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Granada elites in 15th century
Ženka, Josef ; Gombár, Eduard (advisor) ; Veselý, Rudolf (referee)
Th e work deals with the inner history of the Nasrid emirate in the fi fteenth century, emphasizing the behaviour of the elite families and their relationship to the ruling power. According to the analysis of the contemporary sources the author determined the genealogy of the most prominent families. He subsequently concentrates on their mutual relationship, their action during the coup, and their ruling power in the course of the fi fteenth century. What emerge here as dominant elements are Muhammad IX.'s elites. As they participated in every single coup, they gained substantial power and to a large degree contributed to the decline of the emirate. Th e author pays attention to the growing power of the Granadan families' high representatives to the exclusion of the king's power, which resulted into the disintegration of the emirate. It's the attendant phenomenon on the events of the fi fteenth century. Th e work also deals with the fi nal confl ict among the elite families in the Granadan War, which was the culmination of the dynastic argument and entailed the decline of the emirate.

Transneptunian objects
Blomann, Antonín ; Wolf, Marek (advisor) ; Ďurech, Josef (referee)
Transneptunian objects are a group of bodies outside of the Solar System. The number of these observed bodies is growing. Dynamical structures and physical characteristics provide an evidence for processing the Solar System in the earlier days. Studying and understanding orbits and their origin in Kuiper Belt can help to explain the progress of other objects in Solar System especially Jovian planets. A phase called migration of Jovian planets was a key process for forming structures and orbits. The theoretical part is in the first three chapters. The second part is focused on the description of the observational equipment technique and the observation itself. The CCD chips and computers play an important role in astrometry. The observation and astrometry proceeded on the observatory Ondřejov on 0.65 m telescope with the CCD chip KAF 3200ME in camera G2 3200 made by company Moravské přístroje. The pictures with exposition 120 sec were taken by the camera and after modified, put together and used for the astronometrical mensuration. The dates were sent to the MPC database.

The Rescue Operations at Fire of the Watercraft on Water Surface Considering the Equipment of Fire Station on the South Bohemia.
BOUBAL, Vojtěch
At the beginning of thesis I want to describe few primary characteristics of the South Bohemia Region. It is a region with unique characteristics, which is frequently visited by domestic and foreign tourists. It is popular for its clean environment, historic monuments and especially for sport and recreational activities near water areas, which South Bohemia region has plenty of. Tourists are also frequently seeking recreational boating activities as ferry services for their travel and recration. The development of this economic phenomenon means more employment opportunities for the region, but it also increases chances of accidents and emergencies due to an unforseen accidents which can threaten the lives and wellbeing of the crew and the environment. Fire protection units should be fitted for an emergencies such as: drowning, drowned person search, icy water search and rescue and rescue in stream waters. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the definition of basic terms describing the issue of fire of the vessels as well as the tasks and procedures during fire fighting operations. It also presents a possible danger to rescuers exposed during operations such as rescue from the vessel burning on the water. There is a listing of the basic terms related to the complex vessel shape and the aquatic characteristics of the vessel. The practical part deals with the study of publications and current legislation, analysis of the Fire protection Units equipment and their readines for rescue work in case of a vessel fire. The enclosed data map illustrates a water area with ferry service in the South Bohemia Region and selected boarding platforms for fire protection units. It describes the use of container technology; modern and economical way of transportation used by the Fire and Rescue Service of South Bohemia Region since 2004. The proposed fire vessel, mounted on a standardize container frame and equipped with special container with stored technical equipment will be transported to the location of event by container carrier from FRS of South Bohemia Region. My theosis also describes the fire protection, fire equipment, personal protective equipment, equipment for working with hazardous substances, rescue tools, communication and portable emergency equipment which is normally used by the fire units of FRS of South Bohemia Region. To achieve the objective of the thesis and to answer the research questions, I did rely on the reference material obtained via search of the professional literary sources relevant to the Fire Fighting equipment and carrying out rescue work. To process the diploma thesis I did use the following: controlled interview with the station sergeants of various fire stations of FRS of South Bohemia, a collection of internal acts of the Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, a collection of internal acts - Regional Directorate of FRS of South Bohemia, Regulations of Mechanical services of FRS of CR and the methodological aids of the Ministry of Interior of CR. In conclusion I am describing the container of fire vessel and its use for rescue and fire-fighting work on water, as well as places where the terrain does not allow the use of mobile fire fighting equipment.

