National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Segmentation of logical units in text
Kostelník, Martin ; Kišš, Martin (referee) ; Beneš, Karel (advisor)
Cílem projektu bylo vytvořit systém pro automatickou segmentaci textu do logických celků. Práce staví na systému PERO-OCR a cílí na zlepšení zpracovávání českých historických dokumentů a jejich vyhledávačů používaných knihovníky a vědci. Práce zahrnovala vytvoření a anotace vlastní datové sady složené celkem z 4044 stránek z knih, slovníků a novin. K problému segmentaci textu je přistoupeno inovativních přístupem, kdy je brán jako shlukovací problém jednotlivých řádků textu. Metoda je dvoufázová: nejprve probíhá detekce regionů textu pomocí modelu YOLOv8 a následuje jejich spojení grafovou neuronovou sítí. Vyhodnocení je provedeno pomocí shlukovací metriky V-measure a na testovacím datasetu dosahuje hodnot 77.93 % pro knihy, 95.79 % pro slovníky a 90.23 % pro noviny.
Voice control of cooperative robots
Bubla, Lukáš ; Němec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Lacko, Branislav (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to create a program with which it will be possible to control a collaborative robot by voice. First chapters contain a search of the current state in the field of collaborative robotics in terms of safety, work efficiency, robot programming and communication with the robot. Furthermore, the issue of machine processing of the human voice is discussed. In practical part was proposed an experiment in which we work with off-line simulation of UR3 robot in PolyScope 3.15.0 software. This simulation was linked to a Python program which uses SpeechRecognition and urx libraries. Simple voice instructions have been designed to move robot to defined position.
The potential of Artificial Untelligence to support the work of Secondary Informatics Teachers
Procházka, Jiří ; Černochová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Neumajer, Ondřej (referee)
Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Supporting the Work of Computer Science Teachers at the Secondary School Level ABSTRACT This master's thesis explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT-4, in teaching information technology at secondary schools. The theoretical part provides an overview of current AI approaches and compares major language models, emphasizing ChatGPT-4 for its capabilities in text generation, image creation from text, coding, and effective communication in Czech. The case study focused on utilizing ChatGPT-4 within the teacher's competency framework, encompassing the creation of educational materials, planning, conducting and reflecting on teaching, environment creation, feedback and evaluation, professional communication, and development. The study confirmed that ChatGPT-4 can significantly improve teacher's work efficiency, saving time and thereby supporting greater individualization in teaching. An analysis of available AI tools suitable for teaching information technology was also conducted. The discussion addresses how AI integration into information technology teaching can transform the teacher's role. AI offers support in material preparation and teaching optimization, increasing opportunities for personal interaction with students....
High Level Analysis of the Psychotherapy Sessions
Polok, Alexander ; Karafiát, Martin (referee) ; Matějka, Pavel (advisor)
This work focuses on analyzing psychotherapy sessions within the DeePsy research project. This work aims to design and develop features that model the session dynamics, which can reveal seemingly subtle nuances. The mentioned features are automatically extracted from the source recording using neural networks. They are further processed, compared across sessions, and displayed graphically, creating a document that acts as a feedback document about the session for the therapist. Furthermore, this assistive tool can help therapists to professionally grow and to provide better psychotherapy in the future. A relative improvement in voice activity detection of 37.82% was achieved. The VBx diarization system was generalized to converge to two speakers with a minimum relative error rate degradation of 0.66%. An automatic speech recognition system has been trained with a 17.06% relative improvement over the best available hybrid model. Models for sentiment classification, type of therapeutic interventions, and overlapping speech detection were also trained.
Call Sign Detection and Recognition in VHF Communication
Dedič, Juraj ; Kocour, Martin (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
This work explores the processing of data from air traffic communication in order to detect and recognize the~call signs it contains. Particularly it involves recognizing these call signs in human made and automated text transcripts of the communication between pilots and air traffic controllers. The thesis compares various ways of solving this and describes their problems. It implements a system for the identification of these call signs using a suitable technology based on large language models. One of the outputs of this work is a service that is able to distinguish the call signs, which enables indexation and sorting of this data in an efficient way.
Mistakes: curse or blessing? The ELF perspective
Dunková, Jiřina ; Quinn Novotná, Veronika (advisor) ; Gráf, Tomáš (referee)
The present research focuses on students' attitudes and preferences towards English language learning at Czech private language schools. The study approaches language learning from two perspectives, the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) paradigm and the English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) paradigm. The key concepts discussed are: mistakes, re-labelled modifications, learner goals, learner needs, language models, accuracy and language creativity (or 'languaging'). Key words: EFL, ELF, learner goals, language models, accuracy, language creativity, languaging
Voice control of cooperative robots
Bubla, Lukáš ; Němec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Lacko, Branislav (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to create a program with which it will be possible to control a collaborative robot by voice. First chapters contain a search of the current state in the field of collaborative robotics in terms of safety, work efficiency, robot programming and communication with the robot. Furthermore, the issue of machine processing of the human voice is discussed. In practical part was proposed an experiment in which we work with off-line simulation of UR3 robot in PolyScope 3.15.0 software. This simulation was linked to a Python program which uses SpeechRecognition and urx libraries. Simple voice instructions have been designed to move robot to defined position.
Mistakes: curse or blessing? The ELF perspective
Dunková, Jiřina ; Quinn Novotná, Veronika (advisor) ; Gráf, Tomáš (referee)
The present research focuses on students' attitudes and preferences towards English language learning at Czech private language schools. The study approaches language learning from two perspectives, the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) paradigm and the English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) paradigm. The key concepts discussed are: mistakes, re-labelled modifications, learner goals, learner needs, language models, accuracy and language creativity (or 'languaging'). Key words: EFL, ELF, learner goals, language models, accuracy, language creativity, languaging
ChatBot Based on Language Modelling
Radvanský, Matěj ; Szőke, Igor (referee) ; Skála, František (advisor)
This paper addresses the use of language modeling using neural networks in the chatbot. Problem is solved by using natural language processing and first step of generating response based on user input is input analysiss. As next beginings of sentences are created which are completed by output of neural network. All created sentences form final chatbot response. There was a comparisson with chatbot Cleverbot and measure of intelligence for both chatbots was determined. Based on testing results, some techniques for future progress were concluded.

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