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Ekonomické reformy Kórey v období prechodu k demokracii
Luptáková, Jana
Luptáková, J. Economic reforms of Korea in the period of transition to democracy. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel university, 2023. The bachelor's thesis presents the issue of the economic development of Korea during the transition to democracy in the eighties and nineties of the 20th century. The main goal of the bachelor's thesis is to answer and evaluate the research question: What were the factors of successful economic development in the period of political transformation when the country generally faced economic decline and imbalances? The main subject of the bachelor thesis is the analysis of the implemented reforms and their impact on the economic development of Korea in the specified period. The theoretical starting points are drawn from available, mostly foreign scientific and professional literature and reliable, verified internet sources. In the theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis, the focus is on defining the concepts necessary for the analytical part. In the analytical part, research methods such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, and generalization are used to describe the economic development of Korea during the political transition to democracy. The actual contribution of the work is in summarizing the acquired knowledge and providing one's own perspective on the investigated issue, plus in the evaluation of the chosen monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policy in Korea during the transition to democracy.
Comparison of the evolution of democracy in de facto states
Kozák, Vlastimil ; Jelen, Libor (advisor) ; Kopeček, Vincenc (referee)
The thesis focuses on the evolution of democracy in de facto states. The de facto state is described as an entity that defines itself as an independent state. However, the international community does not recognize it. The democratization of de facto states tends to be problematic. Most de facto states have a patron state that provides protection and economic support. At the same time, it is perceived as a factor that hinders the democratisation process of its clients. Only a limited amount of academic works has addressed the evolution of democracy in de facto states and the influence of patron states on this evolution. The aim of this thesis is to determine the extent to which the democratization process in a group of de facto states has been effective, to find positive and negative indicators of democracy and to reveal the factors behind them. To find out whether the evolution of democracy in the patron states influences the evolution of democracy in the de facto states. Freedom House data is used for the research, subjected to content analysis, and discussed with the available literature. The complete set of de facto states shows stability in the level of democracy achieved. The evolution in both directions is very slow. The democratization of de facto states is constrained by poor government...
The European Union and the democratization of the states of the Western Balkans
Havránková, Lenka ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization of two Western Balkan states, namely Serbia and Albania. The goal of the thesis was to determine which mechanisms and instruments the organisation uses in these cases and how effective these instruments and mechanisms are. For these purposes, the theory of Jon Pevehouse was chosen, because it introduces nine tools in total that all regional organisations have for the puropose of democratization of candidate or member states. In the case studies of Serbia and Albania were then identified seven out of nine of these mechanisms in the political area, the rule of law area and the area of human rights and freedoms. These mechanisms are pressure, socialization, financial assistance, legitimization, deterrence of losers, creating commitments for winners and institutional change. At the same time, the real impact of these mechanisms on the democratization process in these states was assessed. It was determined that the effectivity of these mechanisms is unfortunately limited by, for example, the lack of political will to implement the adopted reforms in practice. On the other hand, it was determined that some of the instruments and mechanisms were used insufficiently or incorrectly, which then influences the...
The Role of the Civil Society in the Transformation of the North African States
Jiránková, Adéla ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
The rigorous thesis focuses on the role of the Civil Society in the processes of transition to democracy as a part of the possible democratization wave in the Middle East also know as the Arab Spring. For the purposes of the thesis the author examines three case studies of countries with the successful revolutions - Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia and two countries, where the revolutions were not successful - Morocco and Algeria. Using the method of process-tracing with focus on the path-dependency it traces the changes in the dynamics of the Civil Society in the pre-revolutionary period, concretely during Mubarak's regime in Tunisia, Qaddafi's rule in Libya, Ben Ali's regime in Tunisia, reign of the king Muhammad VI. in Morocco, and Bouteflika's regime in Algeria through the revolutions to the post-revolutionary period. Moreover, the main assumption is that the initial non-democratic regimes have been significantly influencing the transformation process of all three countries and this also applies to the Civil Society as such. The Civil Society, in this thesis, is based on two paradigms. The first is based on the liberal modernization framework and the second is connected with stagnation and socio-economic deprivation. This unique combination contributed to the transformation of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco,...
Democracy or Stability in the Maghreb? : Security Policy of the EU towards the Region between 2005 and 2010
Holík, Jiří ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
This PhDr. thesis analyses the EU security policy towards the Maghreb between 2005 and 2010. It does so in order to ascertain to what extent the level of practical policy corresponds with the level of declarations. Also, by using the promotion of democratic governance in the Maghreb countries under the ENP as s case study, the thesis means to challenge the proposition that European Union can be described as a 'Normative Power'. First chapter briefly presents the concept of 'Normative Power Europe'. Following section looks at the European Security Strategy and localizes the primary position of the goal of democracy promotion in the document. Third part gives an overview of the European policy towards the Mediterranean under which EU relations with the Maghreb have been framed. Most attention is paid to the European Neighbourhood Policy. Next chapter examines the level of practical EU policy. It consists of three separate case studies of European policy towards Tunisia, Morocco and Libya between 2005 and 2010. The fifth and final part qualitatively analyses the way four factors (trade, energy, migration and terrorism) contributed to the structuring of relations of Tunisia, Morocco and Libya with Spain, France and Italy. The thesis arrives at the conclusion that while at the declaratory level the EU...
