National Repository of Grey Literature 8,663 records found  beginprevious8644 - 8653next  jump to record: Search took 0.12 seconds. 

Depravation of personality by impact of imprisonment
Fischer, Slavomil ; Žukov, Ilja (advisor) ; Hynek, Karel (referee) ; Ptáček, Radek (referee)
This dissertation deals with problems of depravation of delinquents personalities by impact of imprisonment as a task of forensic psychology. Its theoretical part analyses causes of their sources and development, and explores working possibilities of psychology in their correction. Theoretical principles and origin empirical findings have been used as resources for these possibilities. The empirical part of dissertation presents results of research studies which focuses on analyze of efficiency of treatment to delinquents and offenders. First report brings results of two research studies which focus on the analyses of specific needs associated with members of a delinquent subculture and the psychological alterations which occur as a result of adaptation to their imprisonment. The second one brings conclusion from analysis of efficiency of rewards and punishments, as methods used for modification of their antisocial behavior. The specificity and differences have been ascertained by virtue of factors that are considered significant from the point of view of delinquency and potential recidivism. The findings and results are applicable in practice of forensic psychology and are significant for the practical application by psychologists and other specialists in their work with delinquents and offenders.

Volatilní úsměv
Stolbov, Anatoly ; Witzany, Jiří (advisor) ; Fičura, Milan (referee)
The thesis describes and applies two parametric option pricing models which partially ease the well-known discrepancy between real world and Black-Scholes model. Stochastic volatility and jumps encompassed by Heston and SVJ models explain implied volatility smile and its heterogeneous term-structure. Both models are calibrated to market data observed for EURUSD currency options on January 23, 2015. While SVJ model provided a better fit for the market, especially for mid-term expiry smile curvature, its estimated risk-neutral parameters were unrealistic comparing with their counterparts under statistical measure. Estimations suggest zero long term price volatility and 2 jumps during the year with average magnitude of 6 \%. Both models failed to match curvature of short time to expiry smile and provided a good fit of term-structure and long-expiry smile. Analysing delta ratios adjusted for non-constant volatility as a possible alternatives the study considered minimum variance delta estimated with Heston model, delta ratio recommended by Nassim Taleb and two deltas adjusted for local volatility assuming sticky moneyness and sticky tree dynamics of implied volatility. On data set of EURUSD options from 1.1.2014 to 30.5.2015, our research did not find any alternative which would be more reliable than common Black-Scholes delta.

Asimilace časoprostorového rozložení radionuklidů v časné fázi radiační nehody
Hofman, Radek ; Šmídl, Václav
Exploitation of the data assimilation methodology in the early phase of radiation accident is studied. When radioactive pollutants are released into the atmosphere, a radioactive plume is passing over the terrain. The released radioactive material causes pathway-specific irradiation which has detrimental effects on population health. In order to ensure efficiency of introduced countermeasures, it is necessary to predict spatial and temporal distribution of the aerial pollution and material already deposited on the ground. The predictions are made by the means of a numerical dispersion model with many inputs. Output of such a model is a prediction of radiation situation given in terms of radiological quantities. Exact values of the inputs are uncertain due to the stochastic nature of the dispersion, lack of accurate information, etc. Their subjective choice can introduce significant errors into the predictions and thus decrease the positive impact of the countermeasures.

Liquid phase epitaxy
Nohavica, Dušan
Extended lecture collects mojority aspect of the "Liquid Phase Epitaxy", LPE, with special attention to the semiconductors growth. Methods of growth modifications enabling to increase growth reproduction and deposition efficiency are included. Also dislocations generation by different mechanisms is discussed in the article.

