National Repository of Grey Literature 7,353 records found  beginprevious7344 - 7353  jump to record: Search took 0.91 seconds. 

Specific role of photojounalism in print media : in the wider context of a jounalistic career focusing on dimensions of gender, power, status and eelf-examination
Zemanová, Nina ; Vochocová, Lenka (advisor) ; Lábová, Alena (referee)
Diploma thesis "Specific role of photojournalism in print media; in the wider context of a journalistic career focusing on dimensions of gender, power, status and self-examination" deals with the role, status and self-examination of the photoreporter (and the others inside the newsroom), focusing on the decision-making process inside the newsroom, on hierarchization and power, plus the accompanying possible discriminations or stereotypes. First chapters deal with the issues of photojournalism as a whole, explaining basic concepts, going into the role of the photojournalistic picture, the role of the photoreporter inside the newsroom, its composition and ethics. The practical part is dedicated to the research on photojournalism based on in-depth interviews with selected people within the newsroom, with the goal to try to describe the role and status of the photoreporter, to understand the system of work, procedures and decision-making processes. In addition to identify the relative representation of women and men within the selected newsrooms by data gathering, using quantitative research. Our goal is to move towards their own image (self-examination), discover the status of women/men in terms of gender and power, not just to make a list of terse data based on quantitative analysis. Thus, in-depth interviews...

Gender stereotypes from teachers' approach to students at the Grammar School.
Mrůzková, Helena ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Smetáčková, Irena (referee)
Gender stereotypes exist in society at large, and in the education system in particular. These stereotypes show the male as the dominant person, who works outside the home in often prestigious occupations. The female is usually showed as being subordinate and confined to the home. Moreover, these stereotypes give the fact that females choose predominantly humanistic and domestic sciences, while males choose science and technology. In my dissertation I analyze gender stereotypes that are in teachers' minds at the Grammar School. Eight teachers participated in this research, in eight different classes. The research is separated into three basic parts: videotyping of lessons and their analyze, the self-reflection from teachers and finally, individual interwiev between researcher and respondent that is also analysed in the name of gender stereotypes. The aim of my research is to analyze gender stereotypes from teachers to students with aspect of different access to girls and boys.

Social status of women in the developing countries -- poverty, education, labour market
Blichová, Ľubica ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (referee)
This paper deals with social status of women in the world. Using specific indicators it attempts to approach worse women's position in the society as a whole and it describes inequalities between women and men. The first part of this paper shows main problematic areas in which women struggle with discrimination. These problems are related with worse access to services (health care and education), violence, armed conflicts, women situation in economics and weak power to take decision. Second part of this paper is focusing on three areas -- poverty, education and labour market. Gender analysis of these three areas shows how big differences between both genders are. The main focus of the last part is on the changes of the social role of women in world regions in time. At the end of the paper all three areas are interconnected to summarize the differences.

Mothers and fathers in the comunication with the school
Čašková, Barbora ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Viktorová, Ida (referee)
The aim of this work is to describe communication between school and mothers and fathers. The first part of the work is a treatise about what has been so far found out about possibilities of communication, structures of relationships and circumstances affecting the relationships between parents and school. Besides that, the work shows models categorizing forms of relationships, and evaluation of optimal relations between school and parents. The work also focuses on gender, mainly on gender of parents, and its influence on forms of communication. Although studies focused on school communication usually use the term "parents" it is women - mothers who have dominant representation. This paper shows in which cases fathers communicate and how it is perceived (mainly by teachers). The theoretical part is followed by presentation of authors own empirical research. It is a case study focused on communication between mothers and fathers and school from the perspective of both parents and teachers. The study was carried out at a Prague grammar school and is based on processing questionnaires that were filled out by both teachers (15 forms) and parents (145 forms). In the study, several fields of communication are observed, mainly frequency, means and themes of communication, its general evaluation,...

Characteristic feature sof spokenness in inhabitant´s communications in the region of Strakonice
My work aims to describe specific general czech linguistic means typical of Strakonice region and its vicinity as well as its quantity. The work at first deals with simply informing style in theoretical level and than it slowly goes to analytical level and it ends by discussion about the benefit of the prepared data. The material from which it proceeds is made by monologues of the selected people in the age of 15-75 years living in the mentioned area. The material which has primarily a recording form and secondarily written form is subsequently divided into the groups according to the age, gender and social classification of the mouthpieces and it is also analyzed under the terms of the arisen groups from the compositional, phone word, form word, syntactical and lexical standpoint.

Application of laws of gender equality by French political parties
Šubertová, Aneta ; Matějka, Ondřej (advisor) ; Tomalová, Eliška (referee)
In 1999, France, after a long and dragging debate, revised its Constitution in order to enable the installation of gender quotas in elected political bodies. In 2000 'parity laws' were enacted. They defined the parameters of these quotas that applied strictly to elections of proportional electoral system, such as elections into municipal councils with over 3.500 inhabitants, regional and European elections, and Senate elections in areas with three and more senators. In elections with plurality voting system, such as legislative elections and Senate elections with one or two senators, the parity was supposed to be achieved by imposing of financial penalty for those political parties that would not comply with the parity laws. This diploma thesis describes a public discussion that had taken place in France before the adoption of the gender parity imposed by the law. It compares four major political parties- the Republicans, Socialist party, The Greens and the National Front. The research analyzes their compliance with parity laws and their implementation on their candidate lists in parliamentary as well as Senate elections. The aim of this diploma thesis is to show and compare the rhetoric and the actions of the studied political parties with regards to the parity. The research analyzes the lists of...

