National Repository of Grey Literature 584 records found  beginprevious575 - 584  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Analysis of bachelor studies with specialization on informatics at universities in the Czech Republic.
Salzer, Hermann ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Benáčanová, Helena (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is an analysis of bachelor studies with specialization on informatics at universities in the Czech Republic. Evaluation of knowledge or general specialization of graduates is possible due to introduced methodology. Main part of thesis is evaluation and comparison of study quality in particular areas. In the end of thesis the analysis and evaluation of acquired findings have been presented.
Methodical support to creation of educational media
Jirák, Jaroslav ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Gergelitsová, Šárka (referee)
This thesis deals with possibilites and usage of "new media" in the educational process. The aim of this thesis is to describe the possibilities and refer to basic recommendations for the effective creation and usage. The thesis contains a description of digital educational presentations, application of audio, video and didactical computer applications and games. Every part presents an example of suitable software and its application. The thesis describes also present trends of used technologies and future expectations. At the end of the thesis, there is an analysis of present situation and suggested solution for the small primary school.
Technical resources for educational support of students with handicap
Louda, Petr ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Žid, Norbert (referee)
This paper deals with evaluation of quality of technical resources to support education of students with handicap at computers. This work aims to map and asses' quality and market appeal of common technical resources for home usage with opinion on less common technical resources for average user and at same time with respect for students with handicap. This publication is divided into four logical parts. First part is devoted to theoretical approach into field of handicaps. From nature of illnesses and handicaps result essential facts, that affects using computers by users with handicap. At the end of this section are noted appropriate ways of using computers. Second part attends to financial seriousness when buying technical resources in this field of purpose. Third section briefly describe method of evaluating products based on first part and define criterion which reflects facts of relevant handicap and at same time also demands of common human user. Fourth part concludes mapping and delivers assessment of chosen products. Publication is completed by trends and facts that affect present market with technical resources.
Možnosti využití e-learningu pro výuku programování
Svoboda, Ondřej ; Švecová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (referee)
Cílem práce je vytvořit souhrnný pohled na problematiku e-learningu a uvést doporučení pro výuku programování. Dále vytvořit materiál, který by měl pomoci studentům začínajícím s objektově orientovaným programováním. V teoretické části jsou popsány formy elektronické výuky včetně úlohy ICT. Jsou srovnány výhody a nevýhody e-learningu oproti klasické výuce a podán obraz vývoje tohoto odvětví od historie po současnost i s výhledem do budoucna. V samostatné kapitole jsou uvedeny nejdůležitější standardy včetně standardizačních organizací. Také jsou zhodnoceny formy e-learningu ve vztahu k výuce programování. Součástí je webová prezentace obsahující výklad základních pojmů spojených s objektově orientovaným programováním. Při výkladu pojmů se autor snaží pojmy co nejvíce přiblížit realitě pomocí různých příkladů. Cílem je poskytnout na pojmy další možný pohled. Prezentace dále obsahuje materiály, které mají pomoci studentům zvládnout první dvě cvičení předmětu 4IT101 Základy programování. Každý úkol obsahuje sepsaný postup nutný pro jeho splnění a animaci provádějící postupem krok za krokem.
Information literacy in Czech republic
Matouš, Vladimír ; Střížová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Pavlík, Petr (referee)
Thesis deal with information literacy as a new phenomenon in education. In the first part define what information is about and how communication proceed. In the next part of the text follow this thesis information and disinformation problems, define what are new media and what are thein specificity. In the next part follow this thesis information literacy, define its single components and their substantiality, deal with its contributions, which result from achievement as for single person as for society as whole. Further is the substanciality of separated parts of information literacy, divided into three levels of information literacy, which answer to three levels of education. Consequently is this achivement analysed and compared with defined levels of information literacy. On the basis of this comparation the recommendations which may lead to improvement of achiving information literacy are defined.
Web application for programming student training
Podolka, Luděk ; Pavlíček, Luboš (advisor) ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (referee)
Goal of this master thesis is to describe possible solutions for compilation, execution and unit testing of user programs written in Java hosted on web server. Another goal is to design and to implement web application which would allow students to write and to test simple programs during Java lessons. Chosen method for achieving first goal is studying relevant resources, mainly documentation and source code of projects which implement dynamic program execution. To accomplish the second goal the author uses requirements analysis and principles of agile methodology of extreme programming. Parts of UML notation are used to make the design part clear. First part is focused on theory behind dynamic program execution in Java, class loading, compilation of source code and software security. Overview of tools built upon these basic concepts follows. These are dynamic module systems, software testing tools, build automation tools and continuous integration servers. Previously mentioned tools implement dynamic program execution. Third group consists of tools for source code quality analysis which could be considered as components of application for education purposes that is to be implemented. The author summarizes the task of new application development and performs requirement analysis in the practical part. Internal structure of future application is briefly discussed by the author. The demonstration of detailed design is derived from one of user stories. Overview of tools and technologies used during the analysis, design and implementation is also part of the text. Integral part of this thesis is web application hosted on Authors contribution to the topic is synthesis of existing solutions to problems neccessary to analyze, design and implement working web application for program testing and the result of these processes itself.
Analysis of MS Dynamics AX and its teaching at University of Economics.
Zimák, Tomáš ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Palyza, Tomáš (referee)
The main goal of this work is to create a guidebook for purposes of the business information systems 1 course taught on University of economics at Prague. The guidebook firstly briefly describes MS Dynamics AX 2009 as a whole and each module of the system is described more closely afterwards. Inseparable part of this work are created training scenarios, which will provide students possibility to verify their knowledge. Another goal of this work is configured environment MS Dynamics AX 2009 for school purpose, handed together with this work in form of data. Knowledge from my profession will help me to achieve all goals described above. Passing the intended course is a good support for the right aiming of my bachelor's work. The contribution of this work is creating a guidebook, which will help to improve the quality of the business information systems 1 course. The guidebook will provide a good base information source for using MS Dynamics AX 2009. Undoubtable benefit is MS Dynamics AX 2009 environment configured for purpose of university of economics at Prague.
Strategy suggestion of the chosen language school
Nová, Jana ; Vojík, Vladimír (advisor) ; Mejdrech, Vlastimil (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of the language school's (Bonna Lingua) position in the region of Ústí nad Labem city. This work analysis the position of the company to its surroundings and also examines in detail the internal processes. It also suggests possibilities which may lead to an improved position.
Nástroje a možnosti komunikace a jejich využití v pedagogice
Vlasatý, Petr ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Vilím, Tomáš (referee)
Komunikace je základním prostředkem k předávání informací a tedy i pedagodické činnosti. Úspěšnost výuky závisí na vhodném způsobu komunikace a její kvalitě. Srozumitelnost výuky a pochopení přednášeného tématu může významně ovlivnit použití vhodné prezentační techniky. Při práci s touto technikou je nutný její správný výběr i vhodné začlenění ve výuce, stejně jako předchozí příprava podkladů a zvážení všech důležitých vlastností prostředí, kde bude výuka probíhat.
Srovnávací studie výuky informatiky na vysokých školách v České republice a v německy mluvících zemích
Kýval, Václav ; Kubešová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Hradil, Martin (referee) ; Nováček, Jan (referee)
Definice informatiky jako vědy, trendů a budoucího vývoje. Definice a popis 5 základních informatických studijních oborů. Stanovení metodiky pro porovnávání kvality ve výuce informatiky. Srovnání 19 vysokých škol a univerzit ve 4 evropských zemích, které informatické předměty vyučují. Tvorba základních studijních plánů pro informatické obory.

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