National Repository of Grey Literature 89 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Food Waste: Potraviny z odpadu nebo odpad z potravin?
Šebíková, Michaela
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to get the reader to understand the broader meaning behind food waste. Furthermore, its aim to explore what stance do citizens of the United States have when it comes to food and if this stance somehow contributes to the entire problem of food waste production. This thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and analytical. The theoretical part explains what food waste is in general sense. It also describes the current situation in the world, mentions possible causes and effects of food waste production, and tries to provide a reliable possibilities to reduce it. The analytical part contains results of questionnaire survey, which was conducted among US citizens in Ocean City. The aim of this survey was to find out their attitude to this issue of food waste production. The data was analysed searching for dependencies between verbal signs. The survey confirmed that disinterest is one of the main factors contributing to the food waste production. It is also showed that age is strongly linked with food waste and that the level of education has no effect on whether people care or not about it.
Optimization of the process of corrective and preventive actions management
Novák, Pavel ; Ing. et Ing. Radek Dryšl, MSc., MBA (referee) ; Videcká, Zdeňka (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with the optimization of the process of corrective and preventive actions management in OTIS Escalators s.r.o. under ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2005 and OHSAS 18001:1999 standards. Standards mentioned above are used to describe analyse of the process, which leads to several steps for successful optimization of the process.
Implementation of the Quality Management System for Project Metro London in OTIS a.s.
Bernát, Michal ; Ing. et Ing. Radek Dryšl, MSc., MBA (referee) ; Doskočil, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the implementation of quality management system in the project of Metro of London, implemented by Otis a.s. The theoretical part describes quality management tools. In the analytical part, there are mapped processes of project of Metro of London and identified problems and opportunities for improvement of processes of this project. Based on this analysis of outputs, there are designed corrective moves and their evaluation for defined problems.
Maternity of homeless woman's
This bachelor's work is dedicated to a little discussed topic, which is pregnancy and motherhood of homeless women. These women move among us every day, but few people pay close attention to them and some, perhaps, pretend they don't exist. It is difficult to know why or what circumstances have just brought them this to life. On the basis of interviews, the main goal of this research was to determine which methods of social work within the social services framework have a positive influence on homeless women living with a child in moving them towards a normal way of life. Ideally, facilitating their long term independence of the social security system. In introducing the issue, I will focus on the problems that women or girls bring to the streets, the nature of their motherhood and pregnancy, which is mostly unplanned. I also focused on what future mothers have at starting point, what services they can use, both for themselves and for the unborn descendant. The work is then divided into a theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is further divided into sections that address the definition of basic concepts; short history of the forms of and causes that contribute to homelessness; and a brief discussion of social exclusion, which directly belong to this issue. The following chapter is devoted only to homeless women themselves. The theoretical part is the basis of the practical part, which follows and sets out the rationale for the choice of the research questions. A research tool consisting of 21 questions was created to answer these questions forming the main part of the semistructured interview. Given the purpose of the work, I considered it appropriate to choose qualitative research, which examines the issues in more depth. The research sample consists of 8 respondents who were intentionally chosen for the issue. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to highlight the problematics of homelessness, especially women's homelessness, to the general public. I do believe there is not enough attention to this issue. Homelessness is an extremely delicate matter in every society and dealing with it is partially on ability of perceiving it by the general public. It is necessary to talk about causes and consequences of homelessness. It is not possible to turn away from this topic and it is necessary to talk about it, write about it and also think about it.
