National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Analysis of the level of stick handling in ice hockey in U6 - U9 the category
Šimáček, Martin ; Perič, Tomáš (advisor) ; Vojta, Zdeněk (referee)
Author: Martin Simacek Additionally, the study aims to determine whether the player's Abstract Author: Martin Šimáček Title: Analysis of Puck Control Level in Ice Hockey in Categories U9 and Younger Objective: The aim of this work is to determine the level of puck control among players in the U9 age category and younger, and to further investigate whether the players' skills correspond to the competencies they should possess in this category. Methods: The methodology was based on a test battery compiled to evaluate and compare the puck control level of players in the U9 category, encompassing a wide range of teams from the entire Czech Republic. The research relied on the quantitative analysis of results from 253 young hockey players who underwent a series of 17 tests aimed at progressively increasing the difficulty of puck control techniques. Each player was assessed individually under the same conditions, with success evaluated by a licensed expert with a coaching A- license. The data were analyzed using statistical tools to define the average level of skills achieved and compare them with international standards. Results: The study, which included 253 young hockey players from the U9 category, showed an average completion of 2.15 out of 11 puck control tests, revealing solid foundational skills...
Objectifiacation, comparison,, and degree of association of maladaptive indicators in athletes
Kaľata, Maroš ; Malý, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kaplan, Aleš (referee) ; Lehnert, Michal (referee)
Objectification, comparison, and degree of association of maladaptive indicators in athletes Aim: The aim of this study was to identify bilateral and unilateral asymmetries in different components of neuromuscular testing among young athletes, and compare these asymmetries with respect to sport type, age group, performance level, and gender. The secondary aim was to assess the degree of association between types of asymmetry (morphological, balance, strength, and running asymmetry). Methods: The sample population consisted of young male and female athletes aged 10 to 19 with various sports specializations. The participants were grouped by various factors: predominant characteristic of the sport (symmetrical (SY), asymmetrical (ASY), hybrid (HY)); chronological age (10-12 years, 13-15 years, 16-18 years); performance level (elite, sub-elite), and gender. Asymmetry was assessed from morphology and various neuromuscular assessments: distribution of muscle mass on the lower limbs (MA), bilateral differences in the size of the center of pressure path length (APS), maximum active (APF) and impact peak force (IPF) and force impulse (FI) at initial (Z) and final (K) running speed, bilateral asymmetry of knee extensors (Q:Q) and flexors (H:H), and H:Q ratio (unilateral asymmetry) at three angular velocities...
Monitoring of reaction abilities in different age categories of judo athletes.
Buriánek, Adam ; Heller, Jan (advisor) ; Harsa, Pavel (referee)
Title: Monitoring of reaction abilities in different age categories of judo athletes Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to assess the influence of judo on the reaction abilities among different age groups of judo athletes. This finding should help to develop a view of necessity of focusing on reaction abilities during exercise unit. Methods: During the research a reactometer was used to capture simple and complex reaction time to visual stimulus and tactile response. Overall 166 individuals (100 men, 66 women) took part of the monitoring from which 3 were excluded. Every proband has undergone one test measurement (5 stimuls at least) and two evaluated ones (20 seconds each). The shorter - reaction time score was consider as a result for the particular test. The outcomes were utilized via Kruskal - Wallis test, Pearsons's and Spearman's correlation coefficient, Mann - Whitney's test and others. Results: The biggest difference between reaction period was observed between the age group of 8-10 and older groups. This category has also significantly differed in reaction period and the highest median. Statistically any notable difference was not confirmed among judo athletes and our control group in contrary with the situation between individual age categories. The hypothesis of judo athletes training...
Výživa a krmení jednotlivých kategorií králíků chovaných v ČR
Halvová, Lucie
The aim of this bachelor thesis is nutrition and feeding for individual ages of rabbits bred in Czech republic. The first part of work is based on general characteristic of rabbit, its origin, zoological classification and World and Czech history. The next part is focused to digestive tract and digestion of nutriment. The other parts describe particular nutrition and feed. There are mentioned general feed for rabbits, feeding technique and specific feeding for individual ages of rabbits. The second part is focused to experiment based on influence of nutrition and feeding to liveweight gains in home breeding.
Monitoring of reaction abilities in different age categories of judo athletes.
