the technique of studying written documents and, subsequently, non-standardized in-depth interviews with respondents were carried out. Prior the beginning of the qualitative survey, five research questions were established. Question 1: What kind of care and what interventions do children expect from nurses? Question 2: What kind of care and what interventions do parents expect from nurses? Question 3: How to evaluate subjectively the quality of children?s? life after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 4: How do parents see the quality of life of their child after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 5: In which areas is the quality of children?s life reduced most? Question 6: What nursing interventions can help nurses to improve the children?s lives? All of the questions were answered using a quantitative research method involving a standardized questionnaire named ?HEALTH AND SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE?. This questionnaire is used in the project ?QOLOP? ? Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Paediatric Oncology Patients. Hypothesis H 1 was defined prior the start of the quantitative research: The quality of life of children who have been through meningitis is lower than in healthy children. This hypothesis was not confirmed. It is clear, from what has been mentioned above, that the objective of this thesis has been met. This project will be useful in practice. The generated ?Algorithm of Initial Care for a Child with Meningitis? and ?Subsequent Care of a Child with Meningitis? should help nurses orientate and identify the basic needs of children with this disease. Moreover, this thesis can be used as a theoretical basis for the education of nursing students.

The diagnostic use of molecular genetics: indication, information, efficiency
Mazura, Ivan ; Zvárová, Jana
This paper describes the use of molecular genetics diagnostics that over the past two decades has become an integral part of the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a wide range of human disorders, which until recently were only possible to name, describe their phenotypic characteristics and in a few cases by modification of lifestyle or diet to alleviate the rising symptoms.

How occupations differ in their approach to personal health
Dědáková, Dita ; Mareš, Jiří (advisor) ; Slowik, Regina (referee) ; Vosečková, Alena (referee)
Annotatin The theoretic part of this bachelor thesis reviews the scope and importance of preventive medical check-ups and employer provided preventive medical care. Negative risk factors influencing our health and increasing the risk of disease were the main focus of this study. The practical part of this thesis is a quantitative evaluation study focused on different professions in their approaches and attitudes to health. Each profession was assessed on its health awareness, risk perception, lifestyle and emphasis on medical check-ups.

Study of genetic factors modifying the risk of onset and progression of colorectal and pancreatic cancer
Mohelníková Duchoňová, Beatrice ; Souček, Pavel (advisor) ; Skálová, Lenka (referee) ; Macek, Milan (referee)
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of genetic and lifestyle factors in the risk of onset and progression of colorectal and pancreatic cancer. The first part deals with the etiological factors and the importance of polymorphisms in biotransformation enzymes and genetic alterations in the gene CHEK2 in the origin of these malignancies. In the second part, the ABC transporter genes were analyzed as potential prognostic and predictive markers of a treatment's outcome. Materials and methods: The polymorphisms and other genetic alterations were detected using real-time PCR, allelespecific PCR and PCR-RFLP methods in DNA which was extracted from the blood of patients. The frequency of polymorphisms was evaluated and their importance was assessed with regard to the available epidemiological data. Gene expressions were determined by qPCR in paired samples of tumor tissue and adjacent non-tumorous parenchyma. Results: A majority of the observed polymorphisms failed to show a relationship between their presence and the risk of any of these malignancies. CYP2A13 variant allele*7 coding inactive enzyme was found in 7 of 265 controls and in none of 235 pancreatic carcinoma patients. In contrast, GSTP1-codon 105 Val variant allele and GSTT1-null genotype were associated with an elevated...

Relation of antisocial behavior of adolescents to school environment
Sobotková, Veronika ; Blatný, Marek ; Hrdlička, M. ; Jelínek, Martin ; Květon, Petr ; Vobořil, Dalibor ; Urbánek, Tomáš
The study deals with relation between antisocial behavior in adolescence and school environment. The Social and Health Assessment (SAHA), a school survey, was administered to a nationwide sample of 4,980 adolescents in three age cohorts (12, 14, and 16 years) in Prague and 12 regional capitals of the Czech Republic. In present study we focus on cohorts of 12 and 14 years old adolescents (N = 3023). K-means cluster analysis on the items of Antisocial Behavior Scale was used to identify the main clusters of antisocial behavior. Four major clusters of children were identified. Subsequently, adolescents from different clusters were compared on the levels of their attachment to school, school climate, perceived support from teachers and general motivation to study. As we expected, adolescents from the cluster with high rate of antisocial behaviors perceive the school environment as the most negative.

Knowledge of Human Rights in Children Aged 10 to 18 Years Old in Residential Care in the Zlín Region
LIBROVÁ, Markéta
This diploma thesis is concerned with a level of knowledge of human rights among children between the ages of 10-18 at children's homes in the Zlín Region. The introduction to the theoretical part focuses mainly on human rights and related documents. It generally describes issues related to legal consciousness with a specific focus on children. Furthermore, institutional education and its development are also described, together with selected institutions, rights of children with institutional education and psychological deprivation. In the closing part, the target group is divided into pubescents and adolescents and further characterized. General objective of this diploma thesis was to assess level of knowledge of human rights among those children who are living in the selected children's homes in the Zlín region. Specific objective was to assess a level of knowledge of human rights in the selected area, namely in recognition of rights to children and adults. As a research method was chosen the questionnaire that is based on the Gary Melton's, an American scientist, modified version of assessing children's rights. Considering the given research assumptions, there were only some parts selected from the questionnaire. Namely, that is the part of general questions, and questions related to the recognition of rights to children and adults. The research shows that children's knowledge of human rights, with regard to knowledge of examples of rights and laws, is on an average level. Yet as far as knowledge of terms from the field of rights and law is concerned, children are on a very low level. Knowledge that concerns recognition of rights to children and adults is on a high level for both, pubescents and adolescents.