Internet a informační společnost
Jon, Jakub ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Antonín (referee)
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem informací na společnost. Jejím cílem je definovat informační společnost, analyzovat roli Internetu a jeho dopad na lidskou společnost a dále popsat jeho výhody a nevýhody. V neposlední řadě bylo mým cílem nastínit další možný vývoj a poukázat na možnosti řešení vybraných problémů. První polovina práce definuje především základní pojmy využité k popisu informační společnosti a procesů, které jsou pro ni klíčové. Druhá část je zaměřena na Internet, jeho historii, výhody a nevýhody a využívá nadefinovaných pojmů k určení vlivu na informační společnost. Z mé práce vyplývá, že Internet je zásadně provázán s dalším vývojem společnosti a že by neměl podléhat regulaci jakéhokoli subjektu, nýbrž by měla být zachována jeho volnost přístupu a modifikace, zprostředkovaná tržními mechanismy, zejména reklamou a internetovou kulturou, která staví převážně na samovolném rozvoji tohoto média prostřednictvím jeho uživatelů, jejichž chování a informovanost jsou současně klíčem zlepšení funkčnosti Internetu. Klíčová slova: Informační společnost, Informace, Komunikace, Informovanost, Internet, Reklama, Kolektivní znalost.

The French UMP and its Internal Structure
Vlková, Michaela ; Perottino, Michel (advisor) ; Říchová, Blanka (referee)
The creation of the UMP, as the "Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle", after the first round of the presidential election in 2002, began a new cycle for the French Right. It can be characterized as the refoundation of a party by merger. The merger proceeded from a long- established system of cooperation among parties at the legislative level. The main constitutive components of the new party were namely the conservative RPR (Rassemblement pour la République), the centre-right UDF (Union pour la Démocratie Française) and a former part of the UDF - DL (Démocratie Libérale) - which became independent in 1998. The principal motivation for the modification of the form of cooperation was the restoration of Jacques Chirac's authority over both his political camp and and the institution of the presidency. The UMP won both - legislative and presidential elections and started to govern. The internal structure of the new party can be understood in different ways and be distiguished into different levels. Firstly, from the point of view directed to its main components - political parties that made up the UMP's base and also other parties and groups that cooperate with the new party. The UMP brought to the end (or at least modified) the system of electoral cooperation that used to exist on the Right for more than two...

Oceňování opcí binomickým modelem
Tomaník, Jan ; Pígl, Jan (advisor)
Text práce je věnován binomickému opčnímu oceňovacímu modelu autorské trojice Cox, Ross, Rubinstein publikovanému v roce 1979, který je nejrozšířenější alternativou k původnímu přístupu Black ? Scholes Option Pricing Model. Pozitiva binomického modelu spočívají v užití jednodušších matematických metod a ve flexibilitě modelu ve smyslu jeho snadné modifikace pro specifické varianty opčních kontraktů (americká opce, exotické opce, opce na akcie vyplácející dividendu). Práce využívá obou zmíněných výhod modelu. V první části je zpracován kompletní postup jeho odvození založený na konceptu replikace opce tzv. replikačním portfoliem v nespojitém čase. Druhá část práce je věnována důkazu snadné modifikovatelnosti základní oceňovací formule spočívajícím v navržení postupů založených na konceptu binomického modelu využitelných k ocenění zmíněných specifických variant opcí. Zvláštní důraz je v textu kladen na základy teorie pravděpodobnosti umožňující interpretovat princip rizikové neutrality oceňování opcí inkorporovaný v modelu, možnost sestavit replikační portfolia pro typy procesů martingale, supermartingale a submartingale, konvergenci binomického modelu k Black ? Scholesovu modelu.

