National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Democratic stability in Costa Rica
Caltová, Anna ; Soukup, Jaromír (advisor) ; Krausz Hladká, Malvína (referee)
- bachelor thesis Democratic Stability in Costa Rica Autor: Anna Caltová This bachelor thesis deals with the stability of democracy in Costa Rica. The aim was to find out how stable is democracy in this Latin American country and to try to estimate whether it is in danger of democratic collapse in the near future. J. Schumpeter's minimum definition, which was supplemented by the work of Robert A. Dahl was used to define the concept of democracy. Using the study Why Democracies Collapse: The Reasons for Democratic Failure and Success by Abraham Diskin, Hanna Diskin and Reuven Y. Hazan, five factors were selected to analyze the stability of democracy in Costa Rica. These factors included: historical experience with democracy, cleavages, the state of the country's economy, the stability of cabinet, and finally the pressure from foreign actors on domestic policy. The results of the work suggest that, except for the state of the economy, Costa Rica is in a relatively good position. Although the country's economy is sufficiently productive, its management by Costa Rican government, coupled with the unequal distribution of wealth among citizens and the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, may result in a fall to dangerous levels. Because a study by Diskin et al clearly states that one...
Stav potravinové bezpečnosti ve vybraných zemích Střední Ameriky
Syslová, Petra
Thesis explains the most important terms in the field of food security and comprehensively acquaints the reader with the factors influencing this issue. The aim of work is to monitor the current state of food security in selected countries of Central America from different economically advanced groups and to compare data. This thesis presents and analyzes various aspects that form or have any impact on food security, such as economic or agricultural factors. The resulting output is a reflection of the impact of individual aspects on the overall state of food security.
States without Armed Forces: A Comparative Case Study of Demilitarization in Panama and Costa Rica
Sponták, Tomáš ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
This thesis is focused on countries which do not have their own armies, especially those which had an army in the past but decided to abolish it. The main part of the thesis is a comparison of two particular countries - Panama and Costa Rica - having undergone a process of demilitarization in the last century. The thesis aims to identify factors which conditioned a contradictory post-demilitarization development of the respective countries and clarify their motivation to abolish their armies. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one is to introduce the contemporary army-less countries to a reader. Second chapter, the theoretical one, deals with praetorianism - a situation when an army becomes a dominant element of the executive and the society as a whole. Chapters number three and four are detailed case studies of Panama and Costa Rica.
Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Cental America 1945-1989
Majlátová, Lucia ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Barteček, Ivo (referee)
The doctoral thesis Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Central America 1945-1989 analyses political, economic and cultural relations between that country of the called Iron Curtain and the Mesoamerican countries during the Cold War in the twentieth century. The research is based mainly on unpublished archival materials, mainly of Czech origin. It is also complemented by fewer materials obtained at the Central American countries' official archives. The wider context of international politics is primarily outlined in the introductory chapters, which aims, on one hand, to inform readers about the development of the Czechoslovak diplomacy and foreign policy and how it was influenced by the Soviet Union and, on the other hand, to describe the unstable political situation prevailing then in the Central American countries, which were also under the constant scrutiny of the United States of America. Thereafter, the analysis focuses on the Czechoslovak-Mexican relations, which is thematically divided into political, cultural and economic sections. A special chapter is dedicated to the activities of the Czechoslovak secret service in Mexico, as a country conveniently located near to the United States. Other chapters study the bilateral relations between Prague and the individual capitals of Central America. The work...
Nesting behavior of Mealy Amazon (\kur{Amazona farinosa virenticeps}) in the wild
The purpose of this study was observing the Mealy Parrot (Amazona farinose virenticeps) in the open air nature, also the study found out their eating and nesting habits. Description of behavior in their natural environment and a description of the habitat in the study area. Monitoring, which took place at the census was made 3 weeks in September 2015. Other investigations in which observation was focused on finding nesting cavities and bird watching in the stream and this was performed three weeks in February 2016. Observation was carried out in Costa Rica on the southeast by the Caribbean Sea in the nature reserve Gandoca Manzanillo. Part of the observations was the liner census of Mealy Parrots with the use of the Passau methods to chart a path along the road leading from the village of Manzanillo to Puerto Vijejo. Length of the strip to the census was fixed at 2.1km about the width of 250m. At the counting was found out how Mealy Parrots was fed and what type of food. Also there was observe at what time Mealy Parrots swoop for food, and what trees were occupying them and in which part of tree crowns they were sitting in. Other research showed their behavior in the presence of other birds and other animals and how they were behaving in danger of predators. In another part of observing, that took place in February 2016 was searched two nests in tree hollows (Manilkara zapota) and (Pterocarpus officinalis). Only in one of the nesting cavity was found one egg, which was measured.
Tax systems of the selected developing countries
Nováková, Kateřina ; Láchová, Lenka (advisor) ; Dugová, Alena (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to become familiar with the business environment in Guatemala and Costa Rica, especially from a tax perspective. The thesis is primarily focused on the information necessary for an investor who decides about where he put his money with the biggest cash benefit. The first part is focused on the theoretical aspects that deal with developing countries and political and economic conditions resulting from their position in the world economy. The constituent part is the theory of FDI and related development in selected countries. The goal of the second part is comparison of individual components of the tax systems in selected countries. Primarily it is focused on investor decision-making and at the same time is devoted to the description of tax policy with an effort to attract foreign investment. The whole thesis is finished by a case study, the purpose of which is an illustration of conditions in both countries in a particular investment. Based on the study, it is concluded which country is favorable for investors from a tax perspective.
The Position of Selected Central American Countries in the World Economy
Kocián, Jakub ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse position of selected Central American countries in the world economy. Selected countries are Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter provides general information about Central America. The second, third a fourth chapter characterize general and economic information, international trade, foreign direct investments and future possibilities and perspectives of selected countries. In the last part I describe socioeconomic comparison of selected countries.
The economic issue of the mainland countries of Central America
Zapletal, Zbyněk ; Kašpar, Václav (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
The objective of this work is to analyse economic situation of mainland of Central America. The work is divided into three parts. The first part defines the term "mainland of Central America" and characterizes the mainland of Central America in whole taking in view demographics and economic issues. The second part analyses in detail various countries of the region. Brief general characteristics, strengths, weaknesses of individual countries and highlights of the most important current events are made for each country. The third part is a result of analysis of previous sections. It describes issue of foreign companies entering the markets in mainland of Central America.
Particularities of entrepreneurial environmnet, business and cultural practices: Costa Rica
Čekalová, Petra ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Horáková, Kateřina (referee)
Práce analyzuje podnikatelské prostředí Kostariky a posuzuje jeho výhody a nevýhody z pohledu zahraničního podnikatele, který chce vstoupit na kostarický trh. Po seznámení čtenáře se základními údaji o Kostarice jsou podrobně rozebrány jednotlivé složky podnikatelského prostředí, tedy prostředí politické a právní, ekonomické, sociální a kulturní a technologické. Součástí práce je dotazník, který zkoumá kulturní a obchodní etiketu při vyjednávání s kostarickými obchodními partnery.

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