Comparsion of biochemical profile from plasma in patients with dyslipemia and type 2 diabetes after treatments of MDOC (chloruron).
Vaculíková, Ivana ; Semecký, Vladimír (advisor) ; Martiník, Karel (referee)
The selected set of 28 patients (18 women and 10 men, age 47-79 years, median 65.3) from the database clinic for metabolic diseases and nutritional disorders II. Policlinic , s.r.o. in Hradec Kralove was made the determination of selected biochemical parameters of peripheral blood - BIL, GLU , GHB, liver enzymes ALT, AST, GGT, fat spectrum of values of TC, HDL, TG, VLDL, IA, and RICH proteins CRP and homocysteine. These initial values are important for clinical assessment 2 diabetes type and their values provided above biochemical laboratory equipment. This was compensated for elderly patients suffering from DM 2. typu with dyslipidemia who were treated with lipid-lowering agents containing for long-term HMG-CoA inhibitors (statins). After a period of 3.5 months was administered to patients with the working title nutraceutic Choluron (MDOC) at a daily dose 3 x 2x 500 mg with the intention of a possible effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. After the period mentioned above were examined by biochemical values were recorded and the expected reduction in bilirubin, and so also of TC and VLDL. On the contrary, showed an adverse effect on the HDL and TG. The GLU and GHb were probably influenced by the value of individual lifestyle. The beneficial effect of Choluron was observed also in liver...

Nutrition and other factors, which have influence on the formation and prevention of colorectal cancer
The full title of my bachelor thesis is Nutrition and Other Factors Influencing the Development and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer. In the theory section of the paper I have concentrated on clarifying the term "colorectal cancer", its epidemiology, and furthermore, on diet and other risk factors concerning the development and prevention of this disease. In this theory section I have included information about screening tests for occult bleeding. I have addressed the key objectives in the practical section of the thesis. I had set two key objectives. The first was to research how well respondents were informed concerning diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, and the second objective concentrated on assessing the respondents' behaviour in relation to the information they had acquired. The research questions were formulated thus: "How well are people informed about diets aimed at preventing colorectal cancer?" and "Do people behave according to information thus gained?" The qualitative research method a semi-structured interview was used for the research section. Ten male respondents over the age of 45 took part in the interview. Five of these males were Dr Ilona Paseková's outpatients all with a genetic disposition to colorectal cancer, with most experiencing problems related to this disease. The other five respondents were without any predispositions. After receiving answers to the questions posed to the respondents, I wanted to compare both groups in order to ascertain whether those with a genetic predisposition showed a greater interest in this disease. Furthermore, I wanted to find out whether those respondents were actively seeking information concerning the prevention or treatment of colorectal and anal cancer. All those interviewed were very open and willing to answer questions. Collection of data was carried out from January 2014 to March 2014. The conclusions of this thesis show that public awareness of colorectal cancer and its prevention is inadequate. Public awareness of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer is markedly poor, even among high-risk respondents. Having observed this lack of awareness, I proceeded to question respondents as to their dietary and lifestyle habits. Furthermore, the respondents were asked if they were aware that colorectal cancer screening was available in the Czech Republic. The results showed that some respondents, however unaware of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, follow a healthy diet, thus fulfilling dieticians' recommendations concerning the prevention of this disease. When asked about preventive foods, respondents most often mentioned brassicas broccoli and cabbage, etc. Conversely, the most often mentioned foods said to increase the risk of disease were smoked meat and red meat. One respondent mentioned the preventive affects of shark cartilage. I was very surprised by this assertion and subsequently searched the internet for information relating to shark cartilage. To my surprise, I found that the respondent was indeed not mistaken, and that statements to that effect can be found on websites promoting dietary supplements containing shark cartilage extract. According to these sources sharks do not suffer from cancer and therefore, their cartilage is closely studied and dietary supplements containing its extracts are produced. Furthermore, I intended to compare two groups of respondents those with genetic dispositions and those without. After carrying out the respective interviews, their comparison appeared to be futile. In both groups I identified respondents who followed a healthy diet and lifestyle as well as those who did not. I found that there is no relation between high-risk habits and predisposition to colorectal cancer. Whether a respondent with such a predisposition decided to follow a healthy diet or change his dietary habits and lifestyle or not was purely a question of his personal preferences.

Costs and Benefits of Healthy Life Style for Employee and his Employer
Prax, Martin ; Vacíková, Eva (referee) ; Škapa, Stanislav (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis is focused on the analysis of costs in the absence of employees on a sick leave. Value of direct and indirect costs is assessed by using a survey. Afterwards thesis deals with possibility of reducing these costs by supporting healthy lifestyle among employees.