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Design of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance
Petrovič, Marko ; Čermák, Radim (advisor) ; Sova, Martin (referee)
Internet marketing is currently one of the most important components of marketing. However, Internet marketing as a whole is much more important than mere webdesign, mere search engine optimization (SEO) or a simple PPC advertising. Most companies have recently made it throught with a website and that was all their presentation on the Internet. However, the internet is one of the fastest growing technology today and the number of its users is growing every year. Constantly there are new technologies that allow us to have a better user experience and also bring us new ways of presentation and promotion. Most of the companies make a mistake early on and underestimate the preparation, don't know their goals, customers or competitors. Internet marketing is the process and the contents of this process is the recognition, analysis, design, implementation, and ultimately verify that you achieve the goals of the organization. In the theoretical part it is defined internet marketing and its advantages over offline marketing. Briefly sum up the history and major milestones of Internet marketing that shaped its present form. Further, it's described current trends in Internet marketing and detail expands upon the selected Internet marketing tools and tools for evaluating the success of campaigns. The practical part deals with the proposal of marketing strategy in the company Imperium Finance. The main objective is to analyze the requirements of the company Imperium Finance, from analysis to draw specific conclusions and devise a marketing strategy that will support the vision and strategy of the company in the following period. All steps were carried out within the company Imperium Finance on real data from active clients and tested in action. The result is a proposal of a marketing strategy that will drive Imperium Finance, and a marketing plan for the company. The biggest benefit of this work is so real use theoretical knowledge in practice.

Effect of low doses of herbicide paraquat on antioxidant defense in Drosophila
SÁBOVÁ, Michala
Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In this study we evaluated the effect of herbicide paraquat on response of SOD and catalase, their transcription level and locomotion activity in Drosophila melanogaster. We exposed the flies to a wide range of paraquat concentration. Our results revealed that transcript and enzymatic levels of both SOD and catalase have a similar biphasic dose response with the peaks at 2,5 ?M paraquat concentration, resembling hormetic effect. Then, males were more sensitive than females. However, females had an increased locomotion activity. We found that paraquat susceptibility is increased in males and mating flies. Therefore, this study supports hypothesis of stress sensitivity elevation as a physiological cost of reproduction.

PM2.5 Chemical Composition at the Rural Background Site Košetice.
Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Cusack, Michael ; Karban, Jindřich ; Chalupníčková, E. ; Havránek, Vladimír ; Smolík, Jiří ; Ždímal, Vladimír
Measurements of atmospheric aerosols at rural background areas are important because they are not influenced by the urban emissions, and are therefore better suited to investigate the influence of long-range transport and trends in concentrations of individual pollutants. Summary of the measurements of total concentration and the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 components was carried out in the works Putaud et al. (2004, 2010). Although the later work included the measurement of more than 60 stations across Europe, the post-communist countries contained data on PM2.5 from only four locations (Prague, Debrecen, Hungary, and two rural locations). Although Košetice place where this study was made, is also discussed there, it was for only PM10 and total carbon (TC). Therefore, the aim of this study is to fill this information gap, and provide additional information regarding the PM2.5 fraction and composition at the Central European background station Košetice.
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Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016110313110 - Download fulltextPDF

Digital circuits test optimization by multifunctional components
Stareček, Lukáš ; Gramatová, Elena (referee) ; Kubátová, Hana (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of digital circuit test optimization using multifunctional logic gates. The most important part of this thesis is the explanation of the optimization principle, which is also described by a formal mathematical apparatus. Based on this apparatus, the work presents several options. The optimization of testability analogous to inserting test points and  simple methodology based on SCOAP is shown. The focus of work is a methodology created to optimize circuit tests. It was implemented in the form of software tools. Presented in this work are the results of using these tools to reduce the test vectors volume while maintaining fault coverage on various circuits, including circuits from the ISCAS 85 test set. Part of the work is devoted to the various principles and technology of creating multifunctional logic gates. Some selected gates of these technologies are subject to simulations of electronic properties in SPICE. Based on the principles of presented methodology and results of multifunctional gates simulations, analysis of various problems such as validity of the modified circuit test and the suitability of each multifunctional gate technology for the methodology was also made. The results of analysis and experiments confirm it is possible for the multifunctional logic gate to optimize circuit diagnostic properties in such a way that has achieved the required circuit test parameter modification with minimum impact on the quality and credibility of these tests.

