Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 71 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí52 - 61další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis examines the topic of English influence on other languages, especially on present day Czech language. The beginning of the thesis deals with the historical background of the English language in order to understand the reasons of wide usage of English nowadays. The following part explains the importance of learning English nowadays and explains main reasons of learning it. The next part deals with the practical part, where different books, articles have been analyzed to prove the existence of English loanwords in Czech, Russian and French. The reasons for adoption of borrowed words are also analyzed in this part of the thesis. Finally, the last part of the bachelor thesis demonstrates the negative impact of the English language on other languages.
Nuclear Power Plants Security
Štěpán, Jakub ; Smutný, Milan (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
The concept of nuclear power plant safety and security is a complex one. The safe operation of nuclear power plants is crucial for reliable and harmless power generation. An accident linked with this type of facility could have a negative impact on the health of the public, wildlife, and it could cause pollution of the environment. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to frame the concept of safety and security of nuclear power plants and discuss the means of preventing a nuclear catastrophe. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with defining the basic operational principles of nuclear power plants. Furthermore, the safety and security measures are discussed and illustrated. Moreover, the impact of the safe operation of nuclear power plants on the environment is examined. Lastly, the consequences of the failure of safety and security systems are described with historical examples. The practical part of the thesis realised by means of an online questionnaire survey is concerned with the level of awareness of nuclear power plant safety and their environmental impact among the general public.
Technical writing as a specific use of language
Petrosian, Sergei ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
The rapid development of computer technologies in the 21st century has resulted in the growth of needs for technical documentation describing how to use these new inventions. Documentation written in a style of technical writing differs enormously from texts in journalism, academic writing, or marketing styles. While other genres are written for the wide audience and they tend to be written in a lush language, using metaphors, allegories, and other tropes in order to impress the reader, technical writing uses a strict clear and straightforward language to express the idea unambiguously. Technical writing uses simple language in order to make the content readable and easily understandable even for those readers who study English as their second language and may not be experts in the field the text describes. This bachelor thesis describes the main tactics used in technical writing to write simply and clearly, as well as different types of technical writing and their description. As an illustration of how these tactics are used in a real working environment, the bachelor thesis outlines an analysis of three manuals describing the same feature: 1. A manual of the feature from documentation of a product Foreman that was taken as a basis for the Red Hat Satellite feature. 2. A reworked manual that was written as a preparation to be published to the official documentation of Red Hat Satellite. 3. The reviewed and approved document that now resides in Red Hat Satellite official documentation.
New Technologies in Transportation
Šimon, Daniel ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
Electric vehicle is a better replacement of internal combustion vehicle, while maintaining its purpose. An electric vehicle offers enhancements in power, it can produce maximum power in seconds, without the need for transmission, minimizing losses in power. A simple design of its engine with single movable part reduces maintenance costs and overall wear and tear. Internal combustion vehicle's 38% thermal efficiency, when compared to 90% energy conversion efficiency. showing dominance of electric vehicle in terms of power and engine capabilities. It is known that internal combustion vehicles are polluting environment with their combustion process, producing 67 tons of CO2 emissions per life cycle of the vehicle, in comparison to electric vehicle that does not directly produce any CO2 emissions, its manufacturing and upstream emissions are 50% lower. Depending on cleaner sources of the energy, emissions can be lowered by more than 300% per life cycle of vehicle by replacing polluting heat power plants with cleaner energy generation solutions. In terms of safety in transportation since 2001 European union recorded more than 50% reduction in causalities on the roads with enforcement of advanced driver assistance systems. It tends to further reduce these causalities by testing and implementing new systems (eCall, collision avoidance systems,…). With advanced driver assistance systems society is only few years from first autonomous vehicles that can improve way of transportation we know now. Limited by their own security, technological faults and law liability.
Commented translation of a text on science and technology
Doležal, Martin ; Smutný, Milan (oponent) ; Krhutová, Milena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the use of technical language in both Czech and English language and the similarities and differences between them. To study the languages in Electrical engineering, a technical text in Czech has been chosen for translation and then translated into English. After the translation, an analysis of the language used has been made, focusing on both linguistic and extralinguistic features, which are often specific for scientific texts. These features cover a wide range of linguistic fields, such as lexicology, morphology, stylistics, syntax, but also extralinguistic issues, such as pragmatics. In conclusion, the analysis of the original and translated texts revealed many differences, both minor and major, which are the result of an attempt of transferring information in a language quite different than the original.
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
In my semestral thesis a history of the English language was described to understand why this language is widely used nowadays in other countries. The main reasons of borrowing English words are colonization of different places in the world by British Empire and the leadership of USA in the field of computer technologies, engineering and TV. I also explained how these tendencies are excepted in the world. The negative and positive aspects are described in detail.
Commented translation
Akbulatov, Yerbolsyn ; Mihai, Hana (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to translate a technical text from Czech into English and analyze the differences between both languages in translation. The work presented is divided into three main parts: theoretical introduction, translation of the technical text and translation analysis. The theoretical introduction deals with the types of translation and characteristic features of the technical texts and their translation. The translated text deals with computer networks. In the last part, the language phenomena and characteristic features of the English and Czech languages are analyzed on the examples of the translated technical text.
Šindelářová, Anna ; Haupt, Jaromír (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on cryptocurrencies. The thesis deals with the creation and development of cryptocurrencies in general, their utilization and description of their basic function principles. Furthermore, three specific cryptocurrencies are described in more details - Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero. The aim of this thesis is a comparison of these cryptocurrencies, that is done in the last chapter.
The influence of mother tongue on learning foreign languages
Kimličková, Lenka ; Langerová, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with the topic of the second language acquisition and relationship between the mother tongue and target language. It explains basic definitions regarding second language acquisition, contrastive analysis and language transfer. It stresses the importance of the first language acquisition and explains theories of SLA. It provides reader with examples of the most frequent errors in language learning. Furthermore, it discuses non-language factors and their influence on SLA.
New technologies in art
Djordjevic, Ilija ; Kotásek, Miroslav (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with an issue of new technologies in art. The thesis approaches the issue by dividing it in three parts: new technologies in art, new types of art and the effect of the internet on art. Each of these three parts are elaborated on by using at least one example from the real world. Virtual reality and its practical use for art will be the subject of the first part, the second part will feature video games and what could make them art, finally the third part will use reddit.com in order to examine the effect social media has on art, artists, and those who consume art.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 71 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí52 - 61další  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
9 Smutný, Martin
1 Smutný, Matyáš
5 Smutný, Michal
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