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Analýza demografického vývoje v kraji Vysočina
Náplavová, Radka
The topic of the bachelor thesis is the analysis of demographic development in the Vysočina region during the years 2011-2020. Demographic indicators such as mortality, birth rate, abortion rate, marriage rate, divorce rate and migration are used for the analysis. These indicators are compared with indicators for the Czech Republic. Based on the analysis, it was found that the population of the Vysočina region is aging and declining. According to gender, there are more women than men in the region. Mortality as well as birth rates and marriages are rising. Conversely, abortion and divorce rates are falling relatively. The number of emigrants still exceeds the number of immigrants.
Kvalita života a urbanizace chudoby v Peru
Diatelová, Michaela
The thesis addresses the quality of life and urbanization of poverty in twenty-five regions of Peru and compares the situation in 2007 and 2017. The analysis includes Zipf's law, Gini index, beta and sigma convergence, composite indicator, and visualization of secondary data from the census and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The Quality-of-Life Index consists of ten indicators according to income poverty, housing, education, fertility and citizenship. The results showed an uneven distribution of the population with urbanization around 79% in 2017. More than a third of the population lived in Lima and about a fifth in the regions of Piura, La Libertad, Arequipa and Cajamarca. About 79% of Peru's population still lived in their place of birth. Although the proportion of income poor has fallen, the Gini Index of urban income poverty has increased and still remained above 0.5. It pointed to growing inequality in income redistribution. Even if it is a middle-income country, over six million people lived in poverty in 2017, including one million in extreme conditions. The worst quality of life in cities was recorded in the tropical rainforests of Selva and in the mountain belt of Sierra. Between 2007 and 2017, the quality of life deteriorated in the regions of Pasco, Lima, Moquegua, Callao and Tacna. Gradually, the gap in quality of life between urban and rural areas is getting ever deeper.
Population and religion - possibilities of study in the Czech Republic
Fajfrová, Doris ; Fialová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Kurtinová, Olga (referee)
This work deals with the possibilities of population study of religion in the Czech Republic after 1921. It is divided into two parts. The first is theoretical and it shows the way in which the study is lead up to. The second deals with the practical possibilities of religious studies in demographic perspective. In this section census data on sex, age and religious affiliation are used as a basis for drawing up a detailed description of the gender-age structure. Data are analysed on two basic levels. At the higher are compared three basic populations defined on the basis of religion. On the lower the internal structure of the population of person's "confession" is examined. The analysis shows that the number of people who belong to any religion between 1991-2011, greatly decreased, and that they form the part of the population which aged rapidly. The population is also according to the census more feminine. It turns out that it was more a result of the age structure than the tendency of women to declare their religious beliefs. Analysis also has shown that the characteristics typical for the population "with confession", are largely determined by the three most frequent confessions: Roman Catholic, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and Czechoslovak Hussite Church. In contrast, small churches and less...
The structure of the population of Most district: history, present and possible future development options
Trpálková, Veronika ; Šídlo, Luděk (advisor) ; Bartoňová, Dagmar (referee)
The structure of the population of Most district: history, present and possible future development options Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the historical, current and possible future development of the structure of the population, which live in the analyzed district of Most. Within the district are compared the structures of the population by sex, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, religion and economy activity in each selected years. In the first part, the history of settlement of the current district is briefly explained. Development of the settlement in the 20th century and development of the structures of population follows. In the next part, the current structures of the population and possible options for future development of the population of the district are given. Differences of the structures of the population structure during the existence of life in the district are evaluated in the conclusion part. Keywords: Most district, census, structure of the population
Regional differentiation of the population in the Czech Republic according to religious creed
Růžičková, Markéta ; Šídlo, Luděk (advisor) ; Fialová, Ludmila (referee)
Regional differentiation of the population in the Czech Republic according to religious creed Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the population of the Czech Republic according to their religion, using the data from the census and current records. The first part describes the results of censes concerning religion between the years 1921 and 2011, focusing on the changes in the numbers of believers in the individual denominations. The next part is concerned with the proportioning of the believers in the individual districts in the Czech Republic according to censes 1991, 2001 and 2011, the districts with the highest and lowest share of believers and the analysis of the differences between the individual years. Furthermore it supplies analysis of the influence of religion on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of population, selected on the basis of consulted literature. The individual characteristics are analyzed using statistic regression, factor and cluster analysis and the influence of the resulting factors is described. Keywords: religion, census, Czech Republic, regional differences, atheism
