National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Active Seniors look at the problem of death
This Thesis deals with views of active seniors on the issue of death. The Thesis looks into problems of old age, which is a natural part of human life. In this context, the Thesis also concerns the third age and the active old age. In the Thesis, there are characterized some leisure activities for seniors to fulfil their free time in meaningful ways. Plenty of free time is a typical characteristic of a person who has left the labour market and become a pensioner. The Thesis also describes the phenomenon of death and dying. For some people nowadays, this issue is often a very uncomfortable topic. They would like to eliminate death from the whole human society because death is connected with terrible pain and suffering. In this part of the Thesis, there are introduced two real human stories. Two members of my own family who have their own experience associated with death tell us their stories to express their views on the issues of death and dying.
The Attitudes of Older Adults Towards Living in Retirement in Relation to the Area of Residence
Macas, Karel ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor) ; Záškodná, Helena (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of plans, attitudes and opinions related to the retirement life of people in pre-retirement age. The role of preparing for life in retirement age is of increasing importance in locations with high proportion of people in pre-retirement age. These locations must be given the appropriate attention to minimize potential problem situations. In order to analyze the situation in a locality with a high proportion of older people, a quantitative survey was carried out at the Pokratice district of Litomerice. On the basis of the outputs of the survey, requirements and possible necessary changes in areas of development, transport services, accessibility of free time activities, health and social services are analyzed. In addition to the investigation itself, the work is based on other investigations carried out and other book and magazine sources, examples of good practice and strategical documents. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the current situation and propose necessary changes, which need to be implemented in order to minimize the problematic situations in connection with the retirement of a significant part of the inhabitants of the housing estates. Keywords Preparation for old age, regional planning, residence, active aging, quality of life in old age,...
The leisure of seniors in České Budějovice
TYLOVÁ, Blanka
The thesis deals in the first part with the general theory of leisure time and old age. The second part deals to reflection quality of life and leisure seniors in the Czech Republic and the third part contains a research probe into the life of seniors in the České Budějovice. Goal of this thesis is evaluation level of leisure activities for seniors in the analysis area.
Active lifestyle of seniors
Rajnová, Michaela ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Hráský, Pavel (referee)
Title: Active lifestyle of seniors Objectives: The aim of this work is based on the literary analysis determining the design guidelines exercise program for seniors and the establishment of a unit that will include a set of exercises in a selected fit parks and can serve as a tool for instructors or seniors Method: Work will be theoretical, the primary method of data collection will be a literature research. Data collection will be available from the Czech and foreign literature and internet sources Results: Ideal activities appears to be activity of aerobic character on which seniors are adapted to them. Among the most widespread belong walking, now also extended Nordic Walking. Furthe there are outdoor exercises in the nature and on special courses - the fit parks, which are ideal places for outdoor recreation. An important role is the economic aspect - exercise should be cheap in order to be viable every day Keywords: seniors, the old age, physical activity, active lifestyle, active old age, leisure activities, nutrition at the old age, fit park
Participation of Retirement Home Residents
Vitoušová, Jindřiška ; Jíra, Otakar (advisor) ; Moree, Dana (referee)
Retirement homes provide a versatile facilities and services to their clients not only to secure the basic needs of seniors but also to offer an opportunity to satisfy their secondary needs for instance by participating on social events. Such involvement of seniors is beneficial for themselves and also for the whole society too. Theoretical part of my dissertation is focused on definition of the term participation, afterwards this term is put in relation to lives of seniors and their functioning in retirement homes. Next it also deals with recognizing the level of participation in an institution and what factors affect this level. Attention is directed on clients themselves during this process, how do they perceive participation, what barriers they see and on the other hand what opportunities motivate them to participate in social events. The main part of my work is dedicated to empirical research in the organization "Domov pro seniory Slunečnice" (Retirement Home Sunflower) where above mentioned topics are analy zed.
