National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Methodology for calculating Nutritional Footprint and its practical use in the Czech Republic
Kapitulčinová, Dana ; Jelínková, Zuzana ; Havránek, Miroslav ; Zvěřinová, Iva ; Weinzettel, Jan
The methodological document describes the selection of environmental indicators for food items integrated in a single indicator of environmental impact, so-called Nutritional Footprint. The functional unit is one portion of a meal and nutritional values with respect to health are also provided. The document includes theoretical grounding and description of the Nutritional Footprint calculation. Based on a pilot testing of the concept methodological approaches to its practical use are suggested, especially for its use in education (EE and ESD).
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Návrh výukových materiálů pro průřezové téma Člověk a životní prostředí pro střední odborné školy přírodovědného zaměření
Neradilová, Ivana
The Bachelor's thesis presents a proposal of the educational project n technical subjects for an education in Ecology and environment, as well as in other related disciplines within a mutual theme "The man and environment". A part of the thesis submits educational documents as a sample of worksheets. The teoretical part of the thesis specifies a terminology regarding to an environmental education and a public education (further as EE), describes the EE's importance and shows EE's current state and its development at high schools. It also provides a list of associations, which occupy themselves with EE's theme. There is a description of educational methods, which focus on the educational project. The theme is systematically divided into two mutually relating and independently functional project days (for students in the third year). It also provides a timetable and additional informative remarks for pedagogues, which enable to facilitate their work within the proposed project. The proposed educational project is called "The forest -- more than trees" and concerns with trees's function and forest ecosystems not only from an ecological point of view, but the attention is also given to the social aspect.
Influence of the level of teachers' environmental awareness on the level of pupils' environmental awareness at the selected schools in the Žatec region
Svobodová, Silvie ; Kovaříková, Miroslava (advisor) ; Thorovská, Alena (referee)
The thesis is focused on an assessing the impact of the level of an environmental literacy of primary school teachers to the level of the environmental literacy of pupils in primary schools in the region Zatec. This work continues on a thesis Silvie Svobodové (2013) The influence of environmental education at the level of environmental literacy of pupils in primary schools Zatec region and complements the conclusions on the extent of influence of environmental education on environmental awareness of the 2nd degree. It examines the extent of the influence level of teachers'environmental literacy to the level of the environmental literacy among students. The theoretical part includes a literature search, including the characteristics of the Saaz region. The introduction of practical part presents an overview of environmental education and awareness practiced in tested primary schools. Survey was carried out through sequential combined research, scheme QUAN-qual. The questionnaire was tested in June 2015 with 84 respondents, 13 men and 71 women. Structured interview in October 2015 attended 12 teachers, 4 men and 8 women. Analysis of the scope and level of environmental education and awareness on the tested schools in Zatec region confirmed relatively positive results. Testing of teachers demonstrated...
Environmental education and a municipality with extended powers
Hozmanová, Jitka ; Andreska, Jan (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
SUMMARY: Environmental education is not a matter of only educational system but of the integrity of all external influences which affect people in the course of their life. Also state administration plays an important role the basic element of which is a municipality potentially comprising a very important task. The thesis aims to highlight the possibility how state authorities may affect implementation of CEPA with stress on educational system. The thesis is divided into three sections - theoretical, analytic and propositional chapters. The theoretical part focuses on starting situation, progress, goals and tasks of EEA projects and legislation. The analytic part deals with gathered facts and evaluates them from the point of the state of CEPA implementation within the area of a chosen municipality with extended powers. The propositional part contains a SWOT analysis and a proposal of particular measures leading to improvement of the situation and a draft "Concept of CEPA development of the selected municipality with extended powers".
