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The Relationship of an individual and the state in the Elements of the Philosophy of Right of G. W. F. Hegel
Navrátilová, Olga ; Keřkovský, Pavel (advisor) ; Kranát, Jan (referee)
The motive of this diploma thesis The Relationship of an Individual and the State in the Elements of the Philosophy of Right of G. W. F. Hegel is to cope with the one-sided - but in the Czech Republic widespread - liberal critic of Hegel's political philosophy, which accuses this philosopher of etatism and suppressing the freedom of individual. The first part of the thesis briefly deals with the question of the relation between the citizen and the state in the political philosophies of Hegel's most important modern predecessors: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant. The second part introduces the main features of Hegel's political philosophy followed by a look at the connection between Hegel's theory of state and his philosophy of history. The main part of the thesis focuses on presenting the Elements of the Philosophy of Right in view of the theme of thesis. The conclusion tries to summarize the acquired information and to outline the unsolved problems. Powered by TCPDF (

Igbo national consciousnes
Štěpánková, Hana ; Skupnik, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Chlup, Radek (referee)
Before the direct contact with Europe, the area of present-day south-eastern Nigeria was inhabited by a dispersed population limited to only village or local consciousness but in 1967 representatives of this region declared the independent state of Biafra with the intention to separate from Nigeria which indicates strong collective consciousness. The bearers of this consciousness consider themselves to be Igbo and the collectivity has features of a nation. Therefore it is the Igbo national consciousness I deal with in this thesis. In the theoretical introduction I situate a nation within the sphere of ideas. The historiographic part of the thesis examines how the Igbo nation came into existence. It deals with traditional culture, trade, missionary activity, education, colonial administration, migration, decolonization and politics in independent Nigeria. The second, semiologic part is based on my research among the Igbos in Prague and focuses on the contemporary means for the inter-subjective maintenance of their national consciousness. I try to explain it using a concept of national symbols which can be understood as narratives supporting the idea of continuity, strengthening of borders and assuring the internal homogeneity as distinguished from the external differences.

Primary School Teacher - the Relationship Between Theory and Practice in the Professional Training
Urbanová, Radka ; Štech, Stanislav (advisor) ; Smetáčková, Irena (referee)
This work deals with permanent and yet actual subject of the relationship of theory and practise in education of teachers. The main subject is connected closely to professional identity of primary school teachers, as well. First of all, the theoretical part of this work focuses on the relationship of theory and practise. It's based on works of both Czech and foreign authors, specifically German and Swiss ones. Because there are different systems of teacher-preparation in these countries, the view on theory-practise relationship is different in many points, as well. Theoretical part is divided into five chapters. First one presents primary school teacher and shows his typical features which differentiate him from teachers in another levels of education. The second chapter describes a concept of pedagogical education of teachers. The third chapter deals with how differently may concept "practise" be percieved in context of their mutual relationship. The fourth chapter describes the relationship of theory and practise in pedagogy and the last, fifth one is the most comprehensive one and is further divided into three chapters.

Analysis of the monetory policy of the Central Bank of Russia and its influence on the price stability.
Kleimenov, Gleb ; Heřman, Jan (advisor) ; Zeman, Karel (referee)
The subject of the study is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.The object of the study is the monetary policy pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.The aim of bachelor work is the analysis of the banking system and evaluation of the development of the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia.The actuality of this work can not be underestimated, keeping in mind the recent political and economic situation in Russia.The first part presents the general characteristics of the Central Bank and describes the features of the monetary policy.The second part includes the objectives and functions of the Central Bank of Russia, as well as the results of the study of monetary policy for 2014.The third part shows the development prospects of the monetary policy of Russia in the period from 2015 to 2017.

Popularity of Party Representatives
Kunštát, Daniel
In September 2015 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected  politicians. They were given a list with 29 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in Chamber of Deputies.

