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Expression of selected proteins in sperm in men with normal and pathological spermiograms using monoclonal antibodies
Pěknicová, Jana ; Čapková, Jana ; Dorosh, Andriy ; Margaryan, Hasmik ; Kubátová, Alena ; Děd, Lukáš
Recent studies show that infertility in human populations it affects an estimated 15% of couples of reproductive age. Male infertility is the primary cause for 60% of these cases. For these reasons, we analyzed the acrosomal and sperm surface proteins in men with normal and pathological spermiograms. We found that intra-acrosome proteins: TERA (Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase), GAPDHS (Sperm Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), and PRKAR2A (C-AMP-dependent protein kinase II, PRKAR2A), which can be identified using our monoclonal antibodies, are different express in healthy men and men with astenozoospermia (with reduced sperm motility), and with a significantly reduced expression in the astenozoospermia. These proteins are involved in energy metabolism and apoptosis of the cells, and some of them in the sperm-egg interaction; therefore, they have an important role in reproduction. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences in the expression of surface proteins (Appolipoprotein J (Clusterin) and Semenogelin). Our findings show that astenozoospermia as a complex disorder of the semen is often combined with other pathological conditions that are not diagnosed by the semen analysis. Therefore monoclonal antibodies are so suitable instrument for the detection of proteins associated with the pathology of the sperm in the semen with low sperm motility. In general, monoclonal antibodies against the sperm proteins are an appropriate tool to detect sperm quality in reproductive medicine.

The use of (nano)oxides for metal and metalloid stabilization in contaminated soils
Michálková, Zuzana ; Komárek, Michael (advisor) ; Luke, Luke (referee)
The main objective of the thesis was to evaluate the potential of selected Mn and Fe (nano)oxides for the stabilization of metals and metalloids in contaminated soils. The research was focused basically on three materials - commercial nanomaghemite (Fe III), nanomagnetite (Fe II,III) and a synthetic amorphous Mn oxide (AMO). The main aim of the work was to provide a complex view on the chosen stabilizing amendments regarding not just their direct influence on contaminants mobility and stabilization mechanisms, but also their stability and alterations in soil conditions together with influence on soil microorganisms and higher plants. Firstly, adsorption properties of the tested materials towards Cd, Cu, Pb and As were investigated. In this context, the most effective material showed to be the AMO reaching one to two orders of magnitude higher adsorption capacities than Fe III and Fe II,III under given experimental conditions. Interestingly, the rate of As(V) adsorption onto AMO was increasing with increasing pH as a result of high pHzpc of the AMO (8.1) and significant dissolution of this phase at lower pH values. As a next step, the influence of (nano)oxides on metal(loid)s mobility and other physico-chemical soil characteristics after application to contaminated soil was examined. Again, the AMO proved to be the most efficient in reducing mobile pools of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and As. On the other hand, Fe III and Fe II,III addition had generally less significant effects on contaminants mobility. AMO application further resulted in an increase of soil pH connected with AMO dissolution and unwanted decomposition of soil organic matter. When (nano)oxides alterations in soil conditions were observed, MnCO3 coatings were identified on AMO surface while no significant changes were recorded for Fe III and Fe II,III. As the MnCO3 formation was connected with increased AMO stability, AMO particles synthetically covered with MnCO3 coating (denoted as SM AMO) were prepared. Although the SM-AMO had a lower mass loss in soil than pure AMO, the stabilizing efficiency was almost the same for both materials. The differences in surface composition of both materials were decreasing with time as MnCO3 naturally precipitated on the AMO surface in soils while the SM AMO coating was gradually dissolving. When investigating the effect on soil microbiota, AMO efficiently promoted soil microbial activity while no significant changes were observed in the case of Fe III and Fe II,III. The AMO was also able to reduce the uptake of Cd, Pb and Zn by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), eliminate Zn phytotoxicity symptoms and increase biomass yield. On the other hand, toxic levels of Mn released from the AMO in an acidic soil were found in sunflower tissues. AMO application is thus recommended for contaminated neutral or slightly alkaline pH with a higher cation exchange capacity in order to avoid unwanted release of Mn. Finally, various types of AMO-biochar composite sorbents were recently prepared and field experiment focused on stabilization of Cd, Pb, Zn and As using studied materials is currently under preparation. The combined results from the thesis highlight the importance of a complex experimental approach dealing with all parts of the contaminated soil environment in order to obtain complete information about the efficiency and usefulness of any newly developed stabilizing amendment.