Buriánek, Adam ; Heller, Jan (advisor) ; Harsa, Pavel (referee)
Title: Monitoring of reaction abilities in different age categories of judo athletes Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to assess the influence of judo on the reaction abilities among different age groups of judo athletes. This finding should help to develop a view of necessity of focusing on reaction abilities during exercise unit. Methods: During the research a reactometer was used to capture simple and complex reaction time to visual stimulus and tactile response. Overall 166 individuals (100 men, 66 women) took part of the monitoring from which 3 were excluded. Every proband has undergone one test measurement (5 stimuls at least) and two evaluated ones (20 seconds each). The shorter - reaction time score was consider as a result for the particular test. The outcomes were utilized via Kruskal - Wallis test, Pearsons's and Spearman's correlation coefficient, Mann - Whitney's test and others. Results: The biggest difference between reaction period was observed between the age group of 8-10 and older groups. This category has also significantly differed in reaction period and the highest median. Statistically any notable difference was not confirmed among judo athletes and our control group in contrary with the situation between individual age categories. The hypothesis of judo athletes training...
Triathlon sports industry and its common issues
Bartizalová, Denisa ; Svobodová, Irena (advisor) ; Dlouhý, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the overall issue of triathlon, from a historical development and important milestones, through movement skills essential for this discipline, its characteristics including rules, categories, distances and diversity of other racing styles. It also deals with material equipment needed for different types of triathlon and their individual disciplines, offers an overview of multisports that are triathlon related and last but not least informs about the importance and triathletes' appropriate nutrition.There are several chapters in which are added pictures to support the clarity of thesis and orientation in the issue. This thesis is not a result of research work, but a summary of ideas and conclusions which have been already published. An overall review of the triathlon was created, which can serve as an support while finding a summary of information on above mentioned issue.
Comparison of Perception and Attitudes of Organic Food among Generations
Říšská, Zuzana ; Chylíková, Hana (advisor) ; Křečková Kroupová, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis deals with organic food products and its perception among cunsumers of different age. The main goal of the thesis is to prove that consumers of different age percieve organic food differently. First chapter describes principles of organic farming, its development in Europe and in Czech Republic, current situation of organic farming in the Czech Republic and legislation. Second chapter deals with typical czech consumer and the third one desribes methodology of research, that has been done. Fourth chapter analyses results of the research.
The problem of waste recycling in different age groups of residents
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to clear up the problems of separating the waste and to point out the awareness and willingness of the people to separate the waste, namely according to their individual age. The literary rewiev is concentrated on the treatment of the waste and its individual technologies. In more detail I describe individual types of separated waste and its recycling. I also follow up the influence of different characteristic of the population (gender, age, residence) in relation to their willingness to sort the waste. The thing is, that the human behavior it?s the main cause damaging our negative influence of the human society on the environment. In the practical part, I pursued the quantitative research by the method of questionnaire inquiry. Using the answers in the questionnaire, I found out which factors influence the separation of the waste with the population. The basic factors were the age and the gender. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to discover, whether the individual age categories differ in the separation of the waste. The most, the waste was always separated by inhabitants at the age between 36 ? 50 years. At least, at the age of 66 and plus: generally, younger people separated the waste more than older people, which may be caused by public education and good awareness of young people. On the contrary, old people were most often prevented from sorting out the waste by the illness, the distance of the containers or their unwillingness to separate was based on little knowledge and information.
Problems of meeting the needs of immobile patients according to age brackets in the department of subsequent medical care in the hospital České Budějovice, a.s.
The bachelor thesis titled ``Problems of satisfaction of immobile patients{\crq} needs according to age groups at the subsequent care ward of Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s.{\crqq} addresses satisfaction of patients{\crq} needs that forms an integral part of comprehensive nursing care at the subsequent care ward. A large amount of these immobile patients and continuously increasing requirements for professional qualification of nurses should lead to considerations how to perform as quality and as effective work as possible. The objective of the thesis is to map out the problems of satisfaction of needs of immobile patients at the subsequent care ward of the hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a research part. The theoretical part describes the difference between a hospice and a subsequent care ward, and explains what patients{\crq} needs and the immobilization syndrome mean. The research was undertaken on 190 patients above 15 years of age at the subsequent care ward of Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. The informants were divided into 5 age groups. Immobile patients at the terminal stage of a malign disease were not included in the research. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire intended for immobile clients. A pilot study was undertaken to verify comprehensibility of the questionnaire. Consequently, some questions were modified so that they were understandable for the clients. Both the questionnaires are enclosed to the thesis. The research results are provided in charts and put in a chronological order according to the questions in the questionnaire. The research confirmed that the priority in satisfaction of needs of all the clients of the subsequent care ward is the need of pain killing. Relieving oneself in the bed is unpleasant for almost all the immobile clients. Satisfaction of these needs in a correct order helps the clients to adapt to the disease and to the new environment. Satisfaction of other needs is no less important. Contentment of clients reflects in their cooperation with the whole medical team, and last but not least, has an effect on their recovery.

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