National Repository of Grey Literature 137 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The proces of acquiring social competences for people with hearing impairment
Mihočová, Jiřina ; Novák, Petr (advisor) ; Ondrušová, Jiřina (referee)
The presented diploma thesis analyzes how the process of acquiring social competences for people with hearing impairment takes place. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical parts and divided into four chapters. In the theoretical part, there are chapters clarifying the importance of hearing in the process of social competences and the effect of its lack on an individual's life. We will also find chapters clarifying the problem of hearing impairment and the definition of social competences with regard to hearing impairment. In the practical part, the research reveals the subjective attitude to which extent certain institutions were involved in the process in the life of the respondents. The practical part further analyzes whether the necessary social competences are the same from the point of view of the hearing and deaf communities. The mentioned research indirectly follows on from a part of the research that was described in the bachelor's thesis (Mihočová, 2022), where the research revealed what social competences are suitable for satisfactory social functioning from the perspective of hearing individuals. It was also conducted using a qualitative method. In the practical part, I also analyze the results of both research investigations and compare the knowledge gained. Based on the...
The proposal of engineering cluster
Zvarik, Tomáš ; Rejnuš, Oldřich (referee) ; Bayerová, Vladimíra (advisor)
The thesis is pursuing the proposal of establishing an industrial cluster from a university perspective in the region of South Moravia. The thesis is based on processed records. According to interest from businesses and institutions become of cluster member and evaluate their condition, were propose areas of cooperation in project of research, development and education. There is a potential in establishing an industrial cluster in South Moravian region. But there was no leader found either from the business sphere or from the university deputies who would initiate issues leading to creation of industrial cluster.
Institutions and economic growth
Matúš, Samuel
This bachelor thesis studies the relationship between the quality of political and economic institutions and economic growth using panel data models of 169 countries over the period 1990-2021. The study provides the necessary evidence that institutions support economic growth. Economic institutions have greater significance in comparison with political institutions which can be caused by not creating a specific category for non-democratic, oil-oriented countries. An additional model was conducted on 90 countries with data from 2000 to 2021 to find determinants of institutional quality which are tax revenue, economic development, and cultural and geographical effects. These findings and pitfalls may benefit both researchers and policymakers seeking a better understanding of growth-enhancing institutions.
The Foreign Activities of the European Union
The bachelor's thesis entitled "Foreign Activities of the European Union" deals with processes and internal affairs and their subsequent impact on setting priorities in concluding bilateral and multilateral agreements on the international level. The work defines the integration development, starting with the Coal and Steel Treaty, the Treaties of Rome, the Schengen Agreement, the Single European Act, the creation of the European Union, the Maastricht Treaty, the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Reform Treaty of Lisbon. The thesis defines necessary key institutions of the Union and determines the coordinated activities that independent institutions have towards non-member countries or international organizations, or fundamentally participate in the future direction of the European Union's international activities. The bachelor's thesis presents the procedures of foreign trade negotiations, then the development and activities of the Common Foreign and Defence Policy of the European Union and the European External Action Service and the publication of foreign instruments of the EU. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to find out and determine which politics and internal affairs of third countries are primarily influenced by the foreign activities of the European Union. On the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements concluded between or among the European Union and other states or international groupings, the work defines examples in practice where changes in internal affairs are visible in certain areas, such as changes in the legislative framework, which were the result of the subject enforced by European Union. The bachelor thesis specifically assesses taxes, transport, energy, economic affairs, humanitarian aid and civil protection, human rights, regional affairs, justice and home affairs, space affairs, education and culture, employment and social affairs, environment and climate change, and lastly agriculture and food safety. The influence of the European Union on individual sub-activities of non-member states is defined into three groups. Most affected, average affected and least affected.
Oil and its influence on the development of democracy. Comparative study of Norway and Azerbaijan
Bárta, Richard ; Guasti, Petra (advisor) ; Riegl, Martin (referee)
On cases of Norway and Azerbaijan, the Bachelor's thesis examines the relationship between the oil and gas production revenues and the quality of democracy. Norway is one of the few countries in the world, that had successfully avoided the Resource curse symptoms. On the other hand, Republic of Azerbaijan is typical example of a state, where oil and gas revenues helped to promote the authoritarian regime. The thesis is trying to find key factors of Norway's oil and gas management success, and also to point out, whether these factors were absent in the case of Azerbaijan. The thesis is focused on the amount of oil and gas related revenues, and its influence on developement of democracy in observed countries. Finally, the thesis responds to following questions: Is the quality of democracy influenced by the amount of revenues from oil and gas? In what way did the revenues allocated from the mineral resources extraction helped to preserve the current regimes? Does Norwegian model provide guidance for avoiding the symptoms of the Resource curse?