Foreign Trade Case study of Brasil
Poche, Benedikt ; Maitah, Mansoor (advisor) ; Anna, Anna (referee)
Aim of my thesis with theme Foreign trade study case of Brazil is a complex analysis and evaluation of forein trdade of Brazil in a particular time including social economic analysis of Indonesian environment. Diploma thesis is composed of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part explains concrete terms and context of international trade. Practical part analyzes international trade of Brazil with its development and changes in territory and commodity sphere. Practical part also includes mutual goods exchange with it`s main partners aimed on commodity structure of export and import. Final chapter concludes overall summary

Overview Copulation Strategies of European Butterflies
Baráková, Kristýna ; Vrabec, Vladimír (advisor) ; Bubová, Terezie (referee)
Daily butterflies are a very varied and diverse group of the animal kingdom. They are insects with complete metamorphosis and a complex life cycle. Different stages of the development cycle are well known and studied. However, when it comes to the reproduction biology of daily butterflies, there are still a lot of question marks. This is why we decided to compile available information on reproduction strategies of European daily butterflies. This information was gathered by the means of strategically chosen keywords in scientific databases Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and Google Scholar. Based on these sources I compiled general information on reproduction behaviour of butterflies related to the complex processes before copulation, more concretely the mating and selection behaviour of daily butterflies. Consequently I describe concretely the copulation process, where I concentrate mainly on data on the progression of copulation, i.e. duration, minimum age or possible repeated copulation. I also explain general terms connected to copulation, such as paternity or protandry. The following part of the thesis concentrates specifically on copulation strategies of European daily butterflies. For the majority of butterflies I gathered data on mating strategies before copulation, specifically on how males search for females. Furthermore, for som e butterflies I add comprehensive data on duration of copulation, minimum age for copulation or possible repeated copulation. However, the gathered data do not provide sufficient information on the stated topic. It was therefore impossible to realize a statistical evaluation, which was supposed to lead to a recount against the total number of European butterflies. The hypothesis, namely that the vast majority of daily butterflies does not show promiscuous behaviour and copulates only once, has not been affirmed, neither disproven. Scientific publications only scarcely provided concrete information on promiscuous behaviour of daily butterflies. A research on this behaviour would require a more thorough examination. But it would enable us to organize accessible data on butterflies in the Czech Republic.

The Landscaping in the Czech Republic in terms of Offices of state and local Administration
Chvojková, Jana ; Cvik, Eva Daniela (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Theoretical part of this thesis Landscaping in the Czech Republic in terms of Offices of state and local Administration elaborates compact overview of the issue of landscaping and in detail describes the whole process procedure of landscaping. Historical overview of land consolidation and development of evidence of ownership of land has been added into thesis. The data are processed by using statistical methods, especially time series analysis, synthesis and prediction. The part of the solution of analysis is also forecast future price development for the realization of 1 hectare complex landscaping.

