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The influence of Tai Chi exercise on postural stability and its use as a prevention of falls in seniors
Šíslová, Kamila ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Pavlů, Dagmar (referee)
Title: The influence of Tai Chi exercise on postural stability and its use as a prevention of falls in seniors Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to verify by dynamic computer posturograph Smart EquiTest System from NeuroCom®, whether the Tai Chi exercise has a positive effect on postural stability and prevention of falls in seniors. The secondary objective of the thesis is to evaluate the quality of life of seniors, practicing regularly Tai Chi, using the standardized WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire and to assess whether this exercise has a positive impact on the quality of life. Methods: Nine probands mean age 62,53 (± 7,05) years participated in this study. They practiced Tai Chi under the guidance of a professional instructor for 10 months regularly 60 minutes twice a week and they were also instructed to do it alone at home. The dynamic postural stability measurement was performed in the Kinesiology Laboratory of the UK FTVS on the Smart EquiTest System. Limits of Stability, Motor Control Test and Sensory Organization Test were chosen for this study. The measured data were then processed by the Neurocom Balance Manager Software. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was chosen to measure quality of life. The following statistical methods were used to analyze the data obtained by Neurocom:...
Smartphone-based fall detection
Strejček, Jakub ; Smital, Lukáš (referee) ; Němcová, Andrea (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with basic processing of data from accelerometer in smartphone, which is used for fall detection of people. By right detection we could prevent many serious injuries caused by delayed help to people, who were unable to call for help. This paper focuses on the mechanisms of falls and their characteristics and also on hardware used for fall detection. Furthermore, already created Android applications from Google Play and their functionality are studied. In addition to that there were collected data about people falls and an algorithm for detection of fall was created in Matlab. Android smartphone application was developed and tested in this work.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of physiotherapy practice in prevention of falls - literature review
Vychodilová, Markéta ; Pavlů, Dagmar (advisor) ; Reckziegelová, Petra (referee)
Autor Bc. Markéta Vychodilová Title Evaluation of the effectiveness of physiotherapy practice in prevention of falls -literature review Objectives The aim of this thesis is to find out which physiotherapeutic methods and techniques are currently used to prevent falls in seniors and which of these methods appear to be most effective in preventing falls. Furthermore, the work is focused on summarizing current knowledge of this issue. Methods The thesis is processed in the form of literature review and has an analytical-descriptive character. The studies used meet the predetermined criteria. The thesis is divided into several parts. In the first part, which is called theoretical basis, are described mainly physiotherapeutic methods and techniques, which are currently used to ensure the prevention of falls in seniors. The second part, part of the results, summarizes these physiotherapeutic techniques and methods and evaluates their effect. The thesis is concluded with a discussion, which is focused mainly on two basic research questions of the thesis. Results A total of 13 randomized controlled trials and 3 systematic searches and meta-analyzes that met the criteria for inclusion in this thesis were described. Studies, research and meta-analysis show that the following physiotherapeutic techniques and...
The influence of pregnancy on static and dynamic postural stability
Palanová, Alžběta ; Stupková, Michaela (advisor) ; Malá, Jitka (referee)
Title: Influence of pregnancy on static and dynamic postural stability Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of pregnancy on the static and dynamic postural stability using the dynamic computerized posturography. Another objective of this thesis is to determine which one of sensory inputs (visual, somatosensory, vestibular) plays the most important role in the control of postural stability during pregnancy with the help of various posturographic tests. Based on literature search to characterize changes in the organism of pregnant woman, which are responsible for postural instability in gravidity. Methods: One healthy pregnant woman was enrolled in this longitudinal study. She was evaluated in terms of static and dynamic postural stability using the dynamic computerized posturograph NeuroCom®. Posturographic tests were performed once every two or three weeks in the period from the 16th week of pregnancy until the 37th week of pregnancy and consisted of a battery of diagnostic tests of the module Smart EquiTest System. The data were processed in the program NeuroCom Data Analyzer. Results: The results demonstrate that there is an increased reliance on sensory inputs to maintain balance during pregnancy. Limitation of visual and proprioceptive components of stability...
