National Repository of Grey Literature 145 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Ezekiel 1: interpretation of the text and its history of reception with emphasis on Jewish mysticism
In the introduction of the thesis are defined its goals and the significance of the entire Book of Ezekiel and selected pericope is highlighted. Brief general information regarding the origins and organization of the book as well as the personality of the author is also provided. The exegetical part of the work consists of the author's translation of the relevant Hebrew text of the pericope, accompanied with the identification of important grammatical and lexical phenomena and a commentary on the literary and cultural context of the text. The section devoted to the structure of the pericope is followed by a section focused on the interpretation and reception of the pericope in the Jewish environment, reflecting the specific mystical traditions related to the heavenly ascents. The work is supplemented with Christian interpretations of the selected pericope, including its influence on the Christian biblical canon. The conclusion includes the findings of the study pointing out the need for further research of Merkabah mysticism.
Corporate Competitive Strategy
Smejkalová, Dagmar ; Martinovičová,, Dana (referee) ; Bartes, František (advisor)
This thesis deals with the competition issue and the competitive strategy in the company ABC Ltd. It gives an analysis and an evaluation of the current state and proposes an effective method of solution for the company ABC Ltd. with regard to the market competition.
Road detection for mobile robot using image processing
Coufal, Jan ; Štarha, Pavel (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with image processing for outdoor environment mobile robot. In first part, the problem is analyzed, general solution is proposed and suitable image processing methods are presented. In second part presented methods are tested and methods with best results are proposed. In third part is particular solution tested on real data.
Facelift PDU
Růžičková, Tereza ; Kyselka,, Mojmír (referee) ; Nový, Alois (advisor)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the solution of the pre-plant zone of the Dukovany nuclear power station. Creating a vision of how this space could develop further in the next 50 years and how it could work in a transitional phase during the construction of a new nuclear power plant unit. The subject of the thesis is the elaboration of an architectural study, which is based on an urban study. Urban study was processed within the framework of the pre-diploma thesis and solved mainly the overall problems of this area, the new transport connection, and the functional division of the whole area. The area was divided into three functional units, namely the transport zone, the administrative zone and the sports and education zone. At present, there are a lot of small structurally and functionally unsuitable buildings in this area. The diploma thesis deals with the design of new buildings with a clear functional use in the administrative zone, in the area in front of the main gatehouse. A new representative square was created, and three buildings are designed around it. The dominant feature of the whole area was a high-rise office building near the gatehouse. In front of the office building, towards the main road, the service building I was designed, which contains business and healthcare services. On the other side of the square was located the service building II, where there are technical services, such as workshops, warehouses and metrology. The last building solved within the diploma thesis is the building of sports and locker rooms of suppliers, which is designed behind the square near the greenery. New building copies mass of the only preserved building in this area, namely the building of the information centre. The designed building has a fitness centre and locker rooms of external workers of the power plant.
Design of Virtual Reality Headset
Blunár, Jan ; John, David (referee) ; Sládek, Josef (advisor)
The topic of my bachelor thesis is the design of the virtual reality headset. The goal is to design a product that solves ergonomic and technical imperfections of currently existing products. Due to very fast development of the market it was important to follow new trends in this field. The solution I designed is the virtual reality headset with integrated wireless adapter, that enables the device to operate without the restrictions of cables. This gives the product unique selling proposition. Final design both meets ergonomic requirements and respects technical restrictions. At the same time, it uses the newest technology and approaches the solution with respect of fast development of the market.
Strategic Analysis of Cheese Shops
Juříček, Alan ; Filípek, Ivan (referee) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (advisor)
This diplom thesis with title „Strategic analysis of cheese shops“ deals with an analysis of real company which offers foreign cheese and specialities. The theoretical part defines general metodology and tools of strategic management. The analythic part shows how these tools are implemented into this real company and provide us internal and external strategic analysis. On the base of these facts are suggested future steps to improve economical situation of that company.
Marketing Strategy Proposal for the Company
Machala, Jan ; Mikulka, Vít (referee) ; Chalupský, Vladimír (advisor)
This Master´s thesis deals with the design of the marketing strategy of the company, which operates in the wholesale area. The theoretical part deals with various marketing approaches. After that, he focuses on selected analyzes of the enterprise's external and internal environment. The final part deals with the definition of the mission and goals of the company as well as with the design of the marketing strategy.
Business Plan
Havránek, Lukáš ; Dombek, Petr (referee) ; Veselý, Josef (advisor)
The Bachelor’s thesis aims to provide necessary information for successful expansion of GrowJOB institute to Austria. Since 2006 GrowJOB has been educating CEOs and other executives of Czech companies in the field of competitiveness and been helping them grow stronger among their competitors. In the thesis I describe theoretical background of business plan creation and analyze both internal and external environment. Then I focus on individual steps of the expansion and provide a detailed financial plan as well. The most robust competitive cutting edge of the company is that it takes advantage of new scientific findings in the field of decision-making processes (behavioral economics, neuroeconomics) and brings them to everyday life of firms.
Light (Magic of Light)
Horák, Ondřej ; Hayek, Pavel (referee) ; Artamonov, Vasil (advisor)
The present work deals in one level with the issue of work and laboriousness in the arts and in the second plane perception of reality and its illusion. Here, briefly explains the function of the visual system, leading to the formation of the image, perception of light phenomena and to create visual illusions (ie. Phenomena, when our perception completely does not match with reality), which served as the basis for dealing with the formal aspects of the work.

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