Oriental lLandscape in the French Travel Literature of 19th Century.
Kostik Šubrová, Zdeňka ; Pohorský, Aleš (advisor) ; Kyloušek, Petr (referee) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (referee)
Tato práce zkoumá orientální krajiny ve francouzském cestopise 19. století. Autorka vnímá cestopis jako svébytný literární žánr a hlásí se k topologické a tematologické kritice, motiv krajiny v literárním textu definuje v souladu se školou A. Rogera jako gesto umělého a cíleného výběru submotivů. 19. století znamenalo ve francouzské próze obrodu a uměleckou emancipaci cestopisného žánru, přičemž cesty do Orientu se historicky i kulturně staly pilířem tohoto procesu. S vývojem cestopisu v daném období jsou spjaty významné modifikace identity mluvčích, kteří v textu prezentují krajinu. První část práce analyzuje tento proces, díky němuž se extratextuální entita autora člení na historicko-biografickou identitu autora- turisty a autora-umělce, jenž s sebou nese předchozí intelektuální zkušenost a prekonstituované obrazy Orientu. Intratextuální entita vypravěče se pak rozdvojuje na cestovatele a vypravěče, přičemž první mluvčí zprostředkovává "zážitky z cest", vytváří autenticitu cestopisu, zatímco vypravěč je nadstavbovým mluvčím, jenž na základě vjemů cestovatele interpretuje krajinu, dodává jí intertextuální kontext a modifikuje časové linie cesty zapojením paměti. Studie jednotlivých cestopisných textů ve druhé části práce ukazuje, jak se v průběhu 19. století motiv orientální krajiny sémanticky i...

Selection Bias Reduction in Credit Scoring Models
Ditrich, Josef ; Hebák, Petr (advisor) ; Pecáková, Iva (referee) ; Zamrazilová, Eva (referee)
Nowadays, the use of credit scoring models in the financial sector is a common practice. Credit scoring plays an important role in profitability and transparency of lending business. Given the high credit volumes, even a small improvement of discriminatory and predictive power of a credit scoring model may provide a substantial additional profit. Scoring models are applied on the through-the-door population, however, for creating them or adjusting already existing credit rules, it is usual to use only the data corresponding to accepted applicants for which payment discipline can be observed. This discrepancy can lead to reject bias (or selection bias in general). Methods trying to eliminate or reduce this phenomenon are known by the term reject inference. In general, these methods try to assess the behavior of rejected applicants or to obtain an additional information about them. In the dissertation thesis, I dealt with the enlargement method which is based on a random acceptance of applicants that would have been rejected. This method is not only time consuming but also expensive. Therefore I looked for the ways how to reduce the cost of acquiring additional information about rejected applicants. As a result, I have proposed a modification which I called the enlargement method with sorting variable. It was validated on real bank database with two possible sorting variables and the results were compared with the original version of the method. It was shown that both tested approaches can reduce its cost while retaining the accuracy of the scoring models.

Navigace mobilních robotů v neznámém prostředí s využitím měření vzdáleností
Jež, Ondřej ; Žalud, Luděk (advisor)
The ability of a robot to navigate itself in the environment is a crucial step towards its autonomy. Navigation as a subtask of the development of autonomous robots is the subject of this thesis, focusing on the development of a method for simultaneous localization an mapping (SLAM) of mobile robots in six degrees of freedom (DOF). As a part of this research, a platform for 3D range data acquisition based on a continuously inclined laser rangefinder was developed. This platform is presented, evaluating the measurements and also presenting the robotic equipment on which the platform can be fitted. The localization and mapping task is equal to the registration of multiple 3D images into a common frame of reference. For this purpose, a method based on the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm was developed. First, the originally implemented SLAM method is presented, focusing on the time-wise performance and the registration quality issues introduced by the implemented algorithms. In order to accelerate and improve the quality of the time-demanding 6DOF image registration, an extended method was developed. The major extension is the introduction of a factorized registration, extracting 2D representations of vertical objects called leveled maps from the 3D point sets, ensuring these representations are 3DOF invariant. The extracted representations are registered in 3DOF using ICP algorithm, allowing pre-alignment of the 3D data for the subsequent robust 6DOF ICP based registration. The extended method is presented, showing all important modifications to the original method. The developed registration method was evaluated using real 3D data acquired in different indoor environments, examining the benefits of the factorization and other extensions as well as the performance of the original ICP based method. The factorization gives promising results compared to a single phase 6DOF registration in vertically structured environments. Also, the disadvantages of the method are discussed, proposing possible solutions. Finally, the future prospects of the research are presented.