National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The European Union in the Middle East: The role of the EU in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Matulová, Eva ; Rovná, Lenka (advisor) ; Weiss, Tomáš (referee)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd / Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1, tel: 222 112 111 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 29/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není v elektronické verzi k dispozici.
Association Agreement with Ukraine
Antonov, Illia ; Svoboda, Pavel (advisor) ; Ruffer, Emil (referee)
Résumé Association Agreement with Ukraine This thesis is devoted to the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Being an innovative and comprehensive instrument of the EU external action this Association Agreement represents a relevant topic, which draws not only professional audience's attention. The thesis comprises of an introduction, three chapters and conclusion. The introduction of the thesis outlines its purpose and content, defines the main points of research the thesis is focused on, indicates the reasons of its relevance and explains the structure of the thesis. The first chapter of the thesis describes legal framework of the relevant changes in the area of the EU external action after the Treaty of Lisbon and examines possible legal basis of the Association Agreement with Ukraine in the scope of these changes. In this part there is a short description of the basic principles of the EU external action, the EU legal personality, new EU bodies for external action after the Treaty of Lisbon, EU power in external action. Later this thesis is devoted to Article 8 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) as a new possible legal basis in the EU external action, its relation to other legal bases and possible prospects of its application. After that Article 217 of the TEU is analyzed as a "classic" broad basis for...
Instruments of the EU external relations: European Neighbourhood Policy
Tetřev, Matti ; Dubský, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Veselý, Zdeněk (referee)
The main topic of this master thesis is instruments of the EU external representation specifically in case of the European Neighborhood Policy. As the theoretical part this thesis uses forming the external united position of the European countries after the World War II through the key documents adopted in the framework of the European integration, ending with the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty that creates the contemporary instruments for the external representation of the EU. The research question of this thesis is whether in the context of the European Neighborhood Policy is the united position of the EU Member States. The case study of the European Neighborhood Policy combines elements of both quantitative and qualitative research.
Role of BRICS in the conceptions and reality of the external relations of the EU
Arnoldová, Barbora ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; De Castro, Tereza (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the role of BRICS in the conceptions and reality of the external relations of the EU. The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyse the mutual relations of the EU and BRICS, based on a comparison of the workings and factual bases of their relations and to deduce possibilities for further progress in their cooperation. The EU develops relations with BRICS countries mostly on a bilateral level. Since the announcement of their strategic partnerships, cooperation between them has grown rapidly. Because bilateral agreements don't reflect actual needs anymore, there are ongoing negotiations about their new form which should enable further deepening of their cooperation. The first chapter describes the position of BRICS countries in the external relations of the EU, the development of the legal-institutional framework of relations between the EU and individual countries and the objectives for further deepening of cooperation. The second chapter analyses trade, flows of foreign direct investments and other areas influencing the mutual relations between these entities. The third chapter offers possibilities for further development of cooperation between the EU and BRICS countries.
Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?
Bakule, Martin ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (referee) ; Kašpar, Václav (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (referee)
The thesis "Role of the European Union in Latin America: a Change after the Rio Summit?" focuses on alternations of the position of the European Union (EU) in Latin America after the Rio Summit (1999) which was supposed to be a milestone in European-Latin-American relations. The main objective is to identify and explore the EU role and its trends which result not only from the economic links but also the actions of the EU institutions. Factors of unequal position of Latin America in mutual relations, as well as the impact of the interregional strategy of the EU are of special focus. The thesis is organized as follows. The chapter 1 lays conceptual and theoretical grounds and develops the methodology of "the Atlantic triangle" to frame the issue in interregional relations concepts. The chapter 2 analyses the EU and Latin America as subjects of interregional relations. As for the Latin-American region, its social-economic features, development strategy orientation and its impacts and subregional integration are examined. The EU region subchapter is focused on the interregional strategy, its design and development, as well as the multidimensional nature of the relations and its component