Comparison of lustration laws in Central European states: Czechoslovakia, Poland and Baltic states
Srb, Jáchym ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (advisor) ; Mlsna, Petr (referee)
The paper: "Comparison of lustration laws in Central European states: Czechoslovakia, Poland and Baltic states" describes the emergence and application of the lustration laws in context of the political transformation of these states from the begining of the 90s. The main objective of this paper is to answer the question, what are the differences and similarities in the functioning of the lustration laws in these states and whether there is a single explanation for their divergence. For this purpose the paper describes the political and historical background from which these laws emerged in each state separately. This part, among other things, outlines the concept of the "double-tracked" lustrations in Latvia and Estonia, where the laws followed both the collaboration rationale and the ethnical divide. The paper also aims to critically outline the most prominent theoretical approaches to the aforementioned question of the disparities between lustrations in different states. The second aspect of lustrations, which this paper examines, is their conformity with the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights. From analysing the judicature of the ECHR, the paper concludes that the court was very self-restrained in examining these laws and only intervened in the cases of clearly excesive scope of the...
The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - A Comparative Case Study
Kaplan, Petr ; Ditrych, Ondřej (advisor) ; Karlas, Jan (referee)
The thesis compares two different modes of state disintegration of post-communist federations. Yugoslavia is an example of a violent breakup, Czechoslovakia stands for a peaceful way, how to split a state. Using the Level of Analysis concept the study looks for differences at five levels focusing mainly on the change caused by the process of democratic transition in both states that removed the old regime and brought a competitive atmosphere among the old and new elites representing various ethnic groups. The outcome of the analysis is that the role of the army, the length of the liberalization process and the different historical experience are factors that matter most.
Democratization of Portugal and Romania: is it possible to study transitions to democracy by unified models?
Kasper, Petr ; Kučera, Rudolf (advisor) ; Šušlíková, Lada (referee)
In my paper, I will attempt to answer the question "Is it possible to study transitions to democracy by unified models?" I will seek for an answer using cases of Romania and Portugal, the two states where authoritarian rule had the form of personal dictatorship and was overthrown without government cooperation. My assumption is that studying by unified model is not possible and I will try to find evidence for this statement. In my paper I use theoretical work of Samuel P. Huntington, Vladimíra Dvořáková and Jiří Kunc who study types of transitions to democracy. Dvořáková and Kunc also describe phases of these transitions. From work of Adam Przeworski I use the view of democratization causes. Using these theoretical concepts I will study specific cases of democratization in Romania and Portugal. I will use works of Miroslav Tejchman, Kurt W. Treptow and Jiří Kocian in case of Romania and Jan Klíma, Simona Binková, Zuzana Budinová and Kenneth Maxwell in case of Portugal.
The Process of the Transition to Democracy in Czechoslovakia in the Period of November - December 1989
Kudrna, Pavel ; Štefek, Martin (advisor) ; Koubek, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the transition of Czechoslovakia towards democracy with emphasis on the first period of the transition: November and December 1989. The paper introduces different transitological approaches and applies them to the Czechoslovakia case. Traditional approaches, for instance Rustow, Mainwaring, Karlová and Schmitter, Przeworski, and others, are used to reflect upon the transition phases and typology. The thesis furthermore takes into consideration major historiographical works on the final phase or fall of non-democratic regimes and establishing a new system. The analysis also emphasises the actors of the transition. Powered by TCPDF (
The Comparative Analysis of Ukraine's Elections in Relation to The Theory of The Hybrid Regimes
Kubrychtová, Veronika ; Mlejnek, Josef (advisor) ; Žídková, Markéta (referee)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the comparative analysis of presidential elections in Ukraine in relation to the theory of hybrid regimes. First, the thesis illuminates the events that happened in the beginning of the Ukrainian independence which affected the distribution of power between executive and legislative branches. The comparative analysis is applied to the particular elections in the years 1999, 2004 and 2010 with emphasis on the pre-electoral campaigns, legislative changes, election process, respect to rules, election results and the fundamental events which influenced the elections. Next, the thesis analyses elections mentioned above on the ground of the elected theories of hybrid regimes with the goal to assess to their democratic character.

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