The social context of demographic change and the consequences for social policy of the state with a focus on active aging and with regard to employment support
Kolínková, Michaela ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Druláková, Lenka (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the social context of demographic changes and the consequences for social policy of the state with a focus on active aging and with respect to support of employment. In the first part of the thesis are described the basic terms and theoretical backgrounds. Emphasis is put on the social context of demographic changes and issue of active aging. Described are an international genesis and important international documents and initiatives to support active aging. In the second part of the thesis are analyzed the speed of aging, employment in old age and health of the elderly. In the research was ascertained how are applied the methods of Age Management in the banking sector of the Czech Republic. In the conclusion all gained data are evaluated.
Active senior lifestyle
Dušková, Iveta ; Bunc, Václav (advisor) ; Horčic, Josef (referee)
Subject: Active senior lifestyle Author's name: Bc. Iveta Dušková Supervizor: profesor Ing. Václav Bunc CSc. Objective: To verify whether biological age of tested seniors is in line with their calendar age. The differnce towards calendar age will be evaluated via ECM/BCM ration based on body content analysis. I will investigate the influence of physical activity on slower ageing physiology and the effect of physical activity on status of net muscle mass and on frequency of civilazation diseases. The goal is to figure out if active lifestyle is available also for seniors. Methods: The core of the work is qualitative and quantitative survey mapping antropometric parameters by bioimpedancy method. The functional values were collected by motorical step est and by handgrip. Further the subjective quality life judgment interview with yes/no options was used for the target senior group. Results: The relationship was found for the bioimpedancy results and the the volume of physical weekly activity (in hours) and level of BMI and pecentage of body fat. Further the realtionship was found for physical activity volume and for the dynamometric and motorical test results. Thjere is a difference between men and women. There was no relationship found for ECM/BCM coefficient and physical activity volume. The type...
Social and virtual life of seniors
Petrenko, Roman ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Kuchař, Pavel (referee)
1 Abstract This bachelor thesis deals with the problems of old age and aging, both as an individual stage in the life of every human being and from a social perspective. The issue of old age is important in the context of a modern society dependent on communication and information technologies - computers and the internet. Therefore, this thesis is devoted to seniors in regard to their internet usage and computer literacy. The introductory section presents an initial discussion of the issue of aging, the active life of seniors and the internet, one of the main expressions of modern technology, which acts as a structuring factor for the position of the individual in society, based on access to this technology and the utilization rate. The empirical section then describes the specific steps of carrying out quantitative research that the author of this thesis carried out in the spring of 2011 on a sample of 252 seniors. The text also introduces the research question, the hypothesis, the research methodology, the creation of the instrument, its testing and the process of investigation. The conclusion presents the main findings of the research by testing the input hypothesis, and gives an interpretation of the analysis made on the final survey results. The author summarizes the main findings and the goals of the...
Active old age and depression
Šťastná, Eva ; Bártová, Jiřina (advisor)
In my work I deal about problems connected with active old age and the depression in the old age. I tried to prove the relation between the incidence of depressions and the following factors: hobbies and activities, religious faith, education and loneliness. The research was carried out by filling in a questionnaire by three different groups of seniors. The target group in general was established by persons in the age category of 60-90 years of age. The three specific sub-groups as mentioned above consist of a/ persons living in retirement homes, b/ members of the club of seniors, c/ accidentally chosen seniors, visiting offices of a general practitioner and of a private gynaecologist in the town of Česká Kamenice. The results of my research, as far as the whole of the target group is concerned, proved the association between the incidence of depressive symptoms and the three chosen factors: hobbies and activities, education, and loneliness. Most evident of all was the association between being lonely and the incidence of depression, then between the achieved level of education and the incidence of depression. Less expressed was the relation between depression and practised hobbies. The religious faith proved to be a factor without any influence on the incidence of the depression. Regarding the fact, that...
Seniors in the City Centres - Community Gardens in Metropolitan City Centres
Látalová, Lucie
Seniors are placed in homes for the elderly, often l ocated outside the city center, without any relationship to the social life in the city. The new home should offer to a residents mainly possibility to create a community conected with a area and "normal" life around. Present time is hectic and people in cities are working under pressure.They are looking for opportunities for relaxation and active recreation. For this reason, community gardens began to form. It is a place in the urban greenery and abandoned or unused parts of a city centres, which manage group of people in the neighborhood.

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