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Media archeology of glass plates
Žáková, Aneta ; Hanáková, Veronika (advisor) ; Šlerka, Josef (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on glass plates as a photographic medium that was mainly used from the 1840s to 1880s. The goal of this thesis is to define the period discourse and the influence of this media on socio-economic situation through the research method of media archaeology, and therefore to create a complex profile of glass plates as a semi-forgotten medium. At the same time, this thesis answers the question whether this type of medium can be considered obsolete. The methodological part introduces the applied method of media archaeology through its directions, principles and reasons for its use in the context of this bachelor thesis. The research part uses the previously described method to study the artifact of glass plates. It focuses on its characteristic features, as well as historical development, reflection of the medium in society, financial aspects and finally also set questions. This is done by using specialized literature (Scheufler, 1993; Mišková et al., 2016), period documents (The Photographic News for Amateur Photographers..., 1860) and works of media archaeologists (Hodgson, 2006, 2024; Benjamin, 2004, 1996). These sources are further accompanied by information from the institutions Museum Fotoatelier Seidel and Observatoř Kleť. The obtained information indicates that glass...
Role of Fiscal Policy in the Recent Inflation Shock in the Czech Republic
Řepa, David ; Baxa, Jaromír (advisor) ; Pavlova, Alena (referee)
Following a massive fiscal expansion worldwide during the COVID-19 pan- demic, global inflation suddenly started to upsurge at a long-unseen pace. In- spired by the case of the Czech Republic, a country that experienced one of the sharpest hikes in the price level in the European Union between 2021 and 2023 and whose public finances have been considerably disrupted by expansive fiscal policy, the thesis aims to reveal to which extent both phenomena are related. Using panel data spanning from 1996 to 2022, the Fixed Effects and Common Correlated Effects estimators are applied to several dynamic models in which four alternative measures of fiscal stance are considered and that allow for heterogeneity in the magnitude of the coefficients as well as the presence of common effects in some cases. However, no robust evidence that the relation- ship would be economically relevant in the standard times has been revealed. Consequently, the analysis hence does not reveal a clear fiscal source of the recent inflation shock. Different drivers are likely to have affected it. Addition- ally, evidence of generally strong inflation persistence and a role of openness to international trade are observed. JEL Classification E31, E37, E62, E65, H62, H63 Keywords inflation, fiscal policy, Czech Republic, COVID- 19,...
Work from home
Losková, Monika ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Tomšej, Jakub (referee)
Work from home Abstract The subject of this diploma thesis is work from home, which refers to work performed partially or entirely from an employee's domicile. The purpose of the thesis was to analyze the legal regulation regarding working from home and address selected problematic aspects related to it. The objective was to propose suggestions according to the designed law, which would help to align work from home with the current needs of employees and employers from a legal perspective. The diploma thesis is comprised of an introduction, seven parts, and a conclusion. The first part discusses work from home as dependent work, as well as two modes of performing work at home depending on whether the employee schedules their working hours or not, and what the consequences are for both the employee and employer. An amendment to the Labor Code which became effective from 1 October 2023 is also mentioned here in connection with the changes made to the regime of employees working from home who schedule their working hours, which now falls under section 317 subsection 4 of the Labor Code. The second part is dedicated to the historical development of legal regulation of work from home, from the 19th century when the initial legal regulation of work from home dates back to the present day. The third part is...
Comparison of the role of the president in the constitutional development of Belarus and Ukraine during the 1990s and at the beginning of the new millennium
Dubecký, Jan ; Příhoda, Marek (advisor) ; Tumis, Stanislav (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse and evaluate the changes in the constitutional development in Ukraine and Belarus during the 1990s and the first years of the 21st century. The main focus will be on the role of Presidents Kuchma and Lukashenko and on the comparison of the factors that contributed to the dramatic consolidation of the authoritarian direction of the state in the Belarusian case and to the so-called "Kuchism" in the Ukrainian case. The thesis touches upon political relations at the level of the president-parliament, as well as other factors that played an important role in the post-Soviet transformation of both countries (the economy, the legal framework of the state, as well as identity issues in both countries). In the thesis I will focus on the steps that led to the different directions of Belarus and Ukraine during the post-Soviet transformation, but also on the common factors and tendencies that can be traced in both states.
Development of regional differentiation of fertility in Czechia at the AD MEP level in years 1996 to 2020
Petrák, Marek ; Šídlo, Luděk (advisor) ; Slabá, Jitka (referee)
Development of regional differentiation of fertility in Czechia at the AD MEP level in years 1996 to 2020 Abstract The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the development of the intensity and timing of fertility in the Czech administrative districts of municipalities with extended jurisdiction (SO ORP) for the period 1996 to 2020. Another goal is the regionalization of these administrative units based on the values of indicators representing fertility. The first part of the thesis provides a summary of the most important theoretical starting points for the study of fertility in connection with the significant changes in reproductive behavior that took place in the territory of the Czech Republic after 1989. The practical part further focuses on the analysis of the regional development of fertility intensity using the indicator of total fertility and the timing of childbirth using the indicator of average age at birth of the child. The development of regional differentiation is further statistically described using the basic indicators of descriptive statistics and visualized using cartographic means of expression. The analytical part of the work revealed that there is indeed a differentiation in the intensity of fertility and its timing, not only regionally, but also over time. Keywords: fertility,...
