National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Evolutionary Circuit Design by Means of Genetic Programming
Synák, Maroš ; Hurta, Martin (referee) ; Bidlo, Michal (advisor)
Tato práce zkoumá aplikaci genetického programování (GP) pro návrh elektronických obvodů, zaměřuje se na sinusové a obdélníkové oscilátory a diskriminátory tónů, s použitím Pythonu a PySpice. Cílem je znovu vytvořit aspekty základní práce Johna Kozy v tomto oboru. Hlavním cílem je posoudit, zda může GP generovat pokročilé elektronické návrhy efektivněji než tradiční metody, přizpůsobujíc přitom Kozy genetické operace - výběr, křížení, mutaci - moderním výzvám v návrhu obvodů. Metodologie zahrnuje vývoj modelů GP pro simulaci evolučního návrhu obvodů, hodnocených prostřednictvím kontrolovaných experimentů. Tyto experimenty testují schopnost modelů vyvíjet se od základních po složité konfigurace, které splňují specifické elektronické funkce. Tato studie nejenže přezkoumává, ale také upravuje Kozy metody, zahrnuje strategie více závislé na počátečním nastavení embrya, aby řídily evoluční proces v generování cílených návrhů. Kromě toho studie zkoumá nedávné metodologie využívané v podobných aplikacích, aby zvýšila adaptabilitu a efektivitu GP. Výsledky ukazují, že zatímco GP může účinně podporovat a zlepšovat návrh elektronických obvodů pro sinusové oscilátory a diskriminátory tónů, jeho aplikace na generování obdélníkových oscilátorů narazí na omezení a vážné problémy. To zdůrazňuje oblasti pro potenciální zlepšení v genetické diverzitě a zdokonalení algoritmů. Celkově tato práce zdůrazňuje potenciál genetického programování v revoluci návrhu elektronických obvodů, což naznačuje další průzkum a zdokonalení Kozy metodologií, které by mohly rozšířit aplikovatelnost GP v oboru. Tato práce představuje jak pokračování, tak evoluci jeho průkopnických úsilí, čímž otevírá cestu pro budoucí inovace v elektronickém inženýrství.
Electronic Circuits Editor
Kadák, Michal ; Pindryč, Milan (referee) ; Kunovský, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with the possibilities of modeling electrical circuits and methods of solving these models. It focuses on the analysis of today's systems, so that their features can be used in our graphic editor design.
Autonomous Electronic Circuits Simulation Method
Minárik, Michal ; Konvalina, Jiří (referee) ; Kunovský, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with a methodology of description of linear electrical circuits through the use of differential equations and autonomical method. It compares commom numerical methods with Taylor series method implemented in TKSL. It's focused on analysis of applicability of autonomical method to various circuits, complexity of circuit diagram transformation to system of equations and transcription to TKSL.
Design of the implementation project for house's electrical installation
Pitron, Jiří ; Drápela, Jiří (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design and process implementation project for house's electrical installation. The first section contains a statement of the necessary legislation, which is intended for the proper construction of the project. The following are practical examples on how to connect the object to the distribution network, basic furnishing and electrical wiring protection, design of electrical distribution lines and zone location. Continuing this part of the object is to provide external and internal lightning protection. This chapter introduces the reader how to design a receiver system, whose ground leads. It also describes the use of internal lightning protection, surge protection devices. The second part of this thesis examines the use and installation characteristics of the active elements, which may afford some extras to man. In the third practical part author compiled project of realization of wiring a house, which includes drawing circuits, devices and equipment into the house floor plan, electrometer housing scheme and also includes design drawing external lightning protection and its deployment. There are also necessary technical documentation with the economic evaluation of the created object.
Taylor Series Numerical Integration for Electronic Circuits Simulation
Minárik, Michal ; Kunovský, Jiří (referee) ; Šátek, Václav (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with modeling of linear electrical circuits through the differential algebraical equation systems. It describes methods of numerical solving, discusses the need of algebraical conversions and possibility of minimalization through the use of parasitic components. In addition, it involves the design and implementation of extension of available simulation tool.