The Life of Homeless Women in a Selected Region through the Eyes of Themselves
The bachelor thesis deals with the life of homeless women in České Budějovice. The main aim of the thesis is to present the various challenges that are related to the loss of housing, and to find out what the most common causes of homelessness of women in České Budějovice are. The practical part of this bachelor thesis is conducted through the qualitative research strategy. The method of questioning and the technique of semi-structured interview were used. The research sample consists of eight homeless women living in the area of the South Bohemian Region, specifically in České Budějovice. The research sample was selected using the snowball sampling method. The results of the interviews were collected and further processed using the open coding method. Through this method, ten categories with specific codes were created. The results of the research showed that the most common causes of homelessness of women in České Budějovice are domestic violence and unsatisfactory (dysfunctional) relationships with family. The communication partners also shared dissatisfaction with the current situation and stated that they wished to change their situation. It also became apparent that the communication partners consider the absence of stable housing to be the main problem. This bachelor thesis could serve, for example, as a source of information for students or as feedback for social service providers in České Budějovice
Political and geographical factors causing the rise and spread of Islamic state
Plešivčák, Peter ; Tomeš, Jiří (advisor) ; Boleček, Vít (referee)
This bachelors thesis focuses on establishment of the Islamic State, which led to the outbreak of armed conflict, humanitarian catastrophe and widespread population migrations. As the threat of destabilization of the entire Middle East, attracted the attention of many disciplines, including political geography. The aim of the work is the literature review and assess the geopolitical map sources, religious and social causes of the Islamic state and attempt to justify its geographic spreading based on these factors. The work is focused mainly on assessing the impact of religious, ethnic and socio-economic structure of Iraq and Syria and the importance of regional differentiation of these factors for the emergence and spread of Islamic State.
Obesity its causes and cosequences
Ondráčková, Anna ; Vybíral, Stanislav (advisor) ; Kuda, Ondřej (referee)
Obesity is one of the most common health problems in the Word. Over 500 million adults and over 40 million children are obese. The aim of this work is to summarize findings of causes and consequences of this health problem. Even though in some cases only genetic mutations are responsible for obesity for example mutation in ob gene or Prader-Willi syndrome most cases are caused by lifestyle of people -excessive food intake and insufficient physical activity. There are many health problems accompanying obesity. The most serious problems are metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The consequences of obesity are, however, not confined only to health. We can also observe the economic consequences. Financial cost of treatment of obesity and related diseases are estimated in billions of dollars. Pharmacological treatment has so far proved to be ineffective. If drugs are effective, the side effects are so severe that their use is not possible. So far, the adipose tissue hormones that regulate food intake provide the best hope.
Alternatives of Home Violence Settling as seen by the Roman Catholic Church
Fraisová, Naděžda ; Lorman, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Štica, Petr (referee)
My dissertation Alternatives of Home Violence Settling deals with various alternatives of how the home violence problems can be settled. The introductory chapter goes through the professional interpretation of the home violence term as well as causes, forms and specific signs of this violence type, being followed by description of its consequences and the myths which have gained a foothold in the general public. The home violence is characterized as a long-term, repeated and escalating physical, mental, or sexual cruelty to persons living in the common household; it takes place between close persons, adult family members, or also life partners. The victims, being exposed to long-term violence, lost their self-confidence, however, their fear and confusion increase; they also suffer from a good many various symptoms as depression, shame, decline of general state of health, or increased suicidal behavior. Chapter two focuses on the characterization of the home violence victims and delinquests as well. As to the victims, these can be everybody, irrespective of their education, age, social position or economic situation - women, seniors and handicapped persons as well as men. The home violence occurs between adult partners, spouses, parents and their children, but also between young and aged persons. Chapter...
The most frequent causes of injuries in pole vault athletes and its prevention- a review
Suchelová, Nikola ; Šteffl, Michal (advisor) ; Vindušková, Jitka (referee)
Backgrounds: Pole vault could be counted among the most frequently mentioned athletic disciplines in terms of injuries. In the recent past there have been done a number of changes of rules which have led to a reduction in the number of accidents. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to identify the most common causes of accidents and injuries in pole vault, to describe preventive measures that have already been carried out and to draw attention to the others which could be possible. Methods: This work provides a systematic review combined with practical experience. Four electronic databases - EBSCO, ScienceDirect, WoS, PubMed were used to obtain the relevant information. Conclusion: Although there have been made several significant changes of rules leading to better safety, it is still necessary to continue the discussion about further measures such as the obligation to wear a helmet or to insert a box padding which could limit the risk of injury in the pole vault even more. KEY WORDS: pole vault, athletics, injuries, causes, prevention

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