National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Educational Policy of the European Union and the Open Method of Coordination
Vařeková, Petra ; Plechanovová, Běla (advisor) ; Kučerová, Irah (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of the open method of coordination in education policy of the European Union. It views the open method of coordination as a tool based on exchanges of good practice and on mutual learning processes. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the European Union managed to create an effective coordination mechanism through the open method of coordination in the field where the EU can only intervene to support the action of Member States. Research focuses on the Education and Training 2010/2020 work programme whose origin and implementation is connected to the use of the open method of coordination in education policy. The effectiveness of the open method of coordination in the field of education and training is assessed through two criteria. The thesis examines whether the method contributes to achieving greater convergence towards the main EU goals in education and training and whether it support spreading of good practice between Member States. The ability of the open method of coordination to contribute to greater convergence towards the main goals is assessed through European benchmarks of the Education and Training 2010/2020 work programme and through the convergence capacity - the ability of the method to converge education policies of Member States in the...
The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the spatial organisation of air transport in Africa.
The key topic of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of the spatial organization intracontinental of the air transport in Africa in 2019 and 2020 when it was affected by the covid 19 pandemic. In the introductory part, the bachelor thesis is presented, the objectives of the thesis are set and also hypotheses that will be later confirmed or refuted. The introductory part is followed by the theoretical part where the theory of the air transport is introduced, concepts related to this mode of the transport in general and then concepts that are typical for transport in Africa. In the second part of the thesis is a transition from the theoretical to the analytical part. The analytical part has two subchapters, the first deals with the analysis of the domestic air transport in 2019 when it was not yet limited by the covid 19 pandemic. The second subchapter is 2020 when the covid 19 pandemic has already greatly affected air transport. The data for processing the analysis are from the ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization database. Based on this data, intracontinental air transport was compared between 2019 and 2020 when the covid 19 pandemic was spreading.
Dissemination of so-called fake news about the key events of 2020 among YouTubers and Twich streamers
Gobyová, Kateřina ; Miessler, Jan (advisor) ; Hodboď, Vojtěch (referee)
Object of this thesis is to compare the broadcast content of selected YouTubers and Twitch streamers related to the main events of 2020 with how traditional media organizations such as television, press or Internet news servers inform the public about the same topics. It also deals with the possible influence of opinions, especially of young viewers, who represent the target audience for most YouTubers and Twitch streamers. Based on a comparison of the coverage of selected events, the work also attempts to assess whether or not leading Czech YouTubers and Twitch streamers can be considered relevant sources of information in crisis situations.
Warfare and Institutional Communication on Social Media in 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
Kopečný, Ondřej ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Parízek, Michal (referee)
The thesis concerns with communication of Armenian and Azerbaijani Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Defence on Facebook in relation to 2020 Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The official institutional accounts were used to bolster one sided narratives of the conflict, often by emotional appeals and misinformation targeting international and domestic audence. By analyzing FB communication of the named institutions, it aims to identify the key narrative-building tools utilized by state institutions in communication practice and how these tools are used prior to and during wartime. It also aims at comparing the communication practice across the institutions and in between the countries by analyzing Facebook posts of named ministries over period of 100 days using a dataset generated via Crowdtangle.
The Educational Policy of the European Union and the Open Method of Coordination
Vařeková, Petra ; Plechanovová, Běla (advisor) ; Kučerová, Irah (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of the open method of coordination in education policy of the European Union. It views the open method of coordination as a tool based on exchanges of good practice and on mutual learning processes. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the European Union managed to create an effective coordination mechanism through the open method of coordination in the field where the EU can only intervene to support the action of Member States. Research focuses on the Education and Training 2010/2020 work programme whose origin and implementation is connected to the use of the open method of coordination in education policy. The effectiveness of the open method of coordination in the field of education and training is assessed through two criteria. The thesis examines whether the method contributes to achieving greater convergence towards the main EU goals in education and training and whether it support spreading of good practice between Member States. The ability of the open method of coordination to contribute to greater convergence towards the main goals is assessed through European benchmarks of the Education and Training 2010/2020 work programme and through the convergence capacity - the ability of the method to converge education policies of Member States in the...

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