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The Litoměřice Gradual of 1517
Kabourková, Jana ; Kubík, Viktor (advisor) ; Jarošová, Markéta (referee)
The Litoměřice Gradual of 1517 Subject of this thesis is a detailed analysis of monographic Utraquist Gradual from Litoměřice, dated to the year 1517 (Lovosice, SOA, IV C 1).The study involves a review of the published literature to date on and consistent formal and iconographic analysis decorations. In the introduction, the manuscript was partially studied in terms of cultural and historical context of its origin and dating. The donors, Jakub Ronovský and Vaclav Řepnický, are introduced in the extant sources and in connection with a major Utraquist Brotherhood at the Church of All Saints in Litoměřice. Chapter 2.2 extensively elaborates on the issue of dating the manuscript. Personality anonymous, who painted manuscript, evaluated chapter 2.3. Unknown origin painters compensate in this work a comprehensive study of creative expression illuminators and their possible inspiration. In the foreground are highlighted especially the analogy with the second generation of the Danube School and graphic designs from the late 15th century. The second part of the study elaborates formalized Gradual, the individual illuminated folio orientation puts into context the development of contemporary art on the basis of particularized analogies. Besides the comparison with published choral manuscripts Janicek...
-Anonymous carver and his workshop co-operating with Master of Slavětín altar in northwest Bohemia.
Žebrová, Martina ; Royt, Jan (advisor) ; Chlíbec, Jan (referee)
This bachelor work aims to outline the work of a carver and his workshop co-workers who came in the Northwest Bohemia and their cooperation on altars with a painter called the Master of slavětín altar. Furthermore this bachelor work tries to find out and describe the influences under which works originated. The workshop with the cooperation with the painter, which operated mainly in northwest Bohemia about 30 of the 16th century, created many valuable works of art of the late Gothic period and the early Renaissance era in Bohemia. Given the vast array of sculptures attributed to the anonymous carver and his workshop, is the work also trying to revised the number of works attributed to him.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mirror of the Late Gothic wall paitings in Olomouc
Pavlíková, Vladěna ; Ottová, Michaela (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Nespěšná Hamsíková, Magdaléna (referee)
The thesis is focused on Marian devotion with great emphasis on Rosary. In regard on this matter papers presents Olomouc as an important catholic town of Central Europe. Result of this development are unique monuments, concretely rare mural paintings. Presented thesis includes five chapters that deals with political and social history of the town, just as global development of Marian devotion and Rosary in Europe, together with acceptance of these ideas and establishment of Rosary Confraternity in Olomouc. The most important aims of thesis are: to particularize knowledge of confraternities in town, of their activity and operations and to conduct a complex iconographic analyse of wall paintings with pinpoint of their donators. And last but not least to discuss the still unreflected inscriptions on the wall of the Chapel of St John the Baptist of St Wenceslas Cathedral in Olomouc.
Church of St George in Blansko near Kaplice: history and interior decoration
The authorwilldealwith the buildinghistory and architecturaldescription of the parishchurch of St. Jiří in Blansko u Kaplice. It processes the history of the buildingsinceits establishment in the middle of the 14th century, through the reconstruction in the firsthalf of the 16th century and the baroque period in the 1930s. Last but not least, the authorwillalsofocus on the artistic and historicalanalysis of churchfurniture, whichcomesfrom the 18th and partlyfrom the 19th century. For the bachelorwork, the authoruseshistorical knowledge of historical and art historyliterature and availablewrittensources. The aim of the thesis is to process the history and decoration of the building in the context of similarbuildings in South Bohemia.
Stonemason´s decoration of the Prague Old Town´s astronomical clock in the context of the Czech Late Gothic art and it´s iconographic analysis
The main goal of the thesis is a thorough description of the outer stone sculptural decoration of the Old Town Hall (taking into consideration the Hall's entrance portal and moulding of the window with Vladislav's initial), its iconographic analysis and creating the photo documentary. In addition the thesis documents the possible style paralels of this decoration in Czech and European art of the Late Gothic period in witch case it focuses on naturalistic element. This very study of possible style paralels becomes the foundation for the attepmt to narrowing down the radius of potantial authors of this creation and it helps to uncover its symbolic meaning.
Tree Chamber in the castle of Bechyně
The bachelor thesis deals with the space and decoration of the so-called Tree Chamber in the castle of Bechyně. The interest of Tereza Fialová is confined to the person of the builder Ladislav from Šternberk, who let the chamber present like an allusium of the natural environment. The unclear function of the uniquely conceived space is interpreted on the basis of comparison with the other areas of the settlements of the significant aristocratic families in the territory of southern Bohemia. Another part of the bachelor thesis is a material examination of the space, which results in the research of the preserved decoration, the analysis of the used material and the documentation of the stone stamps. Particular attention is given to the potential architect of the chamber, Wendel Roskopf, whose authorship is verified on the basis of an analysis of his life-work and artistic expression in connection with the decorative concept of the stone decoration. The bachelor thesis is closed by the definition of the theoretical sources of the naturalistic imitation of the natural motives in late Gothic sacral and profane architecture.
The Astwerk like late gothic natural decor in Bohemian lands with interatinal kontext.
Škrancová, Markéta ; Sojka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Jarošová, Markéta (referee)
The Astwerk like late gothic natural decor in Bohemian lands with international kontext Abstract The diploma thesis presents introduction to problems of naturalistic dekor and use of the motif cut branches / astwerk in Bohemian lands. The focus will be primarily using in the field of sculpture of stone. There will be explained starting area use of astwerk decor, way to the Bohemian lands and Moravia, followed by the development of a retreat in the context of the Renaissance. After a critical review of the literature the work will indicate a chapter on cultural-historical context. The situation in the Bohemian lands after the Hussite wars will be introduced, when in insecure religious circumstances was chosen King Vladislav Jagiello in Kutna Hora, and so begins a new period of prosperity of the country again. Mentioned also will be his representative program in response to Charles IV. Soon Vladislav Jagiello also became King of Hungary and change the new seat to Buda. The influence of the character of the change should be noted. Above it is meant unbroken artistic production and later inspiration the early Renaissance form. The subchapter is a courtly art especially during the reign of Vladislav Jagiello. In this part there are presented foremost works and their authors also including B. Ried. In this...
An annotated translation: Natural Forms, in: Ethan Matt Kavaler, Renaissance Gothic. Architecture and the Arts in Northern Europe 1470 - 1540. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012, pp. 199-229. (ISBN 978-0-300-16792-4)
Ramešová, Michaela ; Brotánková, Šárka (advisor) ; Kalivodová, Eva (referee)
(in English): The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to translate a part of the chapter Natural Forms from the book Renaissance Gothic. Architecture and the Arts in Northern Europe 1470 - 1540 written by Ethan Matt Kavaler, a Canadian professor of art history. In the commentary that follows the translation the author considers the specific factors that have influenced the genesis of the original. Then, she analyses its lexical and stylistic features and characterizes the text as an essay of considerable qualities. Drawing upon the analysis the author describes the translation problems and the translator's strategies employed to solve them. She attempts to identify the translation shifts and discusses the reasons of their occurrence. It is observed that the translation tends to be more explicit, uses more variable language solutions and some solutions of increased expressive intensity. This tendency is consistent with the effort to adapt the translation to the target language culture and to preserve the quality of the original.
The Late-Gothic architectural sculpture in Kutná Hora's Hrádek
Matějka, Milan ; Ottová, Michaela (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
The thesis is focused on architectural sculpture in Hrádek in Kutná Hora, a residence of Jan Smíšek z Vrchovišť, who was a rich and powerful private mine-owner and succesfull silver-ore provider. First chapter sums up current situation of research. The second chapter briefly introduces the owner of the building Jan Smíšek z Vrchovišť and tries to evaluate his porsonality as a donor. In fourth chapter follows an introduction to the history of the object. The fifth chapter is dedicated to the sculpture itself. It is focused on detailed description of the preserved works and tries to formal-analyse them. For the complicated units made of various sculptures it tries a culture-historical explanation. In the final chapter the works are divided by their quality or formal similarity. KEY WORDS Hrádek, Jan Smíšek z Vrchovišť, late-gothic, architectural sculpture, Briccius Gauske von Görlitz
Karlík, Jan ; Záruba, František (advisor) ; Kuthan, Jiří (referee)
This work deals with the late gothic castle Cornštejn. The castle is located in the southwest of Moravia. The aim of the work is to describe the construction development of the castle and to define it typologically in terms of castle architecture in this surroundings. This definition refers to the floor plan of the castle and to individual fortification and residential components.

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