National Repository of Grey Literature 601 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.11 seconds. 

The transfer sources of hepatitis C among drug users.
Hepatitis C is one of the main causes of chronic liver diseases development, especially in young people. The number of people infected with the hepatitis C virus worldwide ranges from 170 to 200 millions, i.e 3 % world population. The prevalence depends on the geografical location and the socio-economic level of the country. The biggest prevalence is in Africa, South America and South-East Asia. The serious fact is that the infection often has a mild or asymptomatic course. The clinical picture may be uncharactesistic and the diagnosis can be made as late as in the advanced stages of the disease, such as liver cirrhosis or hepatocelular carcinom. In the past the most common way how to transmit the infestion was by the blood transfusion. After the screening tests were introduced in the beginning of the 90th, the number of persons infected by this way has considerably decreased. The intravenous toxicomania leading to the infection with the hepatitic C virus has been a great problem recently. More than one half of the hepatitis C occurence was caused by sharing and re-using infected syringes, needles and other aids by drug addicts in whom the prevalence of the disease is 85 %. However, their therapy is very difficult with regard to the lack of their regular cooperation with physicians. Other possible ways of the infection transmission is a sexual contact with an infected person or a less frequent transmission mother-child. There is no effective vaccination against the hepatitis C virus yet. To prevent the transmission it is neccesary to avoid contact with body fluids of infected persons. In the theoretical section I focused my attention on the summary of important facts on hepatitis C and some aspects of drug abuse. In the practical section I focused on the survey of the behaviour and attitudes of intravenous drug abusers and risks significant for the spread of hepatitis C within the drug population.

není uveden
Bahannan, Abdulrehman ; Slavíček, Aleš (advisor) ; Dlouhá, Olga (referee) ; Slípka, Jaroslav (referee)
Endoscopic laser-assisted cordectomies classified by Remacle and Rudert (typ I-V cordectomies) comprise a vast range of procedures from simple vocal cord stripping or submucosal cordectomy (type I) through more extensive surgery (subligamentous cordectomy- type II, transmuscular chordectomy- type III) to complete (type IV) or extended cordectomies (type V) used when tumour involves the anterior commisure, arytenoid region, subglottic region etc. Endoscopic laser-assisted surgery of the larynx is usually indicated in early stages of infiltrative malignant disease of the glottic region (Tla-b, T2) or in preneoplastic conditions (laryngeal intraepithelial neoplasia - LIN I, II or III). Radiotherapy is also believed to be an equivalent type of oncological therapy for these diseases. Both surgery and radiotherapy can worsen one of the main functions of the human larynx- the human voice. Because the overall survival rates and local control rates are quite similar in both types of therapy, one should always have in mind something that is beyond the main goal of achieving radical removal of the tumour- patients quality of life (QoL) and quality of voice. It is very interesting to compare QoL and voice quality in different types of treatment. The possibility to conserve the radiotherapy for the possible recurrence...

Utilization of the database applications in clinical research
Telička, Zdeněk ; Jiskra, Jan (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
The Diploma Thesis "Utilization of database applications in clinical research" deals with development of client-server database application for 3rd Medical Department, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Application's aim is to store structured data of patients' examinations, treatments and biochemical results. Purpose of the application is to facilitate data processing for clinical research, which is very difficult, because information stored in hospital information system doesn't contain detailed records from medical examinations. Also, searching for several entries is slow. As well, application allows import patient identification data from hospital information system. This function provides physicians wide range of possibilities in data processing 4 and comparison in relation to treatments. Effective feature of this application is faster writing medical reports stored in information system because they are automatically generated from application's database.

