National Repository of Grey Literature 63 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Struggle for National Identity in 80's the 19" Century
Kutová, Karolina ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Řepa, Milan (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse social and economic situation in Bohemia considering nationalism as a basic political idea of both Czech liberal political parties, and so to map a change in the leading positions in Czech liberal politics. This analysis also enables to appraise the goals of Young Czechs and Old Czechs who were the only representatives of Czech nation with regard to efforts of German liberal politics in Bohemia.
The Media Image of the Centre Against Expulsions in Polish and Czech Daily Newspapers in the Years 2003 and 2004
Denková, Adéla ; Šafařík, Petr (advisor) ; Handl, Vladimír (referee)
Bachelor thesis "The Media Image of the Centre Against Expulsions in Polish and Czech Daily Newspapers in the Years 2003 and 2004" deals with a comparison of four Polish and Czech daily newspapers and their approach to the subject of the Centre Against Expulsion which is an institution initiated by the German Federation of Expellees. In the first part the thesis treats the circumstances leading to the creation of a foundation which is supposed to promote the idea of the Centre and describes the debate that was started about this issue. The merits of the thesis are based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the dailies Rzeczpospolita, Gazeta Wyborcza, Právo and Mladá fronta DNES. By this analysis the thesis monitors how much space the newspapers devoted to the topic, to which opinions they gave a chance to be heard and what was their attitude to the question. It also deals with the chosen lexis and other categories that can show the approach to the issue. On this basis the thesis compares the Polish and Czech newspapers. As the thesis presumes that media production is interacted with the society's concern about a certain topic, the authoress of this paper tries to relate the results of her research to the attitude of Polish and Czech society to the Centre Against Expulsions. She attempts to...
Situation of German population in Teplice-Šanov Regarding the Transfer of Germans from the Czechoslovak Republic.
Maříková, Jana ; Míšková, Alena (advisor) ; Nováková, Tamara (referee)
This thesis uses archive materials to map the post-war situation of German population in a Czechoslovak district of Teplice-Šanov. Before the war, the German population made for more than 70% of the total population of this borderline area. In 1947 it was only about 7%. In the first months after the end of the war, 27,000 - 34,000 of German nationals were banished from the area. In the following transfers 29,487 were forced out between February and August of 1946. More Germans continued to leave the country after the regular transfers in additional transports up until 1950. Only some specific groups of German speaking inhabitants were permitted to stay in Czechoslovakia - antifascists, Austrians, German experts, people living in mixed marriages, some of the German clergy, and those who were pardoned. In Teplice-Šanov it was a considerably large group of specialists (especially in the field of mining) who remained. The issue of repopulating the regions affected by the expulsion of Germans is also addressed. Settlers from inland, other borderline areas, Slovakia and from abroad came to the Teplice-Šanov district. The total number of newcomers in May 1947 was 47,402. This thesis uses an actual example of one district to illustrate the complexity of post-war situation. The analysis of the stance of...
Czechization of Ceske Budejovice
Andršová, Justýna ; Županič, Jan (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on select aspects of the process of Czechization of České Budějovice between the mid-19th century until the early 20th century. The aspects in question are mainly the following: economic development, evolution of the population structure, and political competition on a municipal level. In regard to the evolution of the population structure, this thesis primarily focuses on the ambivalence of national identity. As concerns the economic shift, the focal point is the contemporary development of business life in the city and the competition between the Czech and German parties involved. When it comes to political competition, it follows the inner workings of municipal administration and elections, which played a major part the particular way that the national emancipation of the Czech population of České Budějovice developed, not only on a political level. KEYWORDS České Budějovice, Czechization, Czech-German relations, municipal self-government, population structure
Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938
Burian, Michal ; Waic, Marek (advisor) ; Beneš, Zdeněk (referee) ; Štumbauer, Jan (referee)
TITLE: Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938 ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with activities of Sudeten-German sports associations which had an negative approach towards the state. Their activities regularly provoked reactions from the state authorities and so it is possible to track down a whole genesis of mutual relations between the Czech state and individual associations in the archives. Among the most important sports associations was DTV Union. This union played an important part in the history of interwar Czechoslovakia, not only in the field of sport but also in the political sphere. Many top leaders of Sudeten-German political representation came from its ranks. Among the most famous Konrad Henlein, Karl Hermann Frank, Walter Brand and many others. Apart from DTV Union this dissertation also describes the most militant Sudeten-German sports association Volksport, which in that time became a synonym for the threat of rising Nacizm. The activities of Sudeten-German negative oriented sports associations had a significant influence on the course of events in Czechoslovak state in the second half of the 1930's and their anti-Czech attitudes culminated during the year 1938 and especially during the period of Munich Agreement. AIMS: The aim of the...