Effect of climatic and environmental variables on changes in numbers and migratory behaviour of wintering and migrating waterbirds.
Adam, Matyáš ; Musil, Petr (advisor) ; Bejček, Vladimír (referee)
Waterbirds with their specific habitat and food requirements varying during their annual cycle (Riffell et al. 2003; Taft and Haig 2006) are able to indicate the wetland diversity and quality due to their rapid responses on changes in environment (Delany 1999; Fernández et al. 2005; Amat and Green 2010). Remarkable land cover changes and climate warming led to significant shifts in distribution and abundance of many waterbird species across Europe in recent decades (Delany et al. 2006; Fox et al. 2010; Lehikoinen et al. 2013; Pavón-Jordán et al. 2015). To understand the dynamic of migratory birds in space and time and to assess effects of global conditions as well as local conditions of individual sites during their annual cycle there is need of international monitoring and research. Since the start of International Waterbird Census in 1967 both increasing and decreasing trends have been recorded in nearly fifty percent of waterbird species in Western Palearctic (Delany et al. 2006, Wetlands International 2016) and they consequently have affected trends in particular countries, including the Czech Republic. Wetland sites in the Czech Republic are generally situated on the edge of wintering range of most waterbird species (Gilissen et al. 2002), however the prevailing increase in abundance of waterbird species has been recorded here in recent decades (Musil et al. 2011). Though, the considerable growth of winter temperatures has not been noticed in the Czech Republic (Klein Tank et al. 2002; Musilová et al. 2009; Dušek et al. 2013), and the accessibility of the wetland sites, due to their freezing, varies year to year. Hence, we can assume that waterbirds have likely began using the alternative habitats with available food resources, i.e. cold-weather refuges, probably regardless of their conservation status (Musilová et al. 2015). Special protection areas were implemented to Czech legislation in 2004 to protect migratory birds (Birds Directive 2009/147/EC). So far there has not been tested the effectivity and impact of legislative protection on wintering waterbird species. Moreover, some previous studies indicated that SPA network do not match the species distribution pattern (López-López et al. 2007; Briggs et al. 2012; Albuquerque et al. 2013), so this issue urgently calls for scientific research. The second part of the thesis focused on Greylag Geese, whose abundance has rapidly grown across the Europe in recent decades (Madsen et al. 1999; Fox et al. 2010), and that have become ideal model species to observe their responses to habitats and climate changes as well as their reactions to human disturbance (Fox and Madsen 1997; Ramo et al. 2015). This requires appropriate knowledge of geese distribution, abundance and their behaviour. Since 1930s, when the geese started to be ringed in the Czech Republic, the ringing intensity have markedly varied and have been reflected in numbers of recoveries. In last ten years the intensity have increased (Podhrazský 2010). However, complex of the historical data until 2002 (Cepák et al. 2008) and recent data have not been analysed so far. In the light of recent shifts in wintering ranges and migration phenology of many goose populations these analyses require increased attention. Furthermore, the satellite monitoring of geese is coming to detect more detailed information about behaviour of individuals.

Qualitative evaluation of production and qualitative increment in stands at forest district Klokočná
Švec, Otakar ; Remeš, Jiří (advisor) ; Pulkrab, Karel (referee)
This thesis investigates the production and economic characteristics of forest stands in transformation process from even-aged forest stands to irregular forest stands. In the research area of Forest District Klokočná originally pure pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce (Picea abies L.) stands are being transformed to stands with complex forest structure characterized by selection harvest with the purpose of production and struc-tural equilibrium. Data was collected from eighteen 0.25 ha study plots; nine of them on forest develop-ment type (FDP) A -- acidic forest sites (predominantly 3K - Querceto-Fagetum aci-dophilum) and nine on FDP B -- waterlogged forest sites (predominantly 4P - Querce-to-Abietum variohumidum acidophilum). Within each study plot all woody stems of diameter more than 10 cm were measured. For each stem, the diameter in mm at 1.3 m above ground (dbh), the total height and the crown height (hypsometer Vertex, accuracy 0.1 m) were measured. For selected trees in particular diameter classes increment cores were sampled. For each FDP and stand structural segment a set of trees was sampled before and after the harvest and local assortment tables were crated for spruce and pine. Based on sampled data, financial value of standing timber, annual value incre-ment and target diameter for spruce and pine were calculated. Based on research results it is shown that lower homogeneity of forest stands has led to higher diameter increment of individual trees. On the contrary, negative effect of higher structural complexity of forest stands is lower quality of spruce timber in the range of 3 -- 4% per 1 m3. Generally better quality of pine and spruce timber, and thus also higher value, was confirmed for the FDP A. In this FDP target diameters for both investigated tree species are 8 -- 13 cm higher than for FDP B. It is concluded that forest transformation has strong impact on the production and eco-nomic characteristics of forest stands in the Forest District Klokočná, nevertheless studied forest stands still cannot be considered as stands with ideal selection structure in production and economic optimum. For future transformation efforts model charac-teristics differentiated according to site and structural characteristics are needed.

