National Repository of Grey Literature 114 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Detection of repetitive sequences in genomes
Puterová, Janka ; Jedlička, Pavel (referee) ; Kléma, Jiří (referee) ; Zendulka, Jaroslav (advisor)
Repetitivní sekvence mohou tvořit významnou část genomu, v některých případech více než 80%, která však bývala vědci často přehlížena. Dnes je známo, že repetice mají v genomu různé funkce a rozdělují se na dvě hlavní skupiny: rozptýlené a tandemové repetice. Cílem této práce bylo vytvoření bioinformatických nástrojů pro detekci repetic, ať už přímo ze sekvenačních dat generovaných sekvenátory, nebo ze sestavených genomů. V úvodní části práce poskytuje náhled do problematiky a přehled typů repetic vyskytujících se v genomech. Dále se práce zabývá stávajícími přístupy a nástroji zaměřenými na identifikaci repetic přímo ze sestavených sekvencí. Hlavním přínosem do této oblasti bylo vytvoření nástroje digIS, který se zaměřuje na detekci inserčních sekvencí, které přestavují nejhojněji se vyskytující rozptýlené repetice u prokaryot. digIS je založen na principu profilových skrytých Markovových modelů zkonstruovaných pro katalytické domény transpozáz, které představují nejkonzervativnější část inserčních sekvencí a zachovávají si sekundární strukturu v rámci rodiny. Následně práce poskytuje přehled sekvenačních technologií a rozebírá stávající metody pro detekci repetic přímo ze sekvenačních dat, bez nutnosti procházejícího sestavení genomu. Je představen nový přístup pro detailní analýzu tandemových repetic. Tento přístup rozšiřuje základní analýzu nástroje RepeatExplorer, který detekuje a charakterizuje repetice přímo ze sekvenačních dat. Práce dále diskutuje aplikace detekce repetic v biologickém výzkumu zejména z pohledu srovnávacích studií repeatomu a evoluce pohlavních chromozomů. V závěrečné části práce poskytuje souhrn dosažených výsledků výzkumu v podobě čtyř článků publikovaných v mezinárodních časopisech, jejichž plné znění je dostupné v přílohách, a celkové shrnutí práce a možnosti budoucího výzkumu.
Factors of Success of FARC and ETA Terrorist Groups: A Comparative Analysis
Kopečný, Ondřej ; Ditrych, Ondřej (advisor) ; Svitková, Katarína (referee)
This work elaborates on historiographical contextual analysis of establishment and consolidation of terrorist groups ETA and FARC, while focusing on identifying and analysis of set of factors, which led to the respective groups constitution. These factors are then examined and compared in the thesis presented. Author then concludes generalness or alternatively contextual character of findings on factors. Examined groups emerged from extensively differing contexts, which contributes to the posibility of following a linking to possible general validit of the factors. Emphasis is being put especially on political, social, economical and identitary premises of the groups establishment.
A Comparative Analysis of Foreign News in the Main News Sessions of TV Stations ČT 1, Nova and Prima in 2010
Kučerová, Kateřina ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor) ; Nečas, Vlastimil (referee)
Diploma thesis "A Comparative Analysis of Foreign News in the Main News Sessions of TV Stations ČT1, TV Nova and Prima TV in 2010" studies the way of producing foreign news by Czech TV stations in the year 2010. Also, it focuses on the question which countries were mentioned. The introductory part discusses the Czech and foreign literature and offers the overview of TV news production, international flow of communication and factors which influences the production of foreign news. It also introduces the main news sessions Události, Televizní noviny and Zprávy TV Prima. The analysis of foreign news service is divided into two parts, first inquires into differences in used types of reports, their representation in the main news sessions, the topical structure and other characteristics connected with the production of news. Then, the second part concentrates on the states which were mentioned in the foreign news and focuses on the impacts influencing the production of foreign news by the Czech TV stations. For both parts of the analysis methods of quantitative research were used. The thesis also studies the differences between the main news sessions of private TV channels TV Nova and Prima TV and ČT1 which offer public service broadcasting. The final part summarizes the results of the quantitative...
