National Repository of Grey Literature 16,702 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.45 seconds. 

Diversity and intercultural aspects of the functioning of a company
Tetenková, Pavla ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
The thesis concentrates on culture, its levels and characteristics, including business culture. The first part focuses on cultural diversity and management of diversity in business culture, with emphasis on the related incorrect tendencies, caused by various culturally conditioned biases. The following part considers different aspects of intercultural communication, its possible barriers and the question of intercultural training. The practical part analyses an existing multinational corporation, particularly with regards to its corporate values, practices, corporate diversity and intercultural training. Furthermore, this part is complemented with a study of the culturally conditioned difficulties within the company, the influence of existing cultural differences on employee communication and cooperation, as well as on intercultural training. The outcome of the study are recommendations, which serve as a base for potential modifications of the corresponding company processes.

Creation of the Enterprise Architecture model according to the TOGAF framework
Čapek, Jan ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Petr (referee)
The present diploma thesis aims at introducing the Enterprise Architecture and creating an abstract model of a company. The primary focus is on application and process layers as defined in the architecture framework TOGAF. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical chapter starts with a business model analysis which means to describe mission vision and companys values as a part of the strategy framework. Furthermore the business processes are described in the latter part of this section. This chapter attempts to explain how to map a business process and to categorize it by nature and maturity level. Penultimate chapter introduces the Enterprise Architecture in general. This section includes arguments as to why the companies should be concerned with the Enterprise Architecture advantages of the Enterprise Architecture implementation into the companys documentation relationship of companys core business and IT and examples of the Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The last chapter deals with the TOGAF framework where Architecture Development Method is described. This means how Enterprise Architecture model is created and how to implement changes into the layers according to the TOGAF framework. Simultaneously the last section of this chapter describes the reference models which provide graphical overview of all abstractions layers. The practical part of the thesis elaborates on the theoretical part using the Architecture Development Method process in order to create the Enterprise Architecture model according to TOGAF framework. Same as the theoretical part it only focuses on the application and process layer. Firstly the business model is decomposed into vision mission and companys values to the companys strategy and business goals in order to grasp further understanding of business processes detailed description. Subsequently the abovementioned aspects are recomposed to create process map which provides the management overview. The application layer undergoes the same process; nonetheless the process map is replaced by information system description and reference model creation. Once the models are created the thesis compares them with the business and strategic goals. The benefit brought by this thesis is critical evaluation of current status to propose changes to achieve target architacture according business and strategic goals established by management.

Valuation of the company Tank ONO, s.r.o.
Novák, Petr ; Strouhal, Jiří (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The output of this Master´s Thesis on the theme "Valuation of the company Tank ONO, s.r.o." is the estimation of market value of company as at the date of December 31, 2014, with the goal of selling off the company to a hypothetical general investor in the future. The theoretical part includes metodology and instruments used for company valuation, eg definition of main terms, explanation of valuation proces and methods, that are recognised as valid by specialised public. Afterwards, the second part (eg practical part) is aimed at applying the metodology in practice. First, the valuated company is shortly introduced and it is followed by financial and strategic analysis in order to evaluate the financial soundness and assess the perspective for company future. The conclusions of the above analysis are used for elaborating the value drivers and complex financial plan, that is followed by valuation of Tank ONO, s.r.o. In light of the company capital structure, there is chosen DCF equity method for final valuation, in this Thesis.

Geodiversity values as a basis for geosite and geomorphosite assessment: a case study from Žďárské vrchy Highland
Bajer, A. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kubalíková, L.
Paper presents geodiversity values, geodiversity is understood as a set of geological, geomorphological and pedological components, including systems consisting of this components and geological, geomorphological and pedological processes. Geodiversity values are analyzed in relation to ecosystem values (e.g. cultural, functional value). Geodiversity values were used as basis for a methodical approach to geosite and geomorphosite assessment. Methodological approach is presented at selected sites in the top part of the Žďárské vrchy Highland. The acquired results can serve as a basis for geoconservation of PLA Žďárské vrchy, development of geotourism as well as an offer for extension geoeducational activities.\n

