National Repository of Grey Literature 66 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Formula Student Linkcage
Dvořák, Daniel ; Prokop, Aleš (referee) ; Janoušek, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis contains recherche of linkages used on cars competing in Formula Student and a design proposal of roll damper mechanism and realization of it. The goal of the design proposal is to lower the weight of mechanism whilst keeping the high value of stiffness. High stiffness contributes to low friction and to proper function of the mechanism. Static structural analyses in ANSYS software were made. Those analyses led to meeting required parameters.
Air Suspension Systems for Passenger Car Chassis
Mračnová, Michaela ; Zháňal, Lubor (referee) ; Fojtášek, Jan (advisor)
The main goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to characterise pneumatic suspension systems. The introductory chapter chronicles the historical development of these systems. The thesis includes the description of the main components of pneumatic suspension systems and explains theirs functions. Furthermore, it describes the principle of the system operation and derivation of the equations expressing characteristic system properties. The last chapter presents the benefits of systems in terms of driving dynamics and comfort.
Magnetorheological damper for Formula Student
Dlápal, Václav ; Strecker, Zbyněk (referee) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (advisor)
The master thesis deals with design, manufacturing and testing of a prototype magnetorheological damper developed for Formula Student vehicle. The aim was to design and test the damper with similar damping properties to the vehicle as a conventional damper has. Target force-velocity curves were set using quarter car model and evaluated comparing minimal contact force of a tyre for conventional and newly developed damper characteristics. Structural analysis of designed parts, hydraulic and static magnetic analysis were performed. Manufacturing of a specific part magnetorheological damper part was described – piston. Manufactured prototype damper characteristics were evaluated.
Data Processing from Shock Dyno Damper Measurement
Vaněk, Vojtěch ; Vančura, Jan (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
In the first part the bachelor thesis deals with the issue of the damper on theoretical side. In the introduction there is a brief overview of the used dampers, furthermore the characteristic values of the dampers, testing methods, and finally the various negative events and influences during the operation of the damper. In the second part, the bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of a damper, which was tested on damper dynamometer MTS EMA-234 2K in ÚADI workshop. We will attempt to describe the behaviour of the measured damper or anticipate the damper defects due to the findings from the theory described in the first part.
Magnetorheological Strut for Vibration Isolation System of Space Launcher
Macháček, Ondřej ; Borin, Dmitry (referee) ; dr hab. inż. Janusz Gołdasz, prof. PK (referee) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (advisor)
Práce se zabývá návrhem magnetoreologické (MR) vzpěry vibroizolačního systému (VIS) pro kosmický nosič. V rešeršní části jsou popsány vybrané VIS a vzpěry těchto systémů, které byly v kosmických nosičích využity v minulosti. Každá z těchto vzpěr obsahující kapalinu byla těsněna pomocí statických těsnění a pružných vlnovců vyrobených z oceli. Důkladněji byla analyzována vzpěra pasivního systému VIS s označením ELVIS, jehož konstrukce se stala inspirací pro tuto práci. Jedná se o tříparametrický systém, v němž je tlumič uložen na pružině, jejíž tuhost přibližně odpovídá objemové tuhosti vlnovců respektive jejímu průmětu do axiálního směru (pressure thrust stiffness). V práci je představena metodika pro stanovení “pressure thrust stiffness” na základě geometrie vlnovce a také uvedeny parametry vlnovce díky kterým je možné měnit poměr mezi axiální a “pressure thrust stiffness” vlnovce. Tento poměr ovlivňuje v dané koncepci vzpěry její dynamické chování a tím i chování celého VIS. Pro predikci dynamického chování vzpěry byl vytvořen multi-body model VIS založeného na Stewartově plošině a detailnější model jediné vzpěry. Simulace provedené v tomto modelu odhalily parametry, které mají vliv na výkonost tlumiče ve VIS: časová odezva a dynamický rozsah. Díky modelu byl určen rozsah těchto parametrů, ve kterých bude zaručena efektivní funkce vzpěry ve VIS, konkrétně: časová odezva: 0-5ms, dynamický rozsah: 5-10. Před finálním návrhem vzpěry byla sestrojena vzpěra experimentální vzpěra, jejíž parametry byly přesně naměřeny a využity pro verifikaci jednotlivých modelů. Poznatky získané během experimentů byly využity při návrhu finální vzpěry. Jeden z nejdůležitějších poznatků byla nutnost náhrady feritového magnetického obvodu s ohledem na jeho křehkost. Proto byl odvozen tvarový přístup k navrhování rychlých magnetických obvodů z oceli s využitím 3D tisku, který byl následně patentován. Navržená vzpěra obsahuje magnetoreologický ventil jehož odezva je predikována na 1.2 ms a dynamický rozsah 10. V závěru práce je představena metodika, díky které byla vzpěra navržena.
Design of dual-chamber pneumatic spring
Pantůček, Michal ; Roupec, Jakub (referee) ; Macháček, Ondřej (advisor)
This thesis is engaged in the design of a pneumatic spring which will be useful for a design of a strut intended for cosmic applications. The design will be supported with an analytic calculation which to be subsequently verified by means of experiments, however, those reach beyond the scope of this thesis. The spring will be a part of a strut with adjustable shock damping. For this reason it is desirable for the spring to have the lowest passive resistances occurring mainly during sealing mutually moving parts. For the spring they are the piston, the piston rod and the cylinder. On the theoretical level the thesis should explore the possibility of replacing conventional sealings by unconventional ones and possibly determine the influence upon dynamical behaviour of the spring where the piston would not be sealed at all.
Hydrodynamic dampers on the principle of magnetic fluid
Přikryl, Matěj ; Fialová, Simona (referee) ; Pochylý, František (advisor)
This diploma thesis covers the topic of magnetic fluids and their utilisation in hydrodynamic dampers. The first part of the work consists of research on the current state of technology in hydraulic dampers with the focus on dampers using magnetorhelogical fluid. This chapter is followed by research on magnetic fluids with regard to their physical properties and mathematical description, which is used for CFD simulation of flow. The second part deals with the computational simulation of the flow of MR liquid in real MR damper in order to determine the damping characteristic and it's comparison with the experimental data.
Design of Vibroisolation Strut with Minimal Friction Losses
Jančík, Kryštof ; Mazůrek, Ivan (referee) ; Macháček, Ondřej (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on design of Vibroisolation Strut, whose damper uses magnetorheological (MR) fluid. In order to take the full advantage of semiactively controlled MR damper to provide a wide control range, it demands a low value of friction losses, which is mainly caused by used seals. The first part is dedicated to research of dampers, aiming to find the ideal design that ensures this demand. In this purpose, friction of some rod seals was also experimentally determined. Further, calculations which were necessary to determine the MR damper's damping characteristic were carried out and the function of its magnetic circuit was verified by using FEM software. The parameters of the final design of the strut were adjusted for using in an automatic washing machine.
Vehicle Semi-active SuspensionSystem
Salcburger, Martin ; Hejtmánek, Petr (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design algorithms of semi-active suspension system for a quarter car model, compare their function with respect to ride comfort and drive safety. Consequently, setup control algorithms for using in the Adams software. The result of this thesis should be to determine the effect of semi-active suspension control system on vehicle behavior.
Design of Mining Dumper
Tulik, Richard ; Paliatka, Peter (referee) ; Zvonek, Miroslav (advisor)
The main intent of the thesis is design of articulated mining dumper. The contet of own designed mining dumper respects technical, aesthetic and ergonomic requirements. The thesis brings a new perspective of design solution in category of currently the most powerful articulated mining dumpers.

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