National Repository of Grey Literature 21,570 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.38 seconds. 

Progressing of flats prices in České Budějovice in years 2005 2010
The topic of my thesis deals with progressing of flats prices in České Budějovice in years 2005 2010. Literature research is used to explanation of basic terms, to acquaint with laws, regulations and methods of valuation. Before doing own work I was characterized České Budějovice, analyzed market with flats, choosed methodics of acquisition datas od this territory and method of evaluation. In own work I followed move with prices of flats and I compared it with another source. In the end of the work I finded out factors which influenced the price

The situation of disabled persons in the labour market in the main City of Prague in 2014 and 2015
Majorová, Michaela ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Barák, Vladimír (referee)
The topic of this thesis are disabled people. The main goal of this thesis is describe the situation th these people in the labor market of Prague. This description is based on the founded data and the specialized literature. There will be explained the concepts of labour market, unemployment, aktive employment policy first in the theoretical part. There are for the next time explained the concepts of disabled people, thein characteristics, different type of these disabilities, legislativ of the employnment of these people, rehabilitation programmes and the enterprises with more 50 % share of employed disabled people. The practical part is based on the analysis of the selected dates of Český statistický úřad and Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí. There is included my own anonymus questionnaire research of selected eemployers. The goal of this research is to show, how is the situation of the employers and the diabled people in Prague. It was found by using this research, that the situation in our main city is very positive. Employers offer many employments to disabled people, althoug they don't have to do that and they don't have any statutory obligation.

The Effects of the New Deal on the social status of Afro-Americans in selected sectors of the US economy
Schwammenhöfer, Tomáš ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Johnson, Zdenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the effects of the New Deal legislation on Afro-Americans in the 1930s. Specifically, the thesis analytically focuses on the influence of various politician of this program on their social environment within the US economy. For the ease of understanding of whole issue is needed to know the situation of Afro-Americans in the previous decade as well as in the Great Depression. That is the content of the first two chapters. Subsequently there is the outline of the situation leading to the election of F. D. Roosevelt, US President. The last and as well the most important chapter of the whole thesis is devoted to analysis of individual programs and their impact on Afro-Americans. It concludes that the New Deal had both positive and negative influence on this minority, depending on the economic sector and the relevant administration. New Deal generally meant a huge progress in their economic and political affairs.

Comparison of Slovak and Croatian model electronic records of sales and their effects on selected economic indicators in 2013-2015
Hušková, Pavlína ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Zeman, Martin (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze and compare the implementation process and economic impact of electronic records of sales in the Slovakia and Croatia. The first three chapters define the basic concepts related to the topics of the thesis such as the taxation system, the shadow economy and the harmonization of tax systems across the European Union. The thesis focuses on the characteristics of the taxation system in the Slovakia and Croatia specifically for value added tax. The practical part deals with the analysis of the electronic records of sales in these countries. The benefits and impacts of the electronic records of sales compare to selected economic indicators and infer recommendations for the Czech Republic. The last part of the thesis outline for the readers the issue of state lottery associated with the receipt.

The Macroeconomic Impacts of the Selected Oil Shocks in the United States of America
Šikulová, Markéta ; Johnson, Zdenka (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
The aim of this study is to analyze macroeconomic impacts of four selected oil shocks on the United States economy and their subsequent comparison. The first part of this study deals with the theoretical background of supply shock, its influence on the economy, and the possible responses of economic policy. Furthermore, in the first part I focus on the historical events that led to the oil crisis, specifically on the OPEC oil embargo imposed on the United States, production cuts caused by the Iranian revolution, Iran-Iraq War and Persian Gulf War and on the demand as well as the supply factors that led to the oil shock of 2007-2008. The second part of this study presents the specific impacts of four selected oil shocks on the US economy and their comparison. Based on the findings, it was possible to confirm the hypothesis saying that past oil shocks, especially those that took place in the 1970's, had more negative impacts on the United States economy in comparison with those that happened more recently. In other words, that the effects of changes in oil prices have lessened over time. There are many reasons of this moderation, but the most important ones include more effective monetary policy response, the decrease in wage rigidities, and more recently also the decline of United States dependency on imported oil.

The analysis of the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic focused on prepared university reform from 2006 to 2015
Poupová, Jana ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Lukášová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the system of tertiary education in the Czech Republic, especially the way of funding of this system and the reform of the system of funding, implementation of tuition-fees on public universities. This topic had been actual until year 2015 and it is highly probable that it becomes more actual in following years again. In the teoretical part of the thesis, there are described in details the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic, the process and main points off the reform of tertiary education and there is also briefly described the system of tertiary education in Great Britain. The practical part of the thesis verifies by questionnaire survey the possibility of implementation of tuition-fees on universities and examines the impatcs of this implementation. In case of implementation of tuition-fees, as it was planned according to the reform of tertiary education, the number of university students would decrease by 47,3 %. In conclusion, some possible reccomendations are designed, which are suitable in case of implementation of tuition-fees.

Global value chains in the coffee industry focused on Vietnam
Klumparová, Adéla ; Vlčková, Jana (advisor) ; Hnát, Pavel (referee)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to describe functioning of global coffee value chains and this knowledge then apply to the coffee industry in Vietnam which serves as a case study. The introductory chapter focuses firstly on institutional background of value chains, processes and management processes used in the agricultural industry. The thesis also contains analysis of global coffee value chain, including the identification of entities engaged in the chain and their contribution to the creation of added value. Next chapter describes the development of the world coffee market and production of the world's major producers and exporters of coffee. The thesis also deals with the topic of economic and social sustainability and the impact of global value chains on the environment. Final part of the thesis concentrates on the position of the coffee industry in Vietnam, its structure and development over the past 40 years. Attention is paid also to a problematic position of small growers or to the opportunities of the development of the local coffee industry.

Humanitarian crises and their solution: Case study of the West African Ebola virus epidemic
Rusnáková, Alžbeta ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Burešová, Jana (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether the steps taken by international organisations under the leadership of the World Health Organisation helped to alleviate humanitarian consequences of the West African Ebola epidemic that took place in 2014 - 2016. This work further discusses the role of the most significant actors and specific tools used to provide help in epidemics on the international level and in the three most affected countries.

Global Witness´s influence on forming of conflict mineral legislation
Lukeš, Jakub ; Zemanová, Štěpánka (advisor) ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis concers the issue of conflict minerals in the Democratic republic of Congo. The situation in the country has been monitored by the NGO Global Witness for decades. Human rights violation, illicit trade followed by exporting of minerals out of the country, have been supervised by militaristic rebel groups. As a result these groups have been indirectly founded by international corporations.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of Global Witness at the agenda setting of conflict minerals, including a critical assessment of legislative measures.

Sorption and Stabilization of Metals/Mettalloids by Innovative Synthesized Sorbent Amochar.
Ouředníček, P. ; Trakal, L. ; Komárek, M. ; Pohořelý, Michael
Remediation of contaminated soil which is based on stabilization and immobilization of potential\nhazardous substance by sorption materials has been studied intensively nowadays. Biochar – activated organic carbon belongs to this group of stabilizing agents which can adsorb wide range of contaminants, including metals/metalloids. Surface area of the biochars is quite large in general and functional groups (e.g. COO–) can form chelates or alkaline elements on the surface, which is represented by cation exchange capacity. Altogether with the high pH values (7.00 – 10.00), biochars are quite effective sorbents and can adsorb metals/metalloids from the solution (ground water), especially in acidic soils (in the environments affected by intensive mining activities). Sorption\neffectiveness can be increased (especially for As (V) or Cr (VI) sorption) by modification of biochar by various types of secondary oxides. Innovative sorbent AMOchar (AMO + biochar) has been synthesized currently. The product was prepared by adding of biochar to the reaction solution during amorphous manganese oxide (AMO) synthesis. The AMOchar was formed mainly by Mn-oxalates which had coated surface of the pristine biochar. AMOchar composite was able to remove significantly higher amounts of various metal(loid)s from the solution despite the rather high pH of the material. Sorption effectiveness was high not only in case of Pb (II) sorption (almost 99%), and Cd(II) (51.2%), but also a very high amount of As(V), 91.4%. Additionally, both AMOchar composite was able to reduce Mn leaching. This can avoid potential post-contamination caused by the dissolution of less stable Mn-oxalates as observed in the pure AMO.
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