National Repository of Grey Literature 117 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Romany people and education
Gazdíková, Olga ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Víšek, Petr (referee)
The topic of this rigorous thesis is "Romany people and education". The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical background of the topic includes motivation, history of Romany people, conception of their family or their social exclusion. Close attention is paid on education of Romany children. The practical part contains the research designed due to technical and time reasons in the spirit of quantitative methodology; the questionnaire was used as a method for collecting the data. The survey was carried out at the end of October 2011 in a special school in Prague-Žižkov and in the beginning of November 2011 in the "Romany centre for children and youth" in Přichystalova street in Olomouc, where children from a special school in Olomouc attend school. These two institutions were chosen on purpose. The questionnaire survey was aimed at finding out the motivation of Romany students in a special school towards learning, the family background, free time activities, the presence of non-Romany classmates and their mutual relationships, the person of their teacher, his origin etc. Sub-goals were set to discover the statistically important differences between boys and girls and between Romany students in both selected institutions. Keywords: Romany people, education,...
Social political context of potential leisure time centre for seniors
Radová, Pavla ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Víšek, Petr (referee)
The work is based on information about the foreign community or senior centres which offer a number of services and programmes to their clients. The text stresses above social political context of potential leisure time centre for seniors inclulding budget design for the first and others years. The work is divided in six chapters. The first five chapters give definition of target group - seniors, social environment which they live in and topic of active ageing, volunteering and general social political context. The last chapter focuses on the particular form of potential leisure centre for seniors, including budget design and funding.
Employment - experiences of employers in region of Liberec
Kosová, Barbora ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Rok 2007 byl Evropským parlamentem a Radou vyhlášen Evropským rokem rovných příležitosti pro všechny. K této iniciativě se připojilo všech 27 členských států Evropské unie a demonstrovalo tak svůj úmysl bojovat s diskriminací, která některé občany Evropské unie stále postihuje. Mezi tyto občany patří i lidé se zdravotním postižením, kterým je kampaň, provázející Evropský rok rovných příležitostí, také určena. Podle statistiky Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí evidovaly úřady práce ke konci 2. čtvrtletí roku 2007 celkem 370 791 uchazečů o zaměstnání. Z toho bylo 67 701 osob se zdravotním postižením, které tedy tvoří 18,3% z celkového počtu nezaměstnaných. Znamená to, že téměř každá pátá osoba hledající zaměstnání prostřednictvím úřadu práce je osobou se zdravotním postižením. Kvůli omezení svého pracovního výkonu patří osoby se zdravotním postižením do skupiny osob na trhu práce obtížně umístitelných1, a tudíž i ohrožených dlouhodobou nezaměstnaností a sociální exkluzí. Právě sociální vyloučení2 a s ním spojená chudoba jsou klíčovými problémy (nejen) současné společnosti. Efektivním nástrojem pro- aktivní sociální politiky, který tyto neduhy léčí, je zaměstnanost.
Chance to Get a University Degree in the Population of Persons with Disabilites
Šámalová, Kateřina ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Hájková, Vanda (referee) ; Havlík, Radomír (referee)
Education is a tool towards upwards social mobility, and it is therefore essential to ensure equal access to it for all groups in society irrespective of their social standing or state of health. One of the many social groups faced with the risk of worsened access to higher levels of education in particular are the disabled, who, at various phases of their educational careers, face restrictions and barriers that substantially impede the achievement of higher levels of education. The central theme of the dissertation is the accessibility of university education for the disabled, that is, their chances of fully integrating into academic life and the university environment and successfully complete their studies there. The theoretical part of the thesis creates a broader informational framework for the chosen theme, presents varying concepts of key thematic constructs and places them within the relevant thematic framework - the sociology of education. The theoretical section also deals with the theory of educational inequalities and individual phases of the education process for the disabled. The quantitative study carried out primarily addressed the motivation of these students to begin studying at university, as well as the factors influencing their selection of field of study. The study was also...
Self-help activities of siblines and childern of people with mental illness
Golová, Klára ; Probstová, Václava (advisor) ; Tomeš, Igor (referee)
Práce se zabývá problematikou svépomocných aktivit sourozenců a děti lidi s duševnim onemocněním. Jejim cílem je zmapovat tyto aktivity v zahraničí i v ČR, ukázat v jakém kontextu vznikají a fungují a navrhnout jejich další rozvoj a možnosti v ČR. Snažím se v ní upozornit na specifické problémy, se kterými se sourozenci a děti lidí s duševním onemocnění setkávají a odůvodnit tak existenci specifických svépomocných aktivit právě pro tyto dvě cílové skupiny. V první části práce (kapitola 1) nastiňuji vliv, který má rodina na průběh duševního onemocnění svého člena a jak je tedy důležité se rodinou zabývat a pomáhat jí. Dále se věnuji specifickému postavení sourozence a dítěte člověka s duševním onemocněním a poukazuji na to, jaký dopad má duševní onemocnění vliv přímo na tyto dvě cílové skupiny. Shrnuji také, jaké pro ně v současnosti existují profesionální služby v ČR a porovnám je se situací v zahraničí. V druhé části práce (kapitola 2) se zabývám svépomocnými aktivitami nejprve rodin lidí s duševním onemocněním obecně (jejich charakteristickými rysy, historickým vývojem v zahraničí i v ČR) , dále pak svépomocnými aktivitami přímo sourozenců a dětí. Srovnávám situaci v ČR a v zahraničí v této oblasti a na příkladech svépomocných aktivit fungujících v zahraničích navrhuji jejich možný rozvoj v českém prostředí.
