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The significance of the public expenditures to economic growth and productivity of the economy.
The main aim of my work is to consider the impact of the public expenditures to economic growth and productivity of the economy. The first part is devoted to the theoretical knowledge, which are concern to this problems. In the second part, which is divided into sub-goals, such as trends in the public expenditures, economic growth, gross value added, the number of hours worked, gross fixed capital formation and productivity of labor and capital, is surveyed their development and the segmented by the sector. Data are obtained from the Czech Statistical Office, and then calculated the results by the statistical program Statistica.

The possibilities and conditions for the use of tools for analyzing customer behavior on social networks
Horák, Vít ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Měsíček, Libor (referee)
The thesis deals with free tools that can be used to analyze customers of SMB e-commerce enterprises on the social network Facebook in order to increase their competitiveness within the social network. The theoretical part focuses on defining key terms, distinguishes types of social media and describes present social networks situation in world and in the Czech Republic from a users perspective and in the Czech Republic also from an enterprises perspective. Furthermore, the theoretical part also deals with possibilities that social networks can offer to the SMB enterprises. And as well it identifies different types of analytical tools that can be used for purposes of monitoring customers or analysis of customers. In the beginning of the practical part there is introduced the company Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. (the e commerce B2C company). Afterwards is presented the analysis of the survey about how SMB companies that operate the best Czech e-shops monitor and analyze their activities and customers from the social network Facebook. Subsequently there is handled the selection of appropriate tools for SME companies, which are also analyzed in the following chapter. At the end of the practical part there is practical application of knowledge from the thesis to Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. through the design and pilot deployment of appropriate procedures and analytic tools, whose effectiveness is evaluated at the end of chapter. The main benefit is in act of finding and verification of free tools and effective method that allows for detailed analysis of company customers even for micro companies and thus also effectively achieve positive economic results even in emerging facebook presentations.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of prevention of tobacco smoking in secondary schools in the district Strakonice
This thesis deals with the issue of smoking. It is a serious global problem. Illnesses and death associated with smoking are among the most important problems of Public health in most countries. The risk of damage threatens not only to active smokers but also those who are exposed to passive smoking. Abuse of tobacco is clearly linked to cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other serious diseases. Most smokers begin to smoke no longer in secondary schools. According to Kalina (2003) is modus 14 years. Therefore, preventive activities must be realized before this period. School (outside of family and peers) affects education, attitudes and values of the student. Compulsory school attendance does from primary schools ideal environment for implementation preventive activities. That is reason why I wanted to know if and how well schools use an education as a means of primary prevention. Theoretical part contains the terminology associated with tobacco issues, further a history of tobacco and methods of tobacco and nicotine use. The following chapters provide information of substances contained in cigarettes, selected diseases, prevention, legislation, cessation and withdrawal symptoms and methods of quitting. I used a quantitative method for research in the practical part. Respondents were selected from among pupils from primary schools of Strakonice. At each of the schools in Strakonice I addressed to 50 pupils. First half of them were educated and second half were not. Two hundred of students were interviewed together. I discarded two questionnaires. Total quantity of respondents was 198 students. Questionnaire contained 20 questions, which was designed for students of second grade of elementary school. I set three targets. The main target was to map the problem of smoking among pupils of primary schools in Strakonice, evaluate the impact of education on the knowledge of the respondents and ascertain the views of students on the quality of education. Research has shown that the prevalence of smokers among students of second grade of elementary school in Strakonice is lower than prevalence by GYTS. Older pupils (who were educated) smoke to the greater extent (15.3 %) than younger (uneducated) pupils (6 % smokers). More than 70 % of smokers want to quit the smoking. Almost 26 % of respondents tolerate smoking of other people. Impact of education was assessed by the knowledge part of the questionnaire. It contained eight questions with a choice of four answers, only one was correct. The quality of information obtained in the school, most pupils assessed as good or marginal. These three hypotheses were created: the prevalence of smokers among respondents is higher with higher age, there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge of the issue of smoking between educated and uneducated pupils, and school provides respondents more information than other sources. For statistical verification was used the chi-square test at a significance level of 5 %. The first and second hypothesis was confirmed. A third hypothesis was refuted. Most pupils answered: media (television, internet...), school and family. The quantity of answers was balanced and so we can't talk about a statistically significant difference. Survey has enabled me to become a teacher for two hours. I was able teach sixth grade pupils in the issue of smoking. I have gotten so complex idea about the role of education in primary prevention. I was also convinced that it is necessary to grasp the issue from the perspective of pupil, not teacher. The theoretical part of the thesis can serve as educational material for students, teachers and the public. The practical part can be used to compare the results with other works or to monitor trends of smoking in Strakonice.