I - The Picture of a Woman
Vidrmanová, Hana ; Fulková, Marie (advisor) ; Slavík, Jan (referee)
/Thesis/ Prague 2005 - Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Art, p. 132 (visual materials: 17 scans of graphic diagrams based on Grounded Theory, 7 illustrations , 4 copies of students' art work.) The goal of the thesis was to analyse and describe the origins and sources of the gender identity constitution in the society with a view to a popular visual culture influence. The present media production was the starting point for the art educational project based on the gender stereotypes generated by media and the traditional description of male and female role stereotypes in the society. The main part of the thesis is the qualitative analysis of the project materials based on Grounded Theory procedures and techniques. Description of the analytic story, central cathegory and several selected main cathegories follow. The results of the qualitative analysis itself based on Grounded Theory, newly constructed theory describing the relations between central and main cathegories in the model of reality i.e. the field of research and other useful outcomes offer many possibilities of deeper analysis and further theoretical development of this theme. Key words: Gender stereotypes, gender identity, male and female social roles, visual culture, media, power, society, Grounded Theory.

Gender Equality in the Labour Market
Radovičová, Andrea ; Ježek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee)
Táto práca sa zaoberá genderovou problematikou, ktorá súvisí s presadzovaním rovných príležitostí na trhu práce. Prvá kapitola opisuje stručný historický vývoj postavenia mužov a žien a zároveň podáva súčasnú situáciu na trhu práce v ČR i EU. Ďalej vysvetľuje hlavné teoretické prístupy k danej problematike a objasňuje základné pojmy. Následne vymedzuje právne predpisy a inštitucionálne zabezpečenie, ktoré je v ČR i EU potrebné pre presadzovanie princípu rovných príležitostí. Analytická časť skúma faktory trhu práce, ktoré vyvolávajú nerovnosti medzi mužmi a ženami a zameriava sa podrobne i na mzdovú diferenciáciu. Záverečná kapitola približuje možnosti finančnej podpory zo štrukturálnych fondov EU.

Gender in the Army
The theoretical part of bachelor's thesis is focused on the explanation of basic concepts gender, gender stereotypes, principle of equal opportunities for men and women, discrimination based on sex, harassment in the workplace and sexual harassment in the workplace. Furthermore, first chapter describes how woman or man may be recruited into Czech army. Joining the army is described in details, there are shown differences and the course itself, whose goal is to teach basic military skills.Attachment for this part demonstrates the process of employment of professional soldiers, specifically the employment in the 13th Artillery Regiment in Jince. This attachment is listed here because of the future interview with communication partners.The aim of this thesis was to determine perspectives of men and women to the activity of Czech army, status and working conditions in Czech army. Further aim was to determine how men and women reflect working clima and if there are implemented gender stereotypes.Selected set consisted of 18 communication partners, of which 9 men and 9 women. Further, for a better comparison, women and men were divided into groups based on ranks. The groups were the following: private stuff (3 women and 3 men), non- commissioned officers (3 women and 3 men) and warrant officers (3 women and 3 men).All communication partners, who were interviewed are professional soldiers employed in the 13th Artillery Regiment. Research was performed during military exercises and working in the barracks itself.Interviewed people were pre-selected, from different battery, platoon and headquarters due to get wide range and diversity of opinions. Qualitative research was performed in the empirical part of this thesis. Qualitative research strategy and technology of semi-structured interview were used.Altogether 7 questions were asked. Questions related to the views of women and men to employment in the army, examination of physical abilities, which is repeated each year, the authority of women in management positions, whether or not women are favored in the army. Further questions concerning on the issue of sexual harassment, discrimination based on sex and views on women in the military were asked. The results are further elaborated in the fifth chapter, in which I added my own experience and this chapter also deals with legislation concerning the equality of rights of women and men in the Czech army.

Statistical analysis of preferences in beer consumption
Smetana, Radek ; Hlavsa, Tomáš (advisor) ; Michal, Michal (referee)
The thesis discusses the analysis of preferences in beer consumption. It is divided into two main parts: the theoretical background and analytical sections. The basic principles such as manufacturing, technology and categorization of beer are explained in the theoretical part. Next the beer market in the Czech Republic is illustrated following with consumer characteristics. It is researched from two different angles. As the first there are marketing factors influencing buying habits of the consumer himself. The other one contains general patterns of food consumption, which are given for the food segment as a whole, and especially for beer consumption. This section is completed with elementary principles of research, questionnaire creation and its evaluation. The analytical part at the beginning is based on historical and freely available data from the Velké Popovice brewery - Kozel, which are analysed and complemented with predictions. The very core of this section is to evaluate the questionnaire using statistical software Statistica. The first evaluation here uses general hypotheses concerning the beer as a whole. The data concerning only the brewery Kozel build on those general hypotheses. The most important factors affecting beer consumption in general are: gender, monthly income and age. Regarding the brewery Kozel and the influencing factors are above all gender and monthly income, together with the type of beer.