National Repository of Grey Literature 66 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Who Governs? The Participation of Ministers in Council Meetings
Vlček, Václav ; Parízek, Michal (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
The thesis deals with the participation of ministers in the Council of the European Union. The first goal is to explore the participation as such, i.e. how often the ministers attend the Council meetings and what differences there are among the member states and the Council configurations. Secondly, the thesis seeks to reveal factors at the institutional (European), national and governmental level which have an impact on the participation. From the theoretical point of view, the thesis is framed by the rational choice approach. In terms of methodology, a quantitative analysis based on extensive dataset for the period 2009 - 2015 and logistic regression have been employed. The thesis concludes that the ministers attend the Council meetings quite often - the average for the period was 64%. Regarding the individual factors, it is argued that the ministers representing the presidency country attend the sessions more often. Similarly, the participation is higher if there are many points on the agenda or if the minister represents a pro-European government. On the contrary, the probability of the participation is lower if the ministers face upcoming legislative elections at home. The analysis also shows that the public attitude towards the EU is irrelevant in this case. The results are, finally,...
Representation in International Organizations: Size and Composition of National Delegations
Vlček, Václav ; Parízek, Michal (advisor) ; Karlas, Jan (referee) ; Sommerer, Thomas (referee)
In general, states and their governments make decisions in international politics and international organizations. However, the states are, in fact, represented by people. How many and who are they? This dissertation thesis deals with state representation in international organizations. In particular, it studies the size and composition of national delegations to plenary meetings of international organizations. From the theoretical perspective, the thesis builds on rationalist assumptions and tests established theories in the field. As for the causes of the various delegation sizes, the thesis hypothesizes 1) various institutional power, 2) different economic resources, 3) various intensity of national interests, 4) different levels of government effectiveness, and 5) different domestic political regimes. Next, the theoretical framework explains the various delegation composition by 1) different intensity of the national preferences, 2) different levels of government effectiveness, and 3) different domestic political regimes. From the methodological perspective, the thesis builds on an extensive statistical analysis using a unique quantitative dataset across seventeen international organizations and the UN General Assembly sessions from 1993 to 2016. The delegation composition is operationalized in...
Creating e-shop with free CMS system
Folta, Martin ; Vlček, Václav (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Work deals with possibility to use free CMS systems for developing electronic business in Czech conditions with all specificity Czech environments.
European Union and the cooperation within the NPT/nuclear disarmament
Wágner, Henrik Noah ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on the position of the European Union (EU) towards the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), in the period from 1994 to the present. In 1994, the Council of the EU agreed on joint action in connection with the upcoming NPT Review Conference in 1995, and joint action was the decision that for the first time imposed a binding obligation on EU member states to coordinate and cooperate in relation to the NPT. Since then, the EU has tried to enter the NPT review conferences, held every five years, with a common position each time. The work describes the development of the EU's common position towards the NPT, and focuses on assessing the different emphasis which was placed in the EU's common positions on individual pillars of the NPT. These pillars are: ensure the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, promote the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and achieve nuclear disarmament. The work also applies two theories of international relations, namely neorealism and liberal intergovernmentalism. On the basis of these theories were formulated hypotheses, that tried to explain the reasons for the different emphasis of the EU's common position on the individual pillars of the NPT. In the final chapter, relevant data were presented that served to...
Europeanisation of the foreign policy of Sweden, Finland and Austria after the EU accession
Balcar, Vojtěch ; Martinková, Viera (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of Europeanization of the foreign policy of Sweden, Finland and Austria after their accession to the European Union. All these countries joined the EU at the same time in 1995 and have a long tradition of neutrality, which makes them suitable for comparison. In the thesis, using the of the method of Foucaultian historical discursive analysis, the changes in their foreign policy in relation to the process of Europeanization and, in connection with this, the development of the discourse regarding their identity in this area are researched. This development is analysed in relation to aspects such as the attitude to the EU itself and its enlargement, to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine or, for example, to Brexit and relations with the United Kingdom or to the international mission in Afghanistan. Both secondary and especially primary sources are used, such as the official government documents and minutes or statements of representatives of individual states. In the introduction of the thesis, the methodological and research framework is presented, as well as the state of the current literature on this topic. Chapters devoted to the concepts of Europeanization and neutrality follow this. Then the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU is presented. Then follow the chapters...