The Memoirs of Frank McCourt: An Analysis
After a brief introduction of the Irish American author Frank McCourt and his memoirs Angela's Ashes (1996), 'Tis (1999), and Teacher Man (2005), this thesis presents the main issues with McCourt's memoirs and the opinions of the critics while also exploring the reason for its overwhelming success across the general public as well as the academic environment. The three memoirs are then briefly introduced, commented on and a detailed summary with quotes is provided for each of them. The thesis is concluded with a summary of discovered notions regarding the analyzed memoirs.
The Dialogue of Catholic Theology with Marxism: J. L. Ruiz de la Peňa
MALÝ, Filip
The first part of the thesis traces the various forms of dialogue between Roman Catholic Christians and Marxism in the 19th and 20th centuries: the reactions of the magisterium, the practice of individual Christians, and theological reflection. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to description and evaluation of a specific attempt at dialogue with Marxism by a Spanish Roman Catholic theologian, Juan Luis Ruiz de la Pena Solar (1937-1996). Chapter 1 summarizes the main concepts and currents of Marxism and sets their emergence and development in a contemporary context. Special attention is paid to Marxist orthodoxy and humanist Marxism. Chapter 2 traces the multilayered process of Roman Catholicism's contact with Marxism in terms of the development of the attitudes of the magisterium, ecclesiastical practice, and theology. Chapter 3 describes the situation in Spain in the 20th century that formed the immediate context of Ruiz de la Pena's life, provides a basic biography, and describes his theological orientation and style, his importance for Spanish theology, and provides an overview of the critical responses to his work. Chapter 4 summarizes Ruiz de la Pena's writings on Marxism and provides a detailed analysis of the book "Death and Humanist Marxism: A Theological Perspective". The work is complemented by a more detailed excursus into the thought of the humanist Marxist Adam Schaff.
Remediation of former In-Situ uranium mining region.
Kříž, Jakub ; Kalous, Jaroslav (referee) ; Jícha, Jaroslav (advisor)
Remediation process of region, formally exploited for chemical leaching of uranium, is based on pumping water contaminated mostly by residuals of sulfuric acid from the relevant geological horizons. The contaminated water is then treated in a chemical plant. In the treatment process evaporators play the key role. Presently operating evaporators – three units – are of falling film type. Heating service is provided by compressed vapor that is generated by evaporators. For driving the compressors and associated circulating pumps of each unit electric power of 3,4 MW is required. In the evaporators treated solution is distributed into individual tubes by nozzles of cyclone type that are mounted at the top end of tubes. In the evaporators feed solution contains calcium sulfide of low concentration. Once the calcium sulfide concentration in the evaporating process reaches the state of saturation, even locally, fouling is initiated. Thus the solids start to grow on the inner surface of the tube wall and the nozzle’s openings become restricted. The evaporator performance – evaporating rate – gradually declines and when it reaches the bottom limit the evaporator has to be shut down. This is followed by carrying out the cleaning procedure. At the time when the evaporators started operating (1996) the period between shut downs lasted around a half a year. However, gradually, this period has become substantially shorter – presently it may even last one week only. The thesis proposes two ways of approaching the present hardly acceptable state. First, replacement of distributing nozzles by a set of properly perforated sieve trays secures the uniform distribution of solution into each individual tube. Second, evaporators’ duty will be taken over by newly build multi-flash concentrator that will substitute the presently operating evaporators. Configuration of this new equipment is derived from widely used multi-flash distillation of sea water. Heat required by the concentrator’s end heaters is drawn from a gas turbine exhaust gas. Steam provided by Heat Recovery Steam Generator is supplied to the condensing heat exchangers installed on the evaporator’s feed stream. Generator coupled to the gas turbine, fueled by natural gas, provides the electric power of 30 MW for export.
Ultrafast laser-induced control of magnetic materials
Opršal, Jakub ; Wojewoda, Ondřej (referee) ; Arregi Uribeetxebarria, Jon Ander (advisor)
Magnetické materiály jsou ve velkém používány pro ukládání dat, která jsou zapisována ve formě bitů pomocí externího magnetického pole. Dlouho se věřilo, že doba potřebná pro změnu magnetizace je v řádu desítek až stovek pikosekund. Revoluční experiment v roce 1996 položil základ pro nový obor ultrarychlého ovládání magnetických materiálů, řádově zkracující čas potřebný pro změnu magnetizace. Mimo jiné ukázal, že magnetizace materiálu může být ovlivněna i světelnými pulzy. V této práci jsme replikovali fundamentální, laserem indukované experimenty ve ferromagnetických a ferrimagnetických materiálech. Postavili jsme optickou sestavu schopnou provádět tyto experimenty pro různé polarizace světla. Tato variabilita umožňuje rozlišit různé mechanismy a jevy, které se vyskytují při ultrarychlém ovládání magnetizace magnetických materiálů.
Determination of Acoustic Properties of Sound-Absorbing Materials
Ďurica, Matej ; Řehák, Kamil (referee) ; Prokop, Aleš (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on experimental determination of acoustic absorption of four different material samples. The aims of the work include: research on the given issue, determination of the procedure for the performance of a technical experiment and modification of the measuring device for the determination of acoustic absorption. The performed experiments were evaluated and the results of the sound absorption coefficient were compared with the values given by the manufacturer. Sensitivity analyzes of the experiments were performed.

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