Social changes of the town Svoboda nad Úpou on the background of the census of 1910 and 1921
Týfová, Markéta ; Štemberk, Jan (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
Diploma thesis "Social changes of the town Svoboda nad Úpou on the background of the census of 1910 and 1921" deals with the analysis and comparison of the census of 1910 and 1921 for the town Svoboda nad Úpou, which is located in Giant Mountains. The content and aim of the thesis is to describe particular censuses and compare their changes, especially from the point of view of the census in the times of Austria-Hungary, concretely the last census within the monarchy and thus at the beginning of the independent Czechoslovak Republic. The work then analyzes the census of both years and interprets their results. Consequently, the census compares and tracks how the city changed between the censuses and how the census results were reflected. Attention is primarily paid to the number, sex and age of the inhabitans, furthermore to the national structure, religion or economic activities and the occupation of the city's inhabitants. The work also focuses on the possible impact of World War I. Then also how the town was influenced by the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic and how the national situation evolved. In the thesis are used methods of historical work, namely direct, statistical and comparative methods. Key words: Svoboda nad Úpou, census, town, population
Fertility analysis in the Czech Republic of 2011 census data
Pištorová, Markéta ; Rychtaříková, Jitka (advisor) ; Kraus, Jaroslav (referee)
Fertility analysis in the Czech Republic of 2011 census data Abstract The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of fertility in cohort perspective based on census data, population and housing census was held in the Czech Republic March 26, 2011. An integral part of the analysis is differential fertility which focuses on women's fertility differences depending on marital status, educational attainment, economic activity and religious belief. The demographic analyses were used as the methods of the thesis, namely the completed fertility rate (average number of live births per woman of one generation at the end of her reproductive period), order-specific completed fertility rate and the parity progression ration (the probability that a woman with i children will have i + 1 children). The decline of completed fertility rate seems to be a permanent phenomenon and traditional determinants of fertility still have some influence. A growing proportion of children are born to single mothers. There is an increasing proportion of university graduates, whose completed fertility rate is the lowest among educational categories. Women claiming to religious beliefs, or the Roman Catholic Church, have the highest value of the completed fertility rate of all categories according to religious beliefs. Keywords:...
System of services for homeless people in Prague
Havrlíková, Jana ; Kaňák, Jan (advisor) ; Krahulcová, Beáta (referee)
The Diploma thesis called "The system of services for homeless people in Prague" is focused on answering the main research question: "What is the demographic structure of homeless people in Prague using social services?". The first chapter is devoted to the theory of homelessness, its development, changes and society's responses in according to this socially pathological phenomenon. The second part of the Diploma thesis focuses directly on the situation of homeless people. Firstly, the definition of social services is described, I also focus on social prevention services that help solve the problem. I also describe problematic areas of homelessness and their solutions in the context of social services aimed at minimizing the negative effects of homelessness, preventing its development, as well as preventive action. The third part is focused on explaining the notion of demography, its exploration and interpretation of basic terms, the definition of which is necessary for the understanding of the research part of the Diploma thesis. I present here the results of the first official Census 2011 of homeless people in the Czech Republic. In the last chapter of my thesis, my own research survey is conducted, in which I try to answer the main and partial research questions. A quantitative survey is used,...
Multi-child families: patterns and background
Faberová, Anna ; Rychtaříková, Jitka (advisor) ; Šťastná, Anna (referee)
Multi-child families: patterns and background Abstract The scope of this thesis is to analyse fertility rate in the Czech Republic aiming at the third- and higher-order fertility rates. The objective consists in finding, defining and assessing the determinants and factors that may affect the higher-order fertility rates. As the pivotal source of the input data, the individual anonymized data from the Czech Republic Population and Housing Census held in 2011 were used. Only the data referring to women born in the period 1920-1971 that gave at least two live births were selected for the purpose of the detailed fertility rates analysis. The analysis was carried out by way of nominal logistic regression. The gain of the thesis is a detailed evaluation of the higher- order fertility rates pursuant to the four factors or determinants - concerning the women in question - that have been selected for this purpose, i.e.: highest level of completed education; size of the municipality of residence; religious belief; and characteristics according to the fertile partnerships. In particular the mutual links among the factors in question and the higher-order fertility rates are specified in the thesis. Keywords: multi-child families, fertility, higher-order fertility, generation, census, nominal logistic regression

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