God's Image in Gregory of Nyssa
Marunová, Magdalena ; Karfík, Filip (advisor) ; Bartoň, Josef (referee) ; Dus, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to introduce Gregory of Nyssa's doctrine of man as the image of God, based especially on his work Περ κατασκευ ς νθρώπουὶ ῆ ἀ (De hominis opificio). In his work Gregory created quite a systematic anthropological treatise based on Stoic sources, Biblical interpretations inspired by Philo of Alexandria and Origen, as well as on ancient medicine. In contrast to the ancient philosophical school views concerning human being, Gregory refuses the parallel of man as a small world and says that the dignity of man consists not in being similar to the created world, but to the Creator. There are many attributes that constitute human similarity to God, but especially due to the incomprehensibility man is the image of God. The incomprehensibility consists in human mind (νο ςῦ ) in which the human likeness to God can most apparently be recognized. It cannot be placed anywhere in the body and the connection between mind and body is, according to Gregory, unspeakable: the mind does not reside in any particular part of the body, but yet it acts in and is influenced by the whole body. The image of God is the whole mankind, from the first up to the last created human being. When the planned number of souls is completed, the time and everything that happens in time will come to an end. In the...
Prosthetic Rehabilititation Program after Transfemoral Amputation
Maleš, Jan ; Strnad, Pavel (advisor) ; Půlpán, Rudolf (referee)
Title: Prosthetic rehabilitation program after transfemoral amputation Objectives: The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the prosthetic rehabilitation after transfemoral amputation with a focus on all methods, procedures and operations to ensure the successful application of orthopedic prostheses client, and her full recovery. Methods: For creation of thesis was used qualitative research method of data collection and analysis of secondary data from scientific articles, magazines and publications. The method used for data verification was informal chat with expert. Results: Prosthetic rehabilitation positively affects the lives of patients with transfemoral amputations and improve his life and lifestyle. Keywords: amputation, rehabilitation, ethics, orthopedic prostheses, exercises in bed, school drop, school walk.
Possibility of influence on the stability of seniors at the risk of falling
Nesvadbová, Barbora ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Radvanský, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis pursues the problematic of falls among seniors and possibilities of influencing the falls by affecting the seniors' stability and balance. It present basic information about causes and consequence of falls among seniors and discusses possibilities of prevention of falls through a physiotherapy and movement. Further, it shows summary and any results of studies that aimed to influence the stability and prevention of the falls among seniors through various forms of physiotherapy. Most of these studies present the significance of balance and coordination exercises combined with resistance and endurance lokomotor training. The most frequent results of physiotherapy containing these elements are the improvement of the balance functions, the increase of muscle strength, the reduction of falls and the decrease of anxiety of falling. This bachelor thesis also includes a practical part containing casuistics of two patients at the risk of falling. After eight-week therapy of balance and fitness character, there was an improvement of several parameters of functional balance tests in both cases. There was also a questionnaire inquiry focused on the frequency of falls among seniors. There is a positive effect on the reduction of falls among seniors figuring from the results.
Schelling's idea of the Absolute and Fall in his Philosophie und Religion
Vilímek, Jan ; Karásek, Jindřich (advisor) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
The work deals with concepts of the Absolute and the Fall in Schelling's writing "Philosophy and Religion", written in 1804. The idea of the absolute, as we can find it in author's previous text "Bruno, or On the Nature and the Divine Principle of Things" (1802) is briefly characterised in the first chapter. In this phase of thought Schelling deals with the problematics of emanation of finite things from the absolute. It turns out, that the identity philosophy does not provide adequate means to master it. The possible way-out can be seen in his decision to enrich the existing concept of the identity philosophy by the freedom phenomenon. Kant's conception of radical evil in human nature is analysed in great detail in the second chapter. After development of the idea of absolute and fall it is obvious, that Schelling got inspired here mainly by the conception of intelligible act as founding atemporal act of freedom. The intelligible act is grasped not only as self-determination of finite human will, but as a condition of existence of an un-absolute, empirically realistically differentiated world of finite ratios and structures. We can see the transfer of concepts, which originally served to description of moral principles of human action to the ontology domain. The third chapter deals with the structure of...