Environmental education and a municipality with extended powers
Hozmanová, Jitka ; Andreska, Jan (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
SUMMARY: Environmental education is not a matter of only educational system but of the integrity of all external influences which affect people in the course of their life. Also state administration plays an important role the basic element of which is a municipality potentially comprising a very important task. The thesis aims to highlight the possibility how state authorities may affect implementation of CEPA with stress on educational system. The thesis is divided into three sections - theoretical, analytic and propositional chapters. The theoretical part focuses on starting situation, progress, goals and tasks of EEA projects and legislation. The analytic part deals with gathered facts and evaluates them from the point of the state of CEPA implementation within the area of a chosen municipality with extended powers. The propositional part contains a SWOT analysis and a proposal of particular measures leading to improvement of the situation and a draft "Concept of CEPA development of the selected municipality with extended powers".
Influence of the level of teachers' environmental awareness on the level of pupils' environmental awareness at the selected schools in the Žatec region
Svobodová, Silvie ; Kovaříková, Miroslava (advisor) ; Thorovská, Alena (referee)
The thesis is focused on an assessing the impact of the level of an environmental literacy of primary school teachers to the level of the environmental literacy of pupils in primary schools in the region Zatec. This work continues on a thesis Silvie Svobodové (2013) The influence of environmental education at the level of environmental literacy of pupils in primary schools Zatec region and complements the conclusions on the extent of influence of environmental education on environmental awareness of the 2nd degree. It examines the extent of the influence level of teachers'environmental literacy to the level of the environmental literacy among students. The theoretical part includes a literature search, including the characteristics of the Saaz region. The introduction of practical part presents an overview of environmental education and awareness practiced in tested primary schools. Survey was carried out through sequential combined research, scheme QUAN-qual. The questionnaire was tested in June 2015 with 84 respondents, 13 men and 71 women. Structured interview in October 2015 attended 12 teachers, 4 men and 8 women. Analysis of the scope and level of environmental education and awareness on the tested schools in Zatec region confirmed relatively positive results. Testing of teachers demonstrated...
Návrh výukových materiálů pro průřezové téma Člověk a životní prostředí pro střední odborné školy přírodovědného zaměření
Neradilová, Ivana
The Bachelor's thesis presents a proposal of the educational project n technical subjects for an education in Ecology and environment, as well as in other related disciplines within a mutual theme "The man and environment". A part of the thesis submits educational documents as a sample of worksheets. The teoretical part of the thesis specifies a terminology regarding to an environmental education and a public education (further as EE), describes the EE's importance and shows EE's current state and its development at high schools. It also provides a list of associations, which occupy themselves with EE's theme. There is a description of educational methods, which focus on the educational project. The theme is systematically divided into two mutually relating and independently functional project days (for students in the third year). It also provides a timetable and additional informative remarks for pedagogues, which enable to facilitate their work within the proposed project. The proposed educational project is called "The forest -- more than trees" and concerns with trees's function and forest ecosystems not only from an ecological point of view, but the attention is also given to the social aspect.
Environmental education as a part of ethics education
The work deals with environmental and ethical education, their development and position in the Czech curriculum documents. It focuses on the relationship of education to environmental care and ethical education, specifically on the ratio of factual data and ethical values in the concept of environmental education in the Czech elementary education. It characterizes ways of professional training of pedagogical workers in environmental education, education and awareness, possibilities of further education of environmental education coordinators and the interest in this topic from the side of Czech schools.
The seniors view of the condition of the environment in the Czech republic
The aim of this thesis is to clarify senior citizens´ attitude to the condition of the environment in the Czech Republic and their concern to share efforts for its improvement as well as to learn if they feel responsible and can get enough information in this field. The introductory, theoretical part mentions the term of {\clqq}old age`` and gives the analysis of the present-day and future demographic development of the number of seniors. In my thesis I deal not only with the term itself but also with its influence on healthy lifestyle of seniors. I summarize and assess findings I have obtained from seniors in terms of their own attitudes to the condition of the environment. The other, practical part of my thesis deals with the results I acquired by the method of semi-standardized interviews and questionnaires. The 14 seniors aged 65 {--} 74 years who took part in the research had been selected at random. The results of the described research are favourable: seniors appreciate activities that make them more informed and thus responsible for the environment in the Czech Republic. They welcome the opportunity to share their views on the issue by meeting other people and building up social contacts thereby. They would like to get engaged more and help to improve the condition of the environment.

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