National Repository of Grey Literature 57 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Church Kindergarten Management
Jarošová, Markéta ; Trojan, Václav (advisor) ; Voda, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the management of church kindergarten (CK). It deals with the specifics of the CK and differences due to the municipal kindergarten. The aim is to compare sub-areas of management of CK and municipal kindergartens. Based on this I would like to find out whether there are differences between church kindergarten and municipal kindergartens management. The work should expand the awareness of professionals and managers and to facilitate the orientation of the church kindergarten, especially for beginners. Legislation looks at religious schools like private schools, but it is a separate category. In the practical part completion of a questionnaire and guided interview was chosen as the research method. The research focuses on the differences in the areas of local church nursery and municipal kindergarten management. Another endpoint is the view of managers on the church kindergarten. Since these differences are mainly legislative this is rather supplement to the theoretical part, where differences and specific have already been revealed.
Specifics of the Church grammar schools in the Czech Republic
Pech, Jan ; Trunda, Jiří (advisor) ; Kitzberger, Jindřich (referee)
TITLE: Specifics of the Church grammar schools in the Czech Republic AUTHOR: Bc. Jan Pech DEPARTMENT: School Management Center SUPERVISOR: Mgr. et. Bc. Jiří Trunda ABSTRACT: The Churches and religious denominations can become school and school facility founders according to the law no. 561/2004 of the Statute book, Education law. What are the specifics of the Church schools from the management of education point of view, which this work deals with? And do these specifics actually exist? Do the tangible differences that clearly specify the Church school against the school founded by the municipality, region or the union of municipalities exist? We will focus on the Church grammar schools. There are 18 such grammar schools in the Czech Republic and all of them, were founded by the Roman Catholic Church. These institutions create a specific, not large group of schools that provide high-quality education and also pass religious values on with emphasis on respecting the uniqueness and value of each human being. In the beginning, this work shortly looks into the historical development of the Church schools and their actual legal status. Then, using the qualitative research method - the analysis of the materials, it deals with the questions of the Church schools management and noticing their potential specifics....
Účetní a daňová problematika společenství vlastníků bytových jednotek
Kalusová, Kristýna
Kalusová K. Accounting and tax issues of homeowner´s association. Bachelor the-sis. Brno: Mendel university in Brno, 2017. The bachelor thesis deals with issues of homeowner ´s association. The theoreti-cal part defines basic legal definition, accounting and tax issues of homeowner´s association based on the scientific literature. The empirical part deals with select-ed accounting and tax problems that often occur in the association. It also deals with adaption of the statues to the new Civil Code. In the summary, appropriate recommendations for homeowner´s association how to solve the problems.
Specifics of Residential Care for Elderly People with Dementia
Currently, there are more and more people who become ill with some form of dementia. Clinical course of the disease is so destructive that patients gradually become dependent on the care of someone else, and therefore it is necessary to find for them a residential care home, where their safety, continuous supervision and day care is provided. This bachelor thesis deals with various types of dementia and possibilities of the care for elderly people with dementia according to the Act No. 108/2006 Coll. Its aim was to find out specifics of the care for elderly people with dementia as seen by social services workers from one of the special regime homes and to indentify which ones they consider to be the most important. The research focuses on the communication with clients, their nutrition, everyday activities, activation and security of clients. As very interesting aspect was revealed the effort to find a balance between maintaining client´s dignity and the necessary reduction of their wishes in order to ensure the necessary safety. The findings of this research could help residential care home managers to select an appropriate further education for caregivers to deepen their communication skills and self-reflection.
The specifics of pedagogue's work with children with social disadvantages during the process of school club integration.
Pokorná, Daniela ; Bendl, Stanislav (advisor) ; Syřiště, Ivo (referee)
The thesis is focused on the specifics of work of pedagogical worker with socially disadvantaged children during the process of their integration into the out of school care environment. The thesis is trying to find out how the pedagogical workers detect such disadvantage and furthermore how are they handling this problem. The research part is based on qualitative research strategy using the methods of observation, casuistry and open interviews.
Exploring the Teacher-Pupil Relationship at Multi-level Schools
The aim of this master thesis is to describe specifics of social relationships in schools with multi-age classrooms and to discover differences from schools with single grade classrooms. In particular to understand the enviroment, the relationships among pupils, the functioning, the history of multi-age classroom and its advantages and disadvantages.
