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Faktory ovlivňující míru úspor domácností ve světových ekonomikách
Kudrnová, Veronika
In our work, we focused on the determinants of household saving rates in the world economies. The determinants were divided into economic, financial, and socio-demographic factors. Based on theoretical assumptions and statistical tests, a panel model with fixed effects was created. We analysed 35 OECD countries between years 2000 and 2020. It was found that the determinants of saving rates and their statistical significance in regression analysis differ across all countries in the sample and in specific regions. Finally, based on the findings, recommendations for economic policy measures are presented.
Various Estimation Techniques of the Gravity Model of Trade
Davidová, Lucie ; Benáček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Havránek, Tomáš (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with alternative estimation possibilities of the gravity model in trade. We provide the reader with a synthetic methodological overview of the technical problems with the estimation of gravity equations. Consequently, we test for the heterogeneity of data sets used in gravity models of trade which leads us to a conclusion that behavioural patterns of exporters and importers built in the datasets are very complicated and a single generalized specification of gravity equation can lead to bias in estimates and/or to similarly generalized conclusions that hide important robust idiosyncrasies in behavior present in some subsamples of economic agents. Both the theory of estimation techniques and dataset heterogeneity are applied in the empirical part estimating Austria's export function.
Vliv vývoje cen vybraných energetických komodit na finanční výsledky firem
Zborovská, Lucie
This bachelor thesis examines the relationship between coal price and financial performance of the company measured by ROA. The paper focuses on companies conducting business in the energy, chemical and metallurgical industries from 2006 to 2015. The study uses the panel regression and models with fixed effects. The paper has found that coal prices have a significant impact on the performance of these companies.
Determinants of the residential real estate prices in the CEECs
Stefanov, Adam ; Hlaváček, Michal (advisor) ; Chadimová, Kateřina (referee)
The development of residential house prices has been watched since the global economic crisis in 2008, because overpriced house prices and their following burst was one of the main factors of this crisis. The goal of this work is to analyse the influence of macroeconomic factors on house price growth in ten Central and Eastern European countries since the beginning of the third millennium. The main used methods are P/I and P/R ratios, graphical comparison of price leader effect of the capital city, and house price development and panel data analysis. P/I and P/R ratios show a slowly forming bubble in some countries, but they still do not reach pre-crisis values. Graphical analysis of the price leader effect confirmed the leader effect of the capital. Panel data analysis with fixed effects method was divided into several parts according to the frequency of the data and geographical relationship between countries. Analysis shows connection between house prices and economic growth, real wages and unemployment rate. In some regions, analysis points to the influence of the demographic factors or financial market development. Diversity of the results is caused by the fact that house prices are determined by different factors in different regions. Issues with the data also play some role in these...
What is the effect of income inequality on economic growth?
Ardeleanu, Dorian ; Baxa, Jaromír (advisor) ; Astapovich, Stanislav (referee)
The impact of income inequality on the level of economic growth is an impor- tant question, but the existing literature did not reach a consensus about the sign of its effect. This thesis studies the impact in 93 countries over the years 1995-2015. We apply two different methods: the fixed effects with Newey and West standard errors, and the first-difference generalized method of moments. The main findings emphasize that a widening wealth gap has an overall negative influence over the real GDP per capita growth. Besides that, the effect is stronger among low-income countries than among high- income ones. Moreover, we find that the impact of income inequality on economic growth depends on the governing party's doctrine. It is negative and statistically significant only in states with centrist governments. 1
Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Market Performance: CSR Impact After the Financial Crisis and the Role of Primary CSR Activities
Pinteková, Aneta ; Kukačka, Jiří (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Martin (referee)
This thesis analyses the relationship between corporate social responsibility and com- panies' stock market performance in the post-financial crisis period. A new measure of social responsibility is used, called Thomson Reuters Environmental, Social, Governance, and Controversies Score. The results of the Fixed Effects regression show a significant, positive impact of the Score on the financial results of companies. Socially responsible activities are further divided into those closely related to the specific type of business of examined companies, called primary, and into those that are not dir- ectly related to the companies' business core, called secondary. Such distinction has not yet been made in the academic literature. Empirical results suggest that if companies aim at increasing their share prices also via the corporate social responsibility channel, they are encouraged to select their socially responsible initiatives strategically. The im- pact of the primary responsible activities on the corporate stock market performance is significantly positive, while the secondary responsible activities do not affect the financial results substantially. JEL Classification: A130, G110 Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR, business ethics, stock market perform- ance, fixed effects
Various Estimation Techniques of the Gravity Model of Trade
Davidová, Lucie ; Benáček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Havránek, Tomáš (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with alternative estimation possibilities of the gravity model in trade. We provide the reader with a synthetic methodological overview of the technical problems with the estimation of gravity equations. Consequently, we test for the heterogeneity of data sets used in gravity models of trade which leads us to a conclusion that behavioural patterns of exporters and importers built in the datasets are very complicated and a single generalized specification of gravity equation can lead to bias in estimates and/or to similarly generalized conclusions that hide important robust idiosyncrasies in behavior present in some subsamples of economic agents. Both the theory of estimation techniques and dataset heterogeneity are applied in the empirical part estimating Austria's export function.
Distributional Effects of Inflation in the Czech Republic
Linhartová, Petra ; Janský, Petr (advisor) ; Křehlík, Tomáš (referee)
Consumer price index captures the changing costs of the consumer basket of a typical household. Despite differences in spending patterns, change in con- sumer price index is used as a measure of inflation for the whole population. The aim of this thesis is to assess how close to the official inflation rate house- holds are and determine which groups have significantly different inflation. Using the Czech data from the Household Budget Survey over the 1990-2012 period we calculated specific inflation for each household in our sample. We first found out that on average only two thirds of households are close to the official inflation rate, which led us to the construction of subgroup price indices. In the empirical part, we examined the effect of household characteristics on inflation by applying the fixed effects estimation. We found that low-income households, pensioners, households in urban areas and households with few members have higher than average inflation.
Methods of Robust Econometrics with Applications to Economic Data
Michalíková, Eva ; Víšek, Jan Ámos (advisor) ; Egger, Peter (referee) ; Lachout, Petr (referee) ; Grendár, Marian (referee)
This thesis if focused on the application of methods of robust econometrics to real economic data. We focuse on the issuies of international trade in Czech Republic and the problem of employment and growth of small businesses in Europe. We also focues on estimation of panel data by classical approaches (least squares, fixed effects, GMM) and bzy robust techniques. The first part of dissertation focuses on analyzing determinants of FDI in Czech manufacturing industry. The aim is to estimate a model where the stock of FDI is expressed as a function of several economic factors (K/L, profit per worker, R&D, Balassa index and others). We estimate these models by OLS, fixed effects and GMM. With regard to ambiguous results we used least trimmed squares as a diagnostic tool for detection of outliers. Elimination of two polluting industries out of the data set brings certain improvement in significance of some factors. The second part of dissertation we focus on an estimation of models of employment and net production in 28 European countries for small businesses as a function of economic and institutional variables by special technique of estimation. We describe robust version of within group fixed effects estimation. The aim of paper is to estimate a set of models and to test the properties of estimator. With...

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