Development of a Pilot Plant for Reduction Hg Emission from Large Power Plant.
Pilař, L. ; Vlček, Z. ; Zseliga, Z. ; Veselý, Václav
The contribution introduces the project TACR TA04020723, Development of a pilot plant for monitoring of Hg emissions reduction from large and medium capacity energy sources. The project responds to the new EU BAT legislative, where both emission limits for Hg concentration in flue gas and continual Hg concentration measurement requirements are stated. The objective of the contribution is an introduction of the project and the results gained in 2014. Analyses of certain lignite and coal samples were done to specify the Hg amount and balance of other compounds concentration was calculated with regard to the specifics of combustion process of a particular power source. At the end of 2014, a measurement was carried out at the large power plant. Hg concentrations were measured in the combustion products and were compared with balance calculation.
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The importance and use of compression garments in sports
Pilař, Lukáš ; Šteffl, Michal (advisor) ; Chrudimský, Jan (referee)
Title: The importance and use of compression garments in sports Objectives: The main aim of this thesis was to analyze the effect of compression garments on performance and recovery in sports. Methods: The work is realized as a review. There were searched three electronic databases: PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus for obtaining possible relevant papers. The same keywords were used to search in all the databases. Results: Based on the study of scientific literature, it was found that compression garments could provide a positive effect only under certain conditions. For speed-strength sports, the compression garments do not improve performance; however, they can reduce pain and fatigue after sports performance. In endurance sports, they can reduce heart rate and help ease the breakdown of lactate after exercise. Conclusion: Compression garments can improve conditions for sports performance, but their impact has not been fully demonstrated yet. Keywords: compression socks, recovery, regeneration, lactate, perceived pain
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Corporate culture
Pejšová, Lucie ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Bednarčík, Zdeněk (referee)
This work is focused on corporate culture in multinational fast food corporate companies, and on the relationship between employee and the employer and especially on the existence of the phenomenon named fast career, which is more and more associated with international fast food corporate companies and is a topic of discussions.
First this work is focused on theoretical part, therefore on explanation elementary notions which are inseparably linked with this issue. There they are also explained some continuity and specifics such as corporate culture and corporate culture at all. It also explains some often mistaken notions that after confusion over they meanings cause misunderstanding of the case.
In the practical part is the research of the corporate culture, the expression of specific views and opinions on this culture, and the investigation is done using a survey (conducted in person), which is focused on the multinational fast food chains.
In conclusion, this study is the evaluation of the results of a questionnaire survey
and suggesting possible remedies.
Development of a Pilot Plant for Reduction Hg Emission from Large Power Plant.
Pilař, L. ; Vlček, Z. ; Zseliga, Z. ; Veselý, Václav ; Zbieg, R. ; Fiser, A.
This paper deals with the implementation process of the project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) ALFA TA04020723. Development of a pilot plant for monitoring of Hg emissions reduction from large and medium capacity energy sources. The project currently responds to the emerging EU BAT legislation, which sets emission limits for Hg concentration in flue gas. The subject of the paper is presentation of the project's results for 2015. The scope of project activities in 2015 included measurements in energydfacilities while defining the balance of Hg concent rations in the combustion products. The project's main objective in 2015 was to build and commission the pilot plant for the oxidation of the free form of Hg0 into the oxidized form of Hg2+.
Fulltext: content.csg - PDF Plný tet: SKMBT_C22017010510050 - PDF
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Facebook and Marketing Communication
Stoklasa, Pavel ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Barbora, Barbora (referee)
The theme of this thesis is Facebook marketing and communications. In the theoretical part are the views of the individual authors on the issue of Internet Marketing, where marketing communication on the Internet belong. It also explains important concepts related to this issue. The practical part deals with the company Růžovka, s.r.o., whose business is the sale of computer equipment. The selected company for a long time did not exploit the possibilities of marketing communication on the Internet. This part is based on an analysis of the current state of the company suggested solutions in the form of implementation of the social network Facebook in marketing communications selected companies. The implemented solution is evaluated, and the results are compared with the previous state. Finally, here they are designed to further steps in the use of this social network as a instrument of marketing communication for the year 2017.
Marketing Mix of Selected Company
Bäumel, Michael ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Pavlína, Pavlína (referee)
In my thesis, I will entertain analysis of the company's marketing mix Wellness Trade, s.r.o, which deals with the sale and production of private and public wellness products. Marketing mix is a summary of the basic marketing tools and forms an integral part of the business. Entities use the marketing mix to achieve their goals.
The theoretical part will be engaged in a description of components of the marketing mix, especially 4P. In the practical part I shall deal with the analysis of the marketing mix of the company subsequent to the evaluation and recommendation of actions for the next year.
Online Marketing Strategy
Laušmanová, Dagmar ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Zuzana, Zuzana (referee)
Basic and the most important terms closely connected with marketing strategy on the Internet are descibed in this diploma thesis. The practical part contains processed SWOT, market, competition and customer analysis. Online marketing strategy which should increase awareness of the brand of a particular company, test each form of promotion and in case of success to gain new orders is created on the basis of the evaluation of the environment and prospects of the company. A practical goal is removing weaknesses of the company found by means of SWOT analysis. At the same time the theme of this thesis can meet a practical usage fot the readers who search up-to-date knowledge for marketing of their companies in the same or similar business branch.
Strategic analysis of Bontonfilm promotions s r.o.
Maturkanič, Jiří ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Zuzana, Zuzana (referee)
This master thesis is focused on a company called Bontonfilm promotions s r.o. The company is mainly interested in sales of promotional products and have been founded by the end of the year 2014. Only one year of relevant information about the company were available. Strategic analysis of the company evaluates and proposes a strategy of the company for year 2017. The thesis is divided into theoretical, practical part and the conclusion. The theoretical part is based on specialized bibliographic sources. Strategic analysis contains internal & external analysis, analysis of competitors, BCG analysis and SWOT analysis. Due to the results of these investigations there is a proposed strategy for year 2017 that correspond to the company goals.