National Repository of Grey Literature 60 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
How school report grades affect pupils’ life decision
Federičová, Miroslava
Every year around 14 % of pupils in the fifth grade of primary school apply for places at eightyear gymnasium. More girls than boys apply for places by 53 percent, and more girls than boys are accepted by 53%. The gender imbalance in applications and places awarded is even greater at the later points of transition to gymnasium (academic track secondary schools) for its sixyear and four-year formats. This study only looks at the transition to eight-year format. Girls are on average awarded better grades on their school reports than boys who achieve identical test results. This is apparently because teachers award grades based not only on cognitive skills and knowledge but also on the pupils’ socio-emotional abilities, in which boys tend to be worse off. The criteria for admission to eight-year gymnasium are based primarily on the results of admissions and in part on the applicant’s average grade on their most recent half-yearly school report. Pupils’ decisions about whether to apply to gymnasium are primarily determined by their school report grades, in particular whether they have achieved the top grade “1”, rather than by their expectations about their admissions test results. Our analysis reveals that gender imbalance among applicants to eight-year gymnasium persists even when we compare groups of boys and girls with identical chances of admission. The imbalance is most marked in the group of pupils with borderline chances of admission. A much larger proportion of boys than of girls in this group achieved grades lower than “1” on their reports in one or both of the key subjects – mathematics and Czech language. Pupils’ and parents’ inaccurate assumptions about pupils’ cognitive skills based on their report grades can distort pupils’ further educational ambitions, lead them to make inappropriate decisions about further schooling and thus substantially influence their educational pathways, careers and life stories.\nReport grades provide particularly imperfect information about pupils’ abilities due to their extremely limited comparability: grades are awarded differently at different schools and by different teachers (whose subjective views they reflect), and the weight given to pupils’ socioemotional skills within the grade is unclear.
Gender differences in myocardial apoptosis of the patients after heart tranplantation.
Smetana, Michal ; Szárszoi, Ondrej (advisor) ; Brát, Radim (referee) ; Neckář, Jan (referee)
Gender differences in myocardial apoptosis of the patients after heart transplantation Background: Many functions of the cardiovascular apparatus are influenced by gender. The aim of our study was to find out the sensitivity to perioperative ischemia of the donor female and male myocardium; and determine how the organism affects the donor myocardium of the other sex after heart transplantation (detection of apoptosis), and whether the investigated biomarkers can predict primary graft dysfunction (PGD). Methods: The research was divided into three prospective studies. The Study 1 included 81 patients undergoing heart transplantation from September 2010 to January 2013. Patients were divided into two groups according to male allograft and female allograft. In order to prove myocardial necrosis the high-sensitive cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) method was used. Apoptosis was determined by immunohistochemical detection of caspase-3, Bcl-2, and by the TUNEL method. The Study 2 includeded 58 patients divided into four groups according to gender; both of the recipient and the donor. Apoptosis (caspase-3, Bcl-2, TUNEL) was analysed in these groups during the two-year follow-up. Into Study 3 64 patients were involved. We investigated the relationship in between these biomarkers and the development of PGD after...
Attachment to Parents and Its Influence on Adolescents' Well-Being
Štětinová, Tereza ; Křížová, Ivana (advisor) ; Presslerová, Pavla (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore a topic of attachment to parents and its influence on adolescents' subjective well-being. The theoretical part deals with the specifics of the developmental period of middle adolescence. Afterwards, it presents the main ideas of the concepts of attachment and well-being. The great emphasis is also given to gender differences and changes in attachment and subjective well-being across the life span. The practical part focuses on correlation between adolescents' attachment to parents and their well-being by means of a questionnaire survey. It tries to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and that is why it also deals with the analysis of gender differences and differences between attachment to mothers and attachment to fathers. The research brings interesting results. It confirms the expected positive correlation between girls' well-being and their attachment to both mother and father, however it does not prove either the correlation between boys' well-being and their attachment to mother or correlation between boys' well-being and their attachment to father. The analysis of gender differences also shows that girls and boys do not differ in attachment to mother, but they do differ in attachment to father. Girls show lower quality of the relationship...
What are the determinants of youth happiness?
Yoon, Jungin ; Chytilová, Julie (advisor) ; Hayat, Arshad (referee)
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What’s behind the grades on Czech school certificates?
Münich, Daniel ; Protivínský, T.
Girls in the ninth year of elementary school receive better grades in mathematics and Czech language than boys. In anonymously graded tests, however, girls only achieve better results in Czech language, while in mathematics the boys outperform them on average by roughly the same margin. Meanwhile, the variation in test results within each gender is far greater than the average differences between boys' and girls' results. Gender differences in academic results measured through tests are, in the literature, more often seen to reflect different influences in upbringing and social environments, rather than reflecting different innate dispositions among girls and boys. When writing non-anonymous school reports for mathematics, teachers give girls better grades than reflect their actual results in anonymously assessed tests. On their reports, girls are given grades for mathematics that are on average better by 0.6 grade than their male peers who achieved the same anonymous test score. The gender differences we have found in academic results and grading are in line with the findings of most foreign studies. Our analysis shows that the differences between boys' and girls' grades is not a result of differences in the way stress affects test results, nor a difference in pupils' liking for or aversion to the subject in question. The likely cause of the difference in grades between girls and boys is that the grades are influenced by the pupils' socio-emotional skills. Grades on school reports constitute an established means of feedback about each pupil's educational achievements and form one basis upon which aspirations and decisions regarding further study are taken. Biased grades and the incorrect interpretation they may lead to could affect the young people's further academic trajectory in undesirable ways. Our findings raise a number of questions about suitable changes in how grades are given. One of the many possible changes to be considered is to allocate pupils grades on two separate scales, one of which would reflect only the academic results they have achieved and the second only their attitude to learning, without reference to their objective levelof achievement.
The Content and Structure of Sexual Fantasies of Men and Women
Boudová, Kamila ; Klapilová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Krejčová, Lucie (referee)
Several researches have studied sexual fantasies (SF), and many studies have described the gender differences in frequency, content and incidence. However, most of these studies work in a quantitative way of analysis. The data are obtained from questionnaires containing reductive statements that can be interpreted differently by respondents. The results are sometimes very different across studies. In the present work we have therefore decided to use qualitative and quantitative method of analysis to study the content of SF of men and women and to describe the gender differences. For our research, we obtained data describing the most popular SFs (using a questionnaire with closed-end and open-end questions and also from a freely written favourite SF in the form of a film script by respondents) from a total of 407 women and 159. The sample was based on quotas created according to the data of the Czech Statistical Office (2011). The quotas selected an age-representative sample of 100 women and 100 men whose fantasies were analysed. In terms of qualitative analyses, we have described the following interesting categories regarding female SF: sexual activity occurring in SF; the importance of a submissive role for women; high preference in group activities. In male SF, a large variability of explicit...
Women in sports journalism: gender, profesional identity, power
Koreis, Kristýna ; Vochocová, Lenka (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
Thesis called "Women in Sports Media: Gender, Professional Identity, Power" is a qualitative analysis of self-perception by women journalists in sports media. Using semi- structured interviews with women journalists working in sports newsrooms, the self-perception picture was created through personal experience. The goal was to uncover the way women sport journalists talk about their profession. This thesis attempts to identify presence of gender aspects, that can have an influence over women journalists through their personal experience. Analysis also focuses on the degree of (un)satisfaction in professional life and tries to identify reasons, that cause the (un)satisfaction. Interest is also put on individual wishes and dreams in profession and questions about the future of sports journalism and women in sports journalism.

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