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Evaluation of Effectiveness Investments in Human Capital in State Administration
KUPKA, Ondřej
This bachelor thesis deals with human capital as a very important component of the modern concept of economics. The theoretical part describes the theory of human capital and the relationship between human capital and education policy. The main theme are investments in human capital and the possibility of evaluating their effectiveness. Attention is paid to investments in human capital in state administration. This sector in the Czech Republic faces a lot of problems, for example low efficiency of the state ad-ministration. In the practical part is characterized chosen segmenet of the state administration, espe-cially educational policy and investments in education. Then these investments in human capital are analyzed. Analysis is based on performance indicators, interviews with management representatives and a the questionnaire survey among employees, to obtain theire feedback. After the analysis are evaluated the results. The main goal is try to find, which of these investments are the most effective.

Do women with children have lower wage rate than childless women?
Lukášová, Nikola ; Brožová, Dagmar (advisor) ; Čermáková, Klára (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate if women with children in the Czech Republic have a lower wage rate than childless women. The data from WageIndicator Foundation was processed by using the the least squares method. The conclusion is that motherhood has a negative impact on salaries. I also found that the depreciation of human capital influences only women with two or more children. It can be caused by the lenght of maternity leave. The main finding is that the wage penalty for motherhood actually exists. And the society and politicians should give the motherhood penalty more attention in the future.

The effect of investment in tertiary education on gross wages in the region Prague
Diessner, Daniel ; Chytil, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether and how higher education affects gross wages. The theoretical part focuses on the theory of human capital, especially investment in education. The theory posits that a higher investment in human capital leads to higher yield, higher wages. The validity of this concept will be tested on the group of respondents who entered the labour market at the turn of millennium. Concentration of candidates with tertiary education in this period has risen considerably, which could cause an imbalance in the labour market. The practical part is based on the work of Mincer (1974). I used Mincer Earnings Function as a basis to build regression model. Partial aim is to prove the declining rate of return on investment in tertiary education using Mincer Equation.

Internal equity principle in the context of company strategy
Kopecký, Martin ; Nový, Ivan (advisor) ; Háša, Stanislav (referee) ; Blažek, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis deals with the scientific problem of the link between the strategic management and the compensation system using the principle of internal equity. The work is based on two pillars, namely the qualitative research and own proposed solution. The first part of the thesis describes the qualitative research and the possibilities and the synergistic effects of linking business strategy and compensation system. The qualitative research is performed as a multi-case study and investigates the phenomenon in the practice of three companies from various markets (the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia and Hercegovina) and industries (finance, IT/Telco and FMCG). The research tries to find answers to the four research questions: How does business strategy influence compensation process? How can compensation support the realization of a business strategy? How can business strategy be linked with a compensation system within the principle of internal equity? How can compensation reinforce the strategic function of the human resources management? The research is based on the study of theoretical sources as well as on practical fieldwork. The qualitative research itself uses qualitative research methods for data collection, such as observations, questionnaires, and document analysis. The population questioned was top managers, line managers and representatives of HR department. In total, 142 interviews were performed by a single person. The collected data were analyzed and the triangulation was applied. The findings were summarized and generalized into a final report that brings answers to the research questions above. The research brings valuable findings used in the second, design part of the thesis. The own proposed solution consists of two main models. The first one is a simplified scheme of the compensation system and the second one is a model of strategic segmentation of jobs. The first model could be used successfully in the business practice as well as in education. The second model of the strategic job segmentation brings answer to the question of synergistic linking of business strategy and the compensation system within the principle of internal equity. The model brings valuable findings and a foundation for further theoretical research and its further development. The model also brings practical solution to the design of related policies and processes in the strategic management of human resources. By the design of both proposed models the main objectives of the thesis were achieved.

Hodnocení spolehlivosti lidského činitele v procesní průmyslu
Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v.v.i.
Today, the human factor has become a common theme in many sectors of human activities. These include the military sector and the military, because improper use of weapon systems or their conscious abuse is considered a very serious threat. In terms of civilian operations are mainly operating nuclear power plants, chemical plants, air transport, but also health, where great emphasis is placed on reliability (and accuracy) of man.
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Nutritional analysis and optimization of breeding of selected species of edible insects under conditions of the Czech Republic with regard to human health
Adámková, Anna ; Kouřimská, Lenka (advisor)
All over the world, the edible insects are considered a highly nutritious food with high protein and fat content. However, the nutritional value of insect is not constant. It can be affected by species, developmental stage, rearing technology or nutrition. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at obtaining the selected nutritional value of edible insects. Analyses were focused on the determination of the crude protein content, fat content, fatty acid profile and sterols in selected species of edible insects, which can be commonly reared in the Czech Republic. At the same time we also analysed samples of insects reared on the island of Sumatra to evaluate the influence of the climate on the nutritional value. The main aim of the thesis was the determination of optimal breeding conditions, developmental stages and feed rations for obtaining good production of insects with nutritional properties suitable for human nutrition. The analyses showed a high nutritional value of selected insect species, but also confirmed the significant differences in the content of individual nutrients between different species depending on the climate conditions and developmental stage. Comparing the fat and crude protein content in edible insects and other conventional sources of meat it has been found, that the examined insect is similar to beef concerning the fat and crude protein content. The results obtained are the basis for determining the appropriate rearing conditions and developmental stages for obtaining insect with the desired nutritional properties for human nutrition.