Legal Development of the Slovak Republic 1939-1945
Krákorová, Martina ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee)
Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. První je pokusem zachytit nejvýznamnější právní momenty, které se staly v období, kdy se Slovákům naskytla možnost vymanit se ze spojení s habsburskou velmocí a zformovat se spolu s dalším slovanským národem v samostatný demokratický stát, resp. zklamání určité politicky aktivní části slovenského obyvatelstva z nenaplněných představ o státoprávním uspořádání v rámci společného československé státu. Tato kapitola pak ve své druhé polovině nabízí přehled událostí, které již bezprostředně vedly ke vzniku prvního samostatného slovenského státu. Druhá kapitola pojednává o mezinárodním postavení nově vzniklého státního celku a především se zaměřuje na poukázání na pouze teoretickou samostatnost Slovenské republiky, která se fakticky nacházela ve vazalském poměru k Hitlerovu Německu, a která si nejen kvůli této skutečnosti vysloužila označení "nacistický satelit". Kapitola třetí je studií slovenské ústavní listiny, pokusem o její charakteristiku a zhodnocení. Vývoj slovenského režimu v letech 1939 - 1945, jeho fašizaci a to "legální cestou", na podkladě celé řady právních norem, které postupně zaváděly totalitní právní pořádek, je obsahem čtvrté kapitoly. Poslední kapitola zachycuje jednu z nejsmutnějších a nejostudnějších skutečností slovenských dějin, protižidovské...

Forming of the Yugoslavian cominform emigration in Czechoslovakia
Vojtěchovský, Ondřej ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Tejchman, Miroslav (referee)
Politické události roku 1948, které poznamenaly podobu evropského kontinentu na čtyřicet let, byly zvláště osudné pro dvě v lecčem podobné a přitom tolik rozdílné země - Československo a Jugoslávii. Únorový převrat v Československu byl jedním z mezníků v konečné fázi utváření sovětského bloku. Roztržka mezi Stalinem a Titem, která vyvrcholila červnovou rezolucí Informačního byra komunistických stran, byla pak impulsem k jeho přeměně v monolitní celek, kde se suverenita jednotlivých států podřizovala linii určované Moskvou. Také pojem "lidová demokracie", označující vnitropolitické uspořádání zemí v sovětské zájmové sféře, začal měnit svůj obsah. Zavržena byla teorie o vlastních cestách k socialismu, respektující specifika té které země a vyhýbající se užití násilných prostředků. Místo toho začal být uplatňován jediný známý model, totiž sovětský. Systém formální demokracie, v jejíž reálné náplni na jedné straně stálo relativně svobodné Československo a na druhé komunisty nepokrytě ovládaná Jugoslávie, ztratil nyní pro Sověty opodstatnění. Powered by TCPDF (

Leaflets on Frederick Falck as a source for the development and perception of Czech issue in the years 1619-1632
Hubková, Jana ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor) ; Barteček, Ivo (referee) ; Pánek, Jaroslav (referee)
Obraz Fridricha Falckého v letákové literatuře třicetileté války a reflexe českých událostí jsou na stránkách dobových letáků i v pozdějších hodnoceních historiografického rázu nerozlučně spojeny. Přijetím české koruny a spojením svého osudu s českým stavovským povstáním se tento král, jenž již od své svatby s Alžbětou Stuartovnou ztělesňoval naděje evropského protestantismu, stal osobností, která země české koruny reprezentovala a k níž se nadále upínaly naděje zdejšího protestantského obyvatelstva v dobách příznivých i nepříznivých. Z těchto důvodů se letáky, které se jeho osoby týkají, staly publicistickým fenoménem, jenž silně ovlivnil způsob, jakým české záležitosti vnímali jak sami obyvatelé českého království, tak obyvatelé německého říšského území a později i příslušníci různých exilových vln nekatolického obyvatelstva. Velká část těchto letáků souvisí s prvním publicistickým vzepětím třicetileté války a jejich spojitost s vnímáním vývoje české otázky je nezpochybnitelná. Z tohoto důvodu nespočívalo zadání mé práce v shromažďování důkazů pro tento známý fakt, ale spíše ve zmapování vzniku, průběhu, okolností, obsahu, mechanismů, charakteru, účinku a krátkodobých i dlouhodobých důsledků letákové komunikace v prostředí, v němž tyto tisky kolovaly. Pramenná základna předkládané práce vznikla na základě...