Design of a methodology for BI solutions in QlikView environment
Judová, Eva ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Kunst, Jan (referee)
This master thesis is devoted to a design for methodology of BI projects in QlikView. The main aim is to propose a recommended procedure solutions reflecting the strengths and weaknesses in the development of QlikView applications. Accompanying chapter to the discussed issue is a chapter Business Intelligence which explains the principles, characteristics and reasons for implementation in companies. Part of defining the differences between traditional and self-service solutions serves as a theoretical basis for understanding the increasing attractiveness of self-service solutions and environment of the proposed methodology. The next chapter presents the company Qlik as a market leader in BI and the owner of QlikView. The reasons for its establishment, subsequent development and actual vision are listed to create a comprehensive view of the environment where the described product was created. Along with the chapter focusing on characteristics and main advantages of QlikView a knowledge base is established for the implementation of proposed methodology. Crucial chapter of this thesis is based on the author's experience gained while implementing QlikView projects. The proposed methodology is based on the description of each phase, its activities, inputs and outputs and its concrete application in a demo environment for the area of receivables in manufacturing company. The key contribution of the author is pointing out potential problems during development or warning about critical parts or providing appropriate recommendations and benefits of the proposed procedures. The designed methodology can serve as a useful guide for self-service projects implemented the QlikView environment.

Company's Requirements for Graduates - Software Developers
Trnková, Michaela ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This thesis maps requirements that are imposed on software developer graduates. This goal is achieved by interviews with specialists from technological companies. A key part of the document is an evaluation of different methodologies of education of programming with a closer focus on a methodology Architecture-first. Approaches are evaluated from the company representatives' point of view, university programming teachers' point of view, and students' of informatics fields point of view. The main benefit of the thesis is a set of recommendations for teaching students as a result of developers' opinions and opinions of students who went through these programming subjects. The thesis includes recommendation for students, who are going to work as developers.

Financial analysis of AŽD Praha s.r.o.
Akhundov, Kanan ; Hanzal, Martin (advisor) ; Jiránek, Petr (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to carry out the financial analysis of the company named AŽD Praha s.r.o. The analysis is conducted for the financial years 2009/2010 - 2013/2014 from the perspective of an external analyst. To accomplish the goal, the methods of horizontal and vertical analysis, ratio analysis, evaluation of financial health with the use of bankruptcy and credibility models and eventually SWOT analysis were applied. The work is divided into three parts. The methodological part defines the theoretical basis of financial analysis. The second part is dedicated to the introduction of AŽD Praha, the definition of the class of branch and the competitors. The financial analysis in comparison to the rival companies is performed in the practical part.

Analysis of Reporting in Business and its Technological Coverage by Microsoft BI
Lučan, Martin ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This master thesis deals with an analysis of reporting in business and its technological coverage by Microsoft Business Intelligence portfolio. The main objective of this work is to analyze the individual organization's requirements on reporting and coverage options. This work can serve as a tool for implementation of reporting in a company or for increasing the efficiency of reporting. The first part is theoretical. It deals with Business Intelligence as an environment for reporting. It also defines the basic concepts. The next part covers the area of reporting. This section provides an insight into the history, definition of outcomes and detailed classification of reporting from different perspectives. Furthermore, the definition of users reporting and the reporting standards in companies is also covered. At the end of this chapter, there is the definition of the benefits of reporting for companies. The main part of this master thesis is an analysis of the requirements for reporting in companies. The chapter defines five key perspectives which are described in a greater detail. The methods how companies should methodically approach these requirements are also discussed. The chapter further looks at the requirements for a concrete report. An output of this chapter is an effective template for gathering requirements for a specific report. The last chapter focuses on reporting portfolio analysis of Microsoft and defines the concept of Microsoft. It provides detailed information about reporting products that Microsoft offers. An analyses and a mapping of the individual characteristics of the products and the requirements is defined in this thesis.