Effectiveness of Czech social and migration policy claims to separated children
Svobodová, Lenka ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Khollová, Petra (referee)
The children and youth unaccompanied by parents or other legal guardians are called separated children or unaccompanied minors in the Czech Republic. The questions of separated children have been met in the Czech Republic since the end of 90s, when these questions have begun to be systematically solved together with questions of children social and legal protection. The unaccompanied minors are highly protected because of their age, the situation in which they are and for the reason of international treaties, pacts and conventions and the Czech law. The separated children care system, its progress, description, process and quality with the inclusion of its international and the Czech legal framework, are described in this thesis. The separated children care system (for purpose of this thesis) is process which starts from identification of unaccompanied minors, continue by social and legal protection and institutional care of this children and is over when they get full age. The main aim of this thesis was to find out how the Czech social and migration policy claims to separated children, if it is sufficient in the using of care system which is provided to unaccompanied minors. There was a case study method to achieve this aim. The case studies helped to describe practical care system and to compare...
Role of social worker in a hospital
Svobodová, Nikola ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Šámalová, Kateřina (referee)
The diploma thesis is focused on the main activities of the social workers at the hospitals in Prague, the regional hospitals, and one former district hospital. Within the theoretical section of the abstract there are clearly defined fundamental concepts of social work in health care and its historical transformation. The chapters consist of four sections: ethics code, the quality of social work at the hospital, valid legislation, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration within the hospital. The theoretical part focuses on job description, competencies, skills or personality characteristics of the social worker in the hospital. The last section describes social work in the hospitals by different target groups with whom the social workers can come into contact. The empirical part of this diploma thesis is acquired by the semistructured interviews. The main research question tries to find out the role of the social worker at the hospital. The research targets three surveyed areas: The first examines the qualification skills of the social worker at the hospital. The second refers to the job description of the social worker at the hospital's core business activities. The last part of the research is dedicated to interdisciplinary collaboration among hospital staff. The discussion consists of compared...
Process and rate of disability among seniors
Malá, Marcela ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Dragomirecká, Eva (referee)
The most characteristic feature of the demographic development in the Czech Republic and other developed countries is population ageing. The aim of the thesis "The process and rate of disability among seniors" was to determine the extent to which disability interferes with the lives of the seniors and to map the development, progress and conditions of the pension system. After an introductory overview of basic concepts, a part of the thesis deals with a theoretical analysis of the European framework of social security of seniors and another part is concerned with the reform of disability pensions in the Czech Republic. The focus is also on the forms of care for disabled pensioners. The empirical part analyzes the areas related to the development of population structure, administrative agenda, overview of pensions according to the WHO diagnosis groups, total overview of disability pensions, the development of the structure of pensions, financing of pension administration, and the average age of retired people. The economic side is also included, where pensions are compared with average salary and also the economic activity of seniors. The research is quantitative and confirms the current global phenomenon of population ageing as one of the most important problems of developed countries. With this, old-age...
Influence of Social Benefits of Material Need on the Motivation of Employment Office Clients to Integrate into the Working Process
Kudláková, Anna ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Štegmannová, Ingrid (referee)
TITLE: Influence of Social Benefits of Material Need on the Motivation of Employment Office Clients to Integrate into the Working Process AUTHOR: Bc. Anna Kudláková, DiS. DEPARTMENT: Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations SUPERVIZOR: Prof. JUDr. Igor Tomeš, CSc. The goal of the dissertation is to describe the topic of unemployment in the Czech Republic not only in terms as well as historical development, social, economic, and social conditions of unemployed. The primary aim of this dissertation is to determine the impact of social benefits, depending on client's attempt to work on his or her inclusion into the work process. The dissertation seeks to determine whether passive labour market policies are effective, especially the social benefits for the unemployed. The paper also tries to explain the main causes of long-term unemployment and it is impact on individuals. The dissertation also seeks to find out whether the system of assistance in material need has a positive impact on clients of labour office or whether is discouraging to the potential efforts of eventual integration into the labour market. The dissertation also answers to the question if the system of assistance in material need is one of the conditions of the emergence of the poverty cycle. Key words:...

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