National Repository of Grey Literature 4,036 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.41 seconds. 

Negative effect of addictive substances on human organism
In my thesis I have focused on assesment of particular cathegories of drugs and mainly their negative harmful influence on human organism. I have suggested the system of subdivision of those causing drug addiction. I have used specialized literature; books and magazines.

Physical and mathematical modeling of effects of velopharyngeal insufficiency on acoustic characteristics of human vocal tract
Horáček, Jaromír ; Vampola, T. ; Veselý, Jan ; Růžička, P.
The effects of velopharyngeal insufficiency or clefting on acoustic frequency-modal characteristics of human supraglottal spaces are investigated for the Czech vowels /a/ and /u/. Finite element (FE) modelling is supported by experimental investigation using a physical model of the vocal and nasal tract fabricated by the rapid prototyping technique from the FE model.

Effect of partial replacement of Portland cement by diatomaceous earth on selected parameters of cement mortar
Rousková, Jana ; Sedlmajer, Martin (referee) ; Rovnaníková, Pavla (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is selected parameters cement mortars with partial replacement of Portland cement diatomaceous earth. This work provides information on the basic properties of diatomaceous earth and its deposits with a focus on deposit in Borovany. From the properties is very important pozzolanic activity due to the high content of amorphous silica of this soil. The main use of diatomaceous earth is in the area filtration and is used widely as a nutritional supplement. In the building industry, diatomite can be applied as an admixture to mortar and concrete, where it can, with its abilities, improve some physical mechanical properties. In the experimental part was diatomaceous earth, in its raw and calcined form, tested as admixture for cement pastes and mortars. The main criterion for evaluating these composites was bulk density, flexural and compressive strength. It was also investigated mineralogical composition, microstructure, freeze–thaw resistance and sulfate resistance.

Cutting ceramics and its effective use
Podešva, Lukáš ; Dvořáková, Jana (referee) ; Humár, Anton (advisor)
In the first part of this diploma thesis there are discribed basic findings about cutting ceramics (sorts, notation, structure, physical-mechanical properties, using, production) and it evaluates this tool material from the aspect of cutting power. The second part focuses on complex data processing about assortment of ceramics cutting materials of significant tool materials producers and comparison of service conditions (kind of mechanided materials, cutting conditions), which are recommend for effective turning by producers.

Cryotherapy as the oppurtunity for the regeneration of sportsmen
Počtová, Bohumila ; Nováková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Majorová, Simona (referee)
Title ofthesis : Cryotherapy is oppurtunity for the regeneration ofsportsmen Goal of the project : To map and compare information of c:ryotherapy center and places that provide c:ryotherapy application in the Czech Republic. Ifthere is a regulary and properly train information of cold effect for body and prove to provide. On the basis ofthis is determination the quality of information giving to clients and experience ofsportsmen clients at information about influence of cold and this procedure. To find out how the method is used and whether are conditions an fulfiled. Metb.ods :For research I use an exploratory method.The collection of dates was executed by public inguiry and guestionnaires PO:tv1S. The getting dates of particular items was evaluated by qualitative method. Results : This reseach charted cryotherapy centres in the Czech Republic. There was established professional skill specialists served in each of all questionnairy cryotherapy centres. However safety ofthe clients is provided in part only. The clients should have to udergo medical examinations. But these ones are not realised in some of them. The results of this rescach ís cryotherapy centres and sportsmen are deficienty ínformation. The results ofquestionnaires POMS cenfirmed players feelings are posítive after cold application....

Test bench for analysis of energy recovery in experimental vehicle
Indruch, Jiří ; Čermák, Jan (referee) ; Nevrlý, Josef (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with design of an experimental test bench for recovery energy simulation at machines with hydrostatic energy transmission. This work describes choice of connection and selection of hydrostatic and other components. A first part of the thesis deals with calculation and design of the flywheel whose is its rotational kinetic energy corresponds in a certain scale to translational kinetic energy of the experimental vehicle. The thesis outlines the efficiency of transformation of rotational kinetic energy to pressure energy its accumulation and subsequent conversion back to rotational kinetic energy. Precise determination of the effectiveness of hydrostatic recovery is one of the objectives of experiments that will be implemented at the test bench. The task of the measurement and physical-technical analysis to be conducted at the manufactured test bench is primarily to obtain data at for the precise control of the hydrostatic energy recovery system to maximize its efficiency.

A Monistic and dual organizational structure of a joint-stock company
Čížková, Jana ; Kříž, Radim (advisor) ; Hásová, Jiřina (referee)
The thesis deals with two types of organizational structure of a joint-stock company regard to changing legislation, effective from 1st January 2014. The work is initially focused on new type of organizational structure - a monistic organizational structure. It consists of the board of directors and the statutory director. The work explains the operation and scope of the company's bodies. The second type of organizational structure, which analyses the work, is dual organizational structure. It consists of the management board and the supervisory board. The work is based on the Civil Code and the Business Corporations Act.

Antioxidants in Food and Their Function in the Process of Defence Against the Free Radicals Effects
The thesis deals with antioxidants in food and their function in the process of defence against the effects of free radicals. At first, antioxidants are defined and their clasification is described in the theoretical part. Then this part deals with antioxidants in food, their effects on people´s health and antioxidants recommended daily doses. Possitive and negative effects of free radicals on people´s health and their relation to antioxidants are mentioned next. In the practical part, I concentrate on the survey focused on the investigation of the population awareness of antioxidants and their effects on health. One hundred and sixty respondents took part in the survey. They were devided into two groups; working people and pensioners. The questionnaire contained twelve questions which investigated the population awareness of the topic. The data collection took place in January 2013 and it was evaluated in February 2013. The collected data were evaluated according to basic statistical methods. The ascertained answers were put into unified tables and then they were compared. Especially, the general awareness was investigated and then the effect of education on the knoledge of the topic was considered.

Molecular adaptations of adipose tissue in relation to dietary treatment of obesity in human
Tencerová, Michaela ; Štich, Vladimír (advisor) ; Flachs, Pavel (referee) ; Kazdová, Ludmila (referee) ; Kunešová, Marie (referee)
The general goal of this work was to investigate the molecular adaptations of human AT in relation to DIs with respect to its secretory activity as well as cellular composition focused on macrophages population. Specifically, we studied the role of novel adipokines, such as visfatin and RBP4, related to insulin resistance and AT metabolism. Furthermore, we wanted to characterize the effect of the dietary-induced changes on the content of ATM together with metabolic amelioration. In our studies, we found that lifestyle modifications had a beneficial effect on metabolic and biochemical parameters depending on the duration and type of DI. Regarding both of the investigated adipokines, visfatin and RBP4, we revealed modifications at the transcriptional and cirulating levels during DI. However, we did not find any association with the pattern of evolution of insulin resistance. Our findings do not support a clear hypothesis on the role of these adipokines in the diet-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity and other obesity-related metabolic disturbances. In respect to the changes of ATM content during long-term DI, we demonstrated using flow cytometry that the AT composition was changed at the end of the whole dietary intervention (i.e. after WM phase). This diet-induced AT remodelling was expressed by a...

Physical properties of InP epitaxial layers prepared with dysprosium admixture
Grym, Jan ; Procházková, Olga
Physical properties of commonly prepared InP layers grown by LPE technique and those grown from Dy treated melt are compared. The layers were examined by SEM, low temperature PL spectroscopy, C-V measurements and temperature dependent Hall effect. Structural, electrical and optical properties of InP layers exhibit a significant dependence on the presence of Dy and its concentration in the melt. When increasing the concentration of Dy the reversal of electrical conductivity occurs.