"European Identity" of a Teacher
Gröschlová, Andrea ; Walterová, Eliška (advisor) ; Chvál, Martin (referee) ; Janík, Tomáš (referee)
This work attempts to identify and analyse factors that have an effect on the identification of teachers with Europe: "European identity" of a teacher is being argued. We widely discuss actual meaning of the term "Europe" and seek an empirical approach to the "European identity" research. Correctness of the "European identity" of a teacher is not put to test; actual issue of the teacher's profession is being discussed instead. The structure of this work consists of three chapters. First of all some basic assumptions for the work need to be posted: we discuss such terms as "globalisation", "knowledge society", "educational aims" and context of "European dimension of education". The second chapter presents three interrelated parts. They are focused on the meaning of theme "teacher as a subject of research", "identity as a subject of research" and "Europe as a subject of research" . We conclude with the own meaning of the "European identity" of a teacher in the end of the second chapter. Empirical approach throughout the rest of the work is based on this conclusion. The methodological approach is derived from the character of the postulated hypothesis. We compare two independent samples. Two samples being a) teachers (teachers of basic and secondary schools in Prague) and b) random population. Based on the...

Expert capacities of the Czech political parties: case study of defence policy
Bayerová, Anežka ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Vymětal, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with marginally explored area of expert capacities of the Czech political parties with respect to the different organizational types of selected political parties and movements. The work aims to find out what expert capacities work for these types of political parties, how these experts are recruited in their position, whether it corresponds to their educational background and professional experiences with function, which are they holding in the expert authority. Work is elaborated in the form of case study, which focuses on the activities of defense policy expert commissions. The text is divided into two theoretical and one empirical chapters. The first chapter deals with the process of policy-making, its actors and activities associated with this process. The second chapter defines the various types of political parties first from the mainstream perspective (cadre, mass, catch-all parties), which complements the modern concept of business party and finally there is a typology of S. Wolinetz (office-seeking, vote-seeking, policy-seeking parties). The last empirical chapter presents the case study focused on four Czech political parties (TOP 09, KSČM, ČSSD and political movement ANO 2011) and their access to party expertise. The result of this work is to compare the level of analytical capacity across selected political parties/movements and testing of hypotheses formulated in the introduction of the thesis.

Care for Body, Health and Fitness by Seniors
Maxa, Vladimír ; Fialová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Potměšil, Jaroslav (referee)
Name: Care for Body, Health and Fitness by Seniors Objective: The objective of my graduation thesis is to detect the attitude of seniors towards their body and health and to discover the way they perceive the present-day ideas about body type that are presented by the media and accepted by the present-day population. Method: A questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire involved questions relating to personal data, health state, activities connected with the body and exercise, body image, self-perception and life satisfaction. The form of the questions asked in the questionnaire was not uniform. Closed 'yes' or 'no' questions and ones using Lickert's 5- grade scales dominated the questionnaire. Results: The results summarize the attitude of seniors towards themselves and their values for evaluating their body, health and fitness. They clarify the motivation of seniors to exercise and explain their behaviour in relation to their diet. Furthermore, the results consider seniors' bodily proportions and conclude that the actual body type of seniors is not identical with their ideal body type. Key words: physical self-perception, seniors, senility, life style Powered by TCPDF (

New regional aspect in foreign relations of China - example ASEAN
Kupková, Karin ; Hnát, Pavel (advisor) ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (referee)
This work treat of foreign political and trade relations of China. In the first section is described verbally and numericaly foreign trade of China, what world regions does she cooperate with and in which spheres. I also deal with regional aspect in conception of China, what steps does she concerning this topic takes, of which regional agreements is she part of etc..The second section takes a close look on the development of the relation between China and ASEAN as a whole. It's beeing described in the past and the present. Actual topic is a discussion about their main goal - free trade area between China and ASEAN. The last section is about bilateral relations between China and the members of ASEAN. I focused on the sferes of cooperation, disputes, balance of trade and agreements. At the end I suummarized all the sections and outlined the possible future.

Výroková logika a algebra
Polach, František ; Krajíček, Jan (advisor) ; Pudlák, Pavel (referee)
Algebraic proof systems of which the most important are the polynomial calculus and the Nullstellensatz proof system are proof systems that use algebraic means for proving propositional tautologies - they are based on polynomial identities over (commutative) rings. Razborov [9] have proved a non-trivial lower bound on degree for polynomia calculus proofs of the tautologies (a set of polynomials) that express the pigeonhole principle over any field. This work gathers present important results for algebraic proof systems and generalizes the Razborov's construction used in his proof of the lower bound to another set of polynomials. We explicitly describe the basis of the vector space of polynomials that are derivable by a small degree polynomial calculus proof from the tautologies that express a variant of the pigeonhole principle (that generalizes the principle for multifunctions).