Application of optimization methods in hydrological modeling
Jakubcová, Michala ; Máca, Petr (advisor) ; Hanel, Martin (referee)
Finding the optimal state of reality is the main purpose of the optimization process. The best variant from many possibilities is selected, and the effectiveness of the given system increases. Optimization has been applied in many real life engineering problems as in hydrological modelling. Within the hydrological case studies, the optimization process serves to estimate the best set of model parameters, or to train model weights in artificial neural networks. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is relatively recent optimization technique, which has only a few parameters to adjust, and is easy to implement to the selected problem. The original algorithm was modified by many authors. They focused on changing the initialization of particles in the swarm, updating the population topology, adding new parameters into the equation, or incorporating shuffling mechanism into the algorithm. The modifications of PSO algorithm improve the performance of the optimization, prevent the premature convergence, and decrease computation time. Therefore, the main aims of the presented doctoral thesis consist of proposal of a new PSO modification with its implementation in C++ programming language. More PSO variants were compared and analysed, and the best methods based on benchmark problems were applied in two hydrological case studies. The first case study focused on utilization of PSO algorithms in inverse problem related to estimation of parameters of rainfall-runoff model Bilan. In the second case study, combination of artificial neural networks with PSO methods was introduced for forecasting the Standardized precipitation evapotranspiration drought index. It was found out, that particle swarm optimization is a suitable tool for solving problems in hydrological modelling. The most effective PSO modifications are the one with adaptive version of parameter of inertia weight, which updates the velocity of particles during searching through the multidimensional space via feedback information. The shuffling mechanism and redistribution of particles into complexes, at which the PSO runs separately, also significantly improve the performance. The contribution of this doctoral thesis lies in creation of new PSO modification, which was tested on benchmark problems, and was successfully applied in two hydrological case studies. The results of this thesis also extended the utilization of PSO methods in real life engineering optimization problems. All analysed PSO algorithms are available for later use within other research projects.

Risk elements contamination in Kutná Hora region and possibilities of its usage in paleoenvironmental research
Horák, Jan ; Hejcman, Michal (advisor) ; Jaromír, Jaromír (referee)
The dissertation focuses on topic of using risk elements contamination as a stratigraphic marker in palaeoenvironmental research. The contamination is not studied only as itself, but is viewed as a way to analyse and interpret the sedimentary record of historical events. The contamination carries the information about its original place, its original activity, about development of the landscape. The Kutná Hora region (central Bohemia; 49°57'0.170"N, 15°15'59.877"E) is a region of important historic mining and smelting activity. The mining started in 13th century and lasted until half of 16th century. Then only sporadic attempts of renewal were made. Spatially limited mining was renewed in second half of the 20th century. Therefore, it is highly probable to find here the contaminants in the role of stratigraphic markers. In the research were used mainly As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, V and Zn as these are the most analysed in contamination studies performed in the region. The aims of the dissertation were to answer these questions: To characterize the contamination - Are some risk elements typical for the contamination originating from the mining and smelting? - If so, is their environmental (spatial, sedimentary) manifestation diversified? - Is possible diversity spatially related to particular landscape features or areas? - Is possible diversity connected to particular activities? To use the answers in analysis of particular sites - Is it possible to use the risk elements contamination as stratigraphic marker in fluvial sediments? - How is the interpretation of particular site influenced by the whole context of regional contamination? The core of the research is the metaanalysis of contamination data coming from region (the data obtained by our research and also from other studies). The results have brought not only basic characteristics of contamination, mainly concentrations. The crucial result was the structure of studied elemental complex. Only As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are connected to contamination originating in mining and smelting. Other elements - their concentrations and spatial distributions - are uninfluenced by mining and smelting activities. More, the information about connection of As and Cd to mining and Cu, Pb and Zn to smelting was revealed. Both groups recorded with different spatial distributions. Also comparison of results by different approaches has shown that some statistical processing (clr-transformation) of such dataset was much better for interpretation than analyses of only concentrations values. We studied also the area of confluence of two rivers - Klejnárka (main river draining contaminated region), which is tributary to Labe (Elbe) river. The contamination is still recognizable here, but the diversity between contamination elements is not. The confluence of rivers strongly dilutes the contaminated material. The concentrations decrease. Also here clr-transformation of data enabled to analyse structures of contaminants spatial distribution unrecognizable by concentrations values. We performed also two vertical profiles analyses. It was shown, that it is highly risky to interpret data of such origin without the complex information about regional contamination context. It was revealed by contextual interpretation of data from one of the profiles, that there is a mixing of geochemical data coming from different statistical populations. The contamination works there as only one of the factors influencing sedimentary record. The site is therefore suitable for statistical testing of two populations mixing, outliers` detection and the like.