National differences in obstetrics - care of a woman in labour from Vietnam.
Leová, Minh Thuy ; Hájek, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Šimonová, Daniela (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with Vietnamese community, especially Vietnamese women. It contains of brief information about Vietnam and its culture. The thesis also describes the specific needs of Vietnamese woman during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. The thesis i salso involved in obstetrics in Vietnam which is different from czech obstetrics. Therefore, my aim was to find out whether Vietnamese women are satisfied with care during pregnancy and childbirth in the Czech Republic. What traditions and rituals are used in conection with prenatal, childbirth and postpartum periods, whether they are still adhered to even though they have been born in the czech republic or living here for a short time. Another aim was to find out whether the language barrier is the main problem during hospitalization between the vietnamese woman and the medical staff and how this barrier is solved. In the practical part quantitative research was carried out using a questionaire survey. I divided the respondents into two groups on vietnamese woman 1. and 2. generation. After that the data analysis was carried out and research showed that vietnamese woman rated prenatal care and the care in czech matertiny hospitals positively. Then vietnamese traditions and rituals were examined during pregnancy, childbirth and...
The use of quantification of nursing care in psychiatric hospitals
Theme of the bachelor thesis is a utilization of quantification of nursing care in psychiatric hospitals. Psychiatry provides a treatment to persons with mental disorder. In most cases there is nobody to help the patient with his problems. So he searches some specialiste, in this case a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The doctor determines hospitalization of the sick man if the patient is not able to visit an ambulant treatment. For these patients there is performed a basic and a special nursing care. The basic nursing care is composed of feeding, hygiene, etc. The special nursing care provides diagnostic, terapeutic and monitoring operations. The thesis has theoretical and scientific parts. The theoretical part deals with discipline of psychiatry, with form and methodes of care, with legislative definition and with education and competences of nurses. The scientific research was realized by methode of quantification of nursing care by Pochylá and Pochylý (2008), it is a qualitative and quantitative methode. The first part deals with collecting of datas and subsequent recording datas to a record sheet. Next step was to determine activities of special nursing care. There were determined averages and standard deviations for operations thereby we gained average periods of all operations. The purpose of the thesis was to determine average time difficulty of all operations and to determine time values of nursing care of selected groups of patients. The research finds that the nursing care is the most used operation for sick men. Nursing care changes in patients according to the current state of health. Other specifics of nursing care include monitoring patients who may endanger themselves or their surroundings. The most often performed operation in psychiatric hospital in medication is per os. We chose 3 goals for the job. The first objective was to inventory special nursing care in psychiatric hospitals. Another objective is to determine the average time values for individual nursing activities of special nursing care in a psychiatric hospital. The final goal was to determine the time values of special nursing care in selected patient groups. Based on the first goal, a research question has been identified: What is the most common performance in a psychiatric hospital? Based on the second objective, the research question was determined: What are the average time values for individual nursing activities of special nursing care in a psychiatric hospital? Based on the third objective, the hypothesis was chosen: The time values of special nursing care are different for selected patient groups.
The specifics of children´s radiotherapy
This bachelor thesis focuses on a medical treatment of small children who are cured of cancer and how to cure by the radiotherapy. It also deals with differences between small kids and adults how to cure them properly and what are the causes of their illnesses. I wanted to show the differences among children's tumors and their treatments by radiotherapy. I have been to the radiotherapy center at Motol Hospital and I described some concrete cases of small children and I wanted to emphasize how important is to be individually as much as possible in every piece of this job. There are also graphical projections of the illness according to child's age and child's diagnosis. And there are also researching questions: Are there more children who are ill and need radiotherapy in the Czech Republic? The answer is done by graphical projection and it deals in period of 18 years since 1993 to 2013. . In the final part of my bachelor thesis you can find the results of the children medical treatment and also information from the written sources. It is interesting that the diagnosis of a concrete small child is different from a diagnosis from his or her adulthood. It is clear that a small child´s tumor is more often caused by a genetically bottom not by a bad lifestyle which is typical of an adult´s tumors. My bachelor thesis contains a basic overview of child´s tumors and it is meant especially for students of some medical branches.

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