Algorithm of imaging methods of injuries of the neck of the femur in the case of seniors
The bachelor thesis deals with the incidence of femoral neck injury in the elderly. The work is divided into a theoretical and practical part. As the number of people of retirement age is growing, the rate of injuries associated with this age group has been increasing as well. It is necessary to accept the idea that age is a stage of human life, which every individual must eventually face. A femoral neck fracture is one of the causes of mortality and morbidity in the elderly. The incidence of this injury has been increasing both in developed countries and in the Czech Republic. A femoral neck fracture represents a threat for mobility and independence of seniors. Some people are then permanently dependent on mobility aids, while others remain in institutional care. The most common cause of femoral neck fractures in the elderly is a fall on their side, which is caused by a complex interaction of external and internal factors. The first imaging method used during a medical examination is sciagraphy, which is one of the oldest methods. It allows physicians to assess the preoperative condition of the hip joint and postoperative check-ups during the treatment by alloplasty or perioperative condition with the use of osteosynthesis. It is beneficial for the above-mentioned group of people to carefully assess the bone metabolism. A healthy bone is constantly reconstructed, it continuously breaks down and a new bone replaces it. With age, the degradation of bone prevails over bone formation and the bone begins to "thin". This disease is called osteoporosis. It is a disease that pertains to the civilisation diseases. It is often only diagnosed at an advanced stage, when it is already increasingly susceptible to fracture incidence. The factors of osteoporosis include an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes in women after menopause, when there is a decrease in the level of calcium, a major weight loss etc. A painless, non-invasive method, by means of which a doctor can obtain comprehensive information about the amount of bone mineral in the examined part of the bone, is a densitometry test, or DXA. This test uses x-rays at two energy levels. The DXA method can be measured as a whole-body mineral content as well as any other part of the body. Other causes, which increase the risk of a femoral neck racture, are bone metastases. The proximal portion of the femur, including the femur neck, metastatically affects especially primary lung cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid, breasts in women and prostate in men. At an early stage, bone metastases are asymptomatic. Clinical symptoms such as pain can occur, when the metastatic process penetrates the periosteum and surroundings of the bone, thereby irritating the neural structures. Another symptom is the emergence of pathological fractures. Bone metastases are helping us uncover laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging methods, which include, for example, scintigraphy. Bone scintigraphy can detect a metastatic process much earlier than X-ray examination. The aim of the work was to describe the principles of individual imaging methods, which help doctors to determine the correct diagnosis, to learn more about the femoral neck injury in the elderly and about causes of their ocurence. Moreover, the two hypotheses were established: 1. The most frequently used method in case of a femoral neck injury is skiagraphic examination. 2. That is why more than a half of femoral neck injuries are diagnosed in the elderly. The practical part was elaborated on the basis of a quantitative research. The data needed for the research were obtained from case studies of patients hospitalized in the orthopedic department of the Hospital Tábor a.s., in the period from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015.
Specifics of nursing care for patients at risk for fall
Patients´ falls not only in home environment but just when they are hospitalized are not pleasant for the hospital medical team, and are much more uncomfortable for the patients themselves. Falls are unintended situations into which the patient gets unintentionally and involuntarily, resulting in a reduced quality of life. In summary, complications arising from falls have an adverse bio-psycho-social impact. As the patients´ falls are considered undesirable events and their frequency is being monitored by many health care facilities, falls belong to indicators of the nursing care quality. Informed health professionals, providing active nursing care, take targeted preventive measures aiming to prevent patients´ falls. The aim of this thesis is to determine the specifics of nursing care for patients at risk for fall and to find out the patients´ at risk of fall views on implemented prevention measures, since the feedback from patients is an important factor for evaluation of this care. This research work is composed by using qualitative research methods. Two research groups were involved in the survey. The first research group consisted of eight nurses working in a standard hospital ward, and a second group consisted of seven patients hospitalized in these wards. The resulting data were processed into summary and categorized tables. The outcomes of the research have confirmed that the patients at risk for fall need a specific nursing care and this care is received positively by those patients. The results of this thesis will be provided to the management of České Budějovice hospital, where the research investigation was carried out, and this can help improve the quality of care provided to hospitalized patients who are at risk for fall.

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