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Plant Movement
Vágnerová, Kateřina ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Skýbová, Jana (referee)
Předkládaná bakalářská práce je rešeršního typu a je tematicky zaměřena na pohyby rostlin. Práce se dělí na dva základní celky. První z nich se podrobně zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky o pohybech rostlin získané z české a zahraniční literatury. Pohyby rostlin jsou v ní rozděleny na pasivní a aktivní a jsou detailně popsány. Pasivní pohyby jsou dále děleny podle druhu působícího činitele. Aktivní pohyby se dále dělí na fyzikální a vitální podle toho, zda je mohou vykonávat živé nebo odumřelé části rostlin. V druhé části jsou vypracované návrhy praktických úloh a jejich ověření v praxi souvisejících s tématem pohybů rostlin. Součástí druhé části jsou také výukové prezentace pro žáky středních škol a pro odborné semináře v rámci výuky na gymnáziích.
Key competencies for sustainable action in early education curriculum
Vošahlíková, Tereza ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Činčera, Jan (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta ABSTRACT KEY COMPETENCIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION IN EARLY EDUCATION CURRICULUM PhDr. Tereza Vošahlíková Vedoucí práce Doc. RNDr. Vasilis Teodoridis, Ph.D. Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií Pedf UK Doktorský studijní program pedagogika Externí konzultantka Prof. dr. Ute Stoltenberg Institut für integrative Studien, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Praha 2012 The thesis introduces environmentally oriented concepts in early education curriculum with one leading point of view: key competences for sustainable action. Key competences represent new, open ended form of educational goals. Early education curriculum defined broadly as all educational content (planned, realized and hidden) presents a field of study of this thesis. In this field, a new concept, education for sustainable development, should be implemented worldwide. The question is, how far and how successfully can this concept be introduced in the early education curriculum on the level of educational goals. There are many general strategies and models of curriculum revision. In order to structure the empirical study, a hierarchical model of macro-, meso- and micro level of curriculum was established. This model allows examination of two ways of education for sustainable development implementation,...
Conception of the nature and endangered species preservation in the Czech Republic at primary and secondary schools
Pokorná, Lucie ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
The aim of the presented MSc thesis determines a conception of the nature and endangered species preservation in the area of the Czech Republic. This conception is as an integral part of human life and it creates the environmental education level in present society survey, particularly in 9th grade of primary schools and 3rd grade of secondary schools. It is arranged as a systematic manual containing extending information for teachers of primary and secondary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on general and daily used topics in school textbooks, social life and media e.g. historic, geographic and legislation questions. This part has dealt with a classification of preserved areas in the Czech republic including detailed description of mammal species mentioned in school biological textbooks and also have occurred in those areas. The main aim of next empirical thesis part is mapping of the knowledge level in the reference classes at primary and secondary schools by a special questionnaire applied before and after a thematic project lecture. The comparison of these both results derived from the references classis shows obvious improvements in studied topics after project lectures applying. The results imply the necessity to create more space for the nature and endangered species...
Development of forestation and landscape recultivation in Krusne Hory with usage of knowledgement project for secondary schools
Panajotovová, Simona ; Skýbová, Jana (advisor) ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (referee)
The submited dissertation talks about development of forestation and landscape recultivation in Krusne Hory, followed by questionaire, which is investigating the problems of studied region. This questionaire is intended for students from secondary and intermediate schools and is targeted not only for general knowledge about the Krusne hory mountains, but also for its wooden structure and development of forestation. Students should be able to define term of recultivation, orientate themselves in recultivation types and phases as well as have overview of already recultivated landscapes in their surrounding. On behalf of results from above questionaire I created the educational CD, which is also the part of my dissertation. This instruction CD includes all the problems from studied area and can serve as a seminar utility in biology lessons or environment training in biological seminar. The last part of my dissertation is an educational project called "Surrounding of my landscape." This project is determind for students from secondary and intermediate schools.
Palaeocology of plant-arthropod associations from the Lower Miocene of the Most Basin in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Knor, Stanislav ; Prokop, Jakub (advisor) ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (referee)
Terrestrial plants and insects account for the majority of the Earth's biodiversity today, and almost half of all insect species are herbivores. Thus, insects and plants share ancient associations date back for more than 400 million years. However, investigation of their interactions stands largely at the beginning in Western Europe. Nearly 4300 plant remains showing various kinds of feeding damages are available for the present study. These trace fossils are classified as so-called functional feeding-groups supply an outstanding example of the complexity, the structure and the changes of terrestrial ecosystems, are not well known during this interval. In Europe, the Neogene is characterized by palaeogeographic re- organization due to the collision of the African with the Eurasian plates. The Neogene plant record in Europe is rich and diverse offering a profound large-scale understanding of the floristic and vegetational development. A database of fossil traces from the Most Basin was compiled and analyzed by various statistical methods in terms of the diversity and intensity of palaeo-herbivory. The primary objective is to present results on the development of insect herbivory through the section of the Bílina Mine in North Bohemia, with the aim of understanding principal factors that caused the...