The European Union and the democratization of the states of the Western Balkans
Havránková, Lenka ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization of two Western Balkan states, namely Serbia and Albania. The goal of the thesis was to determine which mechanisms and instruments the organisation uses in these cases and how effective these instruments and mechanisms are. For these purposes, the theory of Jon Pevehouse was chosen, because it introduces nine tools in total that all regional organisations have for the puropose of democratization of candidate or member states. In the case studies of Serbia and Albania were then identified seven out of nine of these mechanisms in the political area, the rule of law area and the area of human rights and freedoms. These mechanisms are pressure, socialization, financial assistance, legitimization, deterrence of losers, creating commitments for winners and institutional change. At the same time, the real impact of these mechanisms on the democratization process in these states was assessed. It was determined that the effectivity of these mechanisms is unfortunately limited by, for example, the lack of political will to implement the adopted reforms in practice. On the other hand, it was determined that some of the instruments and mechanisms were used insufficiently or incorrectly, which then influences the...
Classes of Boolean Formulae with effectively soluable SAT.
Vlček, Václav ; Čepek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kučera, Petr (referee)
This work studies classes of Boolean formulae with polynomially solvable satsiability problem (SAT). It investigates the behavior of these classes with respect to basic operation with formulae (variable and literal complementation, deletition of a literal or a clause, partial assignment and joining formulae). Furthermore the work studies recognition problems for a formula and a given class of functions, satisability testing, and mutual relations of the studied classes with respect to inclusion.
Generating of sound using additive and FM synthesis
Vlček, Václav ; Holan, Tomáš (advisor) ; Obdržálek, Jan (referee)
This paper describes the installation and use of created program as well as technics for sound generating (additive and FM synthesis) and options a ecting the result sound. It contains that part of MIDI standard which is used in the program and a small part of its history, too. Finally, it summarizes problems which appeared during creating of the program.
Human Capital Development in BRICS: education in China, India and South Africa.
Šupolíková, Lenka ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of human capital in China, India, and South Africa. It focuses on the historical development and the main milestones in the development of education systems in individual countries and subsequently their current state. The aim is to compare individual countries in terms of human capital development and to figure out why South Africa is ranked worse than the other two countries in the World Bank's Human Capital Index, even though it is one of the upper middle-income countries along with China and India is a country with a lower middle income and yet it is ranked higher in this ranking. The work examines the history of the development of education systems in individual countries and describes their significant milestones that have influenced education to such an extent that the country is still struggling with the consequences. Firstly, this thesis describes the current state of education systems and gathers important characteristics and major problems. These problems stem mainly from historical developments, which have caused China to reform its education in order to get rid of the consequences of Soviet influence. India has been particularly influenced by British influence, which has changed its traditional education and is currently struggling with...
Comparison of the attitudes of Brazil, India and South Africa towards the issue of humanitarian interventions
Jeřábek, David ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Vlček, Václav (referee)
This study deals with attitude of three states - Brazil, India, and South Africa, towards the issue of humanitarian interventions and the principle of the Responsibility to Protect. The aim of this study is to assess what is the real motivation of selected states in the process of creation of their attitudes. Based on three main theoretical approaches - neorealism, liberalism, and constructivism, particular hypotheses are created in order to help determine explanation value of selected theories. All three selected theoretical approaches deal with different sets of variables with different importance. The main focus of the first half of the study is on introduction of humanitarian intervention, the principle of Responsibility to Protect, and selected theoretical approaches. In this part individual hypotheses are defined, and the methodological framework is also introduced. Second part of the study deals with actual analysis of attitudes of selected states and their consequential categorization. The individual variables are assessed, and conclusions are established. Based on analysis Brazil and South Africa seem to be two cases with different understanding of security than India. These two states also have different perception of own state identity and thus their attitude toward intervention/R2P is...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 66 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Vlček, Vladimír
5 Vlček, Vojtěch
2 Vlček, Vratislav
2 Vlček, Vít
3 Vlček, Vítězslav
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