National School Struggle in Bohemia: German and Czech National Defense Work in Schooling Against the Background of the Democratization Processes in Cisleithania (1880-1918).
Zvánovec, Mikuláš ; Konrád, Ota (advisor) ; Gleixner, Johannes (referee) ; Osterkamp, Jana (referee)
Liberale politische Veränderungen in der Habsburgermonarchie zu Ende der 1860er und Anfang der 1870er Jahre, gegeben durch die Dezember-Verfassung von 1867 und die folgende Schulgesetze schufen den notwendigen rechtlichen Rahmen für die Gründung deutscher und tschechischer Schulvereine, die durch den Bau der sogenannten "Minderheitenschulen" jeweils eine einsprachige nationale Schulbildung in Böhmen durchsetzten. Bald wurden lokale Organisationen von den zentralen Schulvereinen abgelöst, nämlich dem Deutschen Schulverein und der Ústřední Matice Školská in Prag. Beide Organisationen wurden 1880 gegründet, um Schulen in sprachlich und damit national umkämpften Regionen entlang der sogenannten "Sprachgrenze" zu errichten. Diese Studie behandelt die Dynamik des nationalen Wettbewerbs um die Schulbildung vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und vergleicht die Aktivitäten dieser beiden Vereine vor dem Hintergrund der politischen Demokratisierung, Massenmobilisierung und sozialen Frage der Fin de Siècle-Zeit. Die vergleichende Analyse von Proklamationen, Aktivitäten und politischen Kontakten der konkurrierenden nationalen Schulvereine zielt darauf ab, Thesen über die Position und Bedeutung dieser Organisationen zu revidieren und ihre sehr enge Abhängigkeit von sozialen und politischen Prozessen der...
Language isolate of Jihlava before 1939
Karafiát, Jakub ; Beneš, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Šmíd, Marek (referee)
The aim of this MA dissertation is to focus on the language isolate of Jihlava mostly in the 20th century. In particular, on the events regarding the situation during the First Republic, when the tension between the Czech and German speaking citizens started to increase. The first part will be dedicated to a territorial and administrative division in order to establish grounds upon which the discussed events will be clarified and described in terms of ethnic and territorial situation. To resume the topic of my BA thesis and to accentuate the facts and results with regard to geographical demarcation, I would like to focus on the presidial writings from which I have already drawn in said thesis. I will attempt to reconstruct all the sources, except for the letters taken from archives which I have already used in my BA thesis. Emphasis will be put on the policy situation and then reports of the security authorities which were monitoring the difficult situation in the language isolate of Jihlava and which were reporting all the relevant information.
The role of Karel Schwarzenberg in the Czech-German relations
Duháčková, Klára ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Kučera, Rudolf (referee)
This bachelor thesis sums up the role of Czech politician Karel Schwarzenberg during the forming of the Czechoslovak politics as well as his impact on shaping the Czech and the global European policy. The first part of the thesis introduces the personality of Karel Schwarzenberg followed by a brief introduction of the house of Schwarzenberg and the influence the Czech aristocracy had on the land during the 1930s. The second part of the thesis is focused on the Schwarzenberg's exile in Vienna, primarily on his role as a chairman in the International Helsinki Federation and the beginning of his cooperation with Václav Havel. The following part depicts his return to Prague, which was associated with the serving as the chancellor of the presidential office and the ongoing negotiations regarding the Czechoslovak- German Treaty on Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation. In 1992 Schwarzenberg left Prague Castle and primarily devoted to his foundational, cultural and publishing activities. The main emphasis is put on his role of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, whom he was between the years 2007 and 2009 and then again during the years 2010 and 2013. The thesis demonstrates the Czech-German mutual relationship within the purview of Karel Schwarzenberg.

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