Multimedia endogenous geology textbook
Rameš, František ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Pavlasová, Lenka (referee)
Work deals with creating multimedia hypertext manual endogenous geology. The first part contains information on the number and level of geological aids and textbooks used in teaching geology at elementary and secondary schools. It charts the level of education and competence of teachers interviewed in the field of geological sciences. Based on the information is a SWOT analysis of selected textbooks. The second section briefly describes the multimedia guide chapter endogenous geology, which was established on the basis of the information about aids, textbooks, the level of knowledge and readiness to teachers of geology at the elementary and secondary schools (grammar schools). Multimedia Manual should serve mainly teachers of geology at high schools as a teaching tool multimedia, as well as students of faculties of education, respectively. faculty involved in preparing the future of specialist teachers of biology as a multimedia textbook, but also to other teachers and those interested in geology. The objective of this multimedia and hypertext handbook is to contribute to the improvement of teaching geology at the elementary and secondary schools. Complete versions of mentioned media guide is only available on the DVD.
Evalution of state and management of small-scale especially reserved areas in Prague and environs
Ptáčková, Šárka ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
The aim of the M.Sc thesis is evaluation of the ten small-scale especially reserved territories ("mZCHU") in the southeastern part of Prague following the methodic of the evaluation of small- scale especially reserved territories (Svátek & Buček; 2005). These territories are individually described in the first part of this diploma thesis, then I shortly give an account of the methodic I used and in the main part of this work the analyzed territories are described and ranked .By analyzing the acquired information I discovered that the overall condition of these territories is average (70%). 10% of territories are excellent, 50% are good, 30% average, 10% bad. None of these territories was rated as very bad. Using the same methodic I evaluated the intensity of management for these territories; with these outcomes: 10% excellent, 60% good, 30% average. None of these territories was very bad. In the conclusion of this work is analyzed the comparison of acquired information with the outcomes of the evaluation of mZCHU areas in southwestern part of Prague (Hamplová; 2008), in the village of Štěpánov (Bubeníková; 2008) and with territories in competence of CHKO Pálava (Rejžek; 2008). The outcomes of comparation of these territories shows that areas in southeast part of Prague and chosen territories of CHKO Pálava...
Palaeoecology of selected localities of the Whetstone Horizon
Libertín, Milan ; Kvaček, Jiří (advisor) ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (referee) ; Cleal, Christopher J. (referee)
Palaeoecology of selected localities of the Whetstone Horizon In frames of the present thesis taphonomical and paleoecological processed were described in selected localities of whetstone horizon. Fossil plant assemblage known from the locality Štilec represents plant community buried in situ by volcanic ash after volcanic explosion (Pennsylvanian, Bolsov). Plant community exhibits relatively low diversity assemblage of herbaceous and subarborescent plants. This unique taphocoenose was interpreted as pioneer assemblage growing in partly drained lake. In the locality Ovčín the peat bog of Lower Radnice Seam was buried during the same volcanic eruption by volcanic ash. Up to now 5 excavations were recovered of the area of seats over 150 m 2 on two sites which are approximately 40 m distant from each other. In this area 27 morphotaxa of fossil plant was recorded. They represent 20 whole plants. Fossil plant remains represent fossil plant assemblage dominated by lycopod plants of planar (rheotrophic) swamp situated in narrow palaeovalley with active fluvial system. Second part of the thesis is focused on systematic descriptions of fossil plant taxa from localities of the Whetstone horizon. A monotypic genus Huttonia and species Huttonia spicata from Class Sphenopsids was emended. Further there were described...
Healing Herbs and Their Didactic Use on the 2nd Grade of a Basic School
Čalkovská, Dana ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Skýbová, Jana (referee)
The topic of the work is dealing with the healing herbs on the second grade of a basic school. Theoretic part of the work dedicates to current fythoteraphy situation and it explains Scheduled program of education for the primary education in the Czech republic. It contains also suggestions of the topics, which are suitable and connected with the problems of healing herbs in the various subjects on the 2nd grade of a basic school. It also deals with the comparison the student books that are related to the natural sciences for the 2nd grade of the basic school in the name of information about the healing herbs. At present there are a lot of student books in the seven various publishers. Practical part dedicates to teachers, who are working in the area of the Šumperk region. It contains characterization of this region, the map some of the healing herbs, which are typical for Šumperk region and also suggestions for the trip in this area. There are two job-sheets for each walk. There is annexed Map of the healing herbs for didactic use on DVD - ROM.
The use of multimedia applications in the teaching of biology at the primary and secondary schools
Kolář, Jan ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Ziegler, Václav (referee)
Pojmem multimédia se v dnešní době objevuje téměř na každém kroku, hovoří se o něm v rádiu, televizi, novinách a občas i v běžném rozhovoru mezi přáteli. Otázkou však zůstává zdali opravdu víme, co se skrývá pod daným pojmem. Cílem této diplomové práce je čtenáři přiblížit co je to multimédium, z čeho se skládá a zároveň ukázat jaké pozitiva či negativa přináší do edukačního procesu, v našem případě do výuky biologie na základní a střední škole. Powered by TCPDF (

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