The entrapment of the Czech nobility by Pragues and Kutná Hora's patriciate in the year 1309 or eIse "there is no more harsher man than the ennoblement making ribald"
Musílek, Martin ; Dvořáčková, Dana (referee) ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor)
The historical research devoted only small focus on the entrapment of the Czech nobility. Generally, mainly the conclusions made by Josef Šusta had been taken into account. Specialists say that we have no chance to find something new in this subject of historical scholarship. Big deposits of silver were found near Kutná Hora during Václav's II rule. The hot symbiosis started up between the monarch and the tops of the patriciate. This friendship was bringing benefits to both of the sites of the symbiosis. The patriciates was able to do businesses and trades very easily, when the monarch stood by their side. In retum for this the patriciates was providing the valuable services to monarch, especially managing the royal chamber or helping in financial crisis. Helping in financial crisis became important during times of expensive and ambitious statesmanship of the last Přemysls. When the last of the Přemysls died, the prominent patriciates were starting to participate in political events that were shaking the whole kingdom. They were taking part in voting congresses, different missions; actually some of Czech pretendents tried to win the patriciates over. In these years the entrapment of the Czech nobility in Sedlec and in Prague also took place. When we evaluate the previous development, we have the question:...

History of the town Nejdek in years 1945-1950
Andrš, Pavel ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
In this project there are some problems after the Second world war - especially political, cultural and ethnic transformations in the years 1945 or 1946. Other questions are solved in that project, which were not elaborated or very little. For example: František Rajman, who was the chairman of the city (1945 to 1946), perpetrated the suicide. The representation of the political parties in the government of the city and the district. In the attachment there are a lot of photos, tables, maps and articles.

"Rescue work by Integrated Rescue System Bodies on Lipno Water Reservoir"
LABAJ, Antonín
The diploma thesis ?Life and property rescue by IRS bodies on Lipno water reservoir? is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The former describes the separate bodies of the IRS (Integrated Rescue System) designed for operations on the reservoir, their roles and equipment, and also gives a list of their protective and rescue devices along with examples of their use. This part of the thesis also explores drowning, rescue techniques for drowning people, and the physiological changes in their bodies caused by the effects of cold water. It also deals with the formation of ice and its properties, with the recovery of sunken vehicles, as well as with accidents threatening rescuers working in and under water. The practical part presents the process of preparation and implementation of a tactical rescue exercise of IRS bodies aimed at the recovery of a passenger car trapped under broken ice on Lipno reservoir in the municipality of Frymburk. The principal outcomes of the research are given in the conclusion of the thesis.

Falls of Patients Hospitalized in the Univerzity Hospital of Motol - Change Management
Hovorková, Jitka ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Nováková, Jana (referee)
In my thesis I focused on a change in reporting and documentating of emergency incidents - "Falls of patients hospitalized in University Hospital of Motol". This topic contains not only the questions of change management, but also issues of quality in health service and accreditation of medical facility. And these are the areas, which I covered up in the theoretical part of this thesis. In the empirical part I dealt with the change itself - planning, implementation, problems, which may occur during time and possible solutions. I used data and statistics, which I had been working on during the entire change. As a sort of feedback I used a questionnaire examination within all the nurses. Output of this questionnaire was a detailed description of how middle-management members feel about this change. In conclusion I evaluated the entire process of change and I compiled a recommendation for future successful follow-up. This thesis is completed with a list of expert literature concerned in prenominat problematics. Primary aim of this thesis is the opportunity for managers working in health service to use this hereto mentioned ideas in their own change management problems. Keywords Quality, accreditation, reingeneering, documentation, incident, fall, communications, patient, medic, nurse, doctor,...