dynamics (trade, political dialogue, development cooperation). The Chapter 3 identifies and explores external factors which influence the European-Latin-American ties. According to the triangle methodology, the inevitable influence of the United States (the Anglo-American region in the thesis concept) is studied separately from the global environment and other regions. The Chapter 4 quantifies the economic links of the Latin-American region. It examines the shares and trends in trade, investment, development cooperation transfers and migration. The Chapter 5 studies the institutionalised relations within the Atlantic triangle. It classifies the existing links of the Latin-American region (treaties, fora), assesses the role of interregional summits, compares the political approaches from the United States (US) and the EU in trade, development and security areas and studies in detail the EU impact on several aspects of Latin-American institutional configuration (e.g. regional integration). Among others, the most important conclusions drawn in the last chapter are the following: The unequal position of Latin America in relations with the EU can be attributed to its development characteristics as well as its fragmentation that has recently been progressing. It results in week coordination capability of Latin-American countries on the subregional level and absence of effective coordination on regional level. The interregional strategy of the EU aimed at building "Birregional Strategic Partnership" has not met Latin-American expectations. Although the situation in both regions and global environment has changed substantially from the strategy initiation, the strategy concept remains unaltered which is reflected the mutual relation stagnation. The EU strategy has not proved to be effective in fostering the EU role in Latin America. The free trade negotiation balance of the EU and the US is unfavorable to the EU which has not been able to conclude the association agreements (a basic tool to build the partnership) with its major Latin-American partners (MERCOSUR). The mid/long-term trends in the economic positions on the Latin-American markets have been also unfavorable to the EU in favor to the US and Asian partners. The ineffective strategy did not reverse nor stop such trends. However, the EU role is still not negligible in Latin-American aspirations to diversify its external links from the US influence. The relations with the EU display evident counter-balancing features. The EU also plays the role of "external federator" on subregional level but its influence is rather limited. The overall conclusion is that the Rio Summit did not start closer cooperation. The weakening economic relations are not supported by an effective interregional strategy from the EU. The role of the EU is therefore diminishing.
Mediterranean: characteristics of the region and relations with EU
Malinová, Lucie ; Steinmetzová, Dana (advisor) ; Vondrušková, Barbora (referee)
This work provides basic information about the Mediterranean area and its relations with EU. Mediterranean area includes eleven states: Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Palestinian occupied territories, Jordan and Libya. First chapter of the work focuses on the economic situation of recent years and main problems which characterised this region. Second part concerns the external relations of the Mediterranean with EU. In November 1995, fifteen EU member states and twelve Mediterranean states (ten after Cyprus and Malta joined the EU) agreed on the Barcelona Declaration. This Declaration, which founded the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, aimed at achieving peace, stability and growth in the region. It covers political, economic and social cooperation and represents a turning point in Euro-Mediterranean collaboration. The most active state from EU in developing euro-Mediterranean relations is France. French priorities and interests in Mediterranean area are described in the last chapter of the work.
European Union and Russia
Hornová, Blanka ; Amort, Jiří (advisor) ; Kalínská, Emílie (referee) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee) ; Šrein, Zdeněk (referee)
EU a Rusko zakotvily ve společných dokumentech široké možnosti spolupráce, která nebyla dosud v požadovaném rozsahu uskutečněna. Existují různé překážky ve vztazích, které brání úspěšné realizaci. Současný vývoj vztahů je hodnocen jako neuspokojivý. Pro vybudování strategického partnerství mezi EU a Ruskem je potřebné dosáhnout shody nejen v otázce společných hospodářských a zahraničně-politických zájmů, ale i v otázce společných hodnot.
Australia and New Zealand: a special position between Asia-Pacific and Europe
Kozák, David ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Frostová, Věra (referee)
Ústředním tématem diplomové práce je analýza role Austrálie a Nového Zélandu v rozvoji vztahů mezi regionem asijského Tichomoří a Evropskou unií. Výsledkem zkoumání dosavadního vývoje a rozvoje vztahů mezi Austrálií, Novým Zélandem a EU je posouzení možnosti využití těchto vztahů pro posílení pozice Evropské unie v asijském Tichomoří. Diplomová práce se dále zabývá integračními seskupeními regionu asijského Tichomoří (ASEAN, APEC, ASEM) a na pozici Austrálie, Nového Zélandu a EU v těchto uskupeních. Austrálie a Nový Zéland lze považovat za budoucí most spojující EU a asijské Tichomoří pouze v případě, že spolupráce mezi Austřálií, Novým Zélandem a EU bude posílena a bude pro ní stanoven hmotnější rámec. Pro toto posílení je nezbytná reforma společné zemědělské politiky EU, jelikož obchod zemědělskými produkty je podstatným tématem téměř všech jednání mezi EU a těmito zeměmi.

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