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Comparison of Special administrative regions of PRC
Kořínek, Vítek ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Kučerová, Irah (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of the PRC, Macao and Hong Kong, and is divided into two case studies and a final comparison of these studies. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether the high degree of autonomy and uniqueness of the units is at risk of being lost. The special administrative regions have taken over from the colonial system of executive-controlled administration, and local institutions have thus in no small measure been inspired by Portuguese or British institutions. For this reason, the case studies deal first with the colonial period, followed by a section on the Sino-Portuguese and Sino-British declarations. Indeed, not only the PRC but also the mother countries themselves were involved in the creation of the units, which gave the colonies their uniqueness. This stemmed from an executive-led system that, despite its apparent undemocratic nature, was capable of effective and, at its core, liberal governance based on Western legal traditions. To assess the uniqueness of the institutions, the work includes an extractive-inclusive scale, through which the author is able to classify the institutions of the units as either power- accumulating (extractive) or equality-promoting (inclusive). After listing the history, colonial institutions...
European Painters of Native Tribes
Zámečníková, Kristýna ; Rychlík, Martin (advisor) ; Soukup, Martin (referee)
The subject of a thesis is theoretical analysis of artistic work of two painters who as first ones showed in early modern Europe the visual appearance of the American native tribes. French Jacques le Moyne de Morgues and English John White were colonization pioneers of the New world in the second half of 16th century. Their work was extended through engravings of Theodor de Bry, Flemish engraver, after their return to the Old continent. Though the engraver purposely manipulated with their pictures - he edited the images and added various details. The thesis also deals with question what was the main intention of the Flemish engraver. Methodological resource was collecting information and text interpretation. The purpose of the thesis is familiarization with life and work of the European painters who as first ones depicted American Indian tribes and with activity of Theodor de Bry who extended their work in Europe. Key words: The New world, Indians, colonies, painters, artistic value.
Extracellular matrix in yeast populations
Novotná, Pavla ; Kuthan, Martin (advisor) ; Dvořáček, Lukáš (referee)
The microorganisms in a natural environment are frequently found in multicellular forms, most commonly in biofilms. Biofilm is characterized as a community of cells living at the interface of two environments, embedded in the extracellular matrix. ECM is a significant component of biofilms in yeast populations. Extracellular matrix acts as a protective barrier and allows cells to survive under adverse conditions and better compete with other microorganisms. It also forms an effective barrier against antibiotics and other harmful substances, what makes biofilms a serious problem in medicine and industry. Formation of the matrix may be influenced by the morphological forms of colonies. Increased formation of ECM is commonly connected in phenotypic switching in response to changes of their living conditions. The compositeion of the ECM is a genus-and species-specific. The main component of the matrix consists of polysaccharides and proteins.
Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the West-Indische Compagnie
Kubátová, Eva ; Křížová, Markéta (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee) ; Marek, Pavel (referee)
Spanish-Dutch Relations in the New World during the Existence of the West Indische Compagnie Eva Kubátová Abstract This dissertation is dedicated to the Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the first Dutch West India Company (1621-1674). On base of an imagological analysis, this thesis presents elements of mutual relations, reflected in hetero-images, together with self-representation of both analyzed parties (thus self-image) within the ongoing conflict of the Eighty Years' War. The imagological analysis is applied on archival material, chiefly the Dutch pamphlets and Spanish Relaciones de sucesos (which can be translated as "Treatises of Successes"). The result of this thesis is then an analysis of development and changes of mutual images, upon the historical events of the Spanish-Dutch war conflict: thus since the beginnings of the Dutch Revolt, passing through the Twelve Years' Truce, until the signature of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. A special emphasis is put to the final phase of the Eighty Years' War, in this thesis delimited by the years 1621-1648, which was marked by the official entrance of the West India Company into the Spanish waters of Greater Caribbean. An important watershed in mutual relations is afterwards represented by the Peace of Westphalia, which...
Presence of Colonial Past in Contemporary Portugal
Tošnerová, Barbora ; Rovná, Lenka (advisor) ; Klíma, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis, titled "Presence of Colonial Past in Contemporary Portugal", deals with how the Portuguese society has coped with their loss of the last colonies after the democratic revolution in the year 1974. Portugal belonged, along with Spain, to the first colonial powers in Europe and for long time - till the 20th century - the independence of colonies was for many Portuguese people unimaginable. Therefore a lot of them were surprised with the speedy decolonization of these territories after 1974. Investigation of reactions of Portuguese society to this change is based on the analysys of responses of its political and academic communities after the year 1976. Attitudes held by the wider society was demonstrated by the massive support of Portuguese to the former colony of East Timor during Semptember 1999. The approach of politicans is analysed in this work through their speeches during the key' historical moments, which influenced relations between Portugal and its former colonies during the years 1976-1996, as well as through government' programmes and comments in mass media. Analysis of academical discussion is concentrated mainly on the 1990s and present, when the colonial past has became a topic of great interest to many portuguese perits. A new field of academic interest, reffered...
Comparison of the Colonial Policy of the Portuguese New State During 1926-1945 and 1945-1961: An Ideological and Legislative Perspective
Holeňová, Marie ; Menclová, Barbora (advisor) ; Matějka, Ondřej (referee)
The Portuguese New State (1926-1974), as the longest lasting authoritarian regime of its kind in Europe, was making efforts in maintaining its sovereignty on the global scale. Especially the view of the international community on colonialism underwent significant transformation in the course of the examined period and the Portuguese regime had to reflect the changing order in its stances as well. The thesis conducts a comparison of the particular features of the colonial rule during time periods 1926-1945 and 1945-1961. Firstly, the emphasis is placed on the comparison of laws which adjusted colonial administration and status of the natives in overseas dominions. Secondly, the colonial ideologies the Imperial Mystique and Lusotropicalism are described and compared as they provided grounds for the advocation of Portuguese presence in its colonies. The main objective of the thesis is to confirm whether the regime in the postwar period, through the reformulation of the legislative documents at least legally got on the road to the progressive administration in the colonies. By means of analysis of the documents, the thesis concludes that from the legislative point of view, the regime after World War II made steps towards modern colonial administration. However, the thesis takes into accounts that the...
Investment in the British colonies in Africa and their impact on the postcolonial economic situation
Nosková, Jana ; Stojanov, Robert (advisor) ; Klíma, Jan (referee)
Colonialism as a world phenomenon, as we know it, appeared with the advent of modern times. Its prosperity was made possible by technological advances. Colonialism in its original form almost does not exist, however it is still "alive" in its reference. The post-colonial lands still bear a variety of heritage from that time. The main objective of this work is to find out whether investments in colonies from the times of colonial rule in Great Britain can influence the state of their economies after independence, and whether this influence may last until the present. The thesis answers the following research questions: (i) Do colonial investments have an impact on the postcolonial economies of the former British colonies, represented by GDP per capita and GDP per area? (ii) Do colonial investments have an impact on the development of postcolonial economies of the former British colonies, represented by GDP growth per capita? (iii) And what criteria were distributed by British colonial investments? The method used to determine the dependence between the above variables is the calculation of the Spearman correlation coefficient. For its calculation, unique historical data on colonial investments was used. The analysis shows that the amount of investment relative to the population of the colonies...

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