Expert capacities of the Czech political parties: case study of defence policy
Bayerová, Anežka ; Němec, Jan (advisor) ; Vymětal, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with marginally explored area of expert capacities of the Czech political parties with respect to the different organizational types of selected political parties and movements. The work aims to find out what expert capacities work for these types of political parties, how these experts are recruited in their position, whether it corresponds to their educational background and professional experiences with function, which are they holding in the expert authority. Work is elaborated in the form of case study, which focuses on the activities of defense policy expert commissions. The text is divided into two theoretical and one empirical chapters. The first chapter deals with the process of policy-making, its actors and activities associated with this process. The second chapter defines the various types of political parties first from the mainstream perspective (cadre, mass, catch-all parties), which complements the modern concept of business party and finally there is a typology of S. Wolinetz (office-seeking, vote-seeking, policy-seeking parties). The last empirical chapter presents the case study focused on four Czech political parties (TOP 09, KSČM, ČSSD and political movement ANO 2011) and their access to party expertise. The result of this work is to compare the level of analytical capacity across selected political parties/movements and testing of hypotheses formulated in the introduction of the thesis.

Creation of the Enterprise Architecture model according to the TOGAF framework
Čapek, Jan ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Petr (referee)
The present diploma thesis aims at introducing the Enterprise Architecture and creating an abstract model of a company. The primary focus is on application and process layers as defined in the architecture framework TOGAF. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical chapter starts with a business model analysis which means to describe mission vision and companys values as a part of the strategy framework. Furthermore the business processes are described in the latter part of this section. This chapter attempts to explain how to map a business process and to categorize it by nature and maturity level. Penultimate chapter introduces the Enterprise Architecture in general. This section includes arguments as to why the companies should be concerned with the Enterprise Architecture advantages of the Enterprise Architecture implementation into the companys documentation relationship of companys core business and IT and examples of the Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The last chapter deals with the TOGAF framework where Architecture Development Method is described. This means how Enterprise Architecture model is created and how to implement changes into the layers according to the TOGAF framework. Simultaneously the last section of this chapter describes the reference models which provide graphical overview of all abstractions layers. The practical part of the thesis elaborates on the theoretical part using the Architecture Development Method process in order to create the Enterprise Architecture model according to TOGAF framework. Same as the theoretical part it only focuses on the application and process layer. Firstly the business model is decomposed into vision mission and companys values to the companys strategy and business goals in order to grasp further understanding of business processes detailed description. Subsequently the abovementioned aspects are recomposed to create process map which provides the management overview. The application layer undergoes the same process; nonetheless the process map is replaced by information system description and reference model creation. Once the models are created the thesis compares them with the business and strategic goals. The benefit brought by this thesis is critical evaluation of current status to propose changes to achieve target architacture according business and strategic goals established by management.

Renewable energy legislation
Kučerová, Veronika ; Štěpánek, Petr (advisor) ; Černý, Pavel (referee)
This master thesis discusses current legislation in the field of supported and renewable energy sources. At the beginning of the thesis are defined renewable energy sources from the perspective of Czech legislation and of professional view. The second part is focused on legislation regarding renewable energy sources in the European Union and the Czech Republic. Follows an overview of the support tools and legislation regarding renewable energy sources in other member states of the European Union and the current status of the set objectives related to the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption, which have been established by Directive 2009/28/EC. At the end is summary, along with an overview of the most successful and least successful countries in terms of achieving the objective.