The Role of Institutional Change in the Turkish Economic Growth Under AKP Governance
Gulaliyev, Algushad ; Semerák, Vilém (advisor) ; Benáček, Vladimír (referee)
This paper analyses how the institutional change in Turkey during AKP governance impacted the economic development of the country. It will first examine some of the main characteristics and positive impact of Turkey's institutional reforms toward democratization between 2002-2007. In the following section, the AKP's reversal from the implemented reforms and its authoritarian shift will be discussed to evaluate the deterioration of both political and economic institutions in the period between 2007-2017. Building on these discussions and through contrasting the institutional changes in these two periods, it will be examined whether the change in the institutions impacted the economic performance of Turkey between 2002-2017. To analyse the economic performance of Turkey and the quality of its economic growth in these years, the changes in Total Factor Productivity Growth, the export share of technologically advanced products, and FDI inflow to Turkey will be examined.
The influence of public policy on legal order of Czech Republic during transition
Říčka, Tomáš ; Pithart, Petr (advisor) ; Bažantová, Ilona (referee) ; Ježek, Tomáš (referee)
Tomas Ricka Stránka 1 Title: The influence of public policy on legal order of Czech Republic during transition Abstract: The thesis deals with public policy, its key components and influences on the institutional environment. The major aim of the thesis was to analyze, what was the influence of public (economic) policy in transition on the creation of rules in the Czech Republic. Who created the policy? How was the policy conducted? What was the role of the rules? What was the international context in that era? What was the influence of these external factors on the development in the Czech Republic. Other goals of the thesis dealt with the following: availability of suitable tools to analyze transition; key assumptions of public policy; rule making; the role of rule makers. The thesis does not attempt to describe all relevant approaches from modern economic theory that would be useful to analyze the transition processes. The thesis uses a selection of tools that can help to analyze institutions and rules in society from another view, than does standard legal theory or political science. Use of tools of economic analysis (especially from the area of microeconomics and new approaches of economics) can be characterized as complementary for institutional analysis. Transition and privatization of state property...
The Evolution of Jordanian Political Regime After 1989
Ducháčková, Michaela ; Buben, Radek (advisor) ; Koubek, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze political regime of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and to find out some possible effects, which could have had an influence on its stability and survival in the last 25 years. The Jordanian political regime had gone through several crises in the examined years. Not only did it survive all of them but also became stronger. Which factors caused the survival of the regime? In the first part of the thesis we typologize the regime from three possible perspectives (institutional, formalistic and legitimation). The second part deals with an analysis of factors, which enable the survival of Jordanian political regime. The emphasis is given on the role of institutions.
Variability Among Determinants of Education Attainment: the Effect of Natural Resources and Institutional Quality in Sub-Sahar Africa
Hanspal, Tobin ; Bauer, Michal (advisor) ; Riegl, Martin (referee)
Master's Thesis: Tobin Hanspal May 18th, 2012 Variability Among Determinants of Education Attainment: The Effect of Natural Resources and Institutional Quality in Sub-Sahara Africa ABSTRACT: This thesis exploits survey data from 21 Sub-Saharan African countries. After constructing a dataset of over 100,000 households to analyze the variability in traditional determinants of schooling attainment across exogenous domains, results indicate strong heterogeneity across countries in the effects of household composition and parental background. Additionally, findings suggest that 1) marginal effects of parental education are on average three times smaller for secondary compared to primary school attainment, 2) countries with lower corruption are correlated with higher levels of educational mobility, 3) dependence on natural resource revenue is associated with increased educational mobility. And finally 4) household wealth becomes a stronger determinant in countries with better institutions. Exogenous factors appears to have a large correlative impact on schooling outcomes, such as individuals belonging to the richest households have almost ten times the chances of completing primary schooling over the poorest quintile in less corrupt states compared to only a marginal advantage in highly corrupt states.

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