Individual human odor as a forensic trail in criminal proceeding made by contact or contactless transmission and its resistance to physical agents
Santariová, Milena ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Chmelíková, Eva (referee)
The dissertation thesis consists of four papers that have been published in scientific journals. Study n. 1 The need to recover evidence from water is quite common in criminal investigation. The article deals with the possibility to collect human scent from such objects and with the ability of specially trained dogs to match such scent samples with scent samples collected from detained suspects. During an experiment, designed as a blind one, it has been proved, that human scent can survive on submerged objects and can be later used for scent identification. Study n. 2 To collect odors the Czech Republic Police use special fabric sorbents manufactured under the registered mark ARATEX. Before use the fabric sorbent is treated by water vapor sterilization. After the scent identification the sorbent is destroyed. The goal of the study was to verify if the vapor sterilization is effective enough to remove human scent that has already penetrated into the sorbent structure or in other words if the sorbent can be exposed to vapor sterilization and then used again. Specially trained dogs were used to match starting odors with target odors in the line-ups. The results showed that dogs are able to correctly match human odors even after they have being exposed to vapor sterilization. Study n. 3 The purpose of the study was to determine the temperature at which the human scent is degraded so that a dog would not be able to identify it. In contrast to expectations, eight dogs used in the experiment almost flawlessly identified human scents from five scent donors exposed to temperatures of 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C. Only two of the dogs were able to identify 5 of 15 scent samples exposed to 900°C. No dog identified a scent exposed to 1000°C. Our study verified heat survivability of human scent far beyond existing expectations. Study n. 4 We tested the hypothesis that if odor fallout (the release of a human odor onto an untouched object) in human subjects exists, then holding a hand above an absorbent will produce a detectable scent which will be subsequently matched in a detection test by trained dogs. Scents were collected from seven males to sterile cotton absorbent squares. The left hand was used to get the control scent and the right hand served as the target scent. Each experimental subject was sitting and his left hand was laid down on a cotton square for 3 min. The right hand was held 5 cm above another cotton square for 3 min. The scent identification was done by two specially trained police German shepherds. Both dogs performed 14 line-ups and correctly matched the collected scents of all test subjects. The results suggest the existence of human odor fallout, whereby a human scent trace is left by humans even if they do not touch an object.

Design of leg for crash test dummy
Maršálek, Petr ; Semela, Marek (referee) ; Bilík, Martin (advisor)
This thesis is devoted to the design model of the lower limbs crash test dummies. It describes how the dummy developed historically, what are currently available for crash tests, what they are made and what their future will be. The main motive of the work is to design a model of lower limb for crash tests, with emphasis on the human anatomy. The work is characterized by how the figurine is produced using the form from material Thermolyne Clear, wood as a substitute human bones and the agar substitutes such as human muscle.

Řezníček, Ivo ; Baláž, Teodor (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá vylepšením systémů pro rozpoznávání činností člověka. Současný stav vědění v této oblasti jest prezentován. Toto zahrnuje způsoby získávání digitálních obrazů a videí společně se způsoby reprezentace těchto entit za použití počítače. Dále jest prezentováno jak jsou použity extraktory příznakových vektorů a extraktory pros- torově-časových příznakových vektorů a způsoby přípravy těchto dat pro další zpracování. Příkladem následného zpracování jsou klasifikační metody. Pro zpracování se obecně obvykle používají části videa s proměnlivou délkou. Hlavní přínos této práce je vyřčená hypotéza o optimální délce analýzy video sekvence, kdy kvalita řešení je porovnatelná s řešením bez restrikce délky videosekvence. Algoritmus pro ověření této hypotézy jest navržen, implementován a otestován. Hypotéza byla experimentálně ověřena za použití tohoto algoritmu. Při hledání optimální délky bylo též dosaženo jistého zlepšení kvality klasifikace. Experimenty, výsledky a budoucí využití této práce jsou taktéž prezentovány.

Measuring the Performance of Human Capital in the Building Company
The main objective of this work is to measure the performance of human capital in the chosen building company. Another goal is to bring suggestions for improvement that will lead to increasing to the efficiency of human capital. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part provides information from the Czech and foreign literature. Knowledge of theoretical part is then applied to the practical part. Basic information about the company is included in the practical part and comparison with competing businesses is also mentioned. But the most attention is paid to the performance of human capital, which is measured by labour productivity. Two indicators are selected for the calculation of labour productivity - sales and added value. Both indicators are compared in two ways; the first is average number of employees and the second personnel costs. Calculations are performed by internal resource of the company for the period 2007-2014.