Singular Initial Value Problem for Ordinary Differential and Integrodifferential Equations
Archalousová, Olga ; Beránek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Růžičková,, Miroslava (referee) ; Šmarda, Zdeněk (advisor)
The thesis deals with qualitative properties of solutions of singular initial value problems for ordinary differential and integrodifferential equations which occur in the theory of linear and nonlinear electrical circuits and the theory of therminionic currents. The research is concentrated especially on questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions, asymptotic estimates of solutions and modications of Adomian decomposition method for singular initial problems. Solution algoritms are derived for scalar differential equations of Lane-Emden type using Taylor series and modication of the Adomian decomposition method. For certain classes of nonlinear of integrodifferential equations asymptotic expansions of solutions are constructed in a neighbourhood of a singular point. By means of the combination of Wazewski's topological method and Schauder xed-point theorem there are proved asymptotic estimates of solutions in a region which is homeomorphic to a cone having vertex coinciding with the initial point. Using Banach xed-point theorem the uniqueness of a solution of the singular initial value problem is proved for systems of integrodifferential equations of Volterra and Fredholm type including implicit systems. Moreover, conditions of continuous dependence of a solution on a parameter are determined. Obtained results are presented in illustrative examples.
Electrical Circuit Simulator
Dušek, Dominik ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor) ; Holan, Tomáš (referee)
The goals of this work were to create an extendable library for electrical circuit simulation and a simple editor for interactive electrical circuit forming.The library was written in C++ language. It uses following methods. Trapezoidal method for solving ordinary differential equations for simulation time-dependable electrical elements.Newton method for solving nonlinear equations for simulation of electrical elements with nonlinear Volt-Ampere characteristics. Modified nodal analysis is used for circuit equation formulation, and modified Gaussian elimination for solving linear equations ergo for solution of modified nodal analysis.Editor was written in C# language. The editor is graphic interface which allows to user forming electrical circuits in diagram representation. The editor also allows simulating electrical circuits via mentioned above library and generating time-vol tage graphs of circuit, from data gained by simulation. In the editor and in the library are implemented these electrical elements: independent voltage sources, independent current sources, ideal resistors, ideal capacitors and ideal inductors.
Electrical Circuit Simulator
Dušek, Dominik ; Ježek, Pavel (advisor) ; Holan, Tomáš (referee)
The goals of this work were to create an extendable library for electrical circuit simulation and a simple editor for interactive electrical circuit forming.The library was written in C++ language. It uses following methods. Trapezoidal method for solving ordinary differential equations for simulation time-dependable electrical elements.Newton method for solving nonlinear equations for simulation of electrical elements with nonlinear Volt-Ampere characteristics. Modified nodal analysis is used for circuit equation formulation, and modified Gaussian elimination for solving linear equations ergo for solution of modified nodal analysis.Editor was written in C# language. The editor is graphic interface which allows to user forming electrical circuits in diagram representation. The editor also allows simulating electrical circuits via mentioned above library and generating time-vol tage graphs of circuit, from data gained by simulation. In the editor and in the library are implemented these electrical elements: independent voltage sources, independent current sources, ideal resistors, ideal capacitors and ideal inductors.
Creating didactic aids and including their methodical-didactic incorporation into the educational process
Pišoft, Jan ; Slavík, Milan (advisor) ; Bohumil, Bohumil (referee)
In the first part of the thesis I focus on the analysis of scientific literature and examining how best can I make my motivate students and thus create ideal conditions for learning, I was then able to in the next section to create for students textbooks, including the basics of electrical engineering, which have the opportunity to repeat their theoretical knowledge necessary for further work. The aim of the thesis is to create teaching aids for apprenticeship electrician, which is in our field really short. I describe the emergence of an educational panel, a detailed description of the individual steps in its construction, in which pupils will rehearse connecting electrical circuits and electrical schematics Appliance according to syllabuses. It turned out that with the advent of the teaching panel increased pupils' interest in training in practical skills and have a much greater motivation to learn and absorb new information.
Design of the implementation project for house's electrical installation
Pitron, Jiří ; Drápela, Jiří (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design and process implementation project for house's electrical installation. The first section contains a statement of the necessary legislation, which is intended for the proper construction of the project. The following are practical examples on how to connect the object to the distribution network, basic furnishing and electrical wiring protection, design of electrical distribution lines and zone location. Continuing this part of the object is to provide external and internal lightning protection. This chapter introduces the reader how to design a receiver system, whose ground leads. It also describes the use of internal lightning protection, surge protection devices. The second part of this thesis examines the use and installation characteristics of the active elements, which may afford some extras to man. In the third practical part author compiled project of realization of wiring a house, which includes drawing circuits, devices and equipment into the house floor plan, electrometer housing scheme and also includes design drawing external lightning protection and its deployment. There are also necessary technical documentation with the economic evaluation of the created object.

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