The Influence of Soil Amendments on the Uptake of Toxic Elements and Nutrients by Plants
Vondráčková, Stanislava ; Tlustoš, Pavel (advisor) ; Radim, Radim (referee)
Plant cultivation in soils heavily contaminated by risk elements is a challenging issue due to phytotoxic effects that restrict plant growth. Liming and phosphate additives application reduce the mobility of some risk elements in contaminated soils and can be a suitable measure for contaminated soils but can also affect availability of nutrients for plants. Therefore, it is necessary to test response of tolerant plants (trees and herbs) on soils heavily contaminated by risk elements and look for the most suitable combination of soil additives and tolerant plants. Experimental part of PhD thesis was divided into the incubation experiments and the vegetation pot experiments. The incubation experiments: The efficiency of liming and phosphate additives at three application rates was tested for micro- and toxic elements immobilisation in weakly acid and alkaline soils heavily contaminated by As, Cd, Pb, and Zn within period of 42 days. The vegetation pot experiments: The two tolerant plants Salix × smithiana Willd. (three-year experiment) and Rumex obtusifolius L. (one-year experiment) were planted in the same contaminated soils as in the incubation experiments. Both soils were untreated and treated with two doses of lime and dolomite (S. smithiana) or treated with lime and superphosphate (R. obtusifolius). For both plants, we evaluated the initial plant growth, plant mortality, biomass production or content of macro-, micro- and toxic elements in the biomass. We evaluated also the content of organic acids in the biomass of R. obtusifolius. Higher immobilisation effects on acid-extractable Cd, Zn, Pb, and Mn was observed for fast soluble additives (lime, superphosphate) compare to slow soluble additives (dolomite, rock phosphate) only in weakly acid soil. Lime application irrespective of dose with foliar Fe application and planting willows in the second year after the application of lime seemed to be the most suitable measure for increasing biomass production and decreasing toxic elements, especially Cd and Zn, without decreasing the macro- and micronutrients in the aboveground organs of willows in weakly acid soil. Seedlings of R. obtusifolius are sensitive to high availability of Ca, Cd, Pb, and Zn in soil. Biomass production was negatively related to the mobility of micro- and toxic elements. Elevated transport of micro- and toxic elements from belowground organs into leaves was recorded in both lime-treated soils and in superphosphate-treated alkaline soil as a result of sufficient amount of Ca available from soil solution as well as from superphosphate that can probably modify distribution of micro- and toxic elements in R. obtusifolius as a representative of oxalate plants. Rumex obtusifolius is an As-, Cd-, Pb-, and Zn-excluder and is sensitive to high availability of micro- and toxic elements in the soil. Soil chemical properties affect the distribution of essential elements within the plant greatly. In alkaline soil, R. obtusifolius is an Al-hyperaccumulator with the highest concentrations of oxalate in leaves, of malate in stems, and of citrate in belowground organs. These organic acids form strong complexes with Al that can play a key role in internal Al tolerance.