Fytochemical potencial of polyfenols contain in berries
This thesis sums up findings on polyphenols and their positive influence on human health. In these fytochemicals, unlike in micronutrients, recommended daily amount cannot be estimated. Micronutrient deficiency in food can cause deficiency symptoms, while in polyphenol deficiency, the deficiency does not occur. When they are present in sufficient amount in food, it is considered functional food, which is important for civilization illnesses prevention. At the beginning of the theoretical part, the polyphenol classification from pharmacological and chemical point of view is represented. On the basis of this classification important role of antioxidants and flavonoids is described. Special attention is being paid to resveratrol, which is populardue to its well known "French paradox". The following part considers the polyphenol influence on human health. The way in which polyphenols protect our body from certain diseases is explained in detail. Most of the health benefits are supported by studies conducted on animals. These studies are also mentioned and described in this paper. In the theoretical part the process of absorption and the polyphenols safety for human body is also explained. Polyphenol sources are listed in the last subchapter. The work is mainly aimed at blueberry fruits (Vaccinium myrtillus) and vine grapes (Vitis vinifera). Other berries are briefly mentioned as well, such as cranberries, raspberries, blackberries and currant. The goal of this work is to create a diet that would provide a functional daily amount of polyphenols. This amount can be compared to 120 ml of native blueberries. Only products, consumable without cooking, are used in this diet. The second goal is to chart, which food products are adequate source of polyphenols. On the basis of these goals, research inquiries were defined. Research inquiry No. 1: What amount of polyphenols is contained in berries, especially blueberries. Research inquiry No. 2: Which food products (without cooking) are ideal to be included in diet, to provide adequate daily amount of polyphenols. To asses polyphenol content in blueberries, analysis of polyphenol content acquired through GEOMED program from Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s., department of clinical pharmacology, was used. Assessments were made using the HPLC method (high performance liquid chromatography) in cooperation with the biological centre AV ČR in České Budějovice. Thanks to this analysis, the first inquiry can be answered. An interesting phenomenon is discovered, that frozen blueberries have higher polyphenol content then cooled ones. Malvidin (malvidin-3-6"-acetoyl glycoside) was chosen as priority anthocyan since it is most represented in the blueberry. Remaining information about polyphenol content in certain food products were drawn on Joseph Maroon´s book, MD, FACS (2010). The practical part involves a diet for 14 days, which meets the given requirements. The results clearly show that it is possible to create a diet rich in polyphenols. A list of blueberry products accessible to everyone is included. Blueberry dairy products, jams, beverages, fruit salads and fruit pyre have been analysed. The list shows which product contains the most polyphenols. The required amount can be achieved by the proper combination of given products. The ideal one proved to be 200 ml of red wine and one blueberry dairy product (with the malvidin value higher than 64). Findings in this paper will serve to promote polyphenol awareness and itseffects. This diet can be used in nursing homes, where their positive influence on equilibrium can be applied. It can also be used in spas and other alimentation related facilities.

San Minn (or) An Artist who prefer creating and paintings than his life
Zeya, Pyin Nyar ; JANEČEK, Vít (advisor) ; VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Miloš (referee)
No one can control a painter artist’s freely thoughts and ideas and although his paintings were under the high pressure and banned by force, the artistic value of his materials never go down. So that I am writing this paper. He, San Minn has broken out the mainstream of Burmese painting field, he never made business paintings as well. He keeps his belief on the art of paints and he is always finding for the new way to make his paintings. His materials are very different from other Burmese painter artists’ materials. His style is unique in Burmese paintings. So I can get a chance to study of his style, ideas, ways of thinking and his determination on the art works. My paper can show a painter artist’s life who grew up under the military rule for 50 years and the situation and history of Burmese painting field. Then not only people who are studying the painting subject, but also other people can know about the subject of Burmese painting and field of artists. I dare say that my paper must be colorful and fruitful. As a painter artist, it seems that he wants his audience to feel his materials but he rare to show his real life behind the pictures. For me, I can get a chance to know about his real life for my thesis paper. xxxxxxxxxx Thesis Statement My thesis can be useful for everybody who is interested in Burmese contemporary art field. This is the biggest chance to read about one of the most famous, important and significant artists and art movements of Burma. His paintings are reflecting his journey through over 40 years of censorship, but he was not afraid to tackle political and social issues. Many of San Minn's art works are based on autobiographical, making sharp social commentary on the popular culture, social values and scenario circumstances where he has lived in. xxxxxxxxxx

Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.