The endocrine function of adipose tissue and its importance for initiation and development of insulin resistance and diabetes
Haluzík, Michal ; Schreiber, Vratislav (advisor) ; Marešová, Dana (referee) ; Šeda, Ondřej (referee)
Endocrine production of adipose tissue is a very complex process affected by numerous endogenous and exogenous stimuli. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors-alpha (PPAR-) are important modulators of metabolic processes which can also affect endocrine function of adipose tissue. Recently, numerous novel factors produced by adipose tissue with important metabolic effects were identified. Some of them can directly bind PPAR receptors. One of the examples of these factors is fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) which can directly bind PPAR receptors and indirectly modify its activation by changing availability of endogenous PPAR ligands -free fatty acids. We hypothesized that the mechanism of action of PPAR receptors to metabolic processes may partially lie in their complex interaction with adipose tissue-derived hormones. The unraveling of these interactions may have important consequences in finding approaches to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (...) In summary, our data show an important role for the interplay of PPAR activation and endocrine function of adipose tissue in metabolic regulations which may have important clinical consequences.

Effect of piracetam on advanced dementia with predominated cardiovascular symptoms
Kovtun, Vladimír ; Ďoubal, Stanislav (advisor) ; Zadák, Zdeněk (referee) ; Mrňa, Boris (referee)
From 2001 to 2004 a retrospective non-invasive clinical trial on the effects off Piracetam was carried out in the nursing home in Česká Kamenice. The effect of Piracetam was observed on 150 patients aged 84,29 ( +- 3,5 years ) who suffered from an advanced form of vascular dementia. The patients were diagnosed in accordance with all currently valid criteria. At the time of the clinical trial the patients had been suffering from the disease for more than 6 months. A placebo was administered to the reference group composed of patients suffering from the same disease. The clinical trial lasted for a period of 12 months . The treatment with Piracetam did not demonstrate any positive effects which would be statistically substantial. This is probably due to an increased number of advanced forms of dementia syndrome with an irreversible loss of the brain's ability to compensate. For the above mentioned reasons an early diagnosis of demetia is of high importance because of a possibility to positively influence the disease. We assume that it is a task of an immense significance which goes beyond the boarders of the Czech Republic. Also, it raises the importance of geriatrics and gerontopharmacy on the societal ladder. Obviously, it is necessary to conduct further and much more extensive studies, which would...

Effect of pentoxifyllin on advanced dementia with predominated cardiovascular symptoms
Mészárosová, Jitka ; Ďoubal, Stanislav (advisor) ; Náhlovský, Jiří (referee) ; Mrňa, Boris (referee)
The high consumption of Pentoxifyllin in patients suffering from vascular dementia led to a concern and a clinical trial conducted in the nursing home in Česká Kamenice from 2001 to 2004. The retrospective survey was carried out on 176 patients and lasted 12 months. If we consider the currently valid criteria for the diagnosis of vascular dementia, the patients showed an advanced form of the disease. The experiment did not demonstrate any positive influence of treatment on either cardiovascular diseases or the mortality of afflicted patients. Despite the fact that we could expect the medicament to have a favourable influence on the symptoms of the advanced form of vascular dementia it was not proven so. It is absolutely essential for doctors to have good background knowledge of diseases and all kinds of particularities accompanying old age, especially when it comes to the early detection of dementia. High consumption of Pentoxifyllin led to a number of experiments and studies trying to prove its efficiency and hence justify prescripcions for the drug. An extended study carried out in 1996 demonstrated the favourable effects of Pentoxifyllin. Our experiment has also showed signs of improvement in pateints with weaker forms of dementia. Final decision on the suitability of the treatment with...

Film image as an object of education
Arbanová, Linda ; Špirk, Ivan (advisor) ; Fulková, Marie (referee) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
ANOTTATION: ARBANOVÁ, L.: FILM IMAGE AS AN OBJECT OF EDUCATION DlSSERTATION THESIS, 2 0 1 0 , CHARLES UNIVERSITY OF PRAGUE, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF ART EDUCATION, 134 p. Dissertation thesis describes possibilities, benefits and problems that emerge from using film image in art education. It places film into the wider context of contemporary film theory and visual studies, It examines film image from the art educational point of view by defining its specificky among other types of images. It deals with filmic experience as a basic situation when pupils interact with film. It defines active pupil-viewer and active pupil-fílmmaker. Their activity during constructing or reconstructing films fabula leads to different types of knowledge. KEY WORDS: ART EDUCATION, VISUAL CULTURE, FILM IMAGE, FILMIC EXPERIENCE, CHILDRENS FILM MAKING, ANIMATED MOVIE, DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES

English verbal (pseudo-) compounds from a diachronic viewpoint
Vráblová, Zuzana ; Čermák, Jan (advisor) ; Klégr, Aleš (referee)
We attempted to analyze not only the diachronic development of pseudo-compound verbs (or rather tendencies in the historical development because we excluded the Early Modern English period from our research), but also the synchronic problems in the Old and Middle English periods. But a fully consistent and balanced analysis proved impossible due to a variety of objective reasons. First, even though a fairly large number of Old English texts (i.e. 3037) survived into Modern English, we have no evidence as to how much texts were actually compiled in that period. The number of Middle English texts in CME is extremely low (i.e. 146). (What might seem puzzling is that Old English records surpass the Middle English ones. But it is due to the fact that CME has not been finished yet.) This unbalance of available texts makes any comparison between pseudo-compound verbs in Old and Middle English highly inaccurate. Second, Old English literature is to a very large extent homogeneous, consisting almost entirely of religious texts. Middle English writers compiled also other types of texts (e.g. secular prose and secular poetry). Nevertheless, it is impossible to draw a definite conclusion about the use of pseudo-compound verbs in various kinds of literature unless all Middle English texts are incorporated into CME....

The development of the Jewish community in Kolín in the 18th century. The population, crafts, administration in comparison
Věchetová, Zuzana ; Šedinová, Jiřina (referee) ; Ebelová, Ivana (advisor)
The comparison of two biggest jewish communities in the Czech country, Kolín and Libeň, show us in virtue of performed research the different making of them. On the one hand its population grew in the same way up. Many of the inhabitants come from other cities, mainly from Nový Bydžov and Praha, also some from Poland or Germany. On the other hand show the differents in crafts, taxes collection and administration. In Kolín were more tradesmen and merchants, in Libeň dominated the manufacturing of clothes. The real jewish ribbon manufacture in Libeň was established at the end of eighties of 18th century. Surprising is result of research the taxes. The Jews from Kolin, although they had less incomes, had to collect twice more contribution tax than the Jews from Libeň. The contribution tax rises about one third during the 18th century. The administration of Jews in Kolín was privileged due to direct management of Czech chamber. But the the economic situation was different, the Jews from Libeň were for Praha more important. The digest from reviewed sources perform the schedule of office holders, tables and graphs in supplement. Also the picture supplement is included.

The use of the DMS 48 test for the diagnosis of the mild cognitive impairment and the initiatory phase of dementia
Nikolai, Tomáš ; Loneková, Katarína (referee) ; Kulišťák, Petr (advisor)
This thesis presents a contribution towards the diagnosis of the Mild Cognitive Impairment and to the initiatory phase of dementia. We have used the DMS 48 test to analyze the differences in the area of memory capabilities damage. The research has been carried out with the sample of 50 patients with MCI, who have been diagnosed according to the actual Petersen concept. There has been a control group of 34 persons created with no exposure of the cognitive function damage. The research has proved that the achievements of the patients with MCI have been in the DMS 48 test significantly lower than the achievements of the control group. The achievements of the patients with MCI in the DMS 48 test have been also compared with the results of patients that have been tested in other chosen neuropsychological tests with the aim to confirm the ability of this test to identify hippocampal memory damage. We have chosen 2 neuropsychological memory subtests, which according to the theoretical constructs can measure the hippocampal memory damage and another two subtests, which are not able to distinguish the hipocampalnian memory damage from other types of memory damage. The results have proved that the DMS 48 has significant correlations only with the results of the subtests measured by the theoretical construct of the...