Comparison of English and French Vocalic Systems
Havránková, Anna ; Červinková Poesová, Kristýna (advisor) ; Vít, Radek (referee)
This thesis examines the vocalic systems of English and French. In the theoretical part the quality and quantity of English and French vowels are described and compared. In addition, different grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences are shown. The practical part presents a comprehensive analysis of sound material obtained from twelve French native speakers who recorded several lists of carefully selected English words. The aim is to identify the most common pronunciation mistakes which might contribute to the perception of French accent and to understand their occurrence on the basis of the previously made comparison. The results indicate a variety of mistakes partly caused by a complicated English grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence, partly by the influence of different correspondences in French and also by the existence of common lexis in both languages. All the data are supported with graphs.
Funding of sport from public budgets in Denmark in comparison with Czech Republic
Štrbíková, Barbara ; Šíma, Jan (advisor) ; Procházka, Jan (referee)
Funding of sport from public budgets in Denmark in comparison with Czech Republic Goal: Main goal of this thesis is to make a complex view of funding of sport from public budgets in Denmark. Other goal is to set out the main differences between Czech and Danish model. Methods: In this thesis was used the analysis of documents to find out how is the sport funded in Denmark. Also was used the descriptive analysis to describe system of financial flows from public budgets to concrete programs, sport clubs and organizations. This system was subsequently compared with the Czech. Results: Main result of this thesis is the specific view of the funding of sport from public budgets in Denmark and setting out the main differences between Czech and Danish model of funding. Key words: public sector, public finance, public economics, document analysis, comparative analysis, sports authorities Czech Republic, sport authorities Denmark, funding of sport in Czech Republic, funding of sport in Denmark
Selected demographic characteristics of population in structurally affected districts of the Czech Republic late in the 20th and early in the 21th century
Valterová, Aneta ; Bartoňová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Šídlo, Luděk (referee)
Selected demographic characteristics of population in structurally affected districts of the Czech Republic late in the 20th and early in the 21th century Abstract The main objective of this work is and methods to analyze and evaluate the structure of the population of selected structurally affected districts through demographic indicators. Using comparative methods we will verify the justified classification of these districts among structurally affected regions. The first part consists of the theoretical framework of the thesis, containing definitions and legislative elements of regional development. The main part of the thesis discusses the analysis itself. Here we will attest that the selected structurally affected districts lag behind the national average in the Czech Republic in the selected population characteristics. The paper also describes current trends in the demographic behavior of the population of the Czech Republic. These trends are eventually compared with the demographic development in structurally affected districts in the past 20 years. Keywords: structurally affected region, industry transformation, demographic characteristics, comparative analysis, structure of the population
The Paper on Understanding the Subsistence Manner on the Transition of Neolithic and Eneolithic Age (a Comparative Study between the Western Culture Complex and Regions of Bohemia and Moravia)
Mattová, Sabina ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Neustupný, Evžen (referee) ; John, Jan (referee)
The study presented deals with the phenomenon of increased hunting activity on the transition of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Age, the reasons of which have been so far investigated only in regard to environmental conditions of locations. The phenomenon is observed on locations of a wide area of Middle Europe. Nevertheless, there exist locations with prevailing agricultural economy. On the basis of a detailed comparative analysis of the material culture of the Western culture circle and Bohemia and Moravia, the study aims to trace the reflection of the phenomenon in archaeological materials - differences between locations with predominant domestic sources, and locations with predominant wild sources. Alongside, the study deals with a possible environmental impact on increasing hunting tendencies. In order to created a database, a detailed catalogue of locations has been compiled. The catalogue holds the most essential information on material culture with regard to expected agricultural manners. The catalogue also serves as a clue for setting particular indicators of the database, the purpose of which is to organise the data in a comparable form. Subsequently, a descriptive database has been compiled. The database traces the reflection of agricultural base of the individual locations. By means of a...

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