Nutritional analysis and optimization of breeding of selected species of edible insects under conditions of the Czech Republic with regard to human health
Adámková, Anna ; Kouřimská, Lenka (advisor)
All over the world, the edible insects are considered a highly nutritious food with high protein and fat content. However, the nutritional value of insect is not constant. It can be affected by species, developmental stage, rearing technology or nutrition. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at obtaining the selected nutritional value of edible insects. Analyses were focused on the determination of the crude protein content, fat content, fatty acid profile and sterols in selected species of edible insects, which can be commonly reared in the Czech Republic. At the same time we also analysed samples of insects reared on the island of Sumatra to evaluate the influence of the climate on the nutritional value. The main aim of the thesis was the determination of optimal breeding conditions, developmental stages and feed rations for obtaining good production of insects with nutritional properties suitable for human nutrition. The analyses showed a high nutritional value of selected insect species, but also confirmed the significant differences in the content of individual nutrients between different species depending on the climate conditions and developmental stage. Comparing the fat and crude protein content in edible insects and other conventional sources of meat it has been found, that the examined insect is similar to beef concerning the fat and crude protein content. The results obtained are the basis for determining the appropriate rearing conditions and developmental stages for obtaining insect with the desired nutritional properties for human nutrition.

Population genetic analysis of Old Kladruber horse
Vostrá Vydrová, Hana ; Majzlík, Ivan (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
The Old Kladruber horse, along with the Lipizzaner horse, Andalusian horse and Lusitano horse, is of the original Italo-Spanish type. The Old Kladruber horse is kept in two colour varieties (grey and black). Because the population is closed, there is a concern about the loss of genetic variation. The genetic diversity and population structure were analysed in the Old Kladruber horse breed based on the pedigree information of animals that were registered in the Studbook to identify factors that may have affected the genetic variability of the breed. Pedigree records collected from 1729 to 2013 contained information on 7971 animals that were used in the analyses. The pedigree depth was up to 33 generations, with an average of 15.1 complete generations. The effective number of founders and ancestors contributing to the current genetic pool was 92.69 and 17.16, respectively. The average values of the inbreeding coefficient were as follows: 13% (with a maximum value of 29%) for the reference population (individuals that can currently take part in reproduction, n=612), 11% for the grey variety (with a maximum value of 25%) and 15% for the black variety (with a maximum value of 29%). The proportion of inbred animals was high (99%). The average rate of inbreeding in the reference population was 1%: 0.8% for the grey variety and 1.1% for the black variety, and the respective estimates of the effective population sizes were 52 for the reference population, 62 for the grey variety and 45 for the black variety. The estimated percentage of genetic diversity lost due to non-random mating within subpopulations and the reference population was 1.0, 1.0 and 1.2%, respectively. The total loss of genetic diversity in the reference population, in the grey variety and in the black variety was 11%, 13% and 17%, respectively.

The Wine Market in the Czech Republic and the Politics of Wine
Vlašicová, Eliška ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Malý, Michal (referee)
The dissertation thesis is focusing on the wine market in the Czech Republic. The aim is to identify weaknesses in the wine sector in order to formulate recommendations for improving a current situation in the sector. The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and the Common Market Organisation for Wine was presented in the theoretical part of the thesis, where also theoretical aspects of a market including supply and demand were described, as well as an agri-food market and its specifics, wine commodity chain, determinants of demand, supply and prices of wine. In the following chapters an analysis of the wine market, especially with emphasis on the production potential of vineyards in the Czech Republic was created, and demand, supply and price of wine including a price transmission in the commodity chain of wine were modelled based on a regression analysis. The significant influence on demand of wine have had previous values of wine consumption and wine prices, substitutes consumptions (prices of substitutes were not a significant factors), household income and salary, a quality of the wine and awards in international competitions. Significant factors of the side of supply including the price of wine grapes, the price of wine, vineyard area, production of wine grapes, some aspects of weather and certain subsidies. A climate change, which is in progress, may result to the expansion of viticulture and winemaking in the Czech Republic and also to a change of varieties in vineyards. Demand has in the commodity chain of wine greater impact than the supply. It can have a negative effect on growers or winemakers. Planting of vines is not sufficient to maintain current levels of a production potential of vineyards in the Czech Republic. The ideal amount of annual planting vines should be about 655 ha. A related issue is financing a vineyards renewal, which is costly. Based on a financial analysis of small and medium-sized wine companies, it was found that these businesses cannot afford the renewal of vineyards from its own resources and will require grant assistance of the state, eventually EU.