Effect of dairy cows housing technology on mastitis occurrence
Brzáková, Lenka ; Stádník, Luděk (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The objective of my bachelor thesis was evaluation of quality of housing, milking and making analysis of mastitis on chosen farm. First part of the thesis contains of literature summary about housing technologies, mastitis issues, their detection, originators, therapy and factors affects against their incidence. Thereafter is this part focused on tipes of milking parlours, corect milking procedures and mechanized milking. Materials and methodes of the thesis contains the characteristics of chosen farm where the quality and technology of housing, milking and nutrition of milk cows and other factors affecting presence of mastitis such as taking care of cloven hooves was watched in 2014. The incidence, detection and curation of mastitis was watched afterwards. Montamilk s.r.o. farm cradles 1,200 pieces of cattle and milk cows are about 419 out of it. In the part of thesis named results was watched and evaluated inspection of efficiency in inspecting year 2013 - 2014, which was stated on first lactated cows and on cows which are on second and further lactation. Milk yield was far better with cows on second or futher lactation according to data gathered during the study and expressed by diagram. Diagram of milk components (fat and proteins), which was divided by lactation, was expressed in this part too. Other examinated parameters was occurrence of mastitis - which milk cows, in which season is the occurrence more often, treatment and cost of treatment for one cow. At the end the number of somatic cells for 2014 was represented in diagram for particular lactations. In part of thesis called discusion the comparison was drowed between results from chosen farm and national average of efficiency checks. From results is obvious that milk cow in Mnotamilk has been better in first lactated cows by 427 kg and in second and more lactated cows by 602 kg than is the avarage in Czech republic. Far more the milk components in Montamilk was compared with rest of Czech republic and the results was quite similar. The volume of fat of Montamilk cows was lower in every lactation in comparison with milk cows from Czech. Value of fat in Czech republic avarage first lactated cows is 3,87 % in Montamilk 3,85 % and the value of fat on second and more lactation cows is 3,86 % in Czech average and 3,81 % in Montamilk.

Legal protection of soil and its application in the Czech Republic
Plocha, Lubor ; Jansa, Viktor (advisor) ; Uhlík, Milan (referee)
Soil is the basic means of production in agriculture and forestry and at the same time it represents an important component of the environment with a wide range of functions. However, it is compromised with a number of processes, on one hand natural ones, on the other hand those ones caused by human activity. The last mentioned group is regulated by laws which should protect it.

Effectiveness of emergency
Ortinská, Jitka ; Cvik, Eva Daniela (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Annotation The submitted thesis deals with the role and importance ofemergency and emergency system Integrated Rescue System. The theoretical part describes the history and creation ofthe IRS in the Czech Republic with links to European developments. It documentsthe current laws of the IRS and its individual components. The comparison ismore focused on individual specifics of IRS, their tasks and content of workdescriptions of the various systems and forms of IRS and mutual cooperation.Furthermore, this section deals with the issue of emergency in the context ofbasic and primary articles IRS, which are individual operational centers of theIRS, taking into account the particular OS work of the Czech Parliament inPrague, where I work. Analyzing the information and support needs IRS. In the end of the theoretical eacut part Ithink about the situation of emergency calls within the IRS, awareness amongcitizens, streamlining its potential and possible options for the improvementof services to citizens. Carrying out research into practical methodology for transferringpart of the empirical survey on the main objective of the work - to determine,assess and generalize public awareness of emergency calls in the IRS.

The protection of personality and CCTV systems.
Orság, Oldřich ; Cvik, Eva Daniela (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
This thesis is dedicated to the protection of personal details in the Czech Republic because it permeates the entire legal order and infringing on privacy is a fundamental right in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The aim is to analyze the development and current state of protection of personality and the right to confront with the city camera supervision system indulging city police in the Carlsbad region. In the Czech Republic there is a collision of two components of fundamental rights and freedoms, the right to privacy and the right to safe living in society. Clash of these two components law is being compared under different regulations. The work is based on the decomposition of laws in force in the Czech Republic and subsequent research by municipal police Karlovy Vary region.

Construction and scientific implementation of mathematical models for tree compartments of broadleaved trees in growth stages of seedlings and young stand
Pajtík, Jozef ; Konopka, Bohdan (advisor) ; Monika, Monika (referee)
Importance of precise estimation for tree biomass in forests has been continuously increasing. Regarding to the climate change, scientists have started to quantify all tree components not only in terms of energetic utilization but also for carbon stock estimation. Increasing relevance of biomass models for young trees relates to expanding area of young forest stands during the last period due to decay of old forests often caused by disturbances (especially: windstorms, outbreaks of bark beetles, drought episodes, and forest fires). Models for biomass stock estimations constructed for stands with age to 10 years are rare and usually are focused on aboveground tree parts. Thus, this work aims at filling knowledge gaps in this field. Its main objectives are: 1) construction of regression models applicable for estimation of dry mass in the particular tree components (i.e. stem, branches, foliage, roots) for young stands of some broadleaved species, 2) implementation of regression models for calculation of biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF), allocation coefficient, growth efficiency and leaf area index (LAI) and their inter-specific comparison, 3) utilisation of allometric relations for estimation on forage potential for ruminating ungulate game (i.e. browsing and stripping). To make up the models, destructive tree sampling will be implemented. The sample trees will be excavated, separated into tree components, dried for constant weight and weighed. Log-transformed relationships will be used for construction of regression models.