National Repository of Grey Literature 46 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Concept of Childhood in Fyodor Sologub's prose
Tyulkina, Maria ; Hříbková, Radka (advisor) ; Hlaváček, Antonín (referee)
ТITLE The Concept of Childhood in Fyodor Sologub's prose ABSTRACT: This Master thesis deals with the topic of childhood in prose works of the Russian writer, novelist and teacher Fyodor Sologub. The research presents his biography, traces the development of his personality, as well as his perception of the world and interests. It focuses on the events, which determined the extent and significance of the chosen topic for Sologub. There are also revealed lesser known facts of his childhood that influenced his choice of the topics and its embodiment in his literary works. The writer's biography is complemented by the views of critics and contemporaries who studied his works and shaped public opinion. The main topics of the analysis are: dualistic vision of the world, children's death, faith in God, children's patriotism. The ideal world of children is presented in the novel The Created Legend. The thesis also reveals the popularity of the topic of childhood in other 19th and 20th century writers' oeuvre in comparative analysis with Sologub's work. It also depicts the importance of two literary movements - symbolism and decadence, their representative Sologub was. The questions raised by Sologub remain relevant to the present day. KEY WORDS: Russian literature, F. Sologub, Symbolism, Decadence, Childhood
The motif of death in art in the years 1890-1918
Heřmánková, Klára ; Pech, Milan (advisor) ; Bendová, Eva (referee)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis will be to deal with the motive of death in the visual arts at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and during the First World War. It is a time of many social changes, when the number of suicides increased despite the increasing life expectancy. The work introduces and analyzes various motives related to death and dying and their changes over the course of almost thirty years. It will follow the content shift of these motives, such as the frequency of their occurrence, their connection with the development of society etc. In the context of the First World War, the bachelor's thesis will also include selected works created after 1918 related to the events in that times. Last but not least, the work introduces the topic from a sociological point of view, and therefore touches on statistical data on mortality and common causes of death in the years 1890 to 1918, etc.
The Concepts of Decadence and Health in Nietzsche's Late Philosophy
Vodička, Marek ; Novák, Aleš (advisor) ; Chavalka, Jakub (referee)
The Concepts of Decadence and Health in Nietzsche's Late Philosophy The thesis deals with the concepts of decadence and health, which feature prominently in Nietzsche's late thinking. The core sources of the thesis are Nietzsche's works from 1888, namely The Case of Wagner, Twilight of the Idols, The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo and Nietzsche contra Wagner, although earlier works are occasionally cited as well. The thesis aims to explore what the motives decadence and health mean in the context of late Nietzsche's thinking, what role they play in his grand philosophical project of the revaluation of all values, and how they interplay with each other. A consistent motive is applied throughout the thesis, that of decadence and health being opposites in terms of "amount" or "direction" of will to power manifesting itself through them - decadence, or bodily decay, is taken to represent a descending line of life characterized by a lack of will to power, and suffering from "a lack of life", while health is taken to represent an ascending line of life which is characterized as overflowing with life and suffering from it as well. The concepts of decadence and health are thus interpreted as physiological manifestations of these two directions, or, roughly said, "vectors" of will to power. The first chapter of the thesis...
Representation of contemporary times and changes of the literary speech at turn of the 19th and the 20th century in magazines Obzory and Moderní život.
The Bachelor thesis focus on analysis of two cultural magazines Moderní život and Obzory from the turn of the century. The focus is on the change of opinions on the significance of art and the literary value within the perception of contemporary artistic movements and styles. Our thesis is marginally devoted to artistic context of the beginning of the 20. century and the description of selected authors. The main aim of thesis is the describtion of both periodicals, their general characteristics, description of columns and their orientation on art, analysis of selected articles and finally a summary of our findings and comparison.
Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914)
Hylmar, Radek ; Heczková, Libuše (advisor) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee) ; Merhautová, Lucie (referee)
Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914) Abstract The thesis focuses on Czech pre-WWI anarchism. It analyses it as a modernist movement comprising various activities spanning political propaganda, proposals of social organisation and thinking about moral values as well views on the arts and literary production. The aim is to present literary texts written by anarchists against a backdrop of other types of expression. At the same time, the thesis assesses anarchism in the historical context of other political, social, artistic and philosophical movements. We study the interweaving of ideological and aesthetic schemes of Czech anarchism, especially with socialism and feminism, but also concerning decadence, Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy and writings of the German Friedrichshagen poets' and anarchists' circle. The thesis focuses on how anarchism understands human beings and their relationship to the world and society. Given the anarchists' focus on the free individual, we present strategies of emancipation from traditional conventions and institutions such as marriage, family and the state. We also concentrate on reforms concerning morals and similarities with the feminist turn to one's own bodily and psychical experiences as starting points for setting...
Arthur Breisky and Oscar Wilde: Criticism, Mask, Mystification
Bláhová, Šárka ; Doležalová, Lucie (advisor) ; Alt, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis is devoted to the following two representatives of literal decadence, Oscar Wilde, British dramatist, prose writer, poet and essayist, and Arthur Breisky, Czech prose writer, literary critic and translator. The thesis opens with providing a basic insight into the life and work of both authors. They were both influenced by decadence, which was not only an artistic trend, but also a specific spirit of the time that was reflected in the psychological and social roots and opinions of both authors. The thesis works with the basic assumption that the Czech decadent Breisky was significantly influenced by Wilde in his opinions and activities. The thesis sets up three areas to explore that mingle and influence each other: criticism, masque and mystification. The main similarities between Wilde and Breisky are analyzed in the thesis. Based on the comparison of individual motives, it is possible to trace how Breisky builds on Wilde's ideas and what, on the other hand, he invents newly or differently. Apart from the comparison of both authors, the thesis also provides a comprehensive overview of Breisky's opinions on literature and art at the theoretical level. Key words: Arthur Breisky, Oscar Wilde, decadence, critique, art, masque, mystification, dandysm
The myth of Orpheus in the poetry of the 19th and 20th century
Jupová, Andrea ; Jamek, Václav (advisor) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (referee)
This bachelor thesis The myth of Orpheus in the french poetry of 19th and 20th century deals with the mythological references left in the work of significant authors of the modern French poetry. In the first part of the thesis, the Pre-literary and literary versions of the ancient myth of Orpheus are mentioned. We are focusing on the writings of Ovid and Virgil which are analysed. In the following chapters of the second part, constituent motifs are looked up in works of chosen authors from the period of romanticism to the forties of 20th century in connection with particular literary context. The specifical usage of the myth and his changes are observed and described. In the third part; all authors' adaptations are compared also with indication the importance of ancient mythology in the modern literature.
Huysmans's À rebours as A Parody of The « Experimental Novel » ?
Krausová, Eliška ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (advisor) ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis Huysman's Naruby, as a parody of Experimentalního románu, is an attempt to consult Huyman's novel Naruby not only as a source of decadent symbols but also as a critical and parodying work with which its author tries completing his separation from "the father of Naturalism", Emil Zola. Particularly from Zola's notion of naturalism described in a literary critical work Experimentální román. At first the work is concerned with Experimentální román and tries to delimit the basic principles of naturalism which are defined there. Moreover, there is also a short introduction of Joris Karl Huysmans, especially from a creative development point of view, as well as an outline of the relationship between him and Emile Zola. The next chapter is dealing with an analysis of the novel Naruby itself and with searching for potential parodying aspects, namely from the perspective of smaller units, such as a conception of the space and time or perception of reality. In the end, the work points to mutual contradiction in terms by both authors, especially Zola's tendency to decadent aesthetics in the late works.
Death as an artifact: aesthetisation of death in works of Georges Rodenbach and Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic
Zvoníčková, Michaela ; Vojvodík, Josef (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Josef (referee)
The aim of the submitted thesis is a comparison of symbolism of a double in Georges Rodenbach's Bruges-la-Morte and Romány tří mágů of Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic. We will focus maily on death as a key motif of literature at the fin de siècle and a motif that is, in works we are examining, closely linked with the existence of a double. We will inspect motif of a double in the context of psychological states of mind. The choice of compared texts was motivated by the process of self disintegration. The process of self disintegration is closely connected with the process of depersonalisation which appears when a subject makes contact with a soulful space or a object. Cities (Bruges, Venice, Prague) which are the scene of this self disintegration take a special place in the literature of symbolism as a urban space of art and death at once. Despite mutual relation of life and art, the strange tension, and the phenomenon of annihilation, is still present within this relation.

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