National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Changes of official asylum policy of the Czech Republic between 1994 and 2015
Bašta, Martin ; Novotná, Markéta (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
Bachelor's thesis analyses the changes in approach of the Czech Republic towards refugees. This analysis focuses on refugee flows from former Yugoslavia and current refugee crisis. Thesis compares international protection granted by Czech Republic during both crisis as well as additional activities of CR in order to help refugees. Thesis's objective is to decide whether Czech policy has pursued its national interest at the expense of the promotion of human rights.
Motivation of France to launch Operation EUFOR Tchad/RCA from the perspective of neorealism
Pacáková, Kateřina ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Emler, David (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an answer to the question what were the driving forces behind French involvement in the EU military mission EUFOR Tchad/RCA. Chad and Central African Republic, where the mission took place, are both former French colonies. Despite the fall of French colonial empire, France managed to remain significantly influential actor towards these countries. One of the instruments France utilized to maintain its influence were among others the military missions. Whilst these missions were mostly of unilateral nature during the Cold War, in the aftermath, international system changed dramatically and the type of missions in which France was involved and official discourse justifying the involvement changed simultaneously. Since 2003, France is increasingly participating within the framework of Common Security and Defence Policy at the expense of its unilateral involvement. French officials dismissed any motivations akin to colonialist legacy of France, on the contrary, they emphasized humanitarian purpose of these missions and common European interest to participate. This paper seeks to examine the driving forces behind French shift to multilateral cooperation through the case study of military mission in Chad and Central African Republic. These driving forces are evaluated...
Icelandic fisheries as the national interest and its influence on the formation of the foreign policy
Tůmová, Kateřina ; Hořejšová, Tereza (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
Presented thesis analyzes the Icelandic fisheries as a national interest and its role in foreign policy. Importance of fisheries confirms the fact that in the first half of the twentieth century marine products accounted for over 90% of Iceland's exports and the Icelandic economy was fully dependent on one sector. Gradual diversification of the economy in the seventies, however, caused a decline in exports of fish products to one-third of total exports. The thesis assumes that the Icelandic fisheries have a significant impact on foreign policy, even though its economic importance is declining. The research is carried out on three historical events, such as the cod wars in the fifties and the seventies, mackerel dispute in 2010 and the withdrawal of Iceland's application to the EU in 2015. It would be expected that due to the economic ties and Icelandic membership in international organizations (NATO, EFTA) the Icelandic government would primarily seek peaceful solutions in international conflicts. However, it could be observed in the Icelandic case that due to the pressure of the domestic politics the government does not respond as it would be expected. According to the neoclassical realism the thesis should verify a hypothesis that in a case of security threat, the Icelandic government will give...
French Military Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa 2003 - 2012
Chlebounová, Tereza ; Tomalová, Eliška (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to answer how and why France intervenes in Sub-Saharan Africa in the new millennium. This region represented the pivotal part of French colonial empire and France maintained close mutual relationship even after decolonization, partly due to the numerous military interventions. Security and defence policy towards Sub-Saharan Africa underwent gradual changes since the 1990s', France started to participate in multilateral peace operations and outside its traditional sphere of influence. Since 2003, when the European Union launched the first operation on the African continent, the vast majority of French interventions took place within the Common Security and Defence Policy of the EU. There were twelve new operations in the examined period 2003-2012, from which four military missions were selected for the purpose of this research: Operation Artemis in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2003, EUFOR DR Congo ibidem in 2006, EUFOR Chad/CAR in Chad and Central African Republic from 2008 to 2009 and naval operation EU NAVFOR Atalanta launched by the coast of Somalia in 2008. The thesis compares these cases in order to analyse motives which lead France to intervene in Sub-Saharan Africa and to prefere multilateral type of operation. The motives are assessed in the context of the...
A Comparison of the European Steel and Coal Community and the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation: The beginning of European integration from a neo-realist perspective
Matera, Jan ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (referee)
The bachelor's thesis "A Comparison of the European Steel and Coal Community and the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation: The beginning of European integration from a neo-realist perspective", analyses in the beginnings of European integration after the Second World War. The main focus is on the European Steel and Coal Community and the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Post-war development of European integration had become precondition to its future development into its contemporary form. This bachelor's thesis use comparison method to explain, why has today's European Union has foundations in the European Steel and Coal Community and not in the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. This analysis answers the question on the basis of theory of neo-realism that is based on anarchic conception of international relations, importance of national interest and balance of power. Research itself consists of two parts. At first, it focuses on national interests of chosen countries in post-war Europe and on politics of afore mentioned organizations towards European integration. Afterwards, it concentrates on economical impact of both organizations and on economical interests of chosen states. The thesis concludes that European integration and success of the European...
De Gaulle's first veto on British membership of the European economic community as an instrument for promoting national interest
Mashehová, Sandra ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Perottino, Michel (referee)
This bachelor thesis is a case study which had as a goal to explore whether the veto of General Charles de Gaulle has as an objective to promote or ensure French national interest. Another aim of the paper was to answer whether de Gaulle's policy towards European Economic Community had in the first place geopolitical or economic character. Generally, de Gaulle's policy towards EEC and his decisions taken in European affairs are considered mainly in the geopolitical terms. This thesis set a goal to confirm or disprove this proposition throw analyzing debate between the supporters of liberalism and realism. Throw this analysis I have come to the conclusion that French national interest in de Gaulle's policy towards European Economic Community and reasons he vetoed British appeal to join the Community can't be seen only in geopolitical terms. As Moravcsik argues, economic roots and an effort to satisfy interest groups - French farmers - are evident in de Gaulle's policy. Economic reasons had at least same (or even higher) importance as geopolitical ones. Nevertheless, clear and definite answer to question whether the dominant theme in veto and national interest was Economy or Geopolitics still can't be given.
Czech Interests in Georgia: Analysis of methods of their promotion
Audyová, Petra ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
The diploma thesis analyzes the way of promoting the national interest of the Czech Republic in Georgia and describes possible changes as a result of the Czech EU Presidency. The national interest is examined based on the assumption that the state foreign policy is the expression of the national interest. Therefore, the primary sources for this analysis are official foreign policy documents of the Czech Republic. The aim is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that Czech foreign-policy towards Georgia in the period from 2007 to 2011 was driven by the aim to maximize own profit through EU structures. Given the size of the Czech Republic and its geopolitical importace, the analysis is based on the theory of neo-liberal institutionalism, and in accordance with this theory the national interest operationalized into four criteria, namely: 1) Compliance of EU and Czech interests, 2) Profiting from the EU presidency to promote the Czech interests, 3) Long-term consistency of interests, and 4) Economic interests as the main priority. The set of criteria helped to identify whether the Czech Republic behaved in accordance with the theory of neo-liberal institutionalism, and whether the Czech interests were promoted either through multilateral or bilateral relations. The analysis shows that in the studied...
Russia-OSCE relations: a Balance between National Interests and Security Commitments
Villegas Cara, Francisco Manuel ; Svoboda, Karel (advisor) ; Aslan, Emil (referee)
The dissertation deals with the state of the relations between the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Russian Federation. The main questions to be addressed are: "Has the Russian attitude towards the OSCE changed? How has Russia dealt with the OSCE in the last years? Do the OSCE security commitments play any role in the formation of the Russian foreign policy?" To answer these questions different approaches from international relations theories have been used, but especially, those that better reflect the importance of national constrains in foreign affairs. The formation of national interests is therefore, a key element to understand and assess the evolution of the Russian foreign policy and, subsequently, the evolution of the OSCE- Russia relations. A case of study is included to show better how Russian policies upon the OSCE have evolved from a positive engagement towards scepticism about the future of Russia within the Organisation. 1
Formation of the Czech national interest in global climate change
Mohelníková, Tereza ; Rolenc, Jan Martin (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change described the existing evidence of global warming as unequivocal. However, global climate change is far from being a solely scientific issue. Many political debates currently focus on the topic, notably in the Czech political scene. This bachelor thesis briefly summarizes the development of the Czech environmental policy, including a chapter on climate scepticism and general public opinion on climate change in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the thesis is to assess Czech national interest in global climate change, using criteria of legitimate national interest. To this end, election programmes and other issues are analysed, such as the passing of the climate-energy scheme and the breaking of limits on brown coal mining.
The role of the diplomacy by asserting of the national interest: Tibet (case study)
Pospíšilová, Linda ; Lehmannová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kochan, Jan (referee)
The term "National interest" is used very often and in different contexts. Frequently is connected with the sentence:" The aim of our policy is to protect national interests." What actually is national interest? Who decides about it? By which means are national interests asserted? In the first chapter of this thesis are defined following terms: the nation, the state, the ethnic group, the national identity and character. The second chapter is focused on national interest and its different interpretation by basic theoretic approaches of the International relations. The third part works with the term "Diplomacy", particularly with public and cultural diplomacy, which is one of the tools of asserting national interest. In the last chapter are all the findings about the national interest and diplomacy applied on the particular example, Tibet, which is nowadays one of the focuses of tension in the world. To contextualize the issue, I also introduced briefly the history of Tibet, Tibet-China relations, the great powers 'view and the Dalai Lama, who is both the highest spiritual and also mundane leader in Tibet, great diplomat, upholder